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*RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+ *RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+

11-11-2010 , 05:24 AM
FTR, regarding the "thousands of dollars" i allegely owe to shamrock and/or xaston.

I sent Shamrock this email after i posted about the matter (in post 229)


I saw itt that you and jamie both feel that i owe you money.

I disagree. I posted my reasoning here (about a third of the way down).

If there is anything i haven't taken into account, or if my numbers are wrong somehow, feel free to contact me and let me know. You have me at a bit of a disadvantage, since despite posting itt about this debt you say i owe and the money you say i scammed from you, you have never contacted me with the details.


I don't have jamies email, so feel free to forward this to him if you care to do so.

This is the response i recieved

I don't want to revisit this issue. Please don't contact me.
So this guy is here in the thread, claiming I owe him money, both himself and with IDY as a proxy yet:

1. He has never contacted me in any way whatsoever about the alleged debt (i have not spoken to or corresponded with either he or xaston since they left the house)

2. He refuses to communicate with me about the alleged debt.

3. He has not posted any evidence, documentation or details about what the alleged debt is.

which i guess brings us back to niftymatts post:

Originally Posted by niftymatt
He doesn't deserve to have his name cleared. He scammed people out of thousands of dollars and allegedly still owes people money. Everyone deserves to know what went down.

Originally Posted by ItsOnlyChips
Or r u basing it strictly from what Jason has been telling u? Because that would be unfair to others who still have a conflict with him.
Certainly, i think its appropriate for ppl to post itt if they feel they are owed a debt. However, it seems unreasonable that they should be able to assert this with no foundation whatsoever (the same as it seems unreasonable that they would be permitted to assert that there were 11 people renting rooms in the house with no foundation whatsoever)
11-11-2010 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by txpstwx
Wouldn't be more productive to repay anybody that's owed? Then there would be no reason to keep any personal information posted and allow this thread to be closed.

I understand wanting to clear your name but ^^that doesn't seem like the best way to accomplish it.
The issue with the last 650 owed isnt me wanting to clear my name. Its me wanting to get things like my AIM, FB, phone number, and directions on how to harrass my brother (along with where he works) removed. The material was inappropriate to begin with. It remains inappropriate.

After i paid ben and hoop, and before we realized that I had skipped over the last half of L1veforever's money, it was clear that neither the mods or the OP had any intention of removing this information. So im holding back the only thing that i can to get it removed.

Lets be honest... you dont believe for one second that this information is going to be removed if i send L1veforever the last $650. Neither do I. And in a thread that is literally lie after lie after lie after low class personal insult after lie after lie after threat, ive got no reason to trust anyone who tells me otherwise.
11-11-2010 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Planetist
One post that deserves its own response.

The image includes the un-redacted myspace page of a lady whos only connection to this "scam" was that I once, months ago, expressed my support for her on my facebook page.

Her neighbor (a lunatic) snuck onto her property and shot her prize-winning akita to death. The picture posted (hopefully theres a mod around with a little bit of class that will take it down), depicts the bullet riddled corpse of the animal.

Posting something like this is beyond low-class and beyond scummy. Im not sure wether it is intended as a threat or as a pathetic attempt at humor. That it has been allowed to stay up for months is proof-postivie that this thread has been totally off the rails from jump street.
11-11-2010 , 09:16 AM
go get a little sleep man.....jimmity christmas.
11-11-2010 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx
go get a little sleep man.....jimmity christmas.
Sadly, youre stuck with me until they ban me. Im lucky to string together 90 good minutes of sleep at a time this time of year. if its any consolation, im sure it wont be long (actually surprised it hasnt happened already... until augskb responded to my post, i was wondering if they did that thing to my account where only you and oranges+ can see your post).

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-11-2010 at 12:23 PM.
11-11-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
Sadly, youre stuck with me until they ban me. Im lucky to string together 90 good minutes of sleep at a time this time of year. if its any consolation, im sure it wont be long (actually surprised it hasnt happened already... until augskb responded to my post, i was wondering if they did that thing to my account where only you and oranges+ can see your post).
haha im not "stuck" with u, i dont mind this, i enjoy reading it and hearing ur side and find it sad that people wont come back to defend their accusations and here u r alas and everyone POOF.....anyways tho
11-11-2010 , 01:35 PM
I have read some of this stuff from time to time.

I think that a mod should try to clear this situation up or delete the personal info that Senjitsu wants removed.

He is here, fighting to clear his name and his accusers are nowhere to be seen.

Makes the accusation seem suspect to me.
11-11-2010 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by BubbleMint
Makes the accusation seem suspect to me.
It will just turn into a he said she said. The whole experience sucked (being blindsided by an eviction notice); I don't feel like fighting tooth and nail for 1k.
11-11-2010 , 04:08 PM
If you still owe people money, then you better pay them back regardless of the reason you are holding out because it gives you no leverage to any of your arguments, and I and others won't believe a word you say.

Also if Hoop seems to know everything that went down, why didn't he come on here and say the truth? That itself is inexcusable.

He can still come on now and confirm information, but it sounds like everyone was handled poorly.
11-11-2010 , 05:13 PM
The reason shamrock and I left with no notice is because our land lord told us we were being evicted, he told us that he had told you that we were being evicted (and you never bothered to mention it to us), he told us that you were not paying the rent, that we were giving to you. That is why we didn't feel the need to to tell you we were leaving, and why we are under the impression that you owe us money (the rent we paid you, that apparently did not get to our landlord).
11-11-2010 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
So ya, i know i aint pretty. But im a lot smarter than you.
Says the guy going to jail.

My advice: Soap-on-a-rope.
11-11-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rasputin420
Says the guy going to jail.

My advice: Soap-on-a-rope.
You fellas have a lot of growing up to do, I'll tell you that. Ridiculous. Completely ridiculous. Can you believe these characters? Way out of line. Way out of line. Have a good mind to go to the warden about this. You know what hurts the most is the... the lack of respect. You know? That's what hurts the most. Except for the... Except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.
11-11-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by shamrock20
It will just turn into a he said she said.
Funny, you seemed fine with "he said, she said" when you were getting your she said but i wasn't around to have my he said.

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-11-2010 at 06:45 PM.
11-11-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
Funny, you seemed fine with "he said, she said" when you were getting your she said but i wasn't around to have my he said.
11-11-2010 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
The reason shamrock and I left with no notice is because our land lord told us we were being evicted, he told us that he had told you that we were being evicted (and you never bothered to mention it to us), he told us that you were not paying the rent, that we were giving to you. That is why we didn't feel the need to to tell you we were leaving, and why we are under the impression that you owe us money (the rent we paid you, that apparently did not get to our landlord).
hm two jews fighting over money get the popcorn imo.

I admit that rent was late when you guys left. As i've said before i was having financial issues that made me unable to pay my share in a timely fashion. That said, on the one occassion that you paid rent and on the two occassions that groves did, the money you paid went to the landlord either immediately or within a few days if you paid me online. For example, in april even though i hadnt sent in my share i paid your money (1250) on the 6th and groves and hoops' on the 10th (like 2k). The LL accepted these payments, which meant that if he wanted to preserve his right to evict he had to start the proccess over again (which is why we were getting an eviction notice every week because every time i gave him money, it nullified the previous eviction notice and he had to start over to preserve his right to evict if i didnt pay).

I was just overall biting off more than I could chew when you added in the empty rooms, the utilities, and the deposits. Here is what I should have done (and im pretty ashamed to say that all the problems with the LL would have been avoided if i had):

1. I should have told you and groves flat out that I couldnt front your security deposits. I felt roped into that whole deal, and to be honest, i was never really comfortable with it (and no, im not saying you guys did the roping and no, im not going to point any fingers)

2. I should have kicked out PC and gone gang-busters to try to rent his room

3. I should have put hoop on the same utils plan you guys were on, a flat 20% of everything not just electricity.

I didnt. I tried to handle it myself out of pride and because i was ashamed to be in such a tight spot. And obv i made a total gong show out of it.

so yeah, i see where youre copming from.

That said, Jamie, here is how i think a reasonable adult would have handled your situation with me (and just ftr youre in a pretty bad spot when I have to tell you how a reasonable adult handles things). He would have come to me and said

Jason, i realize that when you took over the lease our agreement was that 30 days notice was required before either of us ended the tenancy. But this situation with the landlord really isnt acceptable to me. I realize that **** happens, and i sympathize with your situation, but I really shouldn't have to deal with that sort of uncertainty with regard to the place I am living. Do you think that we could make some sort of arrangement where I leave either immediately or some time in the near future and get at least a pro-rated refund on my rent.
that isnt what you did. You left without saying a word, you never contacted me about the money that you now claim i owe you. The first time i ever heard about it was when you posted about it itt. Does that sound like a reasonable way to handle things?

That said, though, i want to make sure i comprehend your position fully. You are saying that even though you lived in the house until april 16th, that you shouldnt have to pay for _any_ of april? How about march? Should you get free rent for that month too?
11-11-2010 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Howdoiplayxx
i think you may have quoted the wrong post.
11-11-2010 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by niftymatt

Also if Hoop seems to know everything that went down, why didn't he come on here and say the truth? That itself is inexcusable.
I really wish he would. When i had the AIM convo with him (and another afterward about the accounting stuff) he assured me that at the very least that he would come on and cop to his "error" about the numbers and various other stuff. He now has me blocked on AIM though, so im not sure its going to happen. These are the last convos i had with him...

right now, im not going to speculate on hoops motives. I do have some thoughts based on things hes told me, things ive heard, and info itt, but im interested to hear what, if anything, he says about the situation. I will say this much -- i dont believe for a second that he was so high he couldnt count to six and thats why he gave ben the wrong numbers. Hoop is _always_ high. He plays poker with his mouse in one hand and hit one hitter in the other. If he lost the ability to count to six when he was stoned he wouldnt be nearly as successful a poker player as he is.

(1:20:48 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion one moar question if youre around?
(1:21:29 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion I was wondering if you had an email from tony linking to a spreadsheet that outlined the money paid/owed on TS
(1:22:09 AM) hoopystyles i dont think i have that email any more actually, just cleaned out inbox cpl weeks ago
(1:22:42 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion u dont remember the total amount we paid him by any chance
(1:23:05 AM) hoopystyles nada
(1:25:48 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion Basically, im trying to confirm that the rent money was actually going to tony, but i dont want to post the link cause it has ppls screen names...
(1:25:52 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion this is the link btw
(1:25:54 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion ]REDACTED
(1:26:25 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion so i was wondering if after i post you can confirm that we paid a total of 17750 to tony and had a 5850 SD on file
(1:27:54 AM) hoopystyles wheres the post @
(1:28:12 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion its gonna be here
(1:28:14 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion
(1:28:35 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion im putting it up in a bit as soon as im finished editing it and checking all my facts
(1:30:27 AM) hoopystyles ya i can confirm
(1:30:46 AM) Sigma 6 Trillion thanks i appriciate that
(3:26:40 PM) Sigma 6 Trillion hey man, one more quick question about the house.
(3:26:48 PM) Sigma 6 Trillion imfinishing up my epic post
(3:27:02 PM) Sigma 6 Trillion you were there when tony said hed rpovide rooms for everyone right?
(3:29:15 PM) hoopystyles Umm I don't remember exactly what he said, alls I remember was that he would provide another rental house for us as long as u weren't in.
(3:29:49 PM) hoopystyles Good ol tony montana
(3:29:57 PM) Sigma 6 Trillion lol
(3:30:20 PM) Sigma 6 Trillion for the record, im sorry if i come off as a douche to you in the post
(3:31:46 PM) hoopystyles Aight its no prob.

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-11-2010 at 07:59 PM.
11-11-2010 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
i think you may have quoted the wrong post.
sigh im such a fail lol
11-11-2010 , 07:57 PM
Like so many threads on this forum, I am reminded of the Twilight Zone episode "The Monsters are Due on Maple St."
11-11-2010 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
hm two jews fighting over money get the popcorn imo.

I admit that rent was late when you guys left. As i've said before i was having financial issues that made me unable to pay my share in a timely fashion. That said, on the one occassion that you paid rent and on the two occassions that groves did, the money you paid went to the landlord either immediately or within a few days if you paid me online. For example, in april even though i hadnt sent in my share i paid your money (1250) on the 6th and groves and hoops' on the 10th (like 2k). The LL accepted these payments, which meant that if he wanted to preserve his right to evict he had to start the proccess over again (which is why we were getting an eviction notice every week because every time i gave him money, it nullified the previous eviction notice and he had to start over to preserve his right to evict if i didnt pay).

I was just overall biting off more than I could chew when you added in the empty rooms, the utilities, and the deposits. Here is what I should have done (and im pretty ashamed to say that all the problems with the LL would have been avoided if i had):

1. I should have told you and groves flat out that I couldnt front your security deposits. I felt roped into that whole deal, and to be honest, i was never really comfortable with it (and no, im not saying you guys did the roping and no, im not going to point any fingers)

2. I should have kicked out PC and gone gang-busters to try to rent his room

3. I should have put hoop on the same utils plan you guys were on, a flat 20% of everything not just electricity.

I didnt. I tried to handle it myself out of pride and because i was ashamed to be in such a tight spot. And obv i made a total gong show out of it.

so yeah, i see where youre copming from.

That said, Jamie, here is how i think a reasonable adult would have handled your situation with me

So your post is "Here is how I was irresponsible and not a reasonable adult, here is what I should have done, and this is how I wish you responded to me being irresponsible and unreasonable."

Anyways from what I was told by both Kara and the landlord, you did nothing but lie and make new excuses and promises, so rather than go to you and get some more of them, I just took the information I already had and found myself a new place to live before we got evicted for you being a bad money manager.

It is clear that you do not think you owe me money or want to accept that you do, so by all means don't, I have plenty and the sum we're discussing here isn't very big.
11-11-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by togwotee59
Like so many threads on this forum, I am reminded of the Twilight Zone episode "The Monsters are Due on Maple St."
im not sure i get the connection
11-11-2010 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
It is clear that you do not think you owe me money or want to accept that you do, so by all means don't, I have plenty and the sum we're discussing here isn't very big.
This PA thing you and groves have going is hilarious.

"well you really do owe me money, but you say you dont, and im not going to argue with you. But im still saying you do." whatever

also big describes size. Large describes quantity.
11-12-2010 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
This PA thing you and groves have going is hilarious.

"well you really do owe me money, but you say you dont, and im not going to argue with you. But im still saying you do." whatever

also big describes size. Large describes quantity.
You realize coming on here and acting like a douche to everyone isn't helping anyone's opinion of you right?

I know the gist of everyone's situation from the thread. You should probably pay these people back or at least some portion of the money for the trouble you caused them and time that you wasted.

You're admittedly in the wrong so pointing a finger and saying "well, I messed up but you did this" doesn't really hold any traction. Honestly, you're lucky you're dealing with a bunch of people who don't care all that much, because if it was my money, I'd break parts of your body on pure principle.
11-12-2010 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by JayLV
Honestly, you're lucky you're dealing with a bunch of people who don't care all that much, because if it was my money, I'd break parts of your body on pure principle.

11-12-2010 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by JayLV
You realize coming on here and acting like a douche to everyone isn't helping anyone's opinion of you right?
Oh, i assure you sir, I am not acting.

I know the gist of everyone's situation from the thread. You should probably pay these people back or at least some portion of the money for the trouble you caused them and time that you wasted.
Just because im wrong doesnt make him right. I really dont see how the fact that I could have handled the situation better entitle4s him to free rent, or to break the terms of the contract (which, incidnetally, were already very favorable to him)

The contract was the contract, and it didnt specify that they got to leave in the middle of the month and get their money back for that month. Their discussions about the lease with a third party, while great rumor-mongering material, dont change that.

So yeah, they arent getting anything... ftr here are the cliffs notes of the whole sitution.

1. Xaston and groves pay april rent.

2. Both leave mid-april with no notice at all. Neither ever says anything to me about wanting or thinking they deserve a refund.

3. Both see this thread months later and decide theyre going to post in it saying i owe them money. Now, both want their money back not just for the part of april that they didnt stay, but the part of april that they were living in the house. It is unclear wether they want march for free as well

4. Both want me to pay for their share of the utilities that month, which they are getting since they ran off and left me holding the bag for all the bills. I also paid to have their rooms cleaned after they left, and for the $130 in PPV that they ordered on my cable account.
I'd break parts of your body on pure principle.
Yeah, i guess im somehow going to have to deal with the terror of knowing xaston is coming to beat me up (though i suppose now that he killed the wcoop he could hire someone to do it)
