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XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX

01-03-2011 , 10:59 PM
New year, new challenge:

Played and ran terribly over the x mas and new year period so I have cashed out a chunk of my roll and I am going to take a fresh start at plo from the bottom up.

I have cleared my pokertracker database and I have set aside $6k with which I will attempt to achieve SNE. Volume should not be an issue (played one day so far in 2011 and am on 6k VPPS, my problem is going to be bank roll management.

Goal 1: CRUSH PLO100 for 5bb/100 over 150k hands.

I believe I have a significant edge over plo100 and so I am going to take an aggressive approach to bank roll at the start.
If I drop below 4.2k I will move down to .25/.5 and set myself a new goal.

16 tables max.

This is the level of plo I have struggled most at, mainly because I have trouble respecting players and the stake. I am not going to move up to 1/2 until I have managed to win $10k excluding rb at this level.

If I manage to do this, I should earn $15000 before rakeback and roughly $6000 in bonuses, taking my bankroll to ~ 27k. I will aim to complete this goal by mid feb.
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-04-2011 , 12:35 AM
Good Luck to you man! I just started playing PLO and hope to build a sizeable bank roll from it.
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-04-2011 , 01:28 AM
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-04-2011 , 01:30 AM
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-04-2011 , 12:13 PM
TLD2008. On ~ 9k VPPS atm, and down $90 bucks or something. Ill post a graph later on when I get my Tracker working. Im playing like a ****** because I cant find a mouse and using the trackpad is tilting me so bad when playing 16 tables. $5 mouse would be so so so +EV right now but I cba to go to the shop and buy one.
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-05-2011 , 08:34 PM
OK, I started tracking today as pokertracker was lagging a lot and tilting the hell out of me yesterday (lost 600 or so in the process). Anyway here are the results so far. As you can see I lost concentration in the last 5 mins of session and spewed off 3 bi's. Really need to work on that area of my game!

So far this year I have played 3 days and am on 16800 VPPS, so technically ahead of schedule for SNE, but I have exams coming up in the next couple of weeks so will have to cut down play a lot.

On a side note, I have decided to withdraw 50% of bonuses, and leave 50% to add to my br. This should give me a monthly 'salary' of like $4.5k, but I will still only move up levels once I win 100bi min at the level before, and I will definitely not move up from .5/1 until I have played 150k hands with $10k profit before rb.

XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-09-2011 , 11:18 AM

Uploaded with

Next update... Now on 27k vpps. If it wasnt for the fact that im running so so bad in Mtts at the moment It would be a brilliant start to the new year, but oh wait I am.
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
01-09-2011 , 12:50 PM
Good luck bro! Make that cheddar so we can do another flipathon soon.
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
02-22-2011 , 08:34 AM
For those of you interested in my SNE chase, I have made a fresh start. I will try to achieve SNE by playing plo50 and then moving up the stakes! You can follow my progress on my blog :

I will be updating it very regularly!
XXXX TLD for SNE in 2011 at Midstakes PLO XXX Quote
