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ZoominG Around Asia ZoominG Around Asia

11-14-2014 , 10:12 PM
Hey hey,

I have never posted much on 2+2 in the past but now i feel like its time to get more involved in the poker community so i decided to start out with my own PG&C thread

Ill try to keep my poker past as brief as possible so hopefully this doesnt turn out to be tldr type of thread.

Basically i started in micros in 2011 with 50$ and managed to bring my roll to 3500$ and playing nl50 by the end of the year.

In 2012 i was doing fine on nl50 but had about 10 failed attempts on moving up to nl100. I blamed it on the variance obv so i moved from 6 max to fr and was finally able to move up to be a nl100 FR nit towards the end of the year. Ended up making about 35k and quitting my job given i earned about 6k the year before. Given i was still living in my moms basement and my only expense was partying i was doing really good financially.

Started 2013 with a plan to 24 table nl100 FR and play a ton. Volume was good, winrate was ok, added some nl200fr for the last few months of the year i ended up having a 6 figure year after RB which was awsome.

I also moved out on my own in 2013 since i already had a house that ive gotten a few years back from my grandpa but it was in need of some serious renovating. So i blew most of my money on my house and ended the year pretty much break-even. Was worth it though since i now have a decent place as well as a gym in the basement and a bar/garage.

That bar/garage is actually a mini fridge that holds about 6 creates of beer, 2 bottles of jack, 2 bottles of vodka and 1 bottle of ketchup since you can put that stuff on just about anything.

I also have table soccer, darts and a ping-pong table (this really makes beer pong look much more professional) so things dont get boring. We pretty much invent a new drinking game every time

2014 started with a massive handover after spending 3 day drunk in Budapest. Dont remember much but judging from the pictures it seemed like i had a great time. I needed about 3 days to sober up and after that i decided this year is the year to go for sne. So i dropped nl100/200 and moved up to nl400/600k in a matter of days. Things went well in January, ended up with about 40k after RB and 115k VPPs. Seemed like a solid plan to switch my yearly goal to 500k$ lol.

February i had a bad run of variance, lost about 20k, mostly bellow EV. I also tried playing 4 tables of 500 zoom on one monitor and 12 tables of 400-600 on the other one which resulted in lots of VPPs gained and lost of monies lost. Volume was still good, 40k vpps ahead of pace.

March went better again. Made about 10k pre rakeback, player another 150k hands. On top of that i managed to place third in sunday 500 for 45k. The next week i decided to be an mtt pro again and won 100$ sunday rebuy for 70k. Months total was about 130k so life was good.

After that my year pretty much went down the toiled, as least poker wise. 6 of my friends decided to be born in april which resulted in me being drunk or hangover for the bigger part of the month. After that i spent 3 drunk over spring break in Croatia. Motivation was also on all time low since given it would be next to impossible to ever have a better month then march and for the first time in my life i had a bunch of money in my bank so i really didnt need to make any at this point.

Over the last 6 months i managed to play about 450k hands of break even poker. Given im mostly 18-24 tabling this volume is really ****ty. Bad results are a good combination of not working on my game(havent watched a single video or did any of table work since i moved up to nl100FR in start of 2013) excessive partying/drinking and on top of that i started smoking way to much over the past few months. On top of that i ended up running bad at high stakes, managed top drop a bit over 25k in nl1k and nl2k in a few failed attempts to bumhunt the fish when those games ran.

Anyway this is getting to tldr so ill just post the graph of my year to date since i know ppl love graphs of ppl who turn into RB pros.


Obviously this results are not acceptable.

Id love to blame them on the variance but the truth of the matter is that its mainly me playing bad/drunk/high/tilted and on top of that i just play way to many tables and not work on my game at all.

So last month i decided to make a few goals to end the year strong.

#1 Play only 4 tables of zoom 200 (mainly because i plan on travelling a lot and its just easier to do that and put in volume when on limited time or ****ty connection and you can put all your focus on playing instead of trying to get enough good tables together)
#2 Do something to improve your game every day(Planning to watch some good videos from smart ppl that are stupid enough to make them) or mark some hands and analyze them
#3 Dont play bad/drunk/high/tilted
#4 Play 3 hours a day/100 a month

Anyway this month started out with a massive heater.


Thats zoom 200 only

Fitness goals. Ill keep this short

1. Work out 3 times a week
2. Eat as clean as possible (this usually isnt to hard for me since my diet is pretty solid unless i end up drinking 20 jack colas and top that off with 2 or 3 burgers at the end of the night or i get high and eat anything with sugar in it in my vicinity)
3 & 4 are a follow up from the last goals problem, simply put minimize the drinking and stop getting high.

Life goals.
Ive had some decent new years plan with a friend but she bailed on me the last minute because she was forced to do some xmas party in her school and cant get those few days off. Life sucks. And before all the pervs out there start to comment, no shes not a school girl, shes a teacher and we have been friends since high school.

So given i havent been anywhere near the equator in about 5 years i decided to **** it and just go alone. So i booked a 1 way ticket to Seoul and planning to make it up as i go along. Rough plan is to visit as many places as i can. After Seoul im flying down to Tokyo and taking a train to Osaka. After that im going to Taipei for a week. Next on the plan is Hong-Kong and Macao, hopefully ill be able to play my first hand of live poker somewhere along the way.

For the first part of the trip is to do some sightseeing and touristy stuff, eat healthy, work out and play some good pokerz. On the 19th im arriving to Bangkok where im planning to go back in to degen mode and spend the new year. After that im off to phuket to relax a bit on the beach and hopefully sober up.

Second part of the trip is going to be degening it up on of the exotic beaches. I plan to do some diving and finally learn how to surf which was on my to-do list for ages. I looked up a few locations but im not really sure where the best place to go surfing in january but havent made any solid plans yet. What i came up with is either Siargao island in the Philis or Bali seems to be a safe bet if you want to do some surfing. If anyone has any experience with learning to surf id love some advice.

Anyways im mostly wrote this because im bored in my hotel room in Vienna airport awaiting my flight to Seoul tomorrow, and im way to hyped and excited about everything to sleep. On top of that i just got from a Linking Park concert with a bunch of friends who had to go back to reality while im off to paradise Not a big problem though since im used to having problems sleeping and there is a 14 hour flight ahead of me so ill have plenty of time to sleep.

Anyway thats it for now, i might as well get an hour of sleep or two. Ill try to keep this thread up until the end of march since that how long i plan to stay in Asia where interesting things tend to happen

So much for not going for tldr

ZoominG Around Asia Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:31 AM
Good luck, OP! Sounds interesting so far and will be following.
ZoominG Around Asia Quote
