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*RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+ *RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+

07-17-2010 , 02:00 AM
So I got an email from jason today, apparently I owe him $186 after giving him $1500 for 2 months rent. I was in the house for 9 days 6 of which we didnt have gas/hot water and i was staying on the couch the first 3 days because the rooms were still full because hes over booked. Pretty sure there is something mentally wrong with this guy, pretty over it tbh.
07-17-2010 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by BgsaPnaples
So I got an email from jason today, apparently I owe him $186 after giving him $1500 for 2 months rent. I was in the house for 9 days 6 of which we didnt have gas/hot water and i was staying on the couch the first 3 days because the rooms were still full because hes over booked. Pretty sure there is something mentally wrong with this guy, pretty over it tbh.

That is so awesome. Print this thread and your email and send it to his Prosecuting attorney in Vegas
07-18-2010 , 09:18 PM
Why can't you all sue for damages? I'd take him to the bank and then some.
07-18-2010 , 10:52 PM
Ugh. I know as well as anyone how damaging extreme stress thats festering with loss of livelihood. It is truly crushing to a persons identity and cause some weird decisions and perspectives. Jason, please do something in the form of payment or communication towards as resolution with these guys.

Guys, I don't know what is going on with J. I do trust him, but he and I have enough history together to have built that trust. I also do not blame you guys for being up in arms if there is no communication or repayment plan clearly in place.

I hate to see this going down this way. I think he will clean it up in a time frame that he is able to keep. Clearly he should be offering more to you guys in this limbo. I think he is probably doing his best dealing with his unique situation. I guess it sucks to be you guys, but I am feeling it REALLY REALLY sucks to be Jason at this moment in time.

I think encouragement and support would be the high road here. Ask what you can do to help him make this right, sincerely. You are your brothers keeper. If your actual blood brother or sister was in Jason's situation and owes you cash and was avoiding you. How would you go about dealing with your flesh and blood? What would you post, say, do and feel differently?

Momma said, "always get more with honey than you do with vinegar".

JASON, GET IT TOGETHER PLEASE! I feel like a jackass the longer this goes on. Good luck everyone involved.

Peace and Hair Grease.

07-19-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Live Forever
ive been paid $500 on sunday and he said the rest would come later that night as he has a rolling limit on xfers. didnt receive anything and have not heard from him since sunday.

he is clearly trying to make things right but these countless promises that he breaks is really annoying. its probably the only thing about all this that has actually pissed me off
This +1,488,298,593.
07-19-2010 , 11:50 PM
Ok, I just heard from a mutual friend of Jason that had received a transfer from Jason that got taken back.... I have been very very supportive of Jason and have helped a few other mutual friends of ours setup trades with him to get money on the site and he could get cash flow going again to pay you guys from the house back.

I am feeling pretty taken advantage of if this isn't cleared up by the end of the day today. Like 3 hour and :15 minutes from this post.

I apologize for any unwarranted support in this specific matter. I maintain Jason has been good to me up until the point he choose to jeopardize my reputation to save his own.
07-20-2010 , 12:19 AM
^ I'm that friend. On July sixth I received a transfer of $1,552 ; the total amount Jason owes me. $850 is from pokerstars money that was confiscated from a past trade between him and I. The rest is rent money. Well on July 9th all seemed well and i had the money. BUT i noticed NOW that it was pending a return of the $1,552. "Insufficient funds" was the reason. I immediately contacted Jason and he said that he would for sure get me the money by the end of the weekend.(I'll post the email). I'll add this too. My time at the Tranquil Seas residence with Jason was a bit chaotic(OBV). Through all the mayhem i saw a friend In Jason. I got a long with him and i trusted him. I trusted him as much to not post this update per his request because he would square away the debt owed. Well shame on me. Life lesson learned. Here is the update, and i have not recieved payment. Doubt i ever will either

Last edited by hoopaloopa; 07-20-2010 at 12:33 AM.
07-20-2010 , 12:21 AM
I couldnt get enough money outta the ATM yesterday at once... im gonna have to go down to my branch... by the time i found out there wasnt time to get there. They open at noon tomorrow ill roll down then then head to wells to deposit the monehy.


DATED: 7\10\10 6:05am
07-21-2010 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by Pcallinallin
Peace and Hair Grease.
07-21-2010 , 06:01 AM
How have some ppl gotten paid and others haven't?
07-21-2010 , 06:58 PM
The situation is complicated. Jason paid me and gokings back (and should be paying the OP back shortly) because we never even moved into rooms in the house. Other people posting ITT (idareyou, BgsaPnaples) and others who didn't post ITT (Matt and Jacob) all made a deal with the landlord after Jason signed to get us evicted and moved into a different house. Jason feels they don't deserve to be paid back because the house was a complete wreck when they moved out (insane amounts of trash everywhere, a flatscreen tv missing, a glass desktopper smashed on the floor, walls all scraped up and in need of repainting). A couple of the guys I mentioned had only been there for 7-10 days and while they probably don't deserve the entire amount back certainly deserve something, but I'm not sure they'll get a cent from Jason. As for Hoop losing out on the money he got sent, that is just awful. I really hope Jason fixes that situation, because Hoop doesn't deserve to get screwed over worse than he already was by this whole situation.
07-21-2010 , 09:41 PM
I just reread my post and realized it sounds like the guys signed the eviction notice. Jason signed the eviction notice before he got arrested, the guys just made a deal to move into a new house with the same landlord.
07-28-2010 , 03:28 PM
Thanks Rob for that. I really wish this would get resolved. $1,552.00 would be a nice addition to my bank account. :l
07-28-2010 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by hoopaloopa
Thanks Rob for that. I really wish this would get resolved. $1,552.00 would be a nice addition to my bank account. :l
+1 :/
07-29-2010 , 09:51 AM
Brutal i hope this works out for OP and every one elese involved.
08-07-2010 , 06:27 PM
Where the **** is the money Lewbowski!? Not forgetting about this u scum ****
08-07-2010 , 09:54 PM
Just received $950 via FTP transfer. $602 is remaining.
08-08-2010 , 04:25 AM
Thanks for the update Hoopaloopa.
08-08-2010 , 03:18 PM
I have been done this whole situation and Jason for awhile, but I will sum up my experience below as I see he has paid some people back. The guy stole $1350 from me as well as various other amounts of rent from my 3 roommates for the summer (Jacob, Matt, and Vinny). I am happy for the rest of you who got money back but it was at the expense of me, Jacob, Matt, and Vinny.

I paid Jason for two full months in the house up front (have the checks to prove it). I got 3 weeks of torture in the house (utilities not paid thus water and electric shut off, room I paid for not available when I arrive, etc etc). I did no damage to the house while I lived there. That money I paid was for rent + all utilities. In the end, Jason claimed some bull **** about his computer being missing once the landlord cleared out the house as my fault, plus damages to the house which I caused none of, plus utilities which I already paid for, me owing part of the security deposit on the house which I had nothing to do with??? - all of this to the point he told me I owed him a few hundred dollars. A week after he tells me I am getting all my money back, HE TELLS ME I OWE HIM MONEY. I mean just lol, that is just a twisted person with some serious mental problems (ie compulsive lieing, etc.) if you can honestly ask me for money after all you have put me through all I can say is wow.

Another interesting side note that I never understood was what Jason was going to do when the other 4+ people who paid for rooms for the summer showed up and there were no more rooms. that worked out for him because he was in jail when it happened, but no idea what he was planning there. I guess he has given some of the money back in the end, but thats because he was able to get away from the house he owed tons of money on on scot-free (screwing the landlord and asking him for money as well when he got out of jail looool) and take all of Jacob, Vinny, Matt, and mine's rent money.

In the end, I simply gave up dealing with the loser that is Jason Convener. We took care of his dog for a week+ while he rotted in jail because that is the type of guys we are. We knew damn well the guy was a **** up who probably was never paying us back and we still did that out of respect for the animal and gave it back to Jason when he got out of jail. We did nothing wrong in this situation and in the end had all of our money taken by Jason. He will swear up and down he has his reasons but they are sickly contrived lies. The guy is a compulsive liar and loser.

I have never stolen a dime from anyone in my life and have many references in the poker community for my character. As I said I am done with all this, but felt like I needed to get this out there before anyone every thinks to trust this guy with a dime or gives him back any level of trust. He should never be allowed in or around this community or any poker community again. Please think twice before ever dealing with this or anyone else in the poker community before you have done all your research. It cost me $1350 + a months rent in a new place. Live and learn. I hope at least one person reading this learns from my loss.

Good luck everyone! See you around.

Kirk Banks

Last edited by idareyou; 08-08-2010 at 03:22 PM. Reason: misspelled something
08-08-2010 , 04:04 PM
I'm happy that you guys are getting paid as well but I have received 0 dollars back from Jason. I'm not sure what his excuse is for not paying me because I never even set foot in the house. If you want to be square Jason send $1,500 to donkey_k1ng on ftp or ur_beataa on stars. I'm doubtful that I get paid but still holding out hope.
08-08-2010 , 04:34 PM
Has anybody that's still owed money taken any legal action/small claims/etc? If not, why?
08-09-2010 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by txpstwx
Has anybody that's still owed money taken any legal action/small claims/etc? If not, why?
I threatened to go to the police earlier this year when I was in Vegas but decided against it because Jason was starting to pay people back and pledged to pay me back. Honestly I'm not quite sure what kind of action I can take if the only evidence I have is a few pms on here and history of sending money to his friend's account on poker stars. People that lived in the house and signed leases can probably take him to court but I'm not sure what I could do alone given that I never signed anything and never even met him in person. Jasons a smart guy. I'm sure he realizes this.
08-09-2010 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by donkey_king
I threatened to go to the police earlier this year when I was in Vegas but decided against it because Jason was starting to pay people back and pledged to pay me back. Honestly I'm not quite sure what kind of action I can take if the only evidence I have is a few pms on here and history of sending money to his friend's account on poker stars. People that lived in the house and signed leases can probably take him to court but I'm not sure what I could do alone given that I never signed anything and never even met him in person. Jasons a smart guy. I'm sure he realizes this.
Print out what you've got, then contact the Probation department and talk with his probation officer to let him know what is going on. He will likely be able to encourage/facilitate action.
08-09-2010 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by sba9630
Print out what you've got, then contact the Probation department and talk with his probation officer to let him know what is going on. He will likely be able to encourage/facilitate action.
^ Very good idea
08-10-2010 , 01:21 AM
Got the rest of if ($602) tonight on FTP.
