Hey guys!Im a 22yo kid spindandgo player.I decided to open this blog cuz im a ***** lazy and my volume is ****. This thread maybe can help me to stay motivated and reach my goals.
so here is my monthly/end of the year goals.
Poker goals:
Get mid/highstakes at the end of the year.
3k spins minimum monthly.
65+ chipev.
Try to get 8h+ sesions at weekends
Get 65+ chipev
30hours+ study
looks like decent goals i guess
i cant post my "big" sample because i lost all my data but it was like 70/75 chipev in 3k ish games at 7$.
This is last 15 days at 15's.
I want to get 100+ games a day and 150+ at weekends and add 1 table more ( 3tables atm)
About fitness, atm im 3months off gym and sports in general just 12h+ in pc playing videogames , im around 12-14 %bodyfat and i lose almost all my muscles and strength. I will do a solid bulk this few months focusing on progressing at lifts to get my strength back and my gains lol.
DL: 65x6
Front Squat: 45x6
Incline Bench: 55x6
Military Press:40x6
Pull ups: 7.5x6
My lifts are **** now, hope i can get back my strength next months.
Track of the day
**** i love this song