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winning a house winning a house

06-22-2024 , 11:51 PM
hit up masters and red dragon for a change of pace. the 50/100 at both casinos seemed amazing. also played 25/50 at masters. broke even all three games basically.

red dragon i played a hand had TT, three bet vs this legendary old man pro i have tangled with before. he opened 500, I make it 2000 with TT. some short stack scrub calls, old man folds. flop comes all low, short stack jams for 1500 all in, i call he has KK. le sigh. but I manage to win a few pots, including a flush which was 4 or 5 way to the turn. pot was only like 3k but since it was so multiway still decent profit. got three streets of value with KQ after flopping top two, although i same bet turn and river 1500. apparently red dragon is restarting their points system.

hit up burgos for a much deserved break at Maison. shook hands with bigbananas who recognized me somehow from this blog. not really sure how that is possible but kudos to him. then back to resorts world for a devasting session. not sure how much i lost, but it was probably in the 40k to 50k area. i kept topping up for max. the final hand was I flop 888JJ on JJ8 flop with 88. 5 way for 300, I lead 1000, one caller. turn 7 i lead 3000 he calls. river T. he has like 7500 at this point, maybe 8500. I decide to go for value for 5k. he tanks forever then jams (lol) but it's so little more I'm not folding my hand even though its obvious he has me beat. he had JT. pretty unlucky, if river comes 7 or 8 or J I can easily get away from my hand especially after he calls 3k on the turn. he just has Jx all day. T is his only payoff card. whatever. made a good quitting decision at the end anyway. then got some long overdue rest.
winning a house Quote
06-23-2024 , 12:30 AM
Hahahah...just two degens having a good time at maison bar
winning a house Quote
06-23-2024 , 11:25 PM
another night in the books. this time did the whole circuit. started off at red dragon. things went really well at first, i flopped a set in a mass multiway pot and stacked aces. was +7k in the first hour. dwindled down to +2500 and most of the Chinese and Japanese whales had busted leaving me and a bunch of tough Filipino regs. so i bounced.

hit up masters. did not like the vibe at the 50/100 there. kind of cliqueish I guess. decent amount of action though. I bought in short, and ended up folding for the longest time, so I got no real action on my hands. -700 or so. also they were raking 500 max.

resorts world. made like 6k. Had one hand where i open AJ, i cbet KT7, turn 9 xx, river Q 500 me 1800 villain calls. another weird one i had 89s in BB defend pre 4 way and its 229, i c/c 400 turn K I c/c 900, river Q xx and MHIG. That was super weird hand. one hand i turn a set after 200 x 5 pre, flop all spades checked around. i turn a set of 666 and bet like 40% and TID. another hand I open 300 from utg, get called, villain makes it 1200, I stuff for like 5k or 6k and tid.
also flop top two on JT3 in a 4 way limped straddled pot. I c/red a 700 bet from button to 3k and took it down. anyway eventually the game got really, really bad, so I bounced to Okada at like 4 or 5 am.

this was a mistake, only one table, and i was 5th on the waiting list! When I finally get called the game is clearly on its last legs. luckily i win two out of the three hands i played, including the last one with QTo where I overlimp in SB and we go 4 to the flop. flop is Q87 rainbow, I bet 400 into 800, call call. turn 2. ME 1000, fold, call. River 7, x x mhig. so +2200 there.

then I hit up resorts world again, had JJ where I three bet and took it down pre. then QQ where i iso, bet flop, check turn, bomb river and got paid. board was like 984, J, 6. something like that. anyway i end up breaking even and am exhausted so go home to crash.

all in all +10k or so. not bad.
winning a house Quote
06-25-2024 , 09:20 PM
fun session.

so the initial trajectory was just one long slow decline. at first the game was pretty marginal, then it got good, unfortunately this hand happened.

the straddle was on, so i made it 500 to go with KJ. hu with the straddled. flop comes J42 i c-bet 600, call. turn j842 x 1600 he calls. river 4, frontdoor clubs miss, he leads out 6000 i pay it off he has 49.

anyway after a long, dulll, and frustrating 50/100 session i decide to sit 100/200. i fold a few hands and pick up AKo. it is straddled, so I make it 1200 from lateish position. literally everyone calls me. 5 to the flop, 742, xxxxx. turn A, now the board is very dynamic with two flush draws. checks to me, I bet 3000, one caller. river is not great, 6h. xx and mhig vs worse ace.

so that is the only hand I play at 100/200, like 30 minutes later the game breaks. anyway, back to 50/100, and I'm envigorated by my 100/200 winnings. new table opens. I start crushing right away. pick up KK and three bet vs some russian pro (place is lousy with them lately). he calls, peels 234 after I cbet 1/3rd. and folds after I bomb the Q turn. Then I pick up AA in the BB after a 400 open and several callers. I juice it up, 2600 to go, folds around to one of the last callers who eyes my stack and peels. We're 200 bb deep so this could get nasty. Flop is QT7cc, I cbet 4300 he folds.
winning a house Quote
