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08-26-2014 , 02:40 PM

55t 2x - $105
$109t 2x - $209
$22 1r 1a - $62
The Hot 75 - $75
The Big $55 - $55
The Hot $55 - $55
$11r - $51
The Big $162 - $162
55t Ante Up - $55
Super Tuesday - $1050
55 17.5k - $55
$109t 30k - $109
$55 6m turbo - $55
The Hot 44 - $44
51 hyp - $51


Tuesday Turbo 15k - $109
Trex - $162
Turbo Hundo - $109


mybrimlow - 10%
djmatz - 6%
AJF - 5%
powernap - 5%
inittowinit - 5%
BDes - 4%
mtt - 3%
samesame - 3%
Button - 3%
wduncan - 2.5%
czee - 2%
MikeMcD - 1%
valtsu - 1%
mg021 - 1%
Tim_kremer - 1%
ICYOU - 0.5%

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 03:12 PM
sent for 2% GL
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 03:18 PM
GL Aaron, this will be huge!

And GL in the $1.5 hyper HU sng
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by MikeMcD18
sent for 2% GL

yup got it

there was just some loud boom and then power went out.. on laptop battery and wireless internet so hope this gets sorted out

and we bubble the 109t 2x ****ing

Last edited by Aguskb; 08-26-2014 at 03:27 PM.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 04:03 PM
Hmm you might reconsider regging anymore, cause your are sitting out quite some valuable spots, same for 109 2x


Last edited by djmatz; 08-26-2014 at 04:12 PM.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 04:45 PM
Nice comeback in the B55 !!
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 05:39 PM
too bad your connection/situation is off today, because your game seems on point. take it your not running full package? GL with what you do decide to do.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 05:59 PM
yea i stopped regging but we barely missed any hands... good thing i had 2 laptops and a wireless card.... almost won that h75... now im finally situated in a coffee shop but definitely done regging regular speeds, were gonna have to skip ST which makes me sad

ill prob get in some of the later turbos in the pack now
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 06:06 PM
GL in the remaining and impressive play despite the connection issues
Going strong in the 22 and B55! GOGOGOO GLGL
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 06:18 PM
itm b55 - 171/258
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 06:37 PM
yeah just let us know what to rail lol, maybe this means youll win the ST next week?
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 06:58 PM
itm 22c - 9/55

just word that my power is back at myspot so getting in ST,lets go
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 06:59 PM
beast gonna beast
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 07:00 PM
time to win!!!!
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 07:10 PM
lol at that dude w 77 in the 22c... mbn to be that bad and win there

itm b162 - 61/107

lol AKs = A2 then J10<A7s to bust b162 ffff

AQ<86 in 51 hyp..yay

Last edited by Aguskb; 08-26-2014 at 07:21 PM.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 07:16 PM
way to get there in 22c
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 07:30 PM
Nice run in the 51h for an epic comeback!
Leggo in ST!
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 07:36 PM
yea nice comeback 51 hyp,itm - 33/52

ft 51hyp - 9/9

Last edited by Aguskb; 08-26-2014 at 07:53 PM.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 08:09 PM
77<AJ for a lot of chips to bust 8th

just ST left, lets go

AQ<88 for a double, couple chips left

couple chips turned into a couple more AA>77

god damn

Last edited by Aguskb; 08-26-2014 at 08:29 PM.
AGKB Tues Quote
08-26-2014 , 08:43 PM
55t 2x - $105 - DNP ($122.42)
$109t 2x - $209 - ($116.60) busted
$22 1r 1a - $62 - cashed for ($147.62)
The Hot 75 - $75 - cashed for ($402.40)
The Big $55 - $55 - cashed for ($160.51)
The Hot $55 - $55 - busted
$11r - $51 - DNP ($59.46)
The Big $162 - $162 - cashed for ($265.65)
55t Ante Up - $55 - DNP ($64.13)
Super Tuesday - $1050 - busted
55 17.5k - $55 - DNP ($64.13)
$109t 30k - $109 - busted
$55 6m turbo - $55 - busted
The Hot 44 - $44 - busted
51 hyp - $51 - cashed for ($435.37)


Tuesday Turbo 15k - $109 - busted
Trex - $162 - busted
Turbo Hundo - $109 - busted

Total cashes/refunds: $1838

mybrimlow - 10% ($183.80)
djmatz - 6% ($110.28)
AJF - 5% ($91.90)
powernap - 5% ($91.90)
inittowinit - 5% ($91.90)
BDes - 4% ($73.52)
mtt - 3% ($55.14)
samesame - 3% ($55.14)
Button - 3% ($55.14)
wduncan - 2.5%
czee - 2% ($37.76)
MikeMcD - 2% ($37.76)
valtsu - 1% ($18.38)
mg021 - 1% ($18.38)
Tim_kremer - 1% ($18.38)
ICYOU - 0.5% ($9.19)

crazy runs today wow. ill start sending back shortly

everyonne has been paid back pending the 1 pm to wduncan.... felt great playing tons of runs for like the 5th session in a row, despite the loss happy we had some awesome potential/spots pack tomorrow or thurs most likely

Last edited by Aguskb; 08-26-2014 at 08:58 PM.
AGKB Tues Quote
