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Winning the greens fees Winning the greens fees

11-25-2013 , 04:20 PM
It's time for me to take poker seriously for the winter as I finally ran out of cash. For the last 2 years I've been playing on the same cash roll and never withdrew from an ATM. I've only used my bank account to pay for my life expenses...bills, gas, etc, while paying cash for everything else...drinking, traveling, meals, etc.

Unfortunately, I got really in to golf this year. I played 4-5 times per week for the last few months, and didn't play as much poker. Golf is fun but expensive as hell. I have a job but I make my own hours so I could play most weekday afternoons. Well it's finally too cold to golf and I lost my last 900 in cash last casino trip.

Since I've had all this cash, I've really been undisciplined with my bankroll. I play table games when waiting for a seat, play the bigger games when they run despite being under rolled, and even would sit down for games I had never played. For example I jumped in a 2/5/10 PLO h/l game that had 5 players, 3 of which were very good. These were my first ever handsnplaying this game.I could take these chances because I'm not trying to go pro and it was more about learning, having fun, challenging myself. Now I need to return to playing with only maximizing my profit in mind.

Last summer I did one of these threads with a goal of making 10k In 3 months playing 1/3. I was up about 6k after 2 months but had to quit as my job got very demanding during the last month. I'm hoping this thread will motivate and hold me accountable. I don't mind dipping into my bank account to get started so I won't be using any SS or %of my bankroll rules.

Only rules are no table games, and no playing short (have a bad habit of doing this when tilted, won 100 dollars with a set against an uberfish who was sitting on a 200bb stack the other day, very tilting). I won't be setting a profit goal this time, I just want to make enough so I can golf to my hearts desire next summer. Hopefully get to 10k by spring but we will see. I play online some, mostly 50nl 6 max, but my computer is broken right now.

Off to the casino now!
Winning the greens fees Quote
11-26-2013 , 12:50 AM
Played 4 hours today, won $636. I played from 3-7 this afternoon. During the summer the games were dead on Mondays until at least 6 or so, but the cold weather looks to be helping the games a lot. I'm hoping this continues because I can get a lot more volume if it's worth going this early in the day.

Not too many interesting spots today, had a nice run for about an hour where I kept hitting flops on dry boards and getting action. Value betting KQ on Q 8 4 r boards for 3 streets of value type hands. Also got AA in the Bb after a 13 open and 4 callers, I squeezed to 65 got 2 callers and knocked two out on a dry flop.

Other biggest win was with Q9s in a straddled pot. I was in cutoff and called behind 2 others a 20 raise, and 2 blinds called. Flop was JT4r, sb donked 50, original raiser called, I flatted in position. Turn was a 6, sb led for 60, OR called, I flatted getting great odds, hit the king on river and OR jammed for 150 and I shipped the pot. He showed QT so that was strange.

Same guy later managed to beat me for 300 dollar pot after jamming the turn after I checked on a Tx Js 6x As board. I had QTss, pair and royal flush draw, he had 79o. Obviously a red 8 on the river.

Overall played well, stayed disciplined preflop for the most part. I was a bit rusty in a few spots but getting back into my game. Hopefully this is it for ATM withdrawals for the year!
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11-26-2013 , 02:46 AM
good luck
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11-27-2013 , 04:19 PM
Played a decent bit yesterday. I started around 3, and played cash until 8. I whiffed a big draw in a $1100 pot versus AA and a set, it was really close on whether I had the odds to call. I think the call is just slightly profitable but probably not worth it given that my bankroll is still pretty vulnerable. Rebought and eventually worked my way up to about 900. I won 1 rather larger pot that was kinda interesting.

Straddle, I open MP for 20 with Q9s over 2 limpers. Straddle and limpers both call.

Pot: ~80

Flop QJ4r. Checked to me ad I bet 50. One limper calls.

Pot: ~180

Turn: 10x. Limper checks, I bet 95, and he jams for 200 more.

Given history, I knew he didnt have an overpair or AK almost exclusively limp/ 3bets these preflop from EP. Also, he'd raise 2 pair or a set on the flop, and lead with a Q on the flop. Therefore I thought it had to be pair and straight draw, with the pair almost never being a Q. I pretty much snap called and he had KT and I held.

Lost about 150 just raising and whiffing flops for about 2 hours, and a tournament was starting so I jumped in it. I was up 181 for the cash session.

The tournament was $95 buyin. I usually don't waste my time with it. I've been at the casino but skipped it probably 15-20 times, only played 4 times. I actually chopped it 4 handed last time I played and made them give me almost 1st place money while they all split the rest. But last night I was bored and felt like drinking some beers and folding a lot as the tournament was 10 handed no antes. I registered as late as possible, and managed to bust in about 20 minutes. I lost a flip for 1/3 my stack early against a short stack, then a loose reg opened from MP, got 1 caller, and I jammed on the button for about 20bb with AJo, and the reg snapped with 77, and he won the flip.

Tried to jump back into cash as one table looked particularly good, but there was a list. Unfortunately I already broke the first rule an lost a little playing craps while waiting for my seat. This tilted me when I did get my seat, and I played VERY laggy, then this pot came up:

I straddle, 6 limps, I squeeze to 36 with 1010, get 1 caller from EP, and a MP calls and he is all in.

Pot is about 120 with like 30 in the sidepot. I have 350 and villain covered. Flop: Kx 8d 4x. I bet 50, and he snap shoves. I have history with this player, he's a gambol Asian who actually does quite well despite being far too spewy.

I can't find any reason why he would raise a value hand on this flop. Maybe 99-JJ, but AK and AA raise pre, set would just call, as would any other K. So he has 2 pair or air. Since he snap shoved I decided it was air and called off my stack (like 280 actually).

Turn: 2d
River: 3d

He turns over A4dd for the nut flush. I needled him a little bit since we're friendly, but was pretty flustered tbh.

Rebought again and won a little, so for this session I was down 204.

So for the day, +181 cash, -95 tournament, -204 cash = -118. Played 3-11PM

Overall: +518 in 12 hours: $43.17/ hour.
Winning the greens fees Quote
12-09-2013 , 05:24 PM
Not having a computer makes this much more difficult to update! I drove for about 30 miles with the charger hanging out of my car, and it dragged along the road, oops!

Anyhow, despite not posting much, I've actually played a bunch the last few days.

11/29: -400, 4:45 hours. This was a Friday, and I was at a pretty bad table. There was not much money, and the play was very slow. I ended up Losing when I squeezed big with KK, and bet a 10s 9s 7x flop, and jammed a 7x turn. Got snapped by a woman with 86o. Moral of this night: if the table sucks, don't stay at it!

12/2: +753, 7 hours. Really proud of this night. Was up about 500, and was opening a ton. UTG+1 I opened AKo, got 3bet vs a decent sized stack, put in a 4bet and got a fold. Next hand, UTG I open AA, get 3bet by same guy, I 4bet again, he shoves, I call. Board: KQxxT. He says "I'm a lucky bastard" and shows AJo. Back to even after this pot, but within an hour I was back up 600. Stayed patient and played really well. These hands used to tilt me a lot more.

12/6: -500, 4 hours. Last hand of the night, I'm up about 150 with ~650 stack. Straddled pot, 3 limps, I limp 34dd, 3 more limps, straddler (old guy, not super tight but rarely makes large raises PF without strong hands. I.e. wouldn't expect him to do this with KJo or 88) makes it $36.

6 calls including me. Pot is about $240. Flop: 843hhh. SB jams for $109, straddler makes it $218. I flat, button (the whale of the table, calls everything) flats.

Pot: ~1000
Turn: 10x. Straddler checks, I jam for ~400, button calls, straddler folds.
River: 7h. SB has Qh8x, button has J6hh for flopped flush, sb ships sidepot.

I really didn't know what to do on the turn. I knew I was ahead of the straddler, and thought button either had a big heart with a pair, the ace of hearts, or a flush. Thought he might fold a baby flush, and I didn't want to give a free card because I thought I was definitely ahead of button and thought I'd only get called with about the nuts by the button. Looking back, I think the turn is a check/ fold after the button called the flop. His range is more likely sets and flushes than Combo draws/ nut flush draws. Not really happy with how I played this.

12/5: +695, 7 hours. No really crazy hands this night. Was at a great table and picked up a few hands, and made a few good folds that I only seem capable of making when I'm winning. It would be nice if I could make these folds more consistently. Punished the hell out of one of the grumpy old guys that everyone hates. When I moved to his table, he had 700, I took about 500 with some really large, thin value bets. He busted, rebought, and busted again, which felt nice.

12/7: +107, 10 hours. This was Saturday night, and I was at a great table in a great spot and getting lots of good opening hands, but couldn't win a pot. Table fish was to my direct right, would flat my iso raise, and donk every flop, and always either had flopped the nuts or gotten there eventually. It was very frustrating. Was eventually in for 900, finally got 2 value hands against him and doubled up then busted his last 150. Moved to another table with a super agro mid 40's guy who was running really well. He opened about 80% of hands as we were 6-7 handed for the 2-3 hours I was at his table. Made one great fold for my stack.

Straddle, agro guy opens, Asian flats, I 3bet to 50 w KK. Button cold calls, OR calls, Asian calls.

Pot: ~200.
Flop: Qx9x2x.
Checked to me, I bet 100, button raises to 200 and is all in, OR folds, Asian calls(!), I call. Asian's range is soo strong unless he's crazy (and he is a young Asian with lots of chips) so I just flatted instead of raising or folding yet.

Pot: ~800.
Turn: 5x.
Asian tank jams (has me covered, ~400 effective), I snap fold. He shows QQ.

Later I got lucky cracking an overpair with 56s on 9525 board, and leave happy to be up, even if only 100 bucks in 10 hours.

Overall: +1173 in 44.75 hours, $26.21 per hour.

Starting to play a bit better, but still trying to break though and make some real $$$.
Winning the greens fees Quote
12-10-2013 , 02:26 AM
Hey gl with your goals.

I noticed you said you pay green fee's 4-5 times per week..that is madness. You should investigate getting a membership at a golf course. Here in Australia you can get a decent course with 5 day playing rights for around 1k per year (a little bit more for 6-7day rights..but still it ins't that expensive). Have you looked at memberships around your area? may be worth inquiring.

gl sir
Winning the greens fees Quote
12-10-2013 , 03:33 AM
Good luck!! I know all about the addicting qualities of is by far the greatest sport imo. I hope your able to accomplish everything your looking to in poker.
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