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02-03-2012 , 10:58 PM
Giants of course... can't stand those cheating patriots . ( I'm from Indiana ) myself.

As far as poker.. running it up to $500 is my goal for sometime this year. Don't have a ton of time to play these days so I get in what I can when I feel like it. Wanting to start playing 25nl since 10nl is as far as i've gotten on 6 max. After dropping 4 bi's and not playing great ran it up 5 bi's today.. here's hoping!
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02-04-2012 , 02:03 AM
Giants all the way! Hate the Patriots man, but gotta give em credit.. they're a great team and it's going to be a sick game.
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02-04-2012 , 08:22 AM
maybe last chance to check in - last night got 3 hours of sleep - back in office at 4am this morning... now starts about a 48 hour day (brought change of cloths - my assistant just brought me a blanket and pillow from her hotel - she's always thinking of me - she said i WILL be forced to take at least an hour nap tonight - there's a sofa in my office - we'll see if that can happen) -- but anyway here we go... it's gametime!! i'll be done early monday morning.

i see some of you popped in to say who you are pulling for... should be a great game either way (pats or giants)... this city is crazy busy and crowded and i know we (super bowl) have brought a lot of money in... have to say indianapolis has been a great host (for super bowl) and for my last month!! tyvm indy!

but here we go!!! wish me luck - if all goes well (and i don't die) there will be a game tomorrow night -- if i do die then maybe not (ok game may still go on but it might be a lot late starting - i don't think they ever put a contigency in place if i go down... lol - again my asst could take over and the game "maybe will happen")...

ok poker boys and girls - MAKE MONEY the next couple of days - and i'll check back in when this madness is all over!!

good luck and best wishes and RUN GOOD!!!

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02-04-2012 , 05:35 PM
Weird… I won a bb or two at 4nl and a couple bucks in a tournament and now my BR is exactly where it was earlier in the week - $28.46.
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02-04-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by weaselblob
Weird… I won a bb or two at 4nl and a couple bucks in a tournament and now my BR is exactly where it was earlier in the week - $28.46.
I started January 2012 with a BR of $43.38. I played 100+ Fast Fifty SnGs, 4k+ hands of 2c4c LHE, and a 25+ PLO Double Up SnGs. I ended January with a BR of $44.08, but I did earn 260 in VIP points.
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02-05-2012 , 03:03 PM
I have been following your thread....I am also building a bankroll from nothing currently at 45.00 started 11 January 2012....built a roll up when back down to zero... took a shot now trying to be conservative..good luck in your challenge.
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02-06-2012 , 10:21 AM
Another lucky morning, cashed a $2.20 bounty sng for $8, BR at a new high $35.26. Really should have lost $1.20 but sucked out near the bubble and had passive opponents itm.
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02-07-2012 , 12:33 AM
Nice job Weaselblob seems like you're making consistent progress, believe me it goes pretty quick once you get rolling.. and as far as you saying you sucked out near the bubble man don't sweat it lol think of it as pay back for all the times you've been sucked out on cause personally I feel like someone sucks out on me every big tournament I enter

Played alot today.. first a 4nl session, went terribly. Than a 10nl session.. also went terribly. lol Can you see the pattern? So anyways went on crazy tilt after a couple real bad sessions and was down about 5BIs.. so decided to play a $90 HU SnG, and took it down fairly easy. I know it was terrible BRM, but at that point I was seeing red.. and i'm very lucky, because a loss would've busted me pretty much. Although I believe my heads up game is one of my stronger points, it was still an idiotic move.. because the only reason i've made it thus far is due to my good BRM. Just wanted to post this to show everyone how one misstep can end all the prior weeks of hard work, so guess what i'm saying is.... Don't do it. GL at the tables to everyone taking this challenge on, it's very doable.. just gotta work hard and put in the time.

BR- $204.83
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02-07-2012 , 10:38 AM
but think of all the vip points you made lol
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02-07-2012 , 12:26 PM
Thanks, n3phew, I like your thinking on the suckouts, especially since I pretty much handed the chip lead to an opponent who five-outered me on the river this morning.

Bankroll management, yeah. In many ways I'm finding a $30 bankroll trickier than $10, the reason being the marginal value of each Step 3 I bink is getting lower, but the next level up where I may have an edge represents a big risk. I had about half my roll spread out among 4 tables of 4nl last night, and the three bounty sngs I played this morning represented 15 or 20 percent.

I guess I should just "go for it" and play games I think I can win with the understanding that I can always refill slowly on the steps if I go completely busto.
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02-07-2012 , 01:07 PM
Super Bowl over - what a crazy few days (basically one long one from Saturday morning till Monday morning. We had a party for our staff last night - and I'm back in my (now eerily quiet office) today. Only about 10 of us left (out of the staff of 600 that were here)...

Paperwork day today and tomorrow then home tomorrow night. Indianapolis has been ok but I do miss Southern California! I look forward to having a few days off and sleeping - then this weekend probably start in some of the LAPC events at Commerce.

What a month. This is the crazy way I start every year (never get to go to Bahamas like some of you for PCA) - but have to say the money is about as much as a final talbe in one of the big tournies that I don't get to go play there) - so not complaining... now for some poker though.

Don't know how much I'm going to spend online as I'm really thinking I may be done with online till it gets regulated and we get a good site here in USA finally. I very much look forward to that day! In meanting I'm lucky enough to live in Los Angeles (still the poker capital of the world)... so I will definetely be playing a lot!

I will still come on this thread though -I love you guys here!! And love the progress and challenges that are overcome by this great group of people / players (was going to say guys but not sure - are there any girls itt?)

So again - home tomorrow - tired - getting the flu (as i always do after these major events) - and back to poker this weekend!

I'm not leaving the thread though !! Will continue to post live and any online playing that I may do here!

Continued best wishes to everyone!!

Good luck and run good!!!
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02-09-2012 , 02:59 AM
Haven't played a whole lot the past couple of days, i've been studying a bit on the Heads Up SNG Grind. I'm wanting to continue building my roll playing the Super Turbo Heads Up games, and maybe a cash session here and there.. but the ST HU SNGs are kinda difficult to transition over to from cash and I wanna make sure i'm ready. Anyways GL at the tables.. Will definately keep updating.

BR- 214.36
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02-09-2012 , 10:29 AM
Lots of $$$ at the ST HU SNG's. Esp at the $8 and $16 levels.
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02-09-2012 , 09:26 PM
Yeah it'd be sick to make it to those levels at some point, for now i'm going to play low and work my way up.. variance is apparently an issue with the Super Turbos and I don't want to take too big of a risk learning the game.
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02-10-2012 , 09:49 AM
I sucked the rest of this week. Ran and played kind of bad Tuesday, dropped a few bucks. Couldn't get anything going Wednesday morning. Was drinking and stressed out with non-poker stuff Wednesday night and went on a tilty downswing. Took yesterday off.

Played mostly meh this morning before having one nice piece of rungood at the end of my session. BR currently $25.32 after going as low as $18.
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02-10-2012 , 09:58 AM
Played my first HU SNG session yesterday and it went alright.. Played like 25 games, ended up almost 5 BIs on the session. It's nice to switch up from cash for a change, the HU games are much more entertaining and keep me focused all game. Although i'm rolled for the $4 games, i've been playing the $2 to get used to the format.

BR- $225.64
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02-10-2012 , 02:30 PM
Ran KK vs. AA twice in an hour this morning on the 25NL tables. I'm going to drop back down to 10NL until bankroll is >$150 again. Current BR is ~$130.
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02-11-2012 , 02:33 AM
Haven't been playing much this last week. I am up at Zion National Park in Utah for the weekend with my girl. Absolutely beautiful up here.......

Grinding out some small wins at 25/50c Stud/8. Lots of bubbles or min cashes as far as tournies go........

Roll is back up to @ $60 after dipping into the $40 range at one point.

GL everyone and keep posting those wins

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02-11-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by DoX
Haven't been playing much this last week. I am up at Zion National Park in Utah for the weekend with my girl. Absolutely beautiful up here.......

Grinding out some small wins at 25/50c Stud/8. Lots of bubbles or min cashes as far as tournies go........

Roll is back up to @ $60 after dipping into the $40 range at one point.

GL everyone and keep posting those wins

Pix please I hear it is awesome there

Anyone here still playing on Minted? and how much does that suck now that they pulled out..
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02-11-2012 , 02:38 PM
I play on Merge, I heard about all that though.. sucks for US players all around. Less Options. Hopefully Merge sticks around though.
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02-13-2012 , 09:40 AM
Took yesterday off, had a fairly easy morning and nudged my BR up to $28.42. Still doing best in the $2.20 10-player bounty sngs, thinking about adding some $3 Double Ups to the mix.
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02-15-2012 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by n3phew
I play on Merge, I heard about all that though.. sucks for US players all around. Less Options. Hopefully Merge sticks around though.
What's your merge name? I've probably done battle with you at the 2's or 4's.
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02-16-2012 , 04:19 AM
Decided to stay in Vegas a few extra days. Zion somehow exceeded my expectations....... I will throw up a couple pics from the trip. We had a really nice room at the Desert Pearl Inn. I highly recommend staying there if you visit.

We also had a couple meals there that rivaled the quality you find in Vegas. Most of the fare was southwestern with a twist or two. I am by no means a critic, but if you see me IRL you would know I like to eat.

On to poker......... I have been on a horrible downswing over the last couple weeks. I can't find a cash in a tourney-not a penny. I have run terrible at all the mixed games as well. So I dusted off my NL10 skills and got in the game. Sure seemed easy after booking almost 3 buyins. Then the runbad hit. I ran $40 below EV today. Against fish. I mean the kind of guys calling a ship on the turn with only a gutter....and getting there. I played well against the regs with very few mistakes for the most part. I just couldn't beat the droolers. On a good note-I did NOT berate anyone today or tilt.

Hopefully I can get it turned around.

Roll is at $23

Pics tomorrow.


Last edited by DoX; 02-16-2012 at 04:21 AM. Reason: forgot about pics
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02-16-2012 , 07:22 AM
Not dead yet

Good session.

Roll $42.56

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02-16-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by DoX
Not dead yet

Good session.

Roll $42.56

Sweet! double the roll
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