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03-25-2014 , 10:46 AM
"It's a new day, a new beginning for your new life. With discipline you will be amazed at how much progress you'll be able to make. What have you got to lose except the guilt and fear of the past?" -- Jim Rohn
03-25-2014 , 06:47 PM
25 Mars

Great day. Played/ran well. Only thing is that I got super tired because I wook up 2 hours earlier then I normally do. It affects me after a couple of hours, feeling exhausted and in need of sleep. I slept 2 hours later on but not quite sure if it helped.

Also played some at svenskaspel and did well. Graph for the day in total:

Looking to play some tonight and hopefully do well. Tomorrow is a new day and more hard work.
03-25-2014 , 09:39 PM
Sick day sir!! BEAST!!

03-25-2014 , 11:05 PM
Would be really nice if you could add your monthly graphs in your OP after each month. Maybe also a YTD-graph while you're at it! Judt thinking not much effort for overview

Lycka till, ser bra ut!
03-26-2014 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by ThePrezence
Sick day sir!! BEAST!!

Thanks, best day of the year this far and a nice recovery from march madness . The recent "downswing" has also made me play better which I think will help in the long run.

Originally Posted by ViktorH
Would be really nice if you could add your monthly graphs in your OP after each month. Maybe also a YTD-graph while you're at it! Judt thinking not much effort for overview

Lycka till, ser bra ut!
Yes no problemo. Adding monthly/yearly at the end of every month. Tack .

Looks like Ive gotten screwed with alot of screenschots taken. I changed hosting site a time ago and the one I picked worked until ~1 week ago when I noticed they didnt show in the thread. It sucks since its probably 1 month of screenshots at least on that site. Im switching again and hopefully it will be fine.
03-26-2014 , 06:43 AM
Schedule of March 26th

00:00-02:00 Grind

02:00-11:00 Sleep

11:00-12:30 Wake up/breakfast/plan the day

12:30-13:00 Warm-up session

13:00-15:00 Grind

15:00-16:00 Freetime

16:00-17:45 Grind

17:45-21:00 Spanish

21:00-22:00 Freetime

22:00-00:00 Grind
03-26-2014 , 10:01 AM has always worked fine for me

If u have vids with english commentary, you should post them

03-26-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by 2Sick2Play has always worked fine for me

If u have vids with english commentary, you should post them

Yea Ive used that one for a long time but I think they made it such as you have to pay $ to use it? Im not sure, I will have to look them up again.

Video is coming up on saturday with some svenskaspel action and another one one monday with march summary.


26 March

Not a huge amount again. I instead spent alot of time playing at svenskaspel with decent result. Will post a graph for svenskaspel after the weekend.
03-27-2014 , 07:17 AM
Schedule of March 27th

00:00-02:00 Grind

02:00-11:30 Sleep

11:30-12:30 Wake up/breakfast/plan the day

12:30-13:00 Warm-up session

13:00-15:00 Grind

15:00-16:00 Freetime

16:00-18:00 Grind

18:00-19:00 Freetime

19:00-21:00 Grind

21:00-22:00 Freetime

22:00-00:00 Grind

Very flexible today but Im looking to get in 4-5 sessions at least.
03-27-2014 , 11:02 AM
27 March

Usually dont include EV but after today I decided to quit march for this year. These kind of graphs isnt rare but Ive got my handful of these this month and I feel like a break from stars until tuesday is a good idea. I can focus entirely on svenskaspel and get a break from the abuse.

March stars graph.

Year this far.

So march took me from being a small winner to a 1.7bb/100 loser. I think my ev bb/100 doing this sne run should be marginal winner and fortunately its 3/4 of the year left so I have time to prove that. March has been a little bit disheartening time to time but I feel like its an oppurtunity to grow and get better.

So the next 4-5 days will be study/relax and svenskaspel. This will put a little setback in my VPP planning but Im confident that its not a problem and I will have to make up for that in april.
03-27-2014 , 12:55 PM
Forgot to add the numbers for the year. March ended with me losing $3551 post rakeback, which puts me at +$12307 at this point. Life isnt that bad.
03-27-2014 , 01:01 PM
any chance you could use imgur again? I cant enlarge your new photos at all
03-27-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by aumni
any chance you could use imgur again? I cant enlarge your new photos at all
All the screenshots Ive posted there are screwed for some reason. Imageshack costs $ after the trial period. Not quite sure if theres too many options on where to post screenshots anymore. I will look though and hopefully find a decent site. If anyone knows about one, let me know!
03-27-2014 , 04:21 PM
Gyazo your screenshots, add .png at the end of the of the link when you're insterting the image. Like this:

[IMG] [/IMG]

03-28-2014 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by ViktorLuis
Forgot to add the numbers for the year. March ended with me losing $3551 post rakeback, which puts me at +$12307 at this point. Life isnt that bad.
Sorry to be 'that guy' but after investing a couple hours reading your thread I have got to comment:

This is bordering on delusion. It appears (you playing for 2mos straight with no breaks to eat/sleep/poop not withstanding) that you definitely won't reach your VIP goal by year's end unless you move up to at least 2/4 very soon, yet you are posting your 'profits' based on bonuses if you reach it. I'm no RakeBack pro but these numbers, even if you hit SNE by not going broke moving up in stakes, seem extremely inflated.
What is your total profit/loss in 2013 in actual monies? 2014?
I love the dedication and you're obviously an extremely hard working young man, but I am nervous for you in regards to poker with this mindset. Someone who claims to be playing extremely well and studying the game every single day who posts the HHs you have makes me wonder exactly what is happening during these study sessions. Out of the dozens of hands I'd say (IMO/FWIW) 3-4 of the hands weren't completely butchered. Literally 100% of the 300+bb pots you've posted are complete spew, and your synopsis of why you played the hand as you did completely counterintuitive.
Others have meekly attempted this, some in less nice ways than this, but I believe a wake up call is due IMO. Maybe it's 90% bc you're playing way too many tables, idk.
At what point do you take a step back and make a big change if beating the stake you're at and moving up is truly what you're attempting?
You've absolutely got my respect because of your dedication and relentless, unwavering attack of the game, so I felt the need to express my opinion....I apologize if it wasn't in good taste.
03-28-2014 , 03:39 AM
03-28-2014 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Gyazo your screenshots, add .png at the end of the of the link when you're insterting the image. Like this:

[IMG] [/IMG]

Thanks, I will try this one next time.

Originally Posted by Vstate60
Sorry to be 'that guy' but after investing a couple hours reading your thread I have got to comment:

This is bordering on delusion. It appears (you playing for 2mos straight with no breaks to eat/sleep/poop not withstanding) that you definitely won't reach your VIP goal by year's end unless you move up to at least 2/4 very soon, yet you are posting your 'profits' based on bonuses if you reach it. I'm no RakeBack pro but these numbers, even if you hit SNE by not going broke moving up in stakes, seem extremely inflated.
What is your total profit/loss in 2013 in actual monies? 2014?
I love the dedication and you're obviously an extremely hard working young man, but I am nervous for you in regards to poker with this mindset. Someone who claims to be playing extremely well and studying the game every single day who posts the HHs you have makes me wonder exactly what is happening during these study sessions. Out of the dozens of hands I'd say (IMO/FWIW) 3-4 of the hands weren't completely butchered. Literally 100% of the 300+bb pots you've posted are complete spew, and your synopsis of why you played the hand as you did completely counterintuitive.
Others have meekly attempted this, some in less nice ways than this, but I believe a wake up call is due IMO. Maybe it's 90% bc you're playing way too many tables, idk.
At what point do you take a step back and make a big change if beating the stake you're at and moving up is truly what you're attempting?
You've absolutely got my respect because of your dedication and relentless, unwavering attack of the game, so I felt the need to express my opinion....I apologize if it wasn't in good taste.
Thanks for the insights, and theres no need to apologize, everyone is entitled to their opinion and its since its a community, your allowed to express them and discuss.

I give every VPP a certain value based on reaching SNE by the end of the year and theres one thing Im absolutely certain about, and that is that I will be SNE this year. I think I mentioned I wont be seeing most of the money until later this year but that is how I like to see it. I want to post results in here since I think its interesting for the readers and it also helps me think about the long-term goals I have. SNE gives 60$/hour and requires ~1800 hours of playing, doesnt have to be more complicated then that right?

I think my average session quality is C+/B- this year when playing on stars. I always find room to improve so its natural for me to spend time after every session, thinking about hands and what I can do differently in the future. When you talk about the hands I post, I think its a matter of opinion, if you want to discuss hands, comment them and lets get a discussion going .

I wont be talking about how I study, or implement strategies in game, since I think it will hurt me too much. I wont be talking too much about my VPP planning except thats a progressive process. I agree with the tables statement. I experience that I play much better at svenskaspel with 5 tables then 10+2zoom tabling at pokerstars, but who wouldnt? Ultimately, my goal is to be having a positive winrate this year when multi-tabling and I think I will have a positive curve troughout the year. 2/3 months have been positive and thats pretty good.

I dont take your message negatively. I always appreciate a point of view that makes me think twice about what Im doing and how. So dont hold back if you think something is out of order . I think I have a great plan, Im on track and Im exactly where Im supposed to be right now.
03-28-2014 , 05:40 PM
No schedule until tuesday. Will play alot on svenskaspel and post some updates about that. Video is coming tomorrow with some of the action over there.

Posting some hands later tonight.
03-29-2014 , 07:37 AM
Real solid trivia game last night, poker looked good also! Also somehow managed to not realize this was you despite knowing that already. I half remember asking you if you follow this thread. Wp beer.

03-29-2014 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Made man
Real solid trivia game last night, poker looked good also! Also somehow managed to not realize this was you despite knowing that already. I half remember asking you if you follow this thread. Wp beer.

Trivia was fun, 5-tabling leaves me alot of time to do other stuff.

I wasnt sure if you were levling or drunk . Its fine, you made some money. You went up to 25/50?


Been relaxing alot today and almost no pokers. Video was recorded though and Im doing another tomorrow and Ill be picking one of them to upload. Also promised some hands in here but it will have to wait til tomorrow.
03-29-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Vstate60
It appears (you playing for 2mos straight with no breaks to eat/sleep/poop not withstanding) that you definitely won't reach your VIP goal by year's end unless you move up to at least 2/4 very soon, yet you are posting your 'profits' based on bonuses if you reach it. I'm no RakeBack pro but these numbers, even if you hit SNE by not going broke moving up in stakes, seem extremely inflated.
It's PLO - a heavily raked game. SNE is surely doable at 1/2, especially with the help of backers (whom he does have) and even somewhat doable at 0.5/1 (which has been proved by shimmy aka Simona many times). The problem is not this but that
Originally Posted by Vstate60
Maybe it's 90% bc you're playing way too many tables, idk.
Right! Even despite his good physical shape (futsal) and several months of preparation in 2013, it's been still hard to adapt to 16-tabling after being bound to 5 tables (maximum allowed) at Svenska Spel. (I've said many times that I'd prefer to stay there if I had such an opportunity, i.e. Swedish citizenship, but it's his choice.)

What makes this blog interesting is exactly that OP isn't in the top 5-10% of players talentwise but will still profit (more than an average person) by bare hard work and volume.

Originally Posted by ViktorLuis
I think my average session quality is C+/B- this year when playing on stars.
I agree with the tables statement. I experience that I play much better at svenskaspel with 5 tables then 10+2zoom tabling at pokerstars, but who wouldnt?
But did you count honestly which way your hourly winrate and learning ability would be bigger? (It's hard to both learn immediately and mark enough hands when 16-tabling, and there are too many hands to be reviewed after the session.)

Originally Posted by ViktorLuis
I wont be talking about how I study, or implement strategies in game, since I think it will hurt me too much. I wont be talking too much about my VPP planning except thats a progressive process.
That's OK if your strategy indeed works, but if there's any doubt in that, it needs a peer review.

Regarding specifically VPP planning, I'll likely write some thoughts on that in post 4K, then you'll be able to compare and maybe add insight if I miss something fundamental.

But I'm pretty sure that improbable 'black swan' scenarios (when it will be clearly +EV to remain just a Supernova and spend the rest of the year at SvS or other sites) should still be kept in mind. You're not a squirrel in a cage and don't owe Stars any volume. It's their headache to attract enough fish or bad regs to keep you satisfied if they want you to remain their customer, otherwise there are still plenty of sites that will be fine with hosting your grind.
03-31-2014 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by coon74
It's PLO - a heavily raked game. SNE is surely doable at 1/2, especially with the help of backers (whom he does have) and even somewhat doable at 0.5/1 (which has been proved by shimmy aka Simona many times). The problem is not this but that

Right! Even despite his good physical shape (futsal) and several months of preparation in 2013, it's been still hard to adapt to 16-tabling after being bound to 5 tables (maximum allowed) at Svenska Spel. (I've said many times that I'd prefer to stay there if I had such an opportunity, i.e. Swedish citizenship, but it's his choice.)

What makes this blog interesting is exactly that OP isn't in the top 5-10% of players talentwise but will still profit (more than an average person) by bare hard work and volume.

But did you count honestly which way your hourly winrate and learning ability would be bigger? (It's hard to both learn immediately and mark enough hands when 16-tabling, and there are too many hands to be reviewed after the session.)

That's OK if your strategy indeed works, but if there's any doubt in that, it needs a peer review.

Regarding specifically VPP planning, I'll likely write some thoughts on that in post 4K, then you'll be able to compare and maybe add insight if I miss something fundamental.

But I'm pretty sure that improbable 'black swan' scenarios (when it will be clearly +EV to remain just a Supernova and spend the rest of the year at SvS or other sites) should still be kept in mind. You're not a squirrel in a cage and don't owe Stars any volume. It's their headache to attract enough fish or bad regs to keep you satisfied if they want you to remain their customer, otherwise there are still plenty of sites that will be fine with hosting your grind.
Thanks for the food for thought. Playing at svenskaspel with fewer tables and with a higher winrate/learning curve is an attractive option. I cant really argue against that but I think I also have a decent learning curve at pokerstars, even if the winrate is not really comparable, or the stress involved.

The value is there at stars, but in a different form I would say. The traffic being so much weaker at svenskaspel is an exageration in my opinion as there is some great traffic at stars very often. I also think that being forced to get better, forced to play more and forced to refine my thinking is something I need right now at this stage.

I think I might over-study too often, taking in too much information from varying sources which is contradicting and making me playing something in-between the concepts. I think I need to filter out stuff that isnt really that great of a benefit to me and focus on quality over quantity when it comes to learning.

Im very happy with your input, and my mind isnt set in stone either as Im very flexible in my approach. But I think Ive done well so far this year and I can do even better.
03-31-2014 , 10:14 AM
So Im done at svenskaspel for march. Ran decent for a start but then things got ugly.

I spent some time writing some easy digested stuff about the games at svenskaspel. Theres a ton of more things you can do to adjust to the passive climate but here are some concrete things. Feel free to add or comment.

Acclimatize to Loose/Passive Games

Play a strong range in all scenarios. The simplest justification is that the other players will be splashing around with all kind of hands which leads to them actually hitting quite often. A easy, major adjustment is to play hands that will most often be the best at showdown. Big pairs, big flushdraws and big cards in general that will make the strongest flushes, straights and boats. When in LP (loose/passive) games, they are very willing to put alot of money in with moderate hands that that forces us to get to showdown more frequently compared to a tighter climate. So playing a strong range from the beginning allows us to maximally exploit the weak opposition. Lower ranked hands decreases in value when the benefit of deception isnt needed. Its a pretty straight-forward approach.

Aggression needs to be adjusted for this kind of game. We are much happier valuebetting thin then barreling with airballs. Its because our opponents will find any reason to continue in the hand and by valuebetting as thin as possible, were exploiting their LP tendencies troughout. If were airballing, we are simply building a pot that we wont win with at showdown and we can expect to get called down too often to make it profitable. Delayed c-bets is a good tool to have compared to other games. When we dont c-bet the flop, we expect a strong opponent to bet out on the turn very often with a majority of his range, which leads us to not doing very well with the bottom part of our range. Instead, this works fine when your playing in LP games becaue they wont be stabbing turn as frequent. This allows you to exercise some pot control with weaker hands and realize your equity.
All in all, dont try to "rep" hands. People dont like to fold even when the scarecard comes.

Sizing is another topic. You should play a maximally exploitive strategy. That means manipulating pot size by shoveling chips into the pot when you got strong holdings and simply not when you dont. Compare it to be playing in a tough game. Then you need to start thinking about balancing and having deception to make sure you arent getting exploited by your opposition.

3-betting should be primary for value. A reason for 3-betting wider is for deception and board coverage amongst several, but that doesnt really apply in LP games. The straight-forward nature of the game doesnt require that of us and we can instead focus on having a highly profitable 3-betting range. High, suited rundowns and big pairs obviously belongs to that range. You can also argue that you should iso-3bet some and I think its viable in certain spots. But as you expect to get many cold-callers behind you, its less attractive. Make sure you pick your spots when 3-betting wider.
03-31-2014 , 10:20 AM
Video from svenskaspel with some strategic talk and plays.

Feel free to comment.
04-01-2014 , 07:35 AM
16:45 you call K268ds in bb against a good reg, I understand defending bvb but here looks a bit spewy no?

Basically the hand after at 16:55 you fold 679Tss otb against a big fish.

19:00 hand I wouldn't cbet against these players without nutouts and with tainted 2p outs. Also I think thats probably the best turn given how we played the hand.

Would be interesting to hear what you think about these hands in hindsight
