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10-10-10 Rail/Results 10-10-10 Rail/Results

10-09-2010 , 06:16 PM
Original Thread

I'll be posting key hands and results during breaks. Tourneys begin at 1pm est.

$215 warm up
$44 turbo
$109r ($509)
$22c ($62)
$55 300k
$55r ($355)
$215 Million
$109c turbo ($309)
$162 6max
$55c ($155)
$215 2nd chance
$109r ($509)
$109 turbo

$55c ($155)
$256 Brawl
$216 750k
$216 Mulligan

$215 200k

Staker- 20% Received FT
chillin_dude- 10% Received Stars
oprf- 10% Received FT
Sidomija (Razarac)- 10% Received Stars
Wintyara- 5% Received Stars
barabashka (dzo_rus)- 5% Received Stars
xxd33pxx (payupnowx)- 3% Received Stars
hoodskier- 2% Received Stars
Tourbound68- 1% Received FT
Jlost[88]- 1% Received Stars
TheEye (taoj)- 1% Received Stars
scubadorg- 1% Reserved
a-k-47- 1% Received Stars

GLGL all!
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 09:33 AM
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 12:36 PM
Good luck!
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 12:52 PM
Thanks! The grind begins
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 01:17 PM
Oh and......DaEmbezzler on Stars, GuT_sHOts on Tilt, and 1DECEIT1 on UB/AP.

3 games up now with 2 starting soon.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 02:01 PM
Games are rolling. Doubled in the 55c with an 88 boat > 910s straight, all in river. 99>66 aipf in the 109. AK>short QJ in the $75. In the $44 turbo, had QQ>AQs for a side pot but K10s scooped it. Busted after jamming the hijack 66, a short A9o called and the bb woke up with QQ.

4 up atm, 2 starting now with 2 soon.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 03:01 PM
In all 8 still. In the early $75 A5s>KJs shorty. Then won a big pot Q10s > KK after a AKJr flop for a 13.8k pot 40 level. In the 109r, lost more than half a stack with 55, where I raised and went heads up with the button. 2510r flop I cbet, he called. I checked an 8 turn and get in river vs 88. 109$ to buy a half stack. KK> AJo n A10s to get some chips, then QQ<KQs aipf to lose some back. In for the full $155 in the 55c. Weaving around in others.

2 starting now and one in 15.

Edit: In for $409 in the $109r. $100 to be refunded. In for the full $62 in the 22c.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-10-2010 at 03:25 PM.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 03:04 PM
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 03:07 PM
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 04:01 PM
In 8 of the 11. Out of the 109r after 3betting AQo into 1010 n KK. Busted the warm up when getting in with JJ v A9o at the 800 level and an ace flops. In the brawl it was really dry until losing with aces vs 910s when he flops a straight. In the early $75 I lost with AK n another AK to 88 but we chopped a side pot vs KJs. Then won KK>A2o aipf for 20k 500 level. 2 flop 2 turn K river. In the $109 A8>K4 shorty button jam into my bb, then AQo>K9o blind war for 21k 600 level. Close to the bubble in a couple.

AP/UB tourney starting now and 2 Stars games in 30.

Edit: In for $155 in the 55r. $200 to be refunded. Only notable hand was KK>AJ for a small pot.

Last edited by swollen1; 10-10-2010 at 04:23 PM.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 05:03 PM
It was a pretty weak hour but got a few things going on. Made it in the money of the first $75 but then went out on a button jam KJ into AK co raise of a weak player who I thought would fold better hands. Out 104th for $103.50. In the money of the $109, 119 of the 2055 players left. Won a decent pot with AA>JJnAQ in the 22c. In the $55 300k was riding a short stack for a long time, n just got it in bad to win KJ>KQ then AA>1010 next hand, back in it. Out of the middle $75 QQ<KK. AP/UB doubled with AA where I flatted a 3bet and weak led a 2910s flop. He raise committed himself with AK.

In 9, 2 starting, one in 15.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 06:02 PM
Out of the 109$ 108th for $287.70. 44<AJo aipf to end it. In the 22c had JJ>AJo shorty to get 34k 600 level. Then a little later got in a raise battle from the co to bb where I didn't want to believe him, 1010<AA for 60k to cripple to 5k, out at the 800 level with J9o<AJo. Alive in the 55r after surviving AKo>KK for 12k 250 level. In the million had to lay QQ pre imo, guy had AA and another AKs. In for $309 in the cubed, yet lost AQ<KK of crazy player who I 4bet the co to his sb 3bet to induce but he had it. Odd times in the 163, doubled earlier QQ > 1010 Q flop 10 turn. Then QQ>AK yet 77 scoops main pot. Then 89s<88 to go out when short. AP/UB still in, KJ button > A7 bb short stack.

In 8 with the 750k starting and stars 2nd chance in 30.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 07:07 PM
Meh that was beyond a sick dry level. Basically everything went wrong. In the million, raise AA co bb defend, J54 flop he CRAI with J10, J river. Deep in the 55 300k guy makes a really marginal call with KJ to bust my 66 out. In the 55 1r1a out before the add-on ($50+mu refund), lost a big flip with QQ to AKo, QJ flop 10 turn dud river. Then AK<QQ aipf in the 2nd chance to busto. In the last $75, went out with KK<AA. Been really dry in the 6max 162$ besides doubling the short stack with AQ vs A7 on a turn of A626. Busto'd the 55r, jammed 15bb utg AQo<AK. AP/UB still in with a 24k overlay so looking to capitalize there.

Only in 3, with 2 starting now and the 109r in 30.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 08:00 PM
In the 109r, doubled with aces where I 3bet the sb and got flatted twice by 78s, 972s flop he calls again. 7 turn we get in and hit an ace river. His pre and flop calls were really marginal and definitely wasn't getting away from the turn. Then lost the double stack AKs<KKn1010 to have to rebuy.

In the UB/AP tourney I doubled with AK>QQ. Then open jammed the cut off with J10s, slight over jam to the button's stack but not the blinds. The button calls AQo and J turn ftw. On the bubble now.

And just had KK>JJ before the break in the 750k after A9o>44limp call.

In 5 with 3 left for the night. One starting now, one in 30, and one in an hour. Focused.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 08:06 PM
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 08:57 PM

A mess in the AP/UB but getting back in it. QQ<JJ and A10o for a huge pot. A flop J river. Then A7=A4, and KQs>AQo. Then took a few other pots without showdown. 45 players left.

In the mulligan had 1010<AKs to cripple n 55<66 to go out. Out of the 109 after jamming the bb into the sb AJs into A10o, Js97 flop, 8s turn, 8 c river.

In the 109r, lost AK<Q2s but > KJo for a side pot, in for the full 509$. Then KK>AA after the rebuy period for 10k 150 level.

In 5 with the last one starting.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 10:01 PM
In 4 of them. Busted the 109 turbo after JJ<AK to cripple, JJ>59 for a little, then Q7s sb n out. In the $163 had AK>88 then QQ<KK to go bust. In the 109r had QQ>56s, all in after Q55 flop and a 4 turn.

In the UB/AP, jammed K10o sb and the big stack called K5o 10 flop for a 75k pot 3k level. Sticking around, 77k 4k level. 12 of 20 players left.

Also itm of the 750k. Had A9o>a Q10 shorty and then KK>AK. We're all pretty short now so making a run for it.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-10-2010 , 11:02 PM
Sighhh bubbled the UP/AP 10th of 880 for $2200. To set it up, had AK>A5 n a short 88 for 164k 5k level. Then ran AKs into KK for a 316k pot, still 5k level. J10 flop A turn. An orbit later it folds to my button QQ and get in vs bb KK for a 506k pot....takes me back to 80k 11 left. Then on the FT bubble it folds to the sb and he jams for the second time. I call 77, he flips up 610o ftw to bubble me. Meh.

In the 750k won a couple flips, AQ>66 then AK>44 shorter stack. Then AK>A9 shorty and AK<45 shorty to level out. Still running at it.

Nightly 162 had AKs>AQo and AKo>AQo, then AQ<AKn88 short stacks. Still alive.

109r, getting closer to the bubble. 99>88 for an okay pot and not much else.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 12:00 AM
162- AK<QJ aipf AJ flop J river to take me to 2800 400 level. Then A9o>JJ for 7300 400 level. Busted when I jammed 6600 KJs and bb called AJs.

109r- Had AKo hold vs A6s jam w/ about 6k less chips to 40k 1200 level. Just floating around since, 36.8k 2500 level at the break. 34 players left.

750k- Still at it. Jammed the cut-off with A10o and the button called with AKo. 1010J flop J turn ftw. Then lost to a shorty with KJ<44. Next hand was donated a double by QQ>89o for 88k 2800 level. Was dry until the 4k level with 60k chips min'd the co with KK, sb jams 50k J10o. 122k 4k level. 70 players left.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 12:02 AM
gl in 2 that are left.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 12:21 AM
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 12:25 AM
Meh one left. Open jammed K10o and sb insta calls 66 90k pot 3k level. Out 25th for $1158.

Last hope is the 750k 50 players left, cmon dealer!
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 12:43 AM
really wonder wtf he 3bet folded there v u. Its awfull regardless
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 12:59 AM
Ya^^^sik 3bet fold! Very bad.....

Riding the short stack....33 players left. 92.5k 8k level. Do it dealer! $2250 for 33rd...132k for 1st.
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
10-11-2010 , 01:01 AM
gl sir - presuming uve been super card dead for a while?
10-10-10 Rail/Results Quote
