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Seeking:  Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll Seeking:  Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll

06-14-2012 , 05:24 PM
I'm looking for a Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll (as seen here) for use in the opening credits of BOOM: The story of online poker. Used or new, it doesn't matter. Will pay $25 + shipping if I can get it by 6/28/12.

If you happen to have this rare item, or know where to get it, please PM me, reply to this thread, or email me at

Seeking:  Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll Quote
06-15-2012 , 08:03 AM
Someone hurry up and send Ryan the doll please so he can get his piece of art finished please
Seeking:  Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll Quote
06-15-2012 , 12:12 PM
2p2er ataturk3 contacted me last night and will be sending me the doll today. Hooray! I'll keep this thread open until I get it though -- just in case it gets lost in the mail or something.
Seeking:  Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll Quote
06-15-2012 , 01:22 PM
Seeking:  Chris "Jesus" Ferguson bobblehead doll Quote
