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Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real

10-29-2015 , 08:02 AM
In for an amazing thread!
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-02-2015 , 08:05 AM
hi guys! I'm really sorry , I've just been busy in real life. grind has been going awful ever since i decided to make videos again. I will shrug them off to variance and bad play on my end though.
I've noticed that my focus has been gone lately. I would fall back into old patterns and have been underestimating my opponents. U could call it a lack of respect that has led to not play my optimal game over a prolonged period.
It's funny how u notice that ur growing up when faced with difficult situations.

I've had some bad turnarouds lately and I'm somewhat pleased with how I've dealt with them. I haven't let it influence me to the point where I stop focusing on the good things I got going on. We all make mistakes, alot of the times, we feel entitled to certain things. A friend of mine feels like he got wronged so he has been acting a certain way. I feel like I have been wronged. there' s always two sides to every story. I've been thinking about that quite a bit lately. What drives certain people to act a way. A lot of the time it has to do with miscommunication. Sometimes live just deals a bad starting hand as well. it's too simple to call someone purely bad or good. We are complicated.

It's super odd cos these examples have been coming up lately where the next day leading up after such an event, I would go back and analyze my reaction. a lot of the times we don't instantly react by becoming angry, sad, aggressive, but we acknowledge that something was done or said that bothered us. What I've noticed is that we (I) tend to get upset, without really analyzing what has been done or said to me. But that's where most of my evolution has come. I've been able to put those blinding emotional instinctive reactions to the side after awhile.
Questionning urself is never gonna lead to a bad thing in ur life. The only scary part , is that we realize how much we manipulate ourselfs without realizing it. It's definitely a defense mechanism we have build in, some people never understand how it works and others wont allow it to control them. Those are the ones who actually live freely.

I dont know where I was going with this and it mite not make sense to most of u, but it does to me. I guess I needed to write out for whatever reason.

Goals til the end of year are going to be:
get to 500k vpp by then and make an effort to play more focused when at the taables and recognize better when I feel my concentration levels dropping. which is usually followed by skyping more frequently while grinding and occupying myself with other things than solely the grind.
Whenever I follow these simple lil rules I do very well for the most part.
I will post a couple hands in my next post. I've been spewing pretty hard the last weeks.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-02-2015 , 08:13 AM
Is tis teh vegasmidas blog now? Deep ****!

Will stars changes have impact on ur future plans?
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-02-2015 , 09:02 AM
good luck!
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:32 AM
great post zaza, sorry to hear about your recent "misfortune" w poker and relationships (still a boss with a smoking hot wife, wotevs lol). keep ur head up m8, self awareness and emotional intelligence are vital tools for success in life and poker, it's rarely easy but you know this already. handling adversity with a cool head and effective coping mechanisms is something that builds character and strength, and the way we truly live better is by resisting the urge to snap-react with things like anger, disappointment, frustration, regret, etc, and instead reflecting with the intention of searching for and identifying mistakes that we have made along the way (because we're not perfect) while coming up with a plan to not repeat them again.

gl m8, looking forward to seeing some epic spew
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-03-2015 , 04:34 AM
It's super odd cos these examples have been coming up lately where the next day leading up after such an event, I would go back and analyze my reaction. a lot of the times we don't instantly react by becoming angry, sad, aggressive, but we acknowledge that something was done or said that bothered us. What I've noticed is that we (I) tend to get upset, without really analyzing what has been done or said to me. But that's where most of my evolution has come. I've been able to put those blinding emotional instinctive reactions to the side after awhile.
Questionning urself is never gonna lead to a bad thing in ur life. The only scary part , is that we realize how much we manipulate ourselfs without realizing it. It's definitely a defense mechanism we have build in, some people never understand how it works and others wont allow it to control them. Those are the ones who actually live freely.
idgaf if you misspell 'might' as 'mite', you're a very wise person. you set the stage for an analysis of yourself by first admitting that you don't know your unconscious motives, that you trick yourself. too bad it's usually only after we do something stupid in our life that we step back and analyze ourselves in this way, but having this ability to then get back in gear through a deep, objective analysis is basically like knowing you should book an appointment with a therapist, and then working things out with that therapist all in just in your head.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-04-2015 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Cha-Chinggg
Questionning urself is never gonna lead to a bad thing in ur life. The only scary part , is that we realize how much we manipulate ourselfs without realizing it. It's definitely a defense mechanism we have build in, some people never understand how it works and others wont allow it to control them. Those are the ones who actually live freely.

I dont know where I was going with this and it mite not make sense to most of u, but it does to me. I guess I needed to write out for whatever reason.
your quoten Baltasar Gracián

Theres no greater mastery then mastery overyourself and your emotions; it amounts to a triumph of free will.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-10-2015 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Is tis teh vegasmidas blog now? Deep ****!

Will stars changes have impact on ur future plans?
just like everybody else I'm not happy with them. I'm just waiting to see whats gonna happen. its pointless to make rash decisions at this point. I feel like the proposed actions by most of the people out there as a reaction isnt gonna be very effective.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:06 AM
timstone i remember last summer when your script caused you to autosit my immediate left at like 12-20 tables of nl200 cause i hadn't played on stars in a long time. i am a reg and you would snap sit out but overall your actions are super -EV for the games. idk if you do this anymore. if i were a fish who was like 2-4 tabling i would probably never want to play on stars cash games again after experiencing this and i'd punt my deposit at spin n go's or w/e.

zaza contributes a lot to the poker community. he makes people want to play the game. ****ing ahole seat scripters announce "this game is predatory. you are going to be ****ed at any chance we have." this is bad for the game. an overall positive environment for poker is good long-term and someone watching zaza play for a few hours won't necessarily gain any EV if they don't have the foundation. however, he does give THE DREAM of success. mindless seat-scripting robots who fold AQ from utg...not so much.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:13 AM
AQ utg is a bad händ tho
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:29 AM
but what if soooted?
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:38 AM
Need Jesus seat to play teh Big Chick
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-11-2015 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by djz
timstone i remember last summer when your script caused you to autosit my immediate left at like 12-20 tables of nl200 cause i hadn't played on stars in a long time. i am a reg and you would snap sit out but overall your actions are super -EV for the games. idk if you do this anymore. if i were a fish who was like 2-4 tabling i would probably never want to play on stars cash games again after experiencing this and i'd punt my deposit at spin n go's or w/e.

zaza contributes a lot to the poker community. he makes people want to play the game. ****ing ahole seat scripters announce "this game is predatory. you are going to be ****ed at any chance we have." this is bad for the game. an overall positive environment for poker is good long-term and someone watching zaza play for a few hours won't necessarily gain any EV if they don't have the foundation. however, he does give THE DREAM of success. mindless seat-scripting robots who fold AQ from utg...not so much.
Strongly disagree with pretty much everything you said but not going to start another debate in here.
Scripts, excessive "bumhunting", superhuds, etc are just symptoms of teh current environment, teh roots for all this however are fast decreasing edges/earnings bc of too many regs and too many solid regs. Those regs didnt appear out of thin air, those regs were created... and as long as there are too many regs poker will go down teh drain no matter wat any company is doing...

Last edited by TimStone; 11-11-2015 at 01:53 AM.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-11-2015 , 02:27 AM
You are an idiot

A game no matter how simple/complex will always improve with time

That's what human's do..evolve..

You want poker to stop evolving just so you can keep earning easy money?

Instead of complaining that everyone is getting better why don't you work on the game you play every single day

Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-11-2015 , 04:16 AM
How bout some moar picks of teh zazanodoggy instead of this eyecancer
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-12-2015 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
How bout some moar picks of teh zazanodoggy instead of this eyecancer
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-12-2015 , 12:39 PM
oh and btw the notorious is gonna ko Aldo for the mma insiders in here.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-12-2015 , 12:43 PM
no u
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-12-2015 , 12:56 PM
wait is that a puppy?! more info on the puppy!
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-12-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by QWUT?
wait is that a puppy?! more info on the puppy!
sadly its not ours, its just a new friend he acquired.
but we are thinking about getting another husky puppy once we move into our house.
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-13-2015 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Cha-Chinggg
oh and btw the notorious is gonna ko Aldo for the mma insiders in here.
Not only do you think hes going to win but KO him as well, thats a bold statement. First I was sure Aldo would win, now I start to feel like I'm on the Conor hype train. Still not sure, probebly should bet on Aldo since I feel it's a coinflip right now. Aldo is a friggin beast but so is Conor.

Also lets hope we beat Conor tonight. We suck so much at big important games, lets hope Pjanic in great form changes that!

Anyway dude, great blogg and I wish you all the best!
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
11-13-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Rossonero
Not only do you think hes going to win but KO him as well, thats a bold statement. First I was sure Aldo would win, now I start to feel like I'm on the Conor hype train. Still not sure, probebly should bet on Aldo since I feel it's a coinflip right now. Aldo is a friggin beast but so is Conor.

Also lets hope we beat Conor tonight. We suck so much at big important games, lets hope Pjanic in great form changes that!

Anyway dude, great blogg and I wish you all the best!
i think round 2 KO
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
12-05-2015 , 05:34 AM
Thanks for blog <3
Would be great to see more zoom500 videos on RIO
Best of luck to you !
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
12-06-2015 , 05:41 PM
op busto?
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
12-06-2015 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by mirage01
op busto?
He had still enough money to 3 table 500zoom rio so not 100% busto for sure
Zaza's end of 2015 blog/hsnl, coaching, and keeping it real Quote
