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02-18-2011 , 06:08 AM
Hey guys,

I made a thread before which was a massive fail...So this is a new one

The point of this thread is pretty much just so if my friends complain about me being a degen i can just paste a link to this to show im not losing too much money.

A few weeks ago I started with $60 and I have doubled it to $120 (thats why i decided to start this thread now, since i reached my first milestone)

Ill post a graph a bit later tonight (on my laptop atm) and will probably post a graph like once a week and maybe a few hands.

This will just be like a tracking log/my thoughts, not an update every 2 hours type thread :P

I might post some pictures of other things if i get bored every one in a while.


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02-18-2011 , 09:06 AM
Sorry for the delay!
My keyboard is officially f**ked. Ill get a graph up first thing tomorrow or the next day when my keyboard gets working

p.s I forgot to mention
I was playing 2nl and am transitioning to 5nl slowly currrently.
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02-21-2011 , 07:30 AM
Sorry this took me so long!
I found out that my keyboard was completely i had to buy a new one

Anyway heres the graph as promised!


Yeah i know this isnt that amazing, but at least its something
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02-22-2011 , 09:49 AM
Hey Guys,

My bankroll is now sitting just shy of 180.
Today I just played 5nl for the most part (about 1.8k hands)
This is my 5nl graph sofar, and i think ill be playing 5nl fulltime now unless i have reason to move back down to 2nl.
Ive been considering doing a database checkup aswell, but im not sure if it is worth it at this level as i seem to be going ok so far (i might just wait till i hit a wall then do a checkup)

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