Sup ladies and gents?
Background info:
I'm a 22 year old college dropout that works full time at a decent little job makin' 10 an hour. Although 10 bucks an hour is absolute ****, I make a good chunk shootin' pool on the side. I'm getting back into poker after finding a few 200nl (more so 1/2/20) home games recently. Up about 1k total from 7 or 8 sessions. From my sr. year in high school through black friday, I played 25nl, 50nl HU, and 100nl 6 max pegging about 2BB/100 at 100nl through 40-50k hands. Rough guesstimate since losing my pt3. My game is rusty as **** and I'm lacking a bit of confidence in spots that are medicore, but I'll have about a month to fill minor leaks and get my **** together. After all, live 200nl is pretty soft.. I still feel with some volume I'll crush it.
Now to the nitty gritty.. I was proposed by a solid player who frequents vegas to experience this endeavor with him. We'll be there all throughout the WSOP playing 200nl and maybe some 500nl if the games are good. My BR will be 3k-4kish with minimal expenses(200 a month tops?), so worst case scenario is I get to experience Vegas during the WSOP and gtfo of this ****ty city in which I currently reside, whilst getting good n' yucky in vegas for a few months.. It's always been a dream of mine to do so, even if I leave broke. This thread is pretty much setting everything in stone and making me realize I'm about to have a sick time. Just sharing the good feels and hopefully I'll see some of you cats around this summer. Let's go niiggassss!
- Bulk up to 170 from 153. Been meaning to, having 3-4 months of just poker, studying poker and focusing on daily workouts pre-session will help drastically. Mentally and physically.
-Profit ~10k during my trip. Rather it be from pool, poker, idgaf. I just want the monies.
-Enjoy myself in a state of inebriation a few times a week while keeping 100% focus on the goals at stake. What's the point of going to vegas without getting sloppy?
-Meet some companions on this sick journey and have a badass time overall.
Thanks for stoppin by homies and homettes, may the cards be with you.