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volume is the key volume is the key

03-19-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by OMGsuperstaR
OMFG were do you find these pics? She is ***** hot for sure she didn't had to ask me twice
03-20-2014 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by Sanneke35
OMFG were do you find these pics? She is ***** hot for sure she didn't had to ask me twice
no strat at the tables not gonna give away my secrets otherwise no one will read here anymore i guess ^^

Day 10

went strong again! got up at 9 am, had small breakfast and headed right to the gym! got in a nice back-workout today and can relax/grind the rest of the day! pretty cool to have a semi-normal rhythm in life to get things done


had a smallish session yesterday (~35games i guess, 2.5hours regging) and managed a 10th in 888 breeze and a 7th in hot25€ on .fr ... otherwise bricked it. not happy with my bustout on 888 due to semi tilt i guess... i played 2 hands bad bc i was mad at some random for beein braindead ! need to learn to control my emotions again and not let that take effect on me or my game! i'm still going strong otherwise, building alot of stacks and going deep is always a good sign

yallayalla! gonna close the update with a rungood gif and a pic obv


03-22-2014 , 08:32 AM
Day 11

weight : 109,0kg (-2,1kg) ! on pace right now and im still improving on the eating/diet thing. will have smaller portions for the next time and need to get to know my body better in terms of size and meals

yesterday was off-day but i still went swimming as i felt like it is a good workout without that much effort also it is relaxing

today was shoulder/triceps day at the gym. also i like my sleepschedule right now which is gettin up at 9am


mehhh there. had a complete brickball yesterday and went something like 0/40 or so. gonna take a break (atleast 2days) from poker and need to improve on my mindset again as i feel like im not playin close to my Agame right now. made alot of herocalls on turns/rivers where i knew i was beat but still called it off like a moron. hated myself for every call more and think i tilted in the end. :/ obv. its hard to admit those things but its the first step to improve on this matter.

hope u guys have a good WE on and offside the tables


03-23-2014 , 01:17 PM
Day 12

Leg-day and completely exhausted... had a nice bath afterwards and just skippin the sundaygrind right now as i feel totally tired!

gl everyone today


03-25-2014 , 02:20 PM
Day 13

got to the gym with bike and had a nice chest workout today! also diet/meals are going fine just 6 more days this month to go through for the freerolls then i will adjust my schedule on a weekly basis


grinded a short session yesterday and got 3rd in a 21superKO and 7th in a 5q for a slightly profit session! think i played way better than the last 2 sessions and been looking forward to grind again on thursday/friday


03-25-2014 , 02:37 PM
Oh right, there's that thing called gym


keep winning bro
03-28-2014 , 03:04 PM
short update from ipad now.

hadnt much time to update here. day14 and day15 in the books now. went to the gym wednesday and today with bike. weather is pretty ****ty here but im still motivated to go for it! EVERY DAMN MORNING! im happy to workout

no poker for me this week. had some rL stuff and alot of the new diablo3 expansion

hope to grind a sunday and cpl of sessions next week
03-29-2014 , 01:42 PM
day16 done! had a good leg workout today and gonna have some pints now (sun)

obv. this will be my cheating day for this month as one of my best friends returned after 3month in the states.

might grind a sunday session but obv. depending on my hangover tmr

gl everyone who is grinding the wcoop challenges etc

04-01-2014 , 02:30 AM

04-06-2014 , 07:43 AM
this gonna be a huge day for me in terms of buyins. with and about 10hours of reggin i expect it to be a nightmare

but super pumped for the grind and hope to get there!

cheers and gL to everyone

04-06-2014 , 08:22 AM
04-06-2014 , 10:11 AM
Let's getemmmmmmm
04-09-2014 , 01:53 AM
sups guys

had a horrible sunday and dropped about 3k ... highest volume/BI's per day and obv. i got coolered/sucked alot...

**** that it happens right when i moved up in stakes but still confident in my abilities, just need to put in the volume to **** with the variance again

one more day of rL then we go on grindmode and try to put in 4-5 sessions per week!

best of all, GoT season 4 started again...

04-09-2014 , 03:00 AM
Heyoooo #brickcityclique, let's build up again
04-09-2014 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by OMGsuperstaR

loool sorry for doublepost as I can't edit last one, but this is awesome and pretty much how I felt yesterday
04-09-2014 , 01:07 PM
glglgl bro nice moitvation! Keep it like this
05-08-2014 , 05:03 AM
volume actually IS the key
05-08-2014 , 07:19 AM
heaattttttt, happy for you bro #bouttime
05-31-2014 , 07:01 PM
May 2014

gonna decide today/tomorrow if i will wright my plans down here and give out some freerolls/sweeties or just keep it to myself and just grind through this without any big interactions from outside

saver for the brag :


Last edited by Alobar; 07-14-2014 at 01:50 AM.
07-03-2014 , 08:32 AM
okay, this did not work very well...

i was lazy in terms of volume and with my sportsgoals/diet plans...

tho now im gonna join team #dreamdeclaredeliver

this month i want to

1) play alot of poker
2) play good poker
3) lose weight
4) work out regularly

1) i want to play 40hours per week
2) review atleast 4hours per week
3) lose 1kg per week without caring too much about mealplans or anything, just let it flow and dont care too much about food
4) do 3 workouts per week (either gym, basketball or a biketour)

lets do this ! tryin to summarize every monday
07-03-2014 , 12:14 PM
07-03-2014 , 08:11 PM
You are missing the savers on your to do list.
07-07-2014 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Abe008

Originally Posted by Canuckage
You are missing the savers on your to do list.
oh yeah.. .will make up for this with every update now

had alot of runs during my sessions and build stacks like everywhere
iirc i had like 10+ F2Ts or better but no real big score yet!

so week one started really late with me puttin up my plans on thursday.

1) i played thursday,saturday and sunday, avg. about 6-8hours! im really happy with my volume this week!

2) i think i played close to my Agame these sessions. reviewed already 2 sessions afterwards and just found some of spots im not happy with

3) obv. havent started this . gonna weigh in today and see how we proceed over the next week!

4) i played basketball once over the days and did nothing beside this. need to improve on this now

saving this now


Last edited by Alobar; 07-14-2014 at 01:50 AM.
