winning a house
, 07:35 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
On a pretty nice win streak. It all started with a 100/100/200 Omaha game. Blinds are in Philippine Pesos, so it's like 2/4 or 2/3 or w/e. Not a huge game. 100 bb min. So I lost a few blinds here or there and then I picked up T653 in a double board bomb pot. I flopped 245cc, T54 rainbow. Pretty decent. I bet 3k into 4500 and one caller. A rec lady on my left I was friendly with. Turn 8c, Jc. Pretty bad. Check check. River 8d, Tx. Pretty good. I c/c 10k and scoop.
Another pot I won I limped in with AAK7. Facing only a single raise I opted to limp call. We went three to the flop. The flop was A53, giving me the top set and second nuts. I call down the prfr on a Q, 8 runout where he unloads the clip. Allegedly he had QQ.
So anyway that was +40k.
Last night I ended up getting stacked for 8k with AK < AA AIPFR. Really stupid pot to. It was straddled, couple limpers, I pot it to 600 with AKdd, two callers, then an EP limper jams for 8k. No way anyone would play aces like this right? Wrong. I'm left with 1k in chips and I fold until I pick up QQ then stack off vs JJ and lose to a river jack. Le sigh. Anyway, I switch tables to the 50/100 game. Buy in 15k. I complete AQ vs a couple limpers, flop KJThh. I bet chunky on flop and turn and get called, river is a Q so board is now KQJT and I check to let him bluff at it but he checks back showing Q3hh for missed hearts. Then our game breaks and we combine tables.
So relatively early on in the night i pick up AKdd and its minraised and called in front of me. I raise to 1k and get three callers. Flop is KJx. Checks to me, I bet 2k, fold, call, fold. Turn 9c, check, spr 1 so all in, he calls with 45cc?!?!? air on flop, picked up fd. he bricks it. CHIPS! I play ultra snug mostly just playing big pairs and putting in ridic three bets with them. Kept getting called and then folded to on the flop also. I end up winning like 10k on the night.
Prev. night I won with AA vs AK AIPF, and the night before that I won with AA flopped top set, buddy called down to the river and then hit his flush on board pairing river.
Anyway we're doing great so far, from 60k to probably around 150k. Did have a pretty brutal session right before this run, although that wasn't mostly just run bad, I lost like 160bb AIPFR vs A9 and KQ with TT (it was a good spot, and I'm definitely not one to overplay med pairs, the A9 guy was short and jammed for like 25 bb and the guy who called him was tilted and playing loose so I had to punish jam my TT which I had flatted). And I had a hand earlier where I put in 36 bb on the turn with 94% (JT8x board with Q9 vs K9) only for him to spike the Q on the river and then I pay off like 90 bb.
Anyway going to be grinding until like 2M then buy a house.
Another pot I won I limped in with AAK7. Facing only a single raise I opted to limp call. We went three to the flop. The flop was A53, giving me the top set and second nuts. I call down the prfr on a Q, 8 runout where he unloads the clip. Allegedly he had QQ.
So anyway that was +40k.
Last night I ended up getting stacked for 8k with AK < AA AIPFR. Really stupid pot to. It was straddled, couple limpers, I pot it to 600 with AKdd, two callers, then an EP limper jams for 8k. No way anyone would play aces like this right? Wrong. I'm left with 1k in chips and I fold until I pick up QQ then stack off vs JJ and lose to a river jack. Le sigh. Anyway, I switch tables to the 50/100 game. Buy in 15k. I complete AQ vs a couple limpers, flop KJThh. I bet chunky on flop and turn and get called, river is a Q so board is now KQJT and I check to let him bluff at it but he checks back showing Q3hh for missed hearts. Then our game breaks and we combine tables.
So relatively early on in the night i pick up AKdd and its minraised and called in front of me. I raise to 1k and get three callers. Flop is KJx. Checks to me, I bet 2k, fold, call, fold. Turn 9c, check, spr 1 so all in, he calls with 45cc?!?!? air on flop, picked up fd. he bricks it. CHIPS! I play ultra snug mostly just playing big pairs and putting in ridic three bets with them. Kept getting called and then folded to on the flop also. I end up winning like 10k on the night.
Prev. night I won with AA vs AK AIPF, and the night before that I won with AA flopped top set, buddy called down to the river and then hit his flush on board pairing river.
Anyway we're doing great so far, from 60k to probably around 150k. Did have a pretty brutal session right before this run, although that wasn't mostly just run bad, I lost like 160bb AIPFR vs A9 and KQ with TT (it was a good spot, and I'm definitely not one to overplay med pairs, the A9 guy was short and jammed for like 25 bb and the guy who called him was tilted and playing loose so I had to punish jam my TT which I had flatted). And I had a hand earlier where I put in 36 bb on the turn with 94% (JT8x board with Q9 vs K9) only for him to spike the Q on the river and then I pay off like 90 bb.
Anyway going to be grinding until like 2M then buy a house.
, 06:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
Resorts World Session
Two players limp and I make it 500 to go in late position with KK. Three callers. The flop is a beautiful KT6 with two hearts, and I cbet 1100. Only one caller, who checks in the dark. I check back the Qh, and the river pairs the 6. My opponent bets 2400, and I make it 10,000 putting him all in. He calls fairly quick with a flush. We're now 25 hours into a poker session, and I'm sitting on just under 70,000 pesos at a 50/100 table. In for 55,000. What can I say, someone told me to never quit when the game is good.
And the game was good. I started off losing a few bbs at the 100/200 game, since a seat was open when I got there and they were just trying to get it started. Nothing really eventful happened before I bounced. At the 50/100 I ended up getting stuck. I three bet a fairly loose opener with AKss and picked up a cold caller. The flop came JJT giving me a gutty to a royal flush. The colder caller had aces and I didn't improve. He was short stack anyway. And then just a long stretch of being card dead. I picked up no hands, and the few I played didn't go far. There was one player on the other side of the table who was playing very loose aggro. Opening wide. I suspected he stole a lot of pots on the river. While I sat there and folded I got a chance to observe him. After a while I concluded that I really knew nothing, the tells he was exhibiting which I first observed that said he was bluffing were there constantly. He had a few though, hand in front of his mouth, motionless, cards completely unprotected. Anyway we got into a huge pot. A couple limpers, I make it 600 with AK, he makes it 2400, I make it 10,000 he says "let's gamble" and call. The flop comes all babies, he jams 14k effective and I call. He has JJ and I turn a king.
Then there was some tilt and bad play. This maniac lag guy who always gets into my head joined us, along with his smokeshow of a girlfriend (she's also a very tough poker player). Anyway I lost a bunch of pots to him, mean while he was dumping chips to everyone else. Some people you just can't beat. Eventually they left, and I my stack was fluctuating between 37,000 to 30,000 for a long time, winning and losing some small pots here and there.
Too many hands to even think about. But one shining moment needs to be recaptured. My opponent raises a couple limpers in LP to 600. He loves doing this with speculative hands, so I had targeted him to be three bet for value wider than normal (my normal three betting range being AK/QQ+). Anyway I make it 2400 with AA. He called. The flop came Q64 and I c-bet and he check raised small. I called. The turn was a 7. He bet 7500. I called. The river as an 8. He checked, and I checked. A big pot for one pair, more than 20,000 in there. He had AQ. Too bad the river didn't come a four or something.
So that hand brought me back to 50k or so. And from there, mostly folding, until the kings full hand. Then the last hand of the night, a LAG chinese guy comes to the table. The guy to my right is down to 2k, anyway long story short I have TT, the Chinese guy bets 1100, the other guy jams, I call, Chinese guy jams 12k and he's sitting on like 35-40k, I end up folding and he has AT. I decide to call it a night.
Anyway I made some money so whatever. Long session.
Two players limp and I make it 500 to go in late position with KK. Three callers. The flop is a beautiful KT6 with two hearts, and I cbet 1100. Only one caller, who checks in the dark. I check back the Qh, and the river pairs the 6. My opponent bets 2400, and I make it 10,000 putting him all in. He calls fairly quick with a flush. We're now 25 hours into a poker session, and I'm sitting on just under 70,000 pesos at a 50/100 table. In for 55,000. What can I say, someone told me to never quit when the game is good.
And the game was good. I started off losing a few bbs at the 100/200 game, since a seat was open when I got there and they were just trying to get it started. Nothing really eventful happened before I bounced. At the 50/100 I ended up getting stuck. I three bet a fairly loose opener with AKss and picked up a cold caller. The flop came JJT giving me a gutty to a royal flush. The colder caller had aces and I didn't improve. He was short stack anyway. And then just a long stretch of being card dead. I picked up no hands, and the few I played didn't go far. There was one player on the other side of the table who was playing very loose aggro. Opening wide. I suspected he stole a lot of pots on the river. While I sat there and folded I got a chance to observe him. After a while I concluded that I really knew nothing, the tells he was exhibiting which I first observed that said he was bluffing were there constantly. He had a few though, hand in front of his mouth, motionless, cards completely unprotected. Anyway we got into a huge pot. A couple limpers, I make it 600 with AK, he makes it 2400, I make it 10,000 he says "let's gamble" and call. The flop comes all babies, he jams 14k effective and I call. He has JJ and I turn a king.
Then there was some tilt and bad play. This maniac lag guy who always gets into my head joined us, along with his smokeshow of a girlfriend (she's also a very tough poker player). Anyway I lost a bunch of pots to him, mean while he was dumping chips to everyone else. Some people you just can't beat. Eventually they left, and I my stack was fluctuating between 37,000 to 30,000 for a long time, winning and losing some small pots here and there.
Too many hands to even think about. But one shining moment needs to be recaptured. My opponent raises a couple limpers in LP to 600. He loves doing this with speculative hands, so I had targeted him to be three bet for value wider than normal (my normal three betting range being AK/QQ+). Anyway I make it 2400 with AA. He called. The flop came Q64 and I c-bet and he check raised small. I called. The turn was a 7. He bet 7500. I called. The river as an 8. He checked, and I checked. A big pot for one pair, more than 20,000 in there. He had AQ. Too bad the river didn't come a four or something.
So that hand brought me back to 50k or so. And from there, mostly folding, until the kings full hand. Then the last hand of the night, a LAG chinese guy comes to the table. The guy to my right is down to 2k, anyway long story short I have TT, the Chinese guy bets 1100, the other guy jams, I call, Chinese guy jams 12k and he's sitting on like 35-40k, I end up folding and he has AT. I decide to call it a night.
Anyway I made some money so whatever. Long session.
, 02:59 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
another long, long session of 50/100 php. i was up 10k almost right away. QQ > JJ on the 50 bb stack was a nice start, I cold 4 bet all in vs 350 - 1000. The 350 was a little suspicious because villain had made an oversized raise pre and showed KK (so the inference is he has a decent but non nutted hand).
some hands. one villain opens ep i flat AA next to act. not sure the last time i've ever done that in cash. flop A24 two tone. Villain c-bets I put in a hefty (pot sized raise). villain calls. turn is an ace, he checks, i bet like 1/3rd, he folds, and I end up cheating myself out of the high hand because apparently you need to see the river. it's only 2000 pesos anyway.
villain blind raises to 600 from EP. i flat Jd9d next to act. one other caller, villain makes it 2500 from the blinds. i call. flop QJ4. xx. turn 9. 1500 call. river 3. 4500 call, I lose to QQQ. pre is pretty bad here even 25k effective.
anyway games were really good.
had a JJ hand where it went 300, call call, I make it 1600 tid.
had an AK hand where villain makes it 500 from EP/Mp i make it 1600 from the blinds. flop is like Q9x rainbow and we just check it down and my hand is good. i think i like the line, just need to take some c/c lines with AQ and AA and QQ sometimes as well.
nice KK hand where I iso a few limpers to 500, one very loose player calls. flop 974 x i cbet like 50% or something. calls. turn 7. x x. river 3 x I go 40% fold.
98hh limp villain 400 this guy made some pretty big mistakes, lost a decent sized pot with 42o where he A) chose to play in like MP or something B) bet the river with bottom pair where he was too strong to value bet and too weak to bluff, just a bad time to bet C) peeled bottom pair vs small multiway cbet. anyway he was very active. i don't think this hand is an auto play in a raised multiway pot even in position but in this specific scenario vs these players i think it was a profitable flat. anyway flop comes 9xx he cbets small i call, turn i think pairs the bottom pair he checks i 40% he folds.
oh this one was fun. i open a small suited connect, 45 or 56. villain calls me. villain and i have some history, he is a bit loose (he got into a big pot today with J4 where he flopped top pair + fd and gii vs nfd and doubled through him for a huge pot) but seems to know what he is doing pretty over all. we've probably played like 10-20 hours at the same table this week. anyway I flop like k23 so just open ended and i'm first to speak three way so i c-bet loose guy calls. turn i pick up hearts and I fire a large second barrel (75%) and tid with my combo draw. im a huge nit so always love it when i get the odd redline win.
had another interesting hand. so I open KJs 300 and then this lady, rec, tries to three bet me to 700. her range is pretty nutted, but i'm still calling the 400. but she actually string raises it. she does it with one hand, but first she throws in the 300, and then a few seconds later the 400. the dealer wanted to let her get away with it. normally i wouldn't even care and would go with intent but i'd seen dealers enforcing string bets very strictly against other players so i mean i don't really care about what the policy is but make it consistent. like one guy was called on a string bet when he bet with two hands and one hand was just slightly trailing the other. i really felt like the lady was getting a favourable ruling from the dealer because she was filipina so i demanded a floor decision and they relented before the floor actually ruled. then flop came k high, she cbetted like 120% pot so I just folded my top pair. lady is a massive spot, just ultra loose passive, never get any value, always pay off when behind. u gotta love 'em.
at one point i was super card dead over a long period of time.
oh had a LRR KK hand. I limp UTG, gets raised with at least two callers, i make it 2k, three callers. flop came 852, i check, short stack all in, two deep stacks fold, i call and win vs JJ.
oh yah. there was a really wild chinese guy. baccarat player. and he brought a friend. he had a really sick angle too, where he called the turn and then went to raise. but he's held to just calling. it as a 2k turn bet. anyway the bettor just shuts down and chinese guy tables 72 for bottom pair. so either a sick free showdown angle or he really meant to raise with bottom pair which is quite credible also. chinese guy won a huge pot vs AA with T2dd when he flop top pair + fd and got it all in. AA had opened for like 11 big that hand but was no match for the tenacious preflop calling of our baccarologist. i didn't get any hands vs him, but i did get a fun hand vs his friend? son? accomplice? Anyway after the main guy ****ed off to play baccarat or go sleep or whatever his friend remained behind. He was really really bad too, much more hopeless than his friend who at least was splashy and crazy. This guy was just straight like call and then lose. Anyway he limped ep, I raise to 500 with 99, get a loose / enterprising call behind and then buddy goes to call but accidentally makes it 1100. I make it 4500 and tid.
some hands. one villain opens ep i flat AA next to act. not sure the last time i've ever done that in cash. flop A24 two tone. Villain c-bets I put in a hefty (pot sized raise). villain calls. turn is an ace, he checks, i bet like 1/3rd, he folds, and I end up cheating myself out of the high hand because apparently you need to see the river. it's only 2000 pesos anyway.
villain blind raises to 600 from EP. i flat Jd9d next to act. one other caller, villain makes it 2500 from the blinds. i call. flop QJ4. xx. turn 9. 1500 call. river 3. 4500 call, I lose to QQQ. pre is pretty bad here even 25k effective.
anyway games were really good.
had a JJ hand where it went 300, call call, I make it 1600 tid.
had an AK hand where villain makes it 500 from EP/Mp i make it 1600 from the blinds. flop is like Q9x rainbow and we just check it down and my hand is good. i think i like the line, just need to take some c/c lines with AQ and AA and QQ sometimes as well.
nice KK hand where I iso a few limpers to 500, one very loose player calls. flop 974 x i cbet like 50% or something. calls. turn 7. x x. river 3 x I go 40% fold.
98hh limp villain 400 this guy made some pretty big mistakes, lost a decent sized pot with 42o where he A) chose to play in like MP or something B) bet the river with bottom pair where he was too strong to value bet and too weak to bluff, just a bad time to bet C) peeled bottom pair vs small multiway cbet. anyway he was very active. i don't think this hand is an auto play in a raised multiway pot even in position but in this specific scenario vs these players i think it was a profitable flat. anyway flop comes 9xx he cbets small i call, turn i think pairs the bottom pair he checks i 40% he folds.
oh this one was fun. i open a small suited connect, 45 or 56. villain calls me. villain and i have some history, he is a bit loose (he got into a big pot today with J4 where he flopped top pair + fd and gii vs nfd and doubled through him for a huge pot) but seems to know what he is doing pretty over all. we've probably played like 10-20 hours at the same table this week. anyway I flop like k23 so just open ended and i'm first to speak three way so i c-bet loose guy calls. turn i pick up hearts and I fire a large second barrel (75%) and tid with my combo draw. im a huge nit so always love it when i get the odd redline win.
had another interesting hand. so I open KJs 300 and then this lady, rec, tries to three bet me to 700. her range is pretty nutted, but i'm still calling the 400. but she actually string raises it. she does it with one hand, but first she throws in the 300, and then a few seconds later the 400. the dealer wanted to let her get away with it. normally i wouldn't even care and would go with intent but i'd seen dealers enforcing string bets very strictly against other players so i mean i don't really care about what the policy is but make it consistent. like one guy was called on a string bet when he bet with two hands and one hand was just slightly trailing the other. i really felt like the lady was getting a favourable ruling from the dealer because she was filipina so i demanded a floor decision and they relented before the floor actually ruled. then flop came k high, she cbetted like 120% pot so I just folded my top pair. lady is a massive spot, just ultra loose passive, never get any value, always pay off when behind. u gotta love 'em.
at one point i was super card dead over a long period of time.
oh had a LRR KK hand. I limp UTG, gets raised with at least two callers, i make it 2k, three callers. flop came 852, i check, short stack all in, two deep stacks fold, i call and win vs JJ.
oh yah. there was a really wild chinese guy. baccarat player. and he brought a friend. he had a really sick angle too, where he called the turn and then went to raise. but he's held to just calling. it as a 2k turn bet. anyway the bettor just shuts down and chinese guy tables 72 for bottom pair. so either a sick free showdown angle or he really meant to raise with bottom pair which is quite credible also. chinese guy won a huge pot vs AA with T2dd when he flop top pair + fd and got it all in. AA had opened for like 11 big that hand but was no match for the tenacious preflop calling of our baccarologist. i didn't get any hands vs him, but i did get a fun hand vs his friend? son? accomplice? Anyway after the main guy ****ed off to play baccarat or go sleep or whatever his friend remained behind. He was really really bad too, much more hopeless than his friend who at least was splashy and crazy. This guy was just straight like call and then lose. Anyway he limped ep, I raise to 500 with 99, get a loose / enterprising call behind and then buddy goes to call but accidentally makes it 1100. I make it 4500 and tid.
, 06:37 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
It was about 18 hours in when I picked up KdQd. The gentleman to my right, a middle aged Chinese guy, opened for 600. Earlier he had been opening really wide so I started three betting him a lot. But that dynamic had long since changed. The table was pretty deep. I called, and we went to the flop multiway.
The flop came Ad5dx, giving me the nut flush draw. The PFR and I checked, and a decent sized bet came on my left. I closed the action with the third call. Around 10,000 in the pot when the 2d was dealt, giving me the effective nuts. I decided to lead out, betting 4400 and one caller. The river was a beautiful brick. Villain had about 1 psb left, and usually I would go for the home run, but I decided to size down and bet "only" 11,000. He called pretty quick with the jack high flush.
It had been a long session. A long losing session. Where did things go so wrong? It's hard now to remember even a single hand, my mind is so foggy despite or perhaps because of a full day spent repaying my sleep debt. One hand I had flopped top pair 5 kicker and NFD. I tried a big semi bluff play, but my opponent wouldn't fold his AT, top pair ten kicker. I ended up three quartering him, which was nice.
A couple limpers, and I raise to 1000 with J7s. The flop comes giving me a gutty and back door spades, 643. On the limpers donks 1500. I peek, there is another call. The turn is a 7, putting three clubs on the board. The aggressor continues betting 2k and we both fold quickly.
Chinese gentleman on my immediate right raises the button a decent size after a couple of limpers. He's been extremely active, playing every pot, and making a ton of opens. I three bet AJo. Flop comes K84. I c-bet 1/3rd, he calls. Turn brick x/x. River brick, I x/c 4600. He has KJ.
Another hand near the end of the session, it goes 300 (this guy was playing extremely spewy and tilted as well, he was having a hard session, not winning many pots), Chinese guy 900, me 3000 on button with AhAs. First guy physically almost calls out the 3k and then almost jams but ultimately decides to fold. Chinese guy calls.
Flop comes Kxx with two spades. My opponent c/c 4600. Turn is another spade. He checks I jam (less than 1 spr) he folds.
Anyway, by the end of it I think I only lost 10k. Not 100% sure.
The flop came Ad5dx, giving me the nut flush draw. The PFR and I checked, and a decent sized bet came on my left. I closed the action with the third call. Around 10,000 in the pot when the 2d was dealt, giving me the effective nuts. I decided to lead out, betting 4400 and one caller. The river was a beautiful brick. Villain had about 1 psb left, and usually I would go for the home run, but I decided to size down and bet "only" 11,000. He called pretty quick with the jack high flush.
It had been a long session. A long losing session. Where did things go so wrong? It's hard now to remember even a single hand, my mind is so foggy despite or perhaps because of a full day spent repaying my sleep debt. One hand I had flopped top pair 5 kicker and NFD. I tried a big semi bluff play, but my opponent wouldn't fold his AT, top pair ten kicker. I ended up three quartering him, which was nice.
A couple limpers, and I raise to 1000 with J7s. The flop comes giving me a gutty and back door spades, 643. On the limpers donks 1500. I peek, there is another call. The turn is a 7, putting three clubs on the board. The aggressor continues betting 2k and we both fold quickly.
Chinese gentleman on my immediate right raises the button a decent size after a couple of limpers. He's been extremely active, playing every pot, and making a ton of opens. I three bet AJo. Flop comes K84. I c-bet 1/3rd, he calls. Turn brick x/x. River brick, I x/c 4600. He has KJ.
Another hand near the end of the session, it goes 300 (this guy was playing extremely spewy and tilted as well, he was having a hard session, not winning many pots), Chinese guy 900, me 3000 on button with AhAs. First guy physically almost calls out the 3k and then almost jams but ultimately decides to fold. Chinese guy calls.
Flop comes Kxx with two spades. My opponent c/c 4600. Turn is another spade. He checks I jam (less than 1 spr) he folds.
Anyway, by the end of it I think I only lost 10k. Not 100% sure.
, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
Sat down with a 40 bb buyin at the 50/100 at Resorts World. Some positive variance right away. One hand I made it 850 pre, I was playing very nitty and then making slightly larger than pot sized raises pre when I got premiums. Anyway I had AK, made it 850 pre, got two callers, and flopped a king. With 1 spr i just jammed. Anyway I did this for a while, won like 30 bb or so, and then decided to top up for max (300 bb). It was quite fortunate that I did, because about 40 minutes later I pick up AA. I limp, and it goes raise, three bet to 2200 behind me, and I make it a cool 6300. The initial iso raiser, not the three bettor, calls. Three bettor folds. Flop comes low, and I'm so sure this guy has KK or QQ and is getting stacked so I c-bet 10k, he jams, I call. He has KK. We run it twice and I scoop.
Then I had this hand, I overlimp 99 in late position. Flop AA9. I bet flop, bet J turn, and get raised to 2200. Villain was a whale so I wasn't super worried. River was a 7, he checks I bet 4k, and then he puts in a 10k chip. We sit there for a bit and I table my hand. He starts to insist he said raise (he never did, although he probably wanted to raise). He keeps appealing but they are firm. He wins with A7.
Eventually I quit + 20k for the day. Also won a few hundred online. Actually up something like +1500 online the last couple days, just some random short sessions playing $100 and $200 plo (4/5/6 ) and OFC.
Think I might look into more live short stacking.
Then I had this hand, I overlimp 99 in late position. Flop AA9. I bet flop, bet J turn, and get raised to 2200. Villain was a whale so I wasn't super worried. River was a 7, he checks I bet 4k, and then he puts in a 10k chip. We sit there for a bit and I table my hand. He starts to insist he said raise (he never did, although he probably wanted to raise). He keeps appealing but they are firm. He wins with A7.
Eventually I quit + 20k for the day. Also won a few hundred online. Actually up something like +1500 online the last couple days, just some random short sessions playing $100 and $200 plo (4/5/6 ) and OFC.
Think I might look into more live short stacking.
, 11:18 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
Two sessions since i last updated my blog.
session 1
layed really long. ended up in a really long conversation with another player. won like 5k playing 50/100, then won a bit at 100/200, then lost a bit at 100/200. over all down for the day i think, maybe 10k not a ton.
actually all my profits at 50/100 came from a hand where I had KK, I lrr from 500 to 2000. villain calls. Flop comes A97, 9, 4. We check both flop and turn and villain bets 3k on river I call he shows 85o.
this 100/200 hand.
straddled, 1500, I flat AKo, we go 3 or 4 to the flop. flop is all clubs, i have ace of trump. checked around. turn is a club. 1500, I call, call.
river brick, board has 4 clubs. there are 3 ways to make a straight flush. 3000, I call, fold.
another 100/200 hand I open AQ, get called in two places, end up flopping TPTK on a very dynamic board, I c/c two streets. river pairs the board and completes a flush. we both check and villain actually ended up being counterfeited.
50/100 again
I have QQ. goes limp, 500, me 1500, original raiser 4500. i call. flop comes all medium 4k i call. turn is a low brick, pairs board actually, x/x. river A. all in I fold. so villain had about 10,500 on river all in into 18000. should have just jammed turn i guess.
another hand i open with 44, two callers. flop comes 842. i cbet like 600 into 1000, two callers. 2800 in the pot. turn 4. i bet 1000 and they both fold
one hand i called turn w/ mid pair + fd. river paired the board and gave me a flush and i pay off like 20 bb or something. villain had top two on turn so nut full on river.
session 2 :
so there was this really weird dynamic at the start. anyone this one guy was making it 8 bb like half the time. so i win two pots early on, i mean it takes an hour or two but in both hands buddy was in the straddle, i over limp in, he makes it 800 from the straddle, then i flop top pair ace in a 4 and then 5 way pot, everyone checks to me, i'm last to act, i bet 2k (pot was 3k and 4k) everyone folds. was kind of strange. then i pick up AA and make it 300 to go. couple callers, villain makes it 1500, i make it 5000, he makes it 20,000, I jam he calls. run it twice and i win both. 600 bb pot.
the one more hand I had AK, I open, get three bet, theres a cold caller and I make it 7k. three bettor calls all in for less, cold caller calls. flop is all low, I bet all in (2700) effective. caller folds. i'm against QQ, we run it twice and I hit the river on the second board. so that was a decent profit, chopping the main, scooping the side. villain said he had AK.
session 1
actually all my profits at 50/100 came from a hand where I had KK, I lrr from 500 to 2000. villain calls. Flop comes A97, 9, 4. We check both flop and turn and villain bets 3k on river I call he shows 85o.
this 100/200 hand.
straddled, 1500, I flat AKo, we go 3 or 4 to the flop. flop is all clubs, i have ace of trump. checked around. turn is a club. 1500, I call, call.
river brick, board has 4 clubs. there are 3 ways to make a straight flush. 3000, I call, fold.
another 100/200 hand I open AQ, get called in two places, end up flopping TPTK on a very dynamic board, I c/c two streets. river pairs the board and completes a flush. we both check and villain actually ended up being counterfeited.
50/100 again
I have QQ. goes limp, 500, me 1500, original raiser 4500. i call. flop comes all medium 4k i call. turn is a low brick, pairs board actually, x/x. river A. all in I fold. so villain had about 10,500 on river all in into 18000. should have just jammed turn i guess.
another hand i open with 44, two callers. flop comes 842. i cbet like 600 into 1000, two callers. 2800 in the pot. turn 4. i bet 1000 and they both fold
one hand i called turn w/ mid pair + fd. river paired the board and gave me a flush and i pay off like 20 bb or something. villain had top two on turn so nut full on river.
session 2 :
so there was this really weird dynamic at the start. anyone this one guy was making it 8 bb like half the time. so i win two pots early on, i mean it takes an hour or two but in both hands buddy was in the straddle, i over limp in, he makes it 800 from the straddle, then i flop top pair ace in a 4 and then 5 way pot, everyone checks to me, i'm last to act, i bet 2k (pot was 3k and 4k) everyone folds. was kind of strange. then i pick up AA and make it 300 to go. couple callers, villain makes it 1500, i make it 5000, he makes it 20,000, I jam he calls. run it twice and i win both. 600 bb pot.
the one more hand I had AK, I open, get three bet, theres a cold caller and I make it 7k. three bettor calls all in for less, cold caller calls. flop is all low, I bet all in (2700) effective. caller folds. i'm against QQ, we run it twice and I hit the river on the second board. so that was a decent profit, chopping the main, scooping the side. villain said he had AK.
, 12:08 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
hit up metro card club for some 25/50 PHP action. Was hoping to play the plo but it never ran. Didn't matter, the 25/50 game was very, very good.
I started off getting stuck a buy-in, I think. Well first I was up like 20 big blinds, then I just sort of lost some chips here and there. I remember one hand I called a decent sized three bet with AK and then gave up on the flop.
So seats 1 and 4 were really driving the action. Seat 1, an attractive female, went through a bunch of buyins. 6+ I think. Seat 4 and her were battling, like every hand. Just giving each other a ton of action.
Peak hand was limping aces, then facing minraise, 450, and two callers. I made it 2250 all day and got a caller. Flop KT9 with spr < 2 so I just jam. Villain snaps with KJ and we hold. So that was a pretty big pot. Shortly after that I end up putting in like 800 with 88 three way, we check it down board is KT9Tx or something like that but my eights are good.
I also turned a set with eights, took a really weird line. I flopped an overpaid and c/c mass multiway. turn was ace, we all check, river was eight. flop was 742. so i am beat by two straights and a set of aces. anyway I check called, fast rolled, and won. Villain was visibly agitated by my line i think haha.
Actually, ultra peak hand was... action went like this, there is some limps or minraises or something utg / utg +1. Then buddy makes it 500. He had made some pretty wild plays, like peel w/ ace high + gutty + bd fd on flop in low spr situation without good odds. Also bet called with K5 on JJx for a good amount. Like he bet 500, called 2k more. An impossible call, but his opponent, who was sitting right next to him, had 26cc for just the flush draw. Maybe he saw his cards?
Anyway, I make it 2200 with KK. Seat 1, the aforementioned attractive female, calls 2200 cold. Comes around to buddy, he looks over at my stack, I tell him I have 20k, he jams for 15k. 300 bb. My gut instinct was to snap, surely he could have AK or QQ. But the more I thought about the situation and how sick it was, and how devasted I would be to run into aces, why does he want to bet all this money against me? I mean my image was so rockish then. Eventually I fold, seat 1 folds despite being half in with amazing odds, and buddy goes to muck. I beg him to show and tell him I folded kings and he relents and shows me aces. So that was pretty incredible.
so then there was this long string of taking some speculative flops and missing. my stack dwindled from its peak down to like 17k, then 16k. 15500. my preflop standards started to slip a bit.
Then I went broke with bottom set in a limped in pot. 33. 7 way or something. flop 963. goes bet call, call, I make it 1300, buddy on my left calls it cold, folds around to the second caller on my immediate right, he jams, i jam, other guy jams. I'm vs 66 and K9s. basically dead. so lost a ton of chips there. well it was like 70 bb but sucked.
so one thing that was going on during the night, seat 4 was opening really wide from any position. any pair, suited one gappers, random aces. he was also god moding the table and just racking up stacks. so i started three betting him. and he'd just fold. it was great. i popped him like 4-5 times and each time he folded. so shortly after the set over set hand i pick up KQ and three bet seat 4. buddy who over set me comes along, the original raiser calls also and i flop top pair QT4 two tone. i put in a hefty 2/3rds cbet, and get one caller (set over set guy). turn is a brick i think, i bet big again, he calls. river is a jack and i put him in for not much more he calls and mhig. so i end up basically recovering from the set over set debacle, and then some.
so anyway, eventually the game breaks. i think I'm up 5200 + i bought a bulalo with chips. over all pretty happy with the session, still pretty wired so hopefully i can sleep eventually. i dunno.
I started off getting stuck a buy-in, I think. Well first I was up like 20 big blinds, then I just sort of lost some chips here and there. I remember one hand I called a decent sized three bet with AK and then gave up on the flop.
So seats 1 and 4 were really driving the action. Seat 1, an attractive female, went through a bunch of buyins. 6+ I think. Seat 4 and her were battling, like every hand. Just giving each other a ton of action.
Peak hand was limping aces, then facing minraise, 450, and two callers. I made it 2250 all day and got a caller. Flop KT9 with spr < 2 so I just jam. Villain snaps with KJ and we hold. So that was a pretty big pot. Shortly after that I end up putting in like 800 with 88 three way, we check it down board is KT9Tx or something like that but my eights are good.
I also turned a set with eights, took a really weird line. I flopped an overpaid and c/c mass multiway. turn was ace, we all check, river was eight. flop was 742. so i am beat by two straights and a set of aces. anyway I check called, fast rolled, and won. Villain was visibly agitated by my line i think haha.
Actually, ultra peak hand was... action went like this, there is some limps or minraises or something utg / utg +1. Then buddy makes it 500. He had made some pretty wild plays, like peel w/ ace high + gutty + bd fd on flop in low spr situation without good odds. Also bet called with K5 on JJx for a good amount. Like he bet 500, called 2k more. An impossible call, but his opponent, who was sitting right next to him, had 26cc for just the flush draw. Maybe he saw his cards?
Anyway, I make it 2200 with KK. Seat 1, the aforementioned attractive female, calls 2200 cold. Comes around to buddy, he looks over at my stack, I tell him I have 20k, he jams for 15k. 300 bb. My gut instinct was to snap, surely he could have AK or QQ. But the more I thought about the situation and how sick it was, and how devasted I would be to run into aces, why does he want to bet all this money against me? I mean my image was so rockish then. Eventually I fold, seat 1 folds despite being half in with amazing odds, and buddy goes to muck. I beg him to show and tell him I folded kings and he relents and shows me aces. So that was pretty incredible.
so then there was this long string of taking some speculative flops and missing. my stack dwindled from its peak down to like 17k, then 16k. 15500. my preflop standards started to slip a bit.
Then I went broke with bottom set in a limped in pot. 33. 7 way or something. flop 963. goes bet call, call, I make it 1300, buddy on my left calls it cold, folds around to the second caller on my immediate right, he jams, i jam, other guy jams. I'm vs 66 and K9s. basically dead. so lost a ton of chips there. well it was like 70 bb but sucked.
so one thing that was going on during the night, seat 4 was opening really wide from any position. any pair, suited one gappers, random aces. he was also god moding the table and just racking up stacks. so i started three betting him. and he'd just fold. it was great. i popped him like 4-5 times and each time he folded. so shortly after the set over set hand i pick up KQ and three bet seat 4. buddy who over set me comes along, the original raiser calls also and i flop top pair QT4 two tone. i put in a hefty 2/3rds cbet, and get one caller (set over set guy). turn is a brick i think, i bet big again, he calls. river is a jack and i put him in for not much more he calls and mhig. so i end up basically recovering from the set over set debacle, and then some.
so anyway, eventually the game breaks. i think I'm up 5200 + i bought a bulalo with chips. over all pretty happy with the session, still pretty wired so hopefully i can sleep eventually. i dunno.
, 12:15 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
oh yah. so early on in this session I had AK vs AK all in preflop. so the other AK guy almost exposed his hand while another player was thinking to join in on the fun. so we stop him from doing so, he's a little embarrassed but no big deal we're all playing poker having fun its a good vibe. so once the other guy folds i say "now let's see what you were so proud of junior" indicating to buddy that he can show his hand now. obv we chop.
anyway after that hand, this other guy at the table, a real whale, kept mimicking me and saying that phrase to people and calling them junior when he was in a hand with them. like every hand, and he was in every hand. it was really grating to me and IMO pretty rude like he was making fun of me. but he ended up punting off a couple buyins before ****ing off so that made me feel a lot better. idiot.
anyway after that hand, this other guy at the table, a real whale, kept mimicking me and saying that phrase to people and calling them junior when he was in a hand with them. like every hand, and he was in every hand. it was really grating to me and IMO pretty rude like he was making fun of me. but he ended up punting off a couple buyins before ****ing off so that made me feel a lot better. idiot.
, 02:40 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
so hit up 2 ace for some 25/50 action. started my session early in the morning. we play for a bit and the table decides to switch to plo. it was hilarious. nobody had any idea how to play. in fact we did one practice hand face up to show them how it is played. anyway i lose 10k when I gii with aces vs aces vs some random double suited hand, even tho we win two boards. luckily not too long after that I make a speculative call from the SB, it was like straddled and limped, so buddy makes it 500, i call from SB with 9975 ds. don't try this at home kids. anyway buddy had never played omaha b4 so i figured i had a postflop edge. flop came T86 two tone. he was extremely aggro, we had played hold'em together earlier that night, so i check, he pots, i repot, he rerepots and all the money is in. he has AA w/ k high clubs, for a flush draw. but I have 97cc so he is actually drawing a lot thinner than he thought. in true baller fashion he opts to run it once and i scoop.
anyway things are continuing on, when this guy on my left who was an experienced plo player but also an over aggro whale and a bit of a filter who was on his third buy in busted again and reloaded 10k. then, when the chip runner brought him back his chips (keep in mind the guy had to go to the cage, buy the chips, then come back to the table, no line or anything but still this takes time) he rebought another 10k. i assumed this was for next hand, since there was already all the cards were dealt and substantial action + buddy had seen his hand. but when the chip runner comes back he puts the second 10k in play! I object, we have a floor decision, everyone is clearly against me, and he is allowed to play the second 10k. He ends up stacking off pre and who would have guessed it, double suited aces. Luckily there was some karma as he was also against aces and ended up chopping the side and loosing the main to some random with queens. Anyway I quit the game in protest and will not be returning. Also they were letting players smoke right at the table which was pretty ****ing annoying too.
then i hit up metro card club again. i played some 50/100 in a must move scenario. the feeder table was pretty good, playing 5 handed most of the time with some nits and some whales. although the one old guy sitting deep tightened up as the session went on, he was really giving it away at the start. one hand I had K3cc and I am in BB when he straddles, so I complete he checks, SB is in too. flop comes king high with two clubs, I bet 300 into 600 he calls. turn is a beautiful card, red 3, giving me top two + 2nfd, I bet 800 he calls. river i make 10c for flush, board is like KJT83 he does not pay me off.
main game was mediocre i played for an hour or so and quit down like 500 or something. then played 25/50. ran into a poker friend and we had a long chat which was nice. he got me interested in playground i wouldn't mind grinding their plo game. started off winning a few pots and having fun, then things dried up for a while. actually had a big hand vs my friend, where flop comes 864 I'm in bb with 57. he c/c 200 into 3, it was 6 way limped i guess. actually two callers on the flop. turn is a J, he is on my immediate right so in sb, he checks, I bomb turn for 700, he calls. river is a pair the board, the eight i think, x x and he has 666. not sure if i was just nit checking, soft playing a friend, or he's a huge nit and I'm a huge nit so why is he even calling me especially on that board. but hey it worked out. eventually he and his smokeshow of a girlfriend took off so she could work her VA job. anwyay i ended up losing QQ that I lrr from UTG vs AK for like 1500 and decide to bounce for a bit. hit up burgos for some bottled waters and lady drinks at Maison, Neon Lights, and one other bar. was thinking to check out some of the clubs like octpuss but didn't end up going inside.
then i go back to the poker room. grind some 10/20 for a bit while I'm waiting for 25/50, i put on quite a show acting like i was drunk and barely understood the rules. game was short handed initially. end up winning a pot but can't remember the details for the life of me. wasn't much like 800 pesos or something.
then onto the 25/50. i buy in for 2600 or whatever, my 10/20 chips. they have to colour me up since the 10/20 and 25/50 use different chips (10s and 25s respectively). right away I've got some aggro filter on my immediate left and its making things annoying, so i am just stuck on fold. eventually he ****s off somewhere so i reload to 100 bigs. end up calling TT in SB for 500 pre. pfr was very aggressive. it wasn't a cold 10x open there was some money in the pot to be sure, although still might have been a more than pot sized raise. anyway flop came AT9 and he c-bet 500. his tone of voice told me he was strong so I c/r to 1800. he jammed and mhig.
then i lost a big pot when I open AQhh to 200, three callers. flop is J93 hh, I check buddy bets 500 folds to me. He uses small denomination chips which is a weakness tell, so I was probably supposed to c/ jam right there even though stack sizes aren't great for it (i started with like 8k or something maybe more). Anyway I just call. Turn he bets 1k again with small chips, I call, river is a brick we x/x he had TT and won.
Then I won a pot with A7 where I call 250 pre, flop A87, checks around, turn 6 I bet 500 two callers, river 5 gross we all check mhig. And then I get tired and go home.
anyway things are continuing on, when this guy on my left who was an experienced plo player but also an over aggro whale and a bit of a filter who was on his third buy in busted again and reloaded 10k. then, when the chip runner brought him back his chips (keep in mind the guy had to go to the cage, buy the chips, then come back to the table, no line or anything but still this takes time) he rebought another 10k. i assumed this was for next hand, since there was already all the cards were dealt and substantial action + buddy had seen his hand. but when the chip runner comes back he puts the second 10k in play! I object, we have a floor decision, everyone is clearly against me, and he is allowed to play the second 10k. He ends up stacking off pre and who would have guessed it, double suited aces. Luckily there was some karma as he was also against aces and ended up chopping the side and loosing the main to some random with queens. Anyway I quit the game in protest and will not be returning. Also they were letting players smoke right at the table which was pretty ****ing annoying too.
then i hit up metro card club again. i played some 50/100 in a must move scenario. the feeder table was pretty good, playing 5 handed most of the time with some nits and some whales. although the one old guy sitting deep tightened up as the session went on, he was really giving it away at the start. one hand I had K3cc and I am in BB when he straddles, so I complete he checks, SB is in too. flop comes king high with two clubs, I bet 300 into 600 he calls. turn is a beautiful card, red 3, giving me top two + 2nfd, I bet 800 he calls. river i make 10c for flush, board is like KJT83 he does not pay me off.
main game was mediocre i played for an hour or so and quit down like 500 or something. then played 25/50. ran into a poker friend and we had a long chat which was nice. he got me interested in playground i wouldn't mind grinding their plo game. started off winning a few pots and having fun, then things dried up for a while. actually had a big hand vs my friend, where flop comes 864 I'm in bb with 57. he c/c 200 into 3, it was 6 way limped i guess. actually two callers on the flop. turn is a J, he is on my immediate right so in sb, he checks, I bomb turn for 700, he calls. river is a pair the board, the eight i think, x x and he has 666. not sure if i was just nit checking, soft playing a friend, or he's a huge nit and I'm a huge nit so why is he even calling me especially on that board. but hey it worked out. eventually he and his smokeshow of a girlfriend took off so she could work her VA job. anwyay i ended up losing QQ that I lrr from UTG vs AK for like 1500 and decide to bounce for a bit. hit up burgos for some bottled waters and lady drinks at Maison, Neon Lights, and one other bar. was thinking to check out some of the clubs like octpuss but didn't end up going inside.
then i go back to the poker room. grind some 10/20 for a bit while I'm waiting for 25/50, i put on quite a show acting like i was drunk and barely understood the rules. game was short handed initially. end up winning a pot but can't remember the details for the life of me. wasn't much like 800 pesos or something.
then onto the 25/50. i buy in for 2600 or whatever, my 10/20 chips. they have to colour me up since the 10/20 and 25/50 use different chips (10s and 25s respectively). right away I've got some aggro filter on my immediate left and its making things annoying, so i am just stuck on fold. eventually he ****s off somewhere so i reload to 100 bigs. end up calling TT in SB for 500 pre. pfr was very aggressive. it wasn't a cold 10x open there was some money in the pot to be sure, although still might have been a more than pot sized raise. anyway flop came AT9 and he c-bet 500. his tone of voice told me he was strong so I c/r to 1800. he jammed and mhig.
then i lost a big pot when I open AQhh to 200, three callers. flop is J93 hh, I check buddy bets 500 folds to me. He uses small denomination chips which is a weakness tell, so I was probably supposed to c/ jam right there even though stack sizes aren't great for it (i started with like 8k or something maybe more). Anyway I just call. Turn he bets 1k again with small chips, I call, river is a brick we x/x he had TT and won.
Then I won a pot with A7 where I call 250 pre, flop A87, checks around, turn 6 I bet 500 two callers, river 5 gross we all check mhig. And then I get tired and go home.
, 02:21 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
got beat down pretty good. after a break even sess at resorts world I hit up metro.
had this hand.
QJ in BB, vs straddle, SB calls, i call, straddle 500, sb folds, i call.
flop qxx, x 1000 i call
turn QTxx (two tone), x, 2500, i jam villain snaps with QT.
also lost AK vs AJ AIPF for 1500.
bet folded KJ on J93.
then we move to 50/100.
it goes 450 all in, call, I make it 2k, Mr magoo makes it 7000, filipino grinder calls, i jam 10k, call, call. I have AKo.
flop 8c3c2c. Mr Magoo bets 8500. grinder folds QQ no club face up. Mr magoo does not want to run it twice. turn Jh, river Qs, he turns over
KsJs to scoop the massive side. all in wins the main with T9xx. so that's almost 30k under ev right there. I had Kc.
then i stack off for 10k with Akhh in a straddled pot run into aces. i opened from the sb or something to 600, faced a big three bet to 2k and jammed.
I did manage to win back one small pot where I turned top two and got a 3500 bet in vs Mr magoo who had one pair. flop was decent too actually cause it was 800 x 4 or 5 way. then Mr. magoo quit and i figured better to call it a night since i had been reloading and had 350+bb on the table in what was now a marginal game. plus i wasn't feeling that great having a long losing session.
not sure how much i lost in the end, but it was a lot. probably around 30k.
had this hand.
QJ in BB, vs straddle, SB calls, i call, straddle 500, sb folds, i call.
flop qxx, x 1000 i call
turn QTxx (two tone), x, 2500, i jam villain snaps with QT.
also lost AK vs AJ AIPF for 1500.
bet folded KJ on J93.
then we move to 50/100.
it goes 450 all in, call, I make it 2k, Mr magoo makes it 7000, filipino grinder calls, i jam 10k, call, call. I have AKo.
flop 8c3c2c. Mr Magoo bets 8500. grinder folds QQ no club face up. Mr magoo does not want to run it twice. turn Jh, river Qs, he turns over
KsJs to scoop the massive side. all in wins the main with T9xx. so that's almost 30k under ev right there. I had Kc.
then i stack off for 10k with Akhh in a straddled pot run into aces. i opened from the sb or something to 600, faced a big three bet to 2k and jammed.
I did manage to win back one small pot where I turned top two and got a 3500 bet in vs Mr magoo who had one pair. flop was decent too actually cause it was 800 x 4 or 5 way. then Mr. magoo quit and i figured better to call it a night since i had been reloading and had 350+bb on the table in what was now a marginal game. plus i wasn't feeling that great having a long losing session.
not sure how much i lost in the end, but it was a lot. probably around 30k.
, 07:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
such an unreal session.
so to begin with, I arrive at the casino at like 330 pm and join the game. Right away I am running unbelievably hot. Sort of. I flop three sets and top two all within an hour. One of the sets I lost with, although it was a tiny pot which was limped in pre (contested only three way) and had betting on just the flop and the turn. The other two I won small pots with. In the first one, I defended my BB, and put in a cr after a decent sized cbet and a call. Both players folded to my raise. The other set was a 5 way raised pot, 4.5 bb each, and I lead 4/5th on the flop and then took it down. The top two hand I chopped against another guy with top two. All in all I was only up like 30 bb after the smoke cleared.
So I played for a few hours, met up with a friend, hung out for a couple of hours, then got back in the game. I won a few small pots and was just sitting there folding for the longest time before buddy decides to do 500 blind pre (50/100 PHP game). This other deep stacked reg? (I saw him take two to the face with T8s once but usually he seems reasonable) calls the 500, I make it 2500 with KK, they both call. Flop comes, well it doesn't really matter I wasn't that deep to start the hand. But long story short the whale flopped a pair with something really junky, we run it once and I get the full double. Which brings me to my hypothesis about live poker, which is that if you just sit there and nit it up for a really long time someone is almost certainly just going to gift you their stack.
So anyway buddy who doubled me up left and the game got a little tough. I got a little frustrated with players coming over the top of me all the time and having to fold pretty big hands when this new player comes to the table and buys in for the max, 300bb. Right away I pick up AQ and open 3x, several callers, and get three bet to 1200. We go 4 to the flop, which is QT8. Checks around. Turn low brick, I bet 2500, villain minraises to 5000, I call. River another brick, he bets 20,000, his chips haven't even arrived yet. There are a lot of hands which beat me, we didn't put in that much pre relative to stacks. Anyway I make the call and he mucks.
Another hand vs same villain, he makes it 1200 blind, folds to me, I jam 20k+ effective (i cover), he calls with k5. I have TT. we run it twice and chop.
Another hand I open AQdd to 500 over limpers, two callers, ultra aggro whale makes it 2500, we go 4 to the flop. Flop comes AT7 dss. Check to me, I bet 4000, call fold fold. Turn 7d. xx. river Qs, x, 15000, I call my hand is good.
all in all a solid 24+ hour session, with a fairly massive 70k+ win.
really tired now hopefully crash for like 12 hours when i do fall asleep.
so to begin with, I arrive at the casino at like 330 pm and join the game. Right away I am running unbelievably hot. Sort of. I flop three sets and top two all within an hour. One of the sets I lost with, although it was a tiny pot which was limped in pre (contested only three way) and had betting on just the flop and the turn. The other two I won small pots with. In the first one, I defended my BB, and put in a cr after a decent sized cbet and a call. Both players folded to my raise. The other set was a 5 way raised pot, 4.5 bb each, and I lead 4/5th on the flop and then took it down. The top two hand I chopped against another guy with top two. All in all I was only up like 30 bb after the smoke cleared.
So I played for a few hours, met up with a friend, hung out for a couple of hours, then got back in the game. I won a few small pots and was just sitting there folding for the longest time before buddy decides to do 500 blind pre (50/100 PHP game). This other deep stacked reg? (I saw him take two to the face with T8s once but usually he seems reasonable) calls the 500, I make it 2500 with KK, they both call. Flop comes, well it doesn't really matter I wasn't that deep to start the hand. But long story short the whale flopped a pair with something really junky, we run it once and I get the full double. Which brings me to my hypothesis about live poker, which is that if you just sit there and nit it up for a really long time someone is almost certainly just going to gift you their stack.
So anyway buddy who doubled me up left and the game got a little tough. I got a little frustrated with players coming over the top of me all the time and having to fold pretty big hands when this new player comes to the table and buys in for the max, 300bb. Right away I pick up AQ and open 3x, several callers, and get three bet to 1200. We go 4 to the flop, which is QT8. Checks around. Turn low brick, I bet 2500, villain minraises to 5000, I call. River another brick, he bets 20,000, his chips haven't even arrived yet. There are a lot of hands which beat me, we didn't put in that much pre relative to stacks. Anyway I make the call and he mucks.
Another hand vs same villain, he makes it 1200 blind, folds to me, I jam 20k+ effective (i cover), he calls with k5. I have TT. we run it twice and chop.
Another hand I open AQdd to 500 over limpers, two callers, ultra aggro whale makes it 2500, we go 4 to the flop. Flop comes AT7 dss. Check to me, I bet 4000, call fold fold. Turn 7d. xx. river Qs, x, 15000, I call my hand is good.
all in all a solid 24+ hour session, with a fairly massive 70k+ win.
really tired now hopefully crash for like 12 hours when i do fall asleep.
, 08:19 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
so i slept a long time, woke up, tried to become less groggy and hit the casino. session started off really well. had one hand where i peeled the flop with a pocket pair (it was vs a min bet or something multiway so I was getting > 10:1). anyway i turn a set (44) and it completes a flush. i check, there is a bet and a call. the bettor checked his cards on the turn, so i didn't put him on a flush. anyway i decide to rip my set and I took down a decent pot.
then there is a straddle hand, i limp AK, many limpers to straddled who makes it 1600 all day (50/100 PHP, 200 straddle). .i hit him with the limp/jam and he snaps, declining any running it twice. he has 89cc. Flop comes A63 rainbow and he's down to runner runner, which blessedly the turn bricks off.
also had 99, mass multiway raised pot. flop comes 7 high checked around, turn 9, 999 is the nuts, i bet 150% pot and take it down.
so very early on in my session and I'm already up a couple buyins. i win a couple more small pots and then decide to break for lunch. stroll over to kenny rogers roasters and wolf down a half chicken with mac n cheese and fruit plate. very solid meal. i get back an hour is up so i can come back at 100 bb.
i sit down at a new table and not that much latter i open 300 with AA, get three bet to 1300, make it 3300 and they call. flop comes K98 spr like 1. i c-bet 5k and call off the rest. villain has KK. exactly what I put them on since they were super passive yet found three bet call vs tight ep raiser (your hero).
so that sucked. but then ihad another hand where i limp 200 in lamiddle position or something. flop 632 rainbow. budddy leads out huge into the field, so i pop him right away. another player cold calls! original bettor folds. turn is a high spade, irrelevant, i bet he jams I'm vs 23 bottom two and i hold.
another hand there is a blind raise of 500 on the button, but then EP makes it 400. floor erroneously rules that button must call, anyway I end up defending KTss masds multiway. i flop two spades and call flop and turn getting really good odds three way. flop is 8 high, then turn 9 gives me a gutty also. anyway both of my opponents also had non nut spades, but one of them paired the flop and the other paired the turn. so i lost, but it was a potentially juicy situation and my K and T were good if I hit.
feel like I lost an AK vs QQ flip. dunno maybe that was last session. or both sessions.
one really funny hand. i over limp aces. 8 to the flop. A82 rAINBOW! I pot 800! 3 callers! turn Td i over bet again 4500 but tid.
anyway end result on the session was like another +20k or something.
then there is a straddle hand, i limp AK, many limpers to straddled who makes it 1600 all day (50/100 PHP, 200 straddle). .i hit him with the limp/jam and he snaps, declining any running it twice. he has 89cc. Flop comes A63 rainbow and he's down to runner runner, which blessedly the turn bricks off.
also had 99, mass multiway raised pot. flop comes 7 high checked around, turn 9, 999 is the nuts, i bet 150% pot and take it down.
so very early on in my session and I'm already up a couple buyins. i win a couple more small pots and then decide to break for lunch. stroll over to kenny rogers roasters and wolf down a half chicken with mac n cheese and fruit plate. very solid meal. i get back an hour is up so i can come back at 100 bb.
i sit down at a new table and not that much latter i open 300 with AA, get three bet to 1300, make it 3300 and they call. flop comes K98 spr like 1. i c-bet 5k and call off the rest. villain has KK. exactly what I put them on since they were super passive yet found three bet call vs tight ep raiser (your hero).
so that sucked. but then ihad another hand where i limp 200 in lamiddle position or something. flop 632 rainbow. budddy leads out huge into the field, so i pop him right away. another player cold calls! original bettor folds. turn is a high spade, irrelevant, i bet he jams I'm vs 23 bottom two and i hold.
another hand there is a blind raise of 500 on the button, but then EP makes it 400. floor erroneously rules that button must call, anyway I end up defending KTss masds multiway. i flop two spades and call flop and turn getting really good odds three way. flop is 8 high, then turn 9 gives me a gutty also. anyway both of my opponents also had non nut spades, but one of them paired the flop and the other paired the turn. so i lost, but it was a potentially juicy situation and my K and T were good if I hit.
feel like I lost an AK vs QQ flip. dunno maybe that was last session. or both sessions.
one really funny hand. i over limp aces. 8 to the flop. A82 rAINBOW! I pot 800! 3 callers! turn Td i over bet again 4500 but tid.
anyway end result on the session was like another +20k or something.
, 06:44 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
another really long session. i joined 100/200 which was short handed when i got there and got roflstomped. i'd open, get three bet by the player on my left, i'd peel a flop, brick completely, he'd cbet and take it down. finally i fled to 50/100. so i was already losing pretty big, like -15k or something, and tilted to boot. 50/100 wasn't going well either. at one point i was like -30k, then i fired up some online poker, ran pretty pure and won like $600. so i got even via my phone and online poker. whatever it takes.
anyway, i finally hit my stride and the session went ok. not sure of the end result, maybe -10k on the live session?
one key hand, i raise JJ, get called by the player on my immediate right. might be blind on blind with an lp limper. there is 1200 in the pot, i flop mid set with JJ on AJ6. I cbet 800, he minraises to 1600. i make it 5400, he jams, i call and he shows.... AT for the massive overplay of one pair in a single raised pot IMO. we run it once and win. he had like 16k or 18k or something so it was a pretty big deal.
had an AA hits top set and bets big and takes it down hand again, this time 4 way for 300 each.
hand from 100/200, I open TT, get three bet, I call. Flop comes J94 he c-bets 1/3rd I call. turn Q xx. River brick he bets large 2/3rd or 3/4 I fold.
I flop pair + flush draw in BB with J5s in mass multiway limped around pot. Flop and turn I call on my draw getting good odds as the bet was literally 300 each time. River somehow there is 2800 in the pot, (700, 1200, 900 i think), I make a flush. I bet 1000, bettor folds, my fellow caller makes it 3k. My flush is jack high. I was thinking about folding but then I glanced at my opponent and he wasn't a reg and I figured I beat a lot of value still so i call it off and he shows 66 for a straight.
I had an interesting decision with JTs. I open for 300 from EP, get called, then villain makes it 1500. We're both super deep, I think effective stack is like 250 bb. The caller is lets say 150bb. I opted to fold because of the large three bet sizing. I don't really like playing this hand in three bet pots, I find I just end up flopping nothing or a small piece too often. And even when I do flop something now I'm just calling huge bets on a dr w hoping to hit anyway. If he had made it like 1k I would call for sure.
I actually had another hand where I open for 300, get a call, he makes it 1k similar stacks I have KcJc I call. With better immediate odds, and better implied odds, I think I can call to try to crack a strong hand at that price. Again keep in mind we are 300 bb deep.
ok this hand was poorly played. must have been tilted. I had T9o and I end up calling like 1500 pre. It goes three way. When I called I only had big chips, so threw in two 1k big chips and villain tried to angle shoot me into making me three bet. They have a bad rule here where if someone puts in more than 1/2 of a re-raise, it must be completed for a full reraise. The better rule is that if someone puts in more than 1/2 of a re-raise the floor person can judge if their intent was to raise and rule accordingly. The floor is not that great here so I'm not sure I would have been able to rely upon the "two chip rule" (rule 43) to save me, but I explained to the table "look 1 chip wouldn't have been enough to call" and he dropped it. There is definitely an unpleasant habit of Filipinos rule lawyering poker to their advantage, and floor staff condoning this behaviour. Anyway I'll have to make sure to colour down in the future. Anyway he dropped his complaint. Flop came QJx and he c-bet 1500. I call. Turn A xx. River 9 xx. He has KK.
anyway, i finally hit my stride and the session went ok. not sure of the end result, maybe -10k on the live session?
one key hand, i raise JJ, get called by the player on my immediate right. might be blind on blind with an lp limper. there is 1200 in the pot, i flop mid set with JJ on AJ6. I cbet 800, he minraises to 1600. i make it 5400, he jams, i call and he shows.... AT for the massive overplay of one pair in a single raised pot IMO. we run it once and win. he had like 16k or 18k or something so it was a pretty big deal.
had an AA hits top set and bets big and takes it down hand again, this time 4 way for 300 each.
hand from 100/200, I open TT, get three bet, I call. Flop comes J94 he c-bets 1/3rd I call. turn Q xx. River brick he bets large 2/3rd or 3/4 I fold.
I flop pair + flush draw in BB with J5s in mass multiway limped around pot. Flop and turn I call on my draw getting good odds as the bet was literally 300 each time. River somehow there is 2800 in the pot, (700, 1200, 900 i think), I make a flush. I bet 1000, bettor folds, my fellow caller makes it 3k. My flush is jack high. I was thinking about folding but then I glanced at my opponent and he wasn't a reg and I figured I beat a lot of value still so i call it off and he shows 66 for a straight.
I had an interesting decision with JTs. I open for 300 from EP, get called, then villain makes it 1500. We're both super deep, I think effective stack is like 250 bb. The caller is lets say 150bb. I opted to fold because of the large three bet sizing. I don't really like playing this hand in three bet pots, I find I just end up flopping nothing or a small piece too often. And even when I do flop something now I'm just calling huge bets on a dr w hoping to hit anyway. If he had made it like 1k I would call for sure.
I actually had another hand where I open for 300, get a call, he makes it 1k similar stacks I have KcJc I call. With better immediate odds, and better implied odds, I think I can call to try to crack a strong hand at that price. Again keep in mind we are 300 bb deep.
ok this hand was poorly played. must have been tilted. I had T9o and I end up calling like 1500 pre. It goes three way. When I called I only had big chips, so threw in two 1k big chips and villain tried to angle shoot me into making me three bet. They have a bad rule here where if someone puts in more than 1/2 of a re-raise, it must be completed for a full reraise. The better rule is that if someone puts in more than 1/2 of a re-raise the floor person can judge if their intent was to raise and rule accordingly. The floor is not that great here so I'm not sure I would have been able to rely upon the "two chip rule" (rule 43) to save me, but I explained to the table "look 1 chip wouldn't have been enough to call" and he dropped it. There is definitely an unpleasant habit of Filipinos rule lawyering poker to their advantage, and floor staff condoning this behaviour. Anyway I'll have to make sure to colour down in the future. Anyway he dropped his complaint. Flop came QJx and he c-bet 1500. I call. Turn A xx. River 9 xx. He has KK.
, 05:00 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
huge session today. started off pretty good with 66 in position. i somehow manage to flop an overpaid on 445 and put in a small bet when its checked to me. the turn is a 6! I bet again, like 800 or something, get c/r to 2300. i call. river is a high card, irrelevant, villain jams, i call. apparently he thought he had 55 but he only had 53. so that was pretty sweet. then i had AK vs JJ and won. wasn't a huge pot but was like 50 bb each or so. then I defend with ATdd and flop AA8 checked around. turn 9. I bet 800, get raised to 2300, call. river is a 10! villain bets 4k, I jam for 17k, he folds (later tells me he had 888). Also not sure if that was AA98 or AA89.
So I'm +20k and the table gets really bad so I table change. right away i win two big pots. In one hand I flop a set, 7 way limped pot, it goes 300, I make it 1500, call, call, (Q86 i have 66). Turn is a T. So completes J9 and 97. The second caller actually cut out a cold four bet on the flop but opted to just call. Im still quite deep with the first caller, second caller only has like 4k. So I check, first caller checks, second caller jams, I rejam, first caller folds. I'm against Q8, he asks to run it twice, I hold both runs.
Then I call a small raise with AJdd in the blinds. 2400 in the pot, so probably 6 way for 400. The action is kind of weird, checks around to buddy who bets 500, then there is a raise to 1500. I have nut flush draw. The board is... I can't remember exactly but it's like Q86 again. Two diamonds. The flop situation is quite weird, because there are a number of players behind me so I am not closing the action. It's bet raise, but a small bet and a small raise. Anyway I find a call. Only the 500 bettor calls as well. Turn is Kd. Pot is quite large relative to stacks so I bet 6000 putting both players all in. First guy folds, second guy calls quick and mucks when he sees my nuts. Another hand I had KK I open to 300, face a massive three bet to 1800. I call. We are quite deep. Flop is T54 ddd. I do not have Kd. I c/c a fairly large bet. 2300 I think. Turn is a 5. check check. River is a J non diamond. check check. We chop he has KK also.
So anyway now I'm on 45000, bought in for 10,000 + 35000. But I have three aggro players on my left. Two young lag Japanese guys and one ultra loose Chinese guy. So I really hate the situation, when usually I am just playing super passive games, often very loose, where I do not have to worry about the aggression. The game was pretty good still but I decided I had the wrong seat so I cash out and hit up peri peri for a half chicken with some sides. Delicious. Then its back to the casino and recycling so I can sit with just like 7k. Actually the rule it turns out is 2 hours so I accidentally broke that rule but I thought it was one hour. In future I will just bounce to Okada or go home if I find the need to leave the table.
Anyway I grind for a couple more hours, win another 2k and call it a day. One hand I have 66, open to 300, two callers. Flop T62, I cbet 800, two callers. Turn K i bet 2200 TID.
One guy shipped really short stack 1250 I three bet to 3k with QQ. He has 77 and I hold. One hand in BB bunch of limpers I make it 700 I think, one caller. Flop QT2 I check, he bets like 23rds and I just c/f. He shows a queen. I put him on a queen.
anyway pretty stoked, +37k is a monster win. have been having some great long sessions lately.
So I'm +20k and the table gets really bad so I table change. right away i win two big pots. In one hand I flop a set, 7 way limped pot, it goes 300, I make it 1500, call, call, (Q86 i have 66). Turn is a T. So completes J9 and 97. The second caller actually cut out a cold four bet on the flop but opted to just call. Im still quite deep with the first caller, second caller only has like 4k. So I check, first caller checks, second caller jams, I rejam, first caller folds. I'm against Q8, he asks to run it twice, I hold both runs.
Then I call a small raise with AJdd in the blinds. 2400 in the pot, so probably 6 way for 400. The action is kind of weird, checks around to buddy who bets 500, then there is a raise to 1500. I have nut flush draw. The board is... I can't remember exactly but it's like Q86 again. Two diamonds. The flop situation is quite weird, because there are a number of players behind me so I am not closing the action. It's bet raise, but a small bet and a small raise. Anyway I find a call. Only the 500 bettor calls as well. Turn is Kd. Pot is quite large relative to stacks so I bet 6000 putting both players all in. First guy folds, second guy calls quick and mucks when he sees my nuts. Another hand I had KK I open to 300, face a massive three bet to 1800. I call. We are quite deep. Flop is T54 ddd. I do not have Kd. I c/c a fairly large bet. 2300 I think. Turn is a 5. check check. River is a J non diamond. check check. We chop he has KK also.
So anyway now I'm on 45000, bought in for 10,000 + 35000. But I have three aggro players on my left. Two young lag Japanese guys and one ultra loose Chinese guy. So I really hate the situation, when usually I am just playing super passive games, often very loose, where I do not have to worry about the aggression. The game was pretty good still but I decided I had the wrong seat so I cash out and hit up peri peri for a half chicken with some sides. Delicious. Then its back to the casino and recycling so I can sit with just like 7k. Actually the rule it turns out is 2 hours so I accidentally broke that rule but I thought it was one hour. In future I will just bounce to Okada or go home if I find the need to leave the table.
Anyway I grind for a couple more hours, win another 2k and call it a day. One hand I have 66, open to 300, two callers. Flop T62, I cbet 800, two callers. Turn K i bet 2200 TID.
One guy shipped really short stack 1250 I three bet to 3k with QQ. He has 77 and I hold. One hand in BB bunch of limpers I make it 700 I think, one caller. Flop QT2 I check, he bets like 23rds and I just c/f. He shows a queen. I put him on a queen.
anyway pretty stoked, +37k is a monster win. have been having some great long sessions lately.
, 09:05 PM
nice win dude
, 10:37 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
thanks man. couldn't have come at a better time.
well I had a pretty big losing session, and then like two small losing sessions, and then a big winning session.
the big losing session, the key had was i iso 86hh, flop 754. 4 way for 500 each, 2k in the pot. I bet 1500, three callers. hello! turn is a good card, I still have nuts. 8k in there, I over bet the pot, 14k. buddy on my left jams for 15k, two folds, I call. he has 444. we run it twice i lose both.
another hand from that session I open AK buddy on my left flat. I cbet 400 on K92, he makes it 2k, I call. turn T, xx. river T, x 5000 call he has QT I lose.
obviously there was a lot more to it than just those few hands. I battled back and forth, won some chips back and then lost some. I ended up losing pretty big, I think. Eventually I realized it just wasn't going to happen so I got out of there. No big deal.
Then "today" which was really yesterday I went to play. I was struggling, and started playing bad. I got stacked fairly early when it goes several limpers, bu 500, I thought maybe he would raise more with a huge hand, I make it 2k with JJ, he calls. Flop T74, i cbet 3500, he jams I call. He has QQ and holds. So that was a frustrating hand. Anyway I play for a while and quit. Then later on I get the itch to play, online isn't doing it for me all the games are ****, so I hit up Masters. I don;t usually play there. They rope me into a 100/100/200 PLO game. Same mofos from 2ace basically. Here are some hands.
Limper, I make it 600 with Ah5hKc9c. 5 to the flop, 3k in there. I bet 2500 on 934 with two hearts. So top pair + nfd + gutty. Actually I think the scenario is worth some analysis. We are mass multiway. I have a huge draw. I have pretty good visibility, although I'm happy to clean up my straight. Top pair is relevant as well. Anyway I got one caller, turned the 5d, so i have top two now, I potted it and took it down.
see a few flops, play some bomb pots. down to like 17500 from 20,000 add on 8000. not a game to play short imo.
KJT8 i call raise in the sb. flop 976. i mash pot. turn i still have nuts. i mash pot again. villain stacks off with 9788, drawing very slim. we run it twice i scoop.
so i'm at like 46000 and eyeing the door. play for a while. bricking flops and folding mostly, two bomb pots every dealer change. 10% up to 600 rake is brutal. get freerolled when I flop nuts + two pair vs fd + higher gutty. probably not that bad 55/45 since my two pair freeroll are kill outs. actually win the first run but villain wins the second.
then a big hand, i have 7543 and am the pfr. flop comes 236. there is a bet, and i make it 5k. two callers. turn 10c, still have nuts. i pot, villain jams not that much more. he has set + fd. I have fd also front door he has bd. short stack has hearts + gutty. im slight favourite for the side, doing ok for the main. big side. we run it twice and me and the other big stack scoop.
i end up scooping a decent sized pot too, i see a flop raised pot with JJ24. flop checks around. turn is KT24 now and whale bets 1k. 3 callers including myself. river is a 2, whale bets 4k i call mhig vs KT. then i win a bomb pot too.
anyway, a few players drop out so I bounce as well. not exactly sure how much I won like 25k or 30k. I was in for 29k pretty sure. Anyway, I Viber Metro and they have a 50/50 plo going! I get into a cab. While waiting i play 25/50 I flop a set of 4s on 942. Guy on my left bets (verbal weakness tell), I call, three to the turn. 9. I bet large, call, guy to my left folds. River is another card. I bet large, call. MHIG. Villain has K9 for trips + kh flush draw. sucks to suck. Table is really juicy, and i eat some pork + mushroom and two eggs and rice for 140 pesos. #frugal. pretty kick ass meal actually, especially with some of that delicious orange drink they have to wash it down.
finally get called for 50/50 plo. game is ****ing wild. its 5k min 30k max, and everyone is sitting super deep. first hand I'm dealt JJA4 ds have to put in 400 pesos but i brick the flop. anyway i do alright. highlight was opening KQJT, 4 to the flop. AKx 2 spades (i have clubs). Buddy pots into me. I peel. Other guy calls. Turn is a T, giving me the nuts and two pair. check, 3k, I jam 10k all day, fold, fold.
another hand I raise pre and flop A93. i HAVE A9. I bet and get check raised for pot. I call. Turn 7 xx River 6, xx, mhig is vs A3.
eventually PLO breaks. I do okay, nothing special. Get seated at 10/20 (yes, I played a game with a 34 cent big blind). Fold a few hands, raise a few hands, I even three bet AQ and then c/fold the flop. Then I pick up KK. I make a small iso to 60, multiple callers. Flop is K84. I cbet 100, one caller. Turn is a 7. I bet 340, he check raises to 1400, I jam, he calls I win. He didn't want to call the 500 more so must have had something pretty marginal.
well I had a pretty big losing session, and then like two small losing sessions, and then a big winning session.
the big losing session, the key had was i iso 86hh, flop 754. 4 way for 500 each, 2k in the pot. I bet 1500, three callers. hello! turn is a good card, I still have nuts. 8k in there, I over bet the pot, 14k. buddy on my left jams for 15k, two folds, I call. he has 444. we run it twice i lose both.
another hand from that session I open AK buddy on my left flat. I cbet 400 on K92, he makes it 2k, I call. turn T, xx. river T, x 5000 call he has QT I lose.
obviously there was a lot more to it than just those few hands. I battled back and forth, won some chips back and then lost some. I ended up losing pretty big, I think. Eventually I realized it just wasn't going to happen so I got out of there. No big deal.
Then "today" which was really yesterday I went to play. I was struggling, and started playing bad. I got stacked fairly early when it goes several limpers, bu 500, I thought maybe he would raise more with a huge hand, I make it 2k with JJ, he calls. Flop T74, i cbet 3500, he jams I call. He has QQ and holds. So that was a frustrating hand. Anyway I play for a while and quit. Then later on I get the itch to play, online isn't doing it for me all the games are ****, so I hit up Masters. I don;t usually play there. They rope me into a 100/100/200 PLO game. Same mofos from 2ace basically. Here are some hands.
Limper, I make it 600 with Ah5hKc9c. 5 to the flop, 3k in there. I bet 2500 on 934 with two hearts. So top pair + nfd + gutty. Actually I think the scenario is worth some analysis. We are mass multiway. I have a huge draw. I have pretty good visibility, although I'm happy to clean up my straight. Top pair is relevant as well. Anyway I got one caller, turned the 5d, so i have top two now, I potted it and took it down.
see a few flops, play some bomb pots. down to like 17500 from 20,000 add on 8000. not a game to play short imo.
KJT8 i call raise in the sb. flop 976. i mash pot. turn i still have nuts. i mash pot again. villain stacks off with 9788, drawing very slim. we run it twice i scoop.
so i'm at like 46000 and eyeing the door. play for a while. bricking flops and folding mostly, two bomb pots every dealer change. 10% up to 600 rake is brutal. get freerolled when I flop nuts + two pair vs fd + higher gutty. probably not that bad 55/45 since my two pair freeroll are kill outs. actually win the first run but villain wins the second.
then a big hand, i have 7543 and am the pfr. flop comes 236. there is a bet, and i make it 5k. two callers. turn 10c, still have nuts. i pot, villain jams not that much more. he has set + fd. I have fd also front door he has bd. short stack has hearts + gutty. im slight favourite for the side, doing ok for the main. big side. we run it twice and me and the other big stack scoop.
i end up scooping a decent sized pot too, i see a flop raised pot with JJ24. flop checks around. turn is KT24 now and whale bets 1k. 3 callers including myself. river is a 2, whale bets 4k i call mhig vs KT. then i win a bomb pot too.
anyway, a few players drop out so I bounce as well. not exactly sure how much I won like 25k or 30k. I was in for 29k pretty sure. Anyway, I Viber Metro and they have a 50/50 plo going! I get into a cab. While waiting i play 25/50 I flop a set of 4s on 942. Guy on my left bets (verbal weakness tell), I call, three to the turn. 9. I bet large, call, guy to my left folds. River is another card. I bet large, call. MHIG. Villain has K9 for trips + kh flush draw. sucks to suck. Table is really juicy, and i eat some pork + mushroom and two eggs and rice for 140 pesos. #frugal. pretty kick ass meal actually, especially with some of that delicious orange drink they have to wash it down.
finally get called for 50/50 plo. game is ****ing wild. its 5k min 30k max, and everyone is sitting super deep. first hand I'm dealt JJA4 ds have to put in 400 pesos but i brick the flop. anyway i do alright. highlight was opening KQJT, 4 to the flop. AKx 2 spades (i have clubs). Buddy pots into me. I peel. Other guy calls. Turn is a T, giving me the nuts and two pair. check, 3k, I jam 10k all day, fold, fold.
another hand I raise pre and flop A93. i HAVE A9. I bet and get check raised for pot. I call. Turn 7 xx River 6, xx, mhig is vs A3.
eventually PLO breaks. I do okay, nothing special. Get seated at 10/20 (yes, I played a game with a 34 cent big blind). Fold a few hands, raise a few hands, I even three bet AQ and then c/fold the flop. Then I pick up KK. I make a small iso to 60, multiple callers. Flop is K84. I cbet 100, one caller. Turn is a 7. I bet 340, he check raises to 1400, I jam, he calls I win. He didn't want to call the 500 more so must have had something pretty marginal.
, 09:02 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
got stomped pretty hard playing 50/50 plo. worst hand I make it 5k pre with KKQJ vs ultra high frequency raiser and 100% caller. flop AT8 rainbow. I pot, basically putting myself all in. GII vs 9876 all spades for just the pair and dominated wrap. he spikes a 6 immediately. then get stacked again bluff catching river in monster pot with trips. slink home devastated. not sure exactly how bad the loss was but pretty big. otoh I'm a massive favourite in that one pot where i lose 25k. w/e. running pure online at least. +1500 USD in the last 24 hours or so. fired two tourneys today, managed to cash both. small fields. actually 7/7 in the hot 44 right now, but 4/7 only has 50% more chips than me. neck and neck with 5 and 6. got rekt pretty hard worming my way into the money on the bubble but i really didn't get any cards either.
, 08:38 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
Another long session. 30+ hours. I was up pretty big early on after KK > AK on Kxx flop. Betting went 500, c, c, me 2500, call. Flop I bet 1/2 pot, turn I bet like 8k in 12, villain jammed. 20,000 on turn something like that? Big pot. Unfortunately I lost a huge pot later on when I open QQ, get three bet, and I station 344 flop vs 1200, 4000 (turn J), river 10 20,000. So that was devastating, little tilting. Even had to hit the ATM to reload to max.
Then this hand comes up.
I open up 88 from EP, couple callers and a big three bet to 1700. There is a caller my right, clueless noob lady (literally a first timer, and played like it), I call, one more caller. 4 to the flop.
I flop an overpair on 346. Preflop three bettor continues for 2k, lady calls, I peel, other guy peels. Im not very happy with my hand, I figure the three bettor for an overpair. But the price was really good. Turn is a T, and villain continues for 3500. Lady folds, I call, other guy calls all in for 1700. River is a 2. Check, I bet 12,000, quick fold. The all in has K4 and I pull off a wicked swindle stealing a 23k pot.
Another hand I had 8Ts. I was the preflop aggressor and flop came 876. I c/c flop and turn three way, turn was a king, river was a 2, and river the player on my left who has been the aggressor on flop and turn bets river 5k. Other guy folds. I tank a bit, wanted to call, but I just figure he would be crazy to blast air three way for three streets so I fold. He tables AQ. Some of these guys are hyper hyper aggro.
I really feel like I can pull 10k a day out of this place. I dunno. it seems like if I just sit and wait long enough inevitably I cooler someone for like 200 or 300 bbs. Maybe I've been getting lucky there. The games are pretty loose, usually good, sometimes insane. Manila is becoming the epicenter of Asian poker and there is a never ending stream of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese tourists to take on. On the other hand some of these guys are pretty damn good. Not sure if I should take a day of rest or head back to the casino tonight....
oh yah funny incident. so this filipino whale is the button. it gets to him, might be a straddled pot, couple limpers, anyway he is taking his time and players start acting after him. so I speak up and let them know to stop and that the action is on the button. i think the button was probably letting the action pass him at this point, because they don't seem to know about the 'protect your action' rule here. anyway the button reacted sort of weirdly, like i was rebuking him or something, and he asserted that he was the button (okay?) and i told him you know i was just ensuring that the action proceeded in an orderly fashion i don't understand why you have a problem with that. he must have been confused. maybe he had a guilty conscience and thought I was accusing him of something, which I wasn't, or he was upset I interrupted because the straddle was like 60% PFR so he wanted to take a risk free LRR (just sit there and tank on the button and then if the button raises he can then call and lrr). it was actually more a comical situation than anything. i mean i was just doing my duty, ensuring that the game proceeded in an orderly fashion with everyone acting in turn. there is a ton of acting out of turn here. some players will just look at their cards and then set them down and "fold" them. but they're right where they would be if they had their cards and they were just unprotected. so the dealer has to ask and it slows down the game. god i hate so many things about these fish. like i saw a pot the other day, where the two players had i swear to god they both had 15 bb stacks. and then they played a pot where the one guy bet folded the flop. and they're both like tanking during it. like what the **** you ****ing 15 bb short stack scrubs. but what can you do that is the price of paying with people who make bad decisions. they make bad decisions.
overall the dealers are good. strong. the floor is great. very few floor rulings anyway, there is just an internal discipline. i think it's the collectivist nature of Filipino society. no open wants to buck the curve. westerns pride themselves on their individualism. asians, especially Asian socities asians, pride themselves on group identity. because obviously this is a cultural thing. and I'm just theorizing here based on my observations. and really i know very little of asian society, I'll be the first to admit.
another thing i ****ing hate is that people will just blare their ****ing phones on full volume watching youtube. we're not in your goddamn barangay buddy, get some sense of decorum. I'm just going bring a blue tooth speaker and start blasting RATM whenever someone does that from now on. seriously, how oblivious and inconsiderate do you have to be to listen to your phone in a public setting with the volume on.
but still over all its good. the wait staff is good, you don't have to tip them. just hey you bring me some coffee. and apparently it's not rude to yell "service" and have them come at your beck and call. so there are some good things about this society. although the drink selections are pretty pathetic. for a while i was getting milk, but the last milk i ordered was lumpy. I'm hoping it was like powdered milk that wasn't stirred properly. it actually tasted fine, because i sipped into it before i discovered the lumps. but that's just put me off milk so now i just order coffee with milk. get the caffeine, some micronutrients, its actually a great drink for grinding long hours. keeps u from becoming too hungry. easy to digest, without sapping too much energy.
tail end of my last session i ate the laska which was tight. the whole menu is pretty dope. and if u grind like i do the food comps are plentiful. or would be I haven't given my card the last few times cause I lost it, gotta rectify that next time. **** it I'm going .
Then this hand comes up.
I open up 88 from EP, couple callers and a big three bet to 1700. There is a caller my right, clueless noob lady (literally a first timer, and played like it), I call, one more caller. 4 to the flop.
I flop an overpair on 346. Preflop three bettor continues for 2k, lady calls, I peel, other guy peels. Im not very happy with my hand, I figure the three bettor for an overpair. But the price was really good. Turn is a T, and villain continues for 3500. Lady folds, I call, other guy calls all in for 1700. River is a 2. Check, I bet 12,000, quick fold. The all in has K4 and I pull off a wicked swindle stealing a 23k pot.
Another hand I had 8Ts. I was the preflop aggressor and flop came 876. I c/c flop and turn three way, turn was a king, river was a 2, and river the player on my left who has been the aggressor on flop and turn bets river 5k. Other guy folds. I tank a bit, wanted to call, but I just figure he would be crazy to blast air three way for three streets so I fold. He tables AQ. Some of these guys are hyper hyper aggro.
I really feel like I can pull 10k a day out of this place. I dunno. it seems like if I just sit and wait long enough inevitably I cooler someone for like 200 or 300 bbs. Maybe I've been getting lucky there. The games are pretty loose, usually good, sometimes insane. Manila is becoming the epicenter of Asian poker and there is a never ending stream of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese tourists to take on. On the other hand some of these guys are pretty damn good. Not sure if I should take a day of rest or head back to the casino tonight....
oh yah funny incident. so this filipino whale is the button. it gets to him, might be a straddled pot, couple limpers, anyway he is taking his time and players start acting after him. so I speak up and let them know to stop and that the action is on the button. i think the button was probably letting the action pass him at this point, because they don't seem to know about the 'protect your action' rule here. anyway the button reacted sort of weirdly, like i was rebuking him or something, and he asserted that he was the button (okay?) and i told him you know i was just ensuring that the action proceeded in an orderly fashion i don't understand why you have a problem with that. he must have been confused. maybe he had a guilty conscience and thought I was accusing him of something, which I wasn't, or he was upset I interrupted because the straddle was like 60% PFR so he wanted to take a risk free LRR (just sit there and tank on the button and then if the button raises he can then call and lrr). it was actually more a comical situation than anything. i mean i was just doing my duty, ensuring that the game proceeded in an orderly fashion with everyone acting in turn. there is a ton of acting out of turn here. some players will just look at their cards and then set them down and "fold" them. but they're right where they would be if they had their cards and they were just unprotected. so the dealer has to ask and it slows down the game. god i hate so many things about these fish. like i saw a pot the other day, where the two players had i swear to god they both had 15 bb stacks. and then they played a pot where the one guy bet folded the flop. and they're both like tanking during it. like what the **** you ****ing 15 bb short stack scrubs. but what can you do that is the price of paying with people who make bad decisions. they make bad decisions.
overall the dealers are good. strong. the floor is great. very few floor rulings anyway, there is just an internal discipline. i think it's the collectivist nature of Filipino society. no open wants to buck the curve. westerns pride themselves on their individualism. asians, especially Asian socities asians, pride themselves on group identity. because obviously this is a cultural thing. and I'm just theorizing here based on my observations. and really i know very little of asian society, I'll be the first to admit.
another thing i ****ing hate is that people will just blare their ****ing phones on full volume watching youtube. we're not in your goddamn barangay buddy, get some sense of decorum. I'm just going bring a blue tooth speaker and start blasting RATM whenever someone does that from now on. seriously, how oblivious and inconsiderate do you have to be to listen to your phone in a public setting with the volume on.
but still over all its good. the wait staff is good, you don't have to tip them. just hey you bring me some coffee. and apparently it's not rude to yell "service" and have them come at your beck and call. so there are some good things about this society. although the drink selections are pretty pathetic. for a while i was getting milk, but the last milk i ordered was lumpy. I'm hoping it was like powdered milk that wasn't stirred properly. it actually tasted fine, because i sipped into it before i discovered the lumps. but that's just put me off milk so now i just order coffee with milk. get the caffeine, some micronutrients, its actually a great drink for grinding long hours. keeps u from becoming too hungry. easy to digest, without sapping too much energy.
tail end of my last session i ate the laska which was tight. the whole menu is pretty dope. and if u grind like i do the food comps are plentiful. or would be I haven't given my card the last few times cause I lost it, gotta rectify that next time. **** it I'm going .
Last edited by franklymydearirais; 06-13-2024 at 08:58 AM.
, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 219
Wow 30+ hours straight?
The games here in Philippines can drive me nuts don't know how you do it.
Which casino was your most recent session?
The games here in Philippines can drive me nuts don't know how you do it.
Which casino was your most recent session?
, 07:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
The games here in Philippines can drive me nuts don't know how you do it.
My Thursday night session went really, really well. Arrive at like 8 pm or something. Sit 100/200. Game is good. Flop a boat on my second hand after i take a flop with 77 in the small blind. 5 to the flop. QQ7, checked around. turn K, checks to button who 1500, i call, other guy call. river J, checks around MHIG.
don't play much longer, game gets bad. switch to 50/100. weird luck in a hand, i open AJ to 200, 5 callers.
i cbet 200, get raised to 900, i call. hu.
turn A, possible flush on board. check check. river J, giving me a super full. I over bet the pot 5300 and get called by a 4.
game broke new table. had a fun hand there are a few limpers, button makes it 400. I'm in bb with A4dd. pretty marginal spot since there are still a bunch of players to act but i was pretty sure they were all just calling. i take a flop. flop is 568 with two diamonds. i check, bb checks, now this fourth player leads out 700. preflop raiser calls, i call, bb ships for 2250 all day. flop bettor calls, preflop raiser calls, and now I ship covering the table. flop bettor wasn't that deep, but he still had like 6k behind maybe more. preflop raiser was pretty deep, another 15k anyway. they both vomit silently and fold. big blind tables T7! so I have the best hand and the best draw now, getting almost 4:1 on my money. pretty lucrative spot. and i did manage to hit the river and win a decent pot.
another hand I had aces, several limpers so I make it 700. one caller. flop is 942, I bet 700 again. he peels. Turn K, I bet 1500, he calls. river J putting KJ9ddd on the board. I c/c 2500 and he shows KQ. nice try bro.
i open 78dd to 300. 5 to flop. J88. checks to me I cbet smallish. two callers. turn is a brick, villain leads into me for 1300 i call hu to river. river is a brick, villain bets 1800, i call, he has AJ mhig.
a lot of small pots went my way too. finally we're done to the last table, game looks kind of bad, I'm getting pretty exhausted and it's getting close to breakfast time so bounce and take a cab back home.
, 05:19 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
had a devastating session. only -20k or so, not sure exactly. anyway a player got inside my head and i ended up stationing TT on a Q high flop in a three bet and he had AQ. So that sucked.
Anyway took a few days off, came back today. Right away I make a questionable move, it goes 300, 1100 from uTG and UTG + 1 and I jam in LP with AKo for 10k. UTG + 1 calls with KK, but he asks to run twice and we end up chopping. Anyway the game was absolutely horrible, nothing but regs. I persevered and folded and watched my phone. Eventually the game texture changed, a few nits quit, some fish joined. The game got quite good. Then I pick up J9dd utg I open for 300, one late position caller and a big three bet from the blinds to 1500. I call, we go heads up to a Jc9c3d flop. Hello! Villain c-bets 1k, I make it 6500, he tanks forever and then ships for 20k. I snap, we run it twice, and I scoop vs KK.
Then a weird hand. I open limp KK utg, slpashy possible fish guy on my left makes it 400, filipino pro makes it 1600, I call. Flop comes 446, x, x, 2500, call, call. Turn T, xxx. River Q, no flush completes, xx 3500, call, fold. MHIG vs AQ. In case the action is unclear I limp in pre, and then just call down basically. checking and calling. so at 200 bb deep I think that there is a real problem where having limped in if i now cold 4 bet villains will get away from QQ or JJ or AK. So maybe LRR is just bad at these stack sizes. Or maybe it's higher +EV to cold call than four bet. Or maybe I should just 4 bet anyway. Anyway it worked out.
So then my table broke and they wanted me to move to this other table where I had a couple of deep stacks in position on me. So I decide to bounce to OKADA + 32,000 in profit. Okada goes well too, I sit 25/50, wait a while, pick up KK, three bet to 750. One caller. Flop QJx we stack off I win on 99 flush completing run out. Then I open aces three way action. flop 876 i check behind. turn T x 400 I call fold. river A xx mhig. My table breaks again, I go to 50/100. I pick up KK early on, goes 400, call, I make it 1700, cold call, call, then buddy back jams to 4800, I jam 6000, fold, call. And I win vs 68s and QTo. So that was pretty sweet. I bounce not long after + 15k at Okada.
+47,000 all told. not bad.
Anyway took a few days off, came back today. Right away I make a questionable move, it goes 300, 1100 from uTG and UTG + 1 and I jam in LP with AKo for 10k. UTG + 1 calls with KK, but he asks to run twice and we end up chopping. Anyway the game was absolutely horrible, nothing but regs. I persevered and folded and watched my phone. Eventually the game texture changed, a few nits quit, some fish joined. The game got quite good. Then I pick up J9dd utg I open for 300, one late position caller and a big three bet from the blinds to 1500. I call, we go heads up to a Jc9c3d flop. Hello! Villain c-bets 1k, I make it 6500, he tanks forever and then ships for 20k. I snap, we run it twice, and I scoop vs KK.
Then a weird hand. I open limp KK utg, slpashy possible fish guy on my left makes it 400, filipino pro makes it 1600, I call. Flop comes 446, x, x, 2500, call, call. Turn T, xxx. River Q, no flush completes, xx 3500, call, fold. MHIG vs AQ. In case the action is unclear I limp in pre, and then just call down basically. checking and calling. so at 200 bb deep I think that there is a real problem where having limped in if i now cold 4 bet villains will get away from QQ or JJ or AK. So maybe LRR is just bad at these stack sizes. Or maybe it's higher +EV to cold call than four bet. Or maybe I should just 4 bet anyway. Anyway it worked out.
So then my table broke and they wanted me to move to this other table where I had a couple of deep stacks in position on me. So I decide to bounce to OKADA + 32,000 in profit. Okada goes well too, I sit 25/50, wait a while, pick up KK, three bet to 750. One caller. Flop QJx we stack off I win on 99 flush completing run out. Then I open aces three way action. flop 876 i check behind. turn T x 400 I call fold. river A xx mhig. My table breaks again, I go to 50/100. I pick up KK early on, goes 400, call, I make it 1700, cold call, call, then buddy back jams to 4800, I jam 6000, fold, call. And I win vs 68s and QTo. So that was pretty sweet. I bounce not long after + 15k at Okada.
+47,000 all told. not bad.
, 08:52 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
another +25k day .
hit up resorts world, bought in short, 4200. ep 400, me 1200, ep jam, i call i have AQhh and run into AKo. we decide to run it once and win with a queen. So that was sweet. kind of struggled for a while, lost with aces, eventually lost a flip for like 30 bb. get stacked. short rebuy. get stacked again. eventually i am sitting on like 11k, and I peel with 66 vs something like limp, 600, call call. I call, 4 to flop 2600 in the middle. flop comes A65 rainbow. checked around to the button who makes a really small bet of 500. I make it 3k with my 666. pfr, who checked the flop, now decides this would be a good spot to stack off. so i get the full double. eventually I bounce for Okada +6200.
Okada I sit 50/100. The first couple hours are painful. no cards. a couple pocket pairs that whiff. i finally get jacks and it is 500 - 2000 in front of me so I just fold. i take a break eat some soy chicken, roast pork belly with noodles. i was worried the game would break it was super short but really good. anyway i get back in time to see buddy call off 5k pre with 5To in a 4 way pot, stack off with the 5 on Q5 something and hit runner runner flush to scoop a massive pot. AA was devastated. 10
ANYWAY pot of the night was KTdd, limped in late position.7 way flop. flop comes A93dd. it goes 300, many calls, 1200. I call. 4 or 5 to the turn. turn is a Jd. I end up mak5w212ing it 20k after the flop aggressor bet again o n the turn.
i also won a decent pot with flopped set of fours. I c/r a decent size and barrel turn. river front door draw gets there so i check, villain gets 5k, i call he has two pair.
hit up resorts world, bought in short, 4200. ep 400, me 1200, ep jam, i call i have AQhh and run into AKo. we decide to run it once and win with a queen. So that was sweet. kind of struggled for a while, lost with aces, eventually lost a flip for like 30 bb. get stacked. short rebuy. get stacked again. eventually i am sitting on like 11k, and I peel with 66 vs something like limp, 600, call call. I call, 4 to flop 2600 in the middle. flop comes A65 rainbow. checked around to the button who makes a really small bet of 500. I make it 3k with my 666. pfr, who checked the flop, now decides this would be a good spot to stack off. so i get the full double. eventually I bounce for Okada +6200.
Okada I sit 50/100. The first couple hours are painful. no cards. a couple pocket pairs that whiff. i finally get jacks and it is 500 - 2000 in front of me so I just fold. i take a break eat some soy chicken, roast pork belly with noodles. i was worried the game would break it was super short but really good. anyway i get back in time to see buddy call off 5k pre with 5To in a 4 way pot, stack off with the 5 on Q5 something and hit runner runner flush to scoop a massive pot. AA was devastated. 10
ANYWAY pot of the night was KTdd, limped in late position.7 way flop. flop comes A93dd. it goes 300, many calls, 1200. I call. 4 or 5 to the turn. turn is a Jd. I end up mak5w212ing it 20k after the flop aggressor bet again o n the turn.
i also won a decent pot with flopped set of fours. I c/r a decent size and barrel turn. river front door draw gets there so i check, villain gets 5k, i call he has two pair.
, 12:42 AM
its too easy for you man, needa move up to where they respect ur raises.
, 02:15 AM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
That's a great topic actually. Okada was running 100/200, 200/400, and 300/600 last night (maybe just 1/2 and 2/4? I didn't investigate just based on what was showing on the list). Maybe I should mix in some 100/200 on Friday / Saturday. At the same time, there is so much money to be made at 50/100. 100/200 seems like such high stakes although in reality it is a USD $3.4 big blind. I guess I will take some shots as the weeks and months progress but there is a lot of money to be made and work to be done at 50/100. I mean the 50/100 games are playing quite deep often as well.
, 11:25 PM
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 340
another day another dollar.
hit up resorts world. start off short stacking its going well. pick up KK and take down a few limpers, then pick up QQ and make it 600 after a few limpers (pot size + or - 50). two callers this time. flop comes 9 high and i ship for like 150% pot. first player folds. then this other guy on like 13 bb tanks forever eventually I have to say to him "buddy you're on like 12 big blinds hurry up and make a decision". that gets him to snap fold.
then this guy gets seated and buys 10k. first hand he puts in 2400 before the river with a gunshot. I wasn't in the hand and missed a lot of the details, but he spiked an 8 on the river and shipped it and got called. he had 97. it was a gutty to the third nut straight too. anyway this guy was wild. one hand I open AA and he lrr me, but i four bet too much and he folded. went from 2k to 7k. think we were both > 20k at that point. lost a few small pots. anyway he quit and then I quit, so small loss at resorts world not sure how much. pretty sure < 5k loss.
anyway hit up Okada. sit 50/100. the game was good action but I did not like it. so had a weird hand, 12 bb open from EP and I flat with TT. hu. J83, he cbets 16 bb I call. turn T. he bets 3k, I jam 7k he calls QQ mhig. then I have a hand I open CO with A6s and two callers. I flop middle pair w/ bd spades J65 maybe, they both check, I c-bet half pot, get c/red to like 2400. obviously i fold but it just seemed like a weird game and I would be facing all sorts of weird aggression. table was heavily Chinese I think. so I decide to hit and run and bounce to the 25/50.
seated next to a transwoman who was showing a lot of leg. they ended up getting coolered with 69 vs AA on A69. lost most of their chips and eventually busted. The table was good action, I won and lost a few small pots. but the hourly just wasn't worth it. so look at the 50/100 tables and the other one has seats open so I sign up for 50/100 and get in my desired game. the game was decent, but I bled chips for a while somehow I think i lost basically all my profit just whiffing flops. many set mining spots. one hand i raise pre and call 5 bb on the turn but lose to flopped set who slow rolls me. bravo i tabled my hand like 3 million years ago bud lets move it along. anyway key hand I pick up AA UTG +1 and flat a raise from a very active player on my right. very competent Japanese? guy utg makes it 2k. there is a flat. *** ITS HAPPENING***. some how utg finds a fold, I make it 7k, japan folds, guy who flatted 2k now jams, I obv call with AA. board runs out 2345 but he has KK anyway so a huge hand. now having 50k chips and the game not being ideal I bounce. but still feeling like poker so back to resorts world.
new table opens, I'm short stacking it up. actually a few hands pretty happy with. one hand limp, 200, I make it 800 with JJ, two callers. flop comes Qxx. sb leads 1k. I've only got like 3k at this point spr so I could easily justify stacking off here but I was just quite sure he hit the queen so I fold. was vs AQ and Q9, actually would have won cause the board runs out QT98x, 9 on the river, but I'm basically dead when I fold so quite pleased there. another hand I raise TT from the blinds, flop comes J high I c-bet like 40% or w/e villain calls. turn I c/c 4bb river check check. lose to AJ. So I lose the minimum basically after some challenging flops. Anyway I top up a couple of times, pick up 99 and we see a flop 4 way. flop comes AQ9. checks to preflop raiser, he bets 1k, I make it 2500, he puts me all in for like 6k or something not that much. I'm vs JT so pretty clutch situation probably 75% equity. Turn Q right away too. And I think this was the douchebag who stacked me for 20k+ the other day so it was an extra special victory. Anyway I end up calling it a day and head home.
+20k? not really sure.
hit up resorts world. start off short stacking its going well. pick up KK and take down a few limpers, then pick up QQ and make it 600 after a few limpers (pot size + or - 50). two callers this time. flop comes 9 high and i ship for like 150% pot. first player folds. then this other guy on like 13 bb tanks forever eventually I have to say to him "buddy you're on like 12 big blinds hurry up and make a decision". that gets him to snap fold.
then this guy gets seated and buys 10k. first hand he puts in 2400 before the river with a gunshot. I wasn't in the hand and missed a lot of the details, but he spiked an 8 on the river and shipped it and got called. he had 97. it was a gutty to the third nut straight too. anyway this guy was wild. one hand I open AA and he lrr me, but i four bet too much and he folded. went from 2k to 7k. think we were both > 20k at that point. lost a few small pots. anyway he quit and then I quit, so small loss at resorts world not sure how much. pretty sure < 5k loss.
anyway hit up Okada. sit 50/100. the game was good action but I did not like it. so had a weird hand, 12 bb open from EP and I flat with TT. hu. J83, he cbets 16 bb I call. turn T. he bets 3k, I jam 7k he calls QQ mhig. then I have a hand I open CO with A6s and two callers. I flop middle pair w/ bd spades J65 maybe, they both check, I c-bet half pot, get c/red to like 2400. obviously i fold but it just seemed like a weird game and I would be facing all sorts of weird aggression. table was heavily Chinese I think. so I decide to hit and run and bounce to the 25/50.
seated next to a transwoman who was showing a lot of leg. they ended up getting coolered with 69 vs AA on A69. lost most of their chips and eventually busted. The table was good action, I won and lost a few small pots. but the hourly just wasn't worth it. so look at the 50/100 tables and the other one has seats open so I sign up for 50/100 and get in my desired game. the game was decent, but I bled chips for a while somehow I think i lost basically all my profit just whiffing flops. many set mining spots. one hand i raise pre and call 5 bb on the turn but lose to flopped set who slow rolls me. bravo i tabled my hand like 3 million years ago bud lets move it along. anyway key hand I pick up AA UTG +1 and flat a raise from a very active player on my right. very competent Japanese? guy utg makes it 2k. there is a flat. *** ITS HAPPENING***. some how utg finds a fold, I make it 7k, japan folds, guy who flatted 2k now jams, I obv call with AA. board runs out 2345 but he has KK anyway so a huge hand. now having 50k chips and the game not being ideal I bounce. but still feeling like poker so back to resorts world.
new table opens, I'm short stacking it up. actually a few hands pretty happy with. one hand limp, 200, I make it 800 with JJ, two callers. flop comes Qxx. sb leads 1k. I've only got like 3k at this point spr so I could easily justify stacking off here but I was just quite sure he hit the queen so I fold. was vs AQ and Q9, actually would have won cause the board runs out QT98x, 9 on the river, but I'm basically dead when I fold so quite pleased there. another hand I raise TT from the blinds, flop comes J high I c-bet like 40% or w/e villain calls. turn I c/c 4bb river check check. lose to AJ. So I lose the minimum basically after some challenging flops. Anyway I top up a couple of times, pick up 99 and we see a flop 4 way. flop comes AQ9. checks to preflop raiser, he bets 1k, I make it 2500, he puts me all in for like 6k or something not that much. I'm vs JT so pretty clutch situation probably 75% equity. Turn Q right away too. And I think this was the douchebag who stacked me for 20k+ the other day so it was an extra special victory. Anyway I end up calling it a day and head home.
+20k? not really sure.
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