hello guys... i've been playing the volumen that i want it. (1.5k ich) and after a few downswings i'm on track again.
i'm gonna post my recently graphic and some hands as well...
i think that i play better with 2 max 3 zoom 2nl table, im trying to get the pace of it.
did u have any recommendations for multitabling? i would appreciate any advice from u all...
my first impression after reviewing the hand was that i think it was ok to call a 3x raise from the SB, after all many times villain have a lot of junking hand in his range, also IP i think my hand could have some good flush draw equity;
when the flop came i almost certain that my 2 pairs was the nuts!
Well. it's been a awhile since the last post, so after two weeks grinding i'm pleased to say that i reach the $$100 mark. right now i've $$110. i'm gonna post some hands and also the graphic.
I also been thinking that this challenge should've another title, like from 2nl to 50nl.
the hole idea for me its becoming a pro online and live and also to get better player every day. i stronger believe that's my main goal and challenge, of course the monetary goal its important but for that i've to be better player. i really love the game & love to study it, it's very important for me learn & learn every day.