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02-16-2012 , 09:39 AM
Same as here n3ph3w.. what's yours?

I've been having issues with berating people as well lol.. playing HU SNGs is brutal sometimes, i'm sure they know I don't mean it lol.

BR- $211.36
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02-17-2012 , 04:20 AM
Crushed 10nl again tonight

The games are so much better at night. Very few regs and lots of juicy fish.

Roll: $80

PM me if you guys want my SN. I'm not outed yet.


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02-17-2012 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by n3phew
Same as here n3ph3w.. what's yours?

I've been having issues with berating people as well lol.. playing HU SNGs is brutal sometimes, i'm sure they know I don't mean it lol.

BR- $211.36
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02-17-2012 , 06:23 PM
Just won 3rd step tourney so BR is $1 haha!
Are you guys loading up on step 3's then going for it or jumping in with a buck? What games are good on carbon for super low money?
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02-22-2012 , 02:32 AM
Been damn busy the past week. Flew out this past Saturday. Spent Friday with my gal. Had lunch at Lotus of Siam.........Just doesn't get any better. Hit the international market for a little adventure. There is some weird **** in that store! We did find some good chocolate and Lion coffee among other things. Lion coffee (kona) is the nuts IMO.

Poker has been full of swings lately. I have been playing NL10 and 25/50c Stud/8 as my primary games. I have been playing a fishy slag style that brings max value with any decent hand. I often have guys bluff into me not realizing I am more of a station than anything else. It is certainly high variance, but it sure is a fun style to play.

Roll is @ $70

Will finally get a couple pics up when I figure out how to post em!

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02-22-2012 , 02:35 AM
Will figure it out tomorrow!


Last edited by DoX; 02-22-2012 at 02:48 AM.
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02-22-2012 , 03:38 AM
ive been laid off the past 2 months so no money to deposit (never had a proper roll just played for funny) and i've been playing these like crazy. i didn't know this thread existed so ive just been trying to get to 100 to cash out (no job). my last roll was at 5 and i took a shot at the dollar dazzler and got into some ****.

-380k 5 ppl left 2nd stack is like 160, 1st wins 120 5th is 24
-got shortstack ai and he hits 2 outer, pretty much tied for first now, woulda had over 2/3 of the chips if i dodged it.
-took a flip with ak, now im second to last
-got only guy with less chips than me ai with ak and he showed up with kk(whadda ya gonna do?)
-im shortstack and i get ai with aj against a2 and im out on the turn in 5th

this all happened in the same level, so im on super monkey tilt, put down 24 on plo husng like *** this i was gonna cash out and those beats arent gonna stop me this is gonna happen today or never, get up to 60 playing this whale who shows no intention of stopping play with me until he wins his money back. long story short he stacks me on some pretty standard suckouts till wer playin for the original 24, i flop the nut straight on a rainbow board, he calls my shove with and overpair, runners quads and i flip my keyboard and start smashing **** from the recycling bin (LOL). never played so good/ran so bad, but i guess i shoulda just tried to grind it up once i was at 25.

but im totally in this challenge now cause i start work in a couple weeks and would love to have a roll goin so i can spend my normal bi on my lady.

current status:
0.06 (gonna play the 6th cent heehee)
3 step 2
1 step 3

im in this til 10k bout to wake up early as hell for the 6 am free mtt (goin the extra mile for that small field cause im nuts)

ps sorry bout my run on sentences
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02-23-2012 , 12:57 PM
BR steadily declined over the last week as I degen'd it up chasing losses with a failing "get rich quick" strategy. Dropped down under one dollar this morning.

I'm starting over grinding the steps for awhile. Binked a 3 toward the end of my morning session, gonna bink at least a few more before I pay to buy in anywhere.
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02-23-2012 , 09:31 PM
BR at $158.63 needless to say, had one night where I got runner runnered twice to knock me out of 2 MTTs.. leading me to play some 50nl to win it back lol yea right but it's all good, Gotta control my tilt.. luckily I stopped myself at that point, because I wanted to keep going but didn't.
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02-24-2012 , 05:10 AM
binked a dollar and ran good at the ht's and a lil 1c/2c/4c limit

currently at 2.34 do you guys think i should slow down and move back to the steps or play the HTs some moar? Those things are really swingy.

i think i'll give myself til i'm at a dollar until i go back to the steps sounds like an ok plan. and at what point should i stop the hyper turbos and start playing limit? im thinkin 5 bucks

all in all i think its a good start. limit sucks i had to fold aa twice in multi-way pots cause of drawey boards. seems like you can only get monies with that hand if you cap pf against kings or something.

nephew 153 outta zero is gangster as hell hope to be there by summer if im lucky
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02-24-2012 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by stillz
binked a dollar and ran good at the ht's and a lil 1c/2c/4c limit

currently at 2.34 do you guys think i should slow down and move back to the steps or play the HTs some moar? Those things are really swingy.

i think i'll give myself til i'm at a dollar until i go back to the steps sounds like an ok plan. and at what point should i stop the hyper turbos and start playing limit? im thinkin 5 bucks

all in all i think its a good start. limit sucks i had to fold aa twice in multi-way pots cause of drawey boards. seems like you can only get monies with that hand if you cap pf against kings or something.

nephew 153 outta zero is gangster as hell hope to be there by summer if im lucky
Sounds like a good plan to move back to steps at 1$. I went the same route when I started this last september, won 2 fun step 3s, moved to 11 cent HTs. I played 1500 of them, got up to 11$, and started mixing in double ups.

I would suggest shot taking 1$ double ups at 6 or 7$. They are very soft games and the variance isn't bad. The double ups are soft until the 5$ level, then you get less bad players and more decent regs. Also, you can use 11 vip points to buy into 11cent HTs, so the extra vip points you get from the double ups help in that way as well.

I am currently playing 10-50 dollar double ups, 5.50 and 11$ 45mans and mtts 20$ and under with a 2k roll. I posted ITT quite a few times early in the challenge about what I was playing and what my roll was at. Rakeback has also helped a lot, I've made 600$ or so in rakeback since I started and it really helped a lot early on.
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02-24-2012 , 11:25 PM
I figured out I could enter the 11 cent super turbos using points instead of cash. Played 13 of them and finished second twice and first three times, turning 143 VIP points into $1.62.

I don't think I'd ever want to play these for money, but for now I'm happy to pick up the extra pennies.

BR is $2.41. Down ~$33 from my peak, but up for today so there.
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02-25-2012 , 01:50 AM
OK. I'm taking the challenge. Playing first FunStep right now.
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02-25-2012 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by MandM_WSU
OK. I'm taking the challenge. Playing first FunStep right now.
Won 4 FunStep 2's out of 6... Not a bad start, I guess I'm on my way!
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02-25-2012 , 05:53 PM
Zipped through the last of my VIP points, winning .42, also binked a Step 3, ended the day at $3.83.
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02-25-2012 , 06:18 PM
Been a busy week. Still can't get pics to post

Starting a new job Monday........Not sure how I feel about working for anyone else. I had my own business for 2 years and then took about 2 years off. I will be working in a completely different field and going in as a supervisor. I'm generally a hardheaded prick by nature, yet most people liked working for me. I have been getting restless for awhile and going through a lot of cash. It's time to tidy up the ledger I guess.

I have been playing NL10 fairly steady this past week with very poor results. I am running 9 BI below EV over the last 2 weeks. Add in some poor play for good measure as well. I was up to $90 a few days ago.....not anymore tho. Got destroyed 2 nights ago for $50 and lost a bit more last night. Will keep playing whenever possible.

I played the 10K freeroll and the 125 to the $125k and failed to profit. Lost 88<KK and lost set over set in the other.

Keep after if everyone! I went from $2 to $130 not that long ago. I have to remind myself often it can be done again.

Roll is $30 in spite of the runbad. I will prob move to NL4 for awhile to get back on my feet.


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02-26-2012 , 05:42 PM
How's this for a game plan (keep in mind that I am a full time teacher and a dad*)?:

- rack up 10-15 Fun Step 2 tickets
- build that up to 10 Step 3 tickets
- rinse and repeat until I cash $10
- Play double ups until br reaches $20
- repeat previous steps as necessary
- grind away at micro NL and SNGS
- Start Snakes and ladders once roll hits $50

Any thoughts or comments appreciated.


*I'll probably play about 2-3 nights a week. I get the occasional bi-monthly hall pass to play live at either a B&M or home game.
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02-27-2012 , 02:54 PM
running awesome up to $7.10 time to play some double ups until i'm down to 5/up to 20
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02-28-2012 , 03:41 AM
It wont let me edit the last post so I'l make a new one. running really good 35% roi since I started including the hts which i think is miraculously good if I'm not mistaken i don't know much about sngs but I'm pretty sure avg roi is way lower so this probly isn't sustainable although the games are really fishy. I'm short stackin at 4nl like a baus ratholing if i get near 100bb also (running like crazy too gotta be at least 20bb/100). Roll is at 14 i think imma do some sng studying before my sesh tomorro hopefully i can get to 20 then dl hm free trial holler.

snakes and ladders looks fun i never knew they had that. seems like it would be a bitch to get to level 6 or somethin and lose tho.
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02-28-2012 , 05:10 PM
I've made the switch to the dark side; PLO. Decided I'd give it a shot, was running bad in NL. I think I've found something. I'm crushing, and am able to take notes on pretty much everyone since the player pool is pretty small. BR has gone from $50 to $220 in the last week playing mostly .02/.04 and .05/.1. Have a couple of massive donators that I can look for when I hop on, like one guy who I won $50+ off of so far. Had a $60 stack at the $10 table today.

PS never play PLO it's THE WORST (stay out).
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02-28-2012 , 05:11 PM
Also, just got silver VIP so the double rakeback will be nice.
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02-29-2012 , 02:37 AM
Where should i start as far as sng videos/articles? im still doin alrite but i got sucked out on a few times shortstacking so my roll is down to 11. I've ran into a few spots where i didnt know if i shouldve played the hand as there were other short stacks likely to get eliminated soon and such. Also should i even bother? they're only dollar double ups and once i get to 20 im just gonna play cash. idk how much of regular sng strategy applies to the double ups. anyways good luck all
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02-29-2012 , 03:24 AM

    Merge, $10 Buy-in (50/100 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 2 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #12031612

    SB: 2,867 (28.7 bb)
    Hero (BB): 7,133 (71.3 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with 4 7
    SB completes, Hero checks

    Flop: (200) J 7 4 (2 players)
    Hero bets 200, SB raises to 2,767 and is all-in, Hero calls 2,567

    Turn: (5,734) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
    River: (5,734) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: 5,734 pot
    Final Board: J 7 4 3 4
    SB showed 7 J and lost (-2,867 net)
    Hero showed 4 7 and won 5,734 (2,867 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
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    02-29-2012 , 06:54 AM
    cool to see theres a thread for what ive been doing. i wanted to build a bankroll from scratch just like i did at ub years ago when i first started playing online. they were the only site that let me freeroll without depositing. my second 4-5k person freeroll i took 6th for 6 bux and ended up building a very healthy bankroll between ub ft and ps origionating from that 6 bux.
    so after not playing online since black friday i decided to check out what was up with whatever sites americans were playing on. after looking around i decided id try and build up a bankroll again from scratch doing the funsteps/freerolls at merge. i decided on, a friend told me he played there a little and that they had freerolls. so i dabbled with the funsteps and after a couple weeks had a couple bucks. i had a whopping 2 bux on the account and decided to play he stud/8 1 dollar mtt as the 10 cent superturbos have a horrible structure. i took something like 5 bux for a small ft finish and played a 1 dollar 18 man sng and got 1st or second. i forget but my account was over 10 dollars wheee!! so no more freerolls. just played mainly these 1 dollar 18 mans and 2 dollar 9 man omaha8 sngs for a couple weeks and my account is now at $65. i will soon be playing the omaha8 and nlhe mtts and hope to have my account up to 1k in the next few weeks.
    started with funsteps untill i had 2 dollars (about two weeks)
    cashed $5 in stud8 mtt
    played mainly $1 18 man sngs and $2 omaha8 sngs to $65 (about 2 weeks)
    hope to have 1k soon will keep posting
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    03-05-2012 , 01:36 PM
    Hi All-

    Just checking in the thread - first time since home from superbowl -- As stated last time - I've pretty much abandoned online till we get it for "real" in usa (hopefully very soon???). But I thouroughly enjoy seeing the progress of all of you! And the comaradarie in this thread is AWESOME! A great bunch of players!

    So hope everyone is doing ok in all areas of life? I'm quite busy this year with major events (thank God the economy is turning a little and my field is picking up a LOT) -- so can't complain!

    As for poker.... BOOM!! (lol)... played a $85 entry with $60 add on on Friday night at the bike - it had $40k gtd... the lines were around the casino to play - over 870 entries!!! And guess who made it through the field (ended up with over $80k in prize pool)... THIS GUY! We ended up chopping it 15 ways (chip chop) - it had 18k for first and 900 for 15th - (had paid to 85)... I was in 5th position but blinds were insane! Chip leader had 20bbs - I had 14 and was in 4th!?? So sick gambles ahead and we just chopped! I got $5200 for my part! CAN NOT COMPLAIN!!! It was a good run - won every race and cracked AA once in tourny... only got it in bad once (against the aa) the entire tourny and even in that hand he was very short and I had to call with AJstd... hit broadway to crack him. Other than that - got it in good or flip - held almost every time - and one most flips = a good night and good cash!!

    Again - hope everyone is doing well!! I miss you and wish you all the best of luck in every game!!

    I'll check in again soon!


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