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The unknown predator The unknown predator

12-17-2016 , 09:50 AM
Hi. I am a lazy full time poker player, grinding micro stakes. I will start posting daily, to keep myself accountable for my laziness and see where my time goes.
I am also in the coaching program known as CFP.

I will be posting my poker daily results + my workout/diet sheets.

October is the last month I played semi seriously so here are the results (PS):

I moved to Micro gaming and sitting at 200$ ~~ bankroll. Playing nl10.
The unknown predator Quote
12-19-2016 , 09:27 AM

Hit stop-loss really quickly today. Did play decently, 3.5 buy-ins under EV. Standard. Spend my time watching videos and taking notes. Decent day. Starting to feel underslept, but I will eventually get used to the 5-7h of sleep.
The unknown predator Quote
12-19-2016 , 06:31 PM

Very unhappy of today. No planning ruined the day. Also felling sick. Grind hours not good. Found out a few of mind leaks and will be trying out something new for the next week. On the good side I am starting to feel more comfortable with the ****y software those sites have. And 6 tabling doesn't feel that bad anymore. I hope I will be back to 12 tabling like I used to in 1-2 months.
The unknown predator Quote
12-19-2016 , 08:10 PM

This is how I plan to start working. Looks good on paper let's execute this. Going to sleep. Tomorrow update for day 3.
The unknown predator Quote
12-19-2016 , 09:02 PM
That was a solid month at NL10, very weel.
Will be following and if you can you can talk abou CPF, give some feedback and etc

The unknown predator Quote
12-20-2016 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by WastedRu76
That was a solid month at NL10, very weel.
Will be following and if you can you can talk abou CPF, give some feedback and etc

Thanks. Well CFP is great. It has a solid structure and they will tell you what you need to do to make money. If you do it or not it's up to you. But I do recommend it especially for NL 2-25 players. Winning NL50+ players will take less out of it, but might be still worth their money.

Day 3

Today was decent. Still running quite badly, but not a big deal. I am starting to feel more comfortable at the tables. Tried out some anonymous tables and they seem to be soft.

Did not do everything I was planning to do,but still did as much as possible. Sleep hours start to hurt, going to fix that. Tomorrow is my day off. I will still attend the coaching and do a 1h of hand analyzing.

8 buy-ins down in EV since start, but that's standard **** nothing to think too much off.
The unknown predator Quote
12-22-2016 , 12:36 PM
DAY 4 & 5

Not feeling great. 2 days off. Attended coaching and did little off table work.
The unknown predator Quote
12-23-2016 , 04:26 PM

Showing people how not to do it. Playing under rolled bit me in the ass. Variance got it's fair share of me and 10buy-ins under EV I have to move down limits or I might just bust.
It sucks when you know you are a winning player, but let's just grind it out.

Moving to stars and going to play nl5 zoom cuz I think I have the best hourly there on NL5. And roll can be small cause it doesn't have to be spread on multiple tables. Feels bad, but have to suck it up and put actual hours into grinding for hamburgers. That's the only way out of this hole. Will go back to reg tables when I have the roll for it.

100$ nl5 stars zoom.
The unknown predator Quote
12-24-2016 , 12:03 PM
Lost 6 buy-ins on stars so far today. I will take a 1-2h break, because this is my stop-loss and continue later the night. I can't afford not to grind. It's really weird, because I feel like I am playing a very solid game.
The unknown predator Quote
12-24-2016 , 05:02 PM

Well ****. Stop-loss again. 13-buyins down in EV. Feels bad. I am worried to be fair. Have not been that low on money since a year. It's still a one losing day on nl5. And **** happends, but I have never been losing in a week straight from a long time . Anyway will rebuild. I will go back to nl2 if I have to. I don't care. Just have to put in the volume and get in the green.
The unknown predator Quote
12-28-2016 , 12:10 PM
Day 8,7,9,10

Took 3 days off playing. Studied a lot of material just to make sure I am making everything right. And came back with finally a small winner. Today:

The unknown predator Quote
01-02-2017 , 01:24 PM
Happy new year everyone!

I have not updated since quite a while, but mostly because I was lazy and enjoying the holidays.

Today first day of the year:

I hit stop-loss on NL5. Did a lot of hand reviews, I think I am playing solid. This run should end soon.
The unknown predator Quote
01-05-2017 , 04:08 PM

Finally did a good day. If I could only grind as hard every day, life would be easy. 13buy-ins up.
The unknown predator Quote
01-05-2017 , 06:44 PM
good work mate, keep at it

i am nowhere near as organised as you, respect
The unknown predator Quote
01-05-2017 , 10:25 PM
i would love be organised like and set those goals, good ethic bro´
The unknown predator Quote
01-06-2017 , 12:02 PM
Day 19?

Thanks for the support guys! Another good day here. Full green, did all my stuff. Got back on my feet and BR is about 200$ ~~ so I will grind Nl10z till I get to 400$ and shot nl20 Micro.
The unknown predator Quote
01-07-2017 , 07:27 PM
DAY 20

Another full green. I did 7/8 hours, but had something that couldn't wait so still very happy of today. Have to keep up the pace. Also running decently well. 10~~ more buy-ins and going to nl20. ( I have never beaten higher than nl10 before, nl25 - 80k hands break even )
The unknown predator Quote
01-08-2017 , 11:03 AM

Rip nl10 zoom . Got enough for a nl20 10 buy-in shot. Will finish the day playing nl20 reg tables on Micro.
The unknown predator Quote
01-08-2017 , 05:09 PM
DAY 21

Did good today. Should keep up with my meditation/afformations more, I have been lazy on that part, but poker wise crushing.

Not a bad day for a micro grinder .
The unknown predator Quote
01-09-2017 , 05:51 PM
DAY 22

****y day in terms of poker and scheduling, but had some fun + had some technical problems with Micro so now playing nl25z.Almost feels like the games are way too swingy for my small roll,but will take 10 buy-ins shot.
The unknown predator Quote
01-10-2017 , 05:28 PM
DAY 23

Hit stop-loss today, and was too angry to do analyzes, which I am not proud of. Had a very bad run, I think I did not spew any $ at the tables tho. So far nl25z seems easily beatable, I have 5 more buy-ins so hopefully I will stick. Tomorrow is my day off and I will be back in Thursday.
The unknown predator Quote
01-10-2017 , 09:14 PM
Define: Equity Calc please OP?
The unknown predator Quote
01-12-2017 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Clanty
Define: Equity Calc please OP?
This is the program I use it generates random situations for preflop/flop/turn and you have the guess the equity. In my posts I post like that: number of hands/avg error/avg time.

Last edited by IIIIIIIIII; 01-12-2017 at 08:40 AM.
The unknown predator Quote
01-12-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by IIIIIIIIII
This is the program I use it generates random situations for preflop/flop/turn and you have the guess the equity. In my posts I post like that: number of hands/avg error/avg time.
Thanks, gotcha
The unknown predator Quote
01-12-2017 , 06:05 PM
DAY 25

Decent day. Got really tiered at the end and couldn't finish it off as strong as I wanted to, but tomorrow I have the whole day for grinding so will catch up. So far surviving at nl25z.
The unknown predator Quote
