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Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement

08-20-2015 , 06:57 PM
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement by making good decisions in Life, Love and Poker

until a few minutes ago, this was my workplace for the last 4 years.

Before that, I worked for the same bank in London and their headquarters in Frankfurt for a total of 13 years, an eternity in my industry. Upon being escorted out of the office and standing in front of the building, I have mixed feelings about the last 4 years here. A sense of failure is mixed in as I haven't accomplished the things I had come to NYC for but how much of that was my own doing and how much of that was just circumstances is hard to say as the financial crisis of 2007 had a landscape-shifting impact on most anyone. The dominating feeling is a great sense of relief and an almost ecstatic outlook for the future though.

Because I was transferred by my company on a L1 Visa to work here, I won't be able to even apply for a new job until my visa status is adjusted so that leaves me with free time between now and my next job. Until then, I will work on dieting, exercising, mental health ( and of course, poker. I'm not going Pro (for a number of reasons), one of them of course being that my stats conclude that I'm not a winning player at the stakes I'm going to play so there isn't the option of going pro even. It's about the journey for me and I'm anxious and excited to see where I end up once it's completed.
  • 6mo living expenses in the bank: check
  • 50 buyins for up to 5/10: check
  • love for the game and feeling excitement before playing: check
  • support from my significant other: check
  • access to good games: mostly a check, I plan to travel quite a bit as well so will seek out good games
  • winning player: probably not, my stats say I can beat 1/3 but, just going by pure stats, am a losing player at 2/5 and 5/10 but I have not logged enough hours to be confident in that number. I'm definitely not feeling like I ran horribly so quite sure I'm a slightly losing player at 2/5 and above
  • headphones to be a fake pro: check

(j/k, I almost never wear headphones)

goodbye NYC, I will miss you!

Lots of coffees were had here at Hanover Square after a wild night to catch up on everyone's stories

Andaz bar, very close to work, will have Gin here to think about next steps:

Stone Street, great place in the summer to have a drink. Hot women will travel here from anywhere in the metro area in the hopes of finding a handsome, 30something, non-married well-off banker who wants to enter a relationship with plans to marry in the next 6mo and forever pass up on the thousands of other hot women he could easily have. They could just as well go here to look for a drunk unicorn..

Damn, where else in the world will I now get bagels that are this good?

Going to miss the well-dressed women in heels

Even more, going to miss women in louboutins everywhere

my daily commute once I leave the subway

pretty funny when I walked away from the office, these guys were out which inspired me for the title of the thread and it was ringing so true at that moment it made me chuckle

also going to miss the nutcases who are out there daily

View from my old office, looking north

I'm sad to leave NYC, the city can be the best place on earth but if you make less than 200k as a single or 300k with a kid/family, then the city will crush you.

I'm flying out to my home country in the morning to get some admin stuff done but then will be back in the US of A shortly after that.

Shoutout to karamazonk, whose thread inspired me to do my own PG&G thread. If you haven't read it, go there now:

Let the journey begin!

Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-20-2015 , 07:34 PM
Sweet pictures man, gl with your grind. Do you know where your first stop is gonna be?
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-20-2015 , 08:48 PM
gl mate!

Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-20-2015 , 11:25 PM
The women downtown are the best. I work over by spring on the west side. It's one after another after another. GL on your journey.
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-20-2015 , 11:32 PM
Subbed. Good luck at the tables!
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-20-2015 , 11:35 PM
subbed and gl!
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-21-2015 , 04:22 PM
Holy ****! Mindblown by first two lines.

Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-21-2015 , 07:21 PM
Awesome start, best of luck m8! Would love to see more pics in the thread.. How much did you spend on an average living in ny per month?
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-21-2015 , 08:25 PM
Solid OP gl on your journey. Also, pix of significant other Obv
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
08-22-2015 , 10:21 PM
I'm honored by the shout-out. Great first post and looking forward to following the journey; subbed!
Wall Street is dead! Life after Wall Street - Follow me on my path of self-improvement Quote
