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5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail 5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail

05-26-2012 , 12:02 PM
10:00 $16.50 1.5k (late reg)
11:00 $4.40 rebuy 3k ($28.40)
11:00 $11 turbo 1.5k
11:00 $60 6k (late reg)
11:30 $11 1.75k (late reg)
12:00 $5.50 turbo rebuy 6max 1k ($35.50)
12:00 $33 3k (late reg)
12:15 $11 2k
12:30 $22 2.5k
13:00 $5.50 rebuy 4k ($25.50)
13:00 $11 6max $600
13:30 $11 1.5k
14:00 $11 DST 1.5k
14:00 $3.30 turbo rebuy 4k ($21.30)
14:00 $60 5k
14:30 $22 2.5k
15:00 $33 2r1a 6k (late reg) ($93)
15:30 $16.50 1.5k
16:00 $5.50 turbo rebuy 6k ($35.50)
16:00 $60 6max 2.5k
16:30 $16.50 $750 $5 KO
16:30 $11 1k
17:00 $11 DST 2.5k
17:00 $22 3k
17:00 $109 17.5k
17:10 $16.50 6max KO turbo
17:30 $11 3.25k
19:00 $109 10k DST

$901.2 x 1.22 = $1100

sydsdad88 5%
slowcheetah1 5%
robino 1%
cougars4444 5%
juicestain100 3.5%
peldini 2.5%
Brayd3n 7%
Dylanzesz 5%
DrawMeOut 1%
The_Dean221 5%
spimp13 3%
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 12:03 PM
Made it back to the computer during the 1st break of the $16.50 1.5k but it wouldn't allow me to late reg, pretty annoying that sometimes you can and sometimes you can't still reg during the break, oh well
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 12:14 PM
Also, I'd happily communicate with you guys during the session aside from 2+2, if you want my skype or aim screen name, PM me plz
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 12:17 PM
Made a flush in the $60 and checked it twice and successfully got a river c/r out of a guy, then just had AA in a 4bet pot
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 12:21 PM
Playing all day too
I'm in with Reuben.

Let's crush it today.
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 12:57 PM
lol at the first hour

10/80/154 in the $11 turbo (17.3k going to 300/600)
2/51/64 in the $60 6k (16.5k going to 75/150)
13/208/266 in the $4.40 rebuy (12.6k and in for the min $12.40)
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 01:06 PM
Good luck today! Crush them all
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 01:17 PM
AJ>AT for 16bbs each in the turbo, 5/39 now
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Strife
AJ>AT for 16bbs each in the turbo, 5/39 now
Sound good. Gl dude
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 01:24 PM
Starting Game #55988166-70
heyoshmayo is the Dealer
Shuffling Cards
Antes Posted
Ytdodat posted Small Blind 600
cooch78 posted Big Blind 1200
You Were Dealt (Js,5d)
RaeRae81 folds
HurtMikeHunt folds
StuckOnStupid folds
dojoonim folds
heyoshmayo is All In
Ytdodat folds
cooch78 folds
heyoshmayo wins 11996 from Pot 1
heyoshmayo mucks
Starting Game #55988166-71
Ytdodat is the Dealer
Shuffling Cards
Antes Posted
cooch78 posted Small Blind 600
RaeRae81 posted Big Blind 1200
You Were Dealt (7s,7d)
HurtMikeHunt folds
StuckOnStupid folds
dojoonim folds
heyoshmayo is All In
Ytdodat folds
cooch78 folds
RaeRae81 calls 11876
DIRTYBIRD45 shows (Ad,5c)
heyoshmayo shows (As,3c)
RaeRae81 shows (7s,7d)
Dealing Flop (2h,Js,6h)
Dealing Turn (Jd)
Dealing River (7h)
RaeRae81 wins 17344 from Pot 2 with : Full House - Sevens over Jacks
RaeRae81 wins 11292 from Pot 1 with : Full House - Sevens over Jacks
DIRTYBIRD45 was knocked out
DIRTYBIRD45 leaves
heyoshmayo was knocked out
heyoshmayo leaves
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 01:45 PM
AT<AK, cashed in the $11 DST 16th for $19.56
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 01:58 PM
$5.50 6max turbo rebuy (in for $30.50, 18k going to 300/600)
7/48/104 $60 6k (17.7k 300/600)
9/105/121 $11 2k gtd (7.8k 50/100)
43/59/65 $22 2k (2.4k 30/60)
19/85/266 $4r (26k 400/800)
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 02:22 PM
$11 6max, I 3bet jammed A5 with a flush draw on turn of 7528 and got called by 74 w/flush draw
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 02:25 PM
Made what I felt was a no brainer squeeze play in the $4r, rivered a 6 with 66 vs 99, huge stack now in that
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 02:30 PM
Coolered pretty hard AK<TT in the $60, my btn vs cdeeezy's bb (a really really good very aggro reg)
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 02:35 PM
ITM $5.50 rebuy 6max turbo
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Strife
ITM $5.50 rebuy 6max turbo
and out just like that, 88<JJ for $21.25 mincash
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 02:59 PM
16/91/190 $11 2k
48/79/93 $11 1.5k
45/60/91 $33 3k
55/100/201 $11 1.75k
17/30/266 $4r 3k (ITM)
99/171/227 $5r 4k
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 03:10 PM
Dead in the $4.40r, 24th for $26.46
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 03:57 PM
sorry guys, updates are going to be more sparce as I have lots of tables going on and I'd rather give them my 100% than worry about specific updates
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 04:18 PM
I was planning on having more screens going when the $33 2r1a started, but since I'm down to 4 I'm going to reg it 20 minutes in rather than 50, so it's possible I might need the second rebuy if I chip down
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 04:30 PM
GLGL! Do work son
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 05:09 PM
1/9 in the 12:15 $11 2k gtd

150k, avg 80k, $554 up top, blinds 1250/2500, legggooo
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 05:11 PM
gl!!! Crush them all
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
05-26-2012 , 05:19 PM
A6<77 btn vs bb, could have been a fold for like 17bbs but he has been playing back at me enough to justify it. Still >30bbs, cruising
5/26 RaeRae81 Merge Rail Quote
