Hey fellow 2p2ers,
I have decided to start this blog here, as a tool to have my mind more related to poker, instead of playing Computer Games when I'm not grinding. 2015 and last year, I have spent way too much time playing dota 2, maybe as much time as playing Poker, although I'm not sure about that. The game is very addictive for me and there's so many idiots (including me sometimes) that it's very tilting so I'd better not play it anymore. I think it might be easier actually to stop online gambling for someone, than to stop playing an online game, because the gambling sites let you self exclude yourself from playing, but you can't really do it in steam, at least not without further knowledge. Also, because of cookies youtube will always recommend videos to you, from the videomakers you used to watch, so because of that I got reanimated to playing a couple times when I had deleted the game. Anyways, I have stopped playing dota for 5 days now, and I came to the idea to delete cookies for youtube and to not log in on my account anymore.
Now to me and the Pokers:
I don't think many people here know me, as I haven't been posting much. There's a couple 2p2ers that know me in real life or talk to me on skype like Mixgrill, Vegasmidas, Blakkman and North Squad. I guess some ppl from the German Community might know me, because I used to have a blog on German Pokerstrategy when I started playing poker and was moving up. Other than that, I think not many regs recognize me at the tables.
a) I don't play that many hands
b) I play on multiple sites, on some of them you can change your screenname form time to time
c) I played lowstakes for a longtime as a breakeven/meh player, I just moved up to MSNL in Sept/Oc 14
d) They probably see me as a 2tabling nitfish

; I don't mind that
e) I play MTTs occasionally, although I ****ing hate them
So that's me:
I'm 21, german and a fan of Bayern Munich. I play 200NL-2kNLH. I'm ****ing lazy and I should try to be more professional as a poker player. I think in terms of working on poker theory my work ethics are not that bad, I enjoy working with working with CREV actually. But I'm not grinding enough, which means I COULD make more money and I think I SHOULD start making more money cause the Poker action is going down: Too many Scripters on 888, Ipk and Party, French sites are dying, Alleged Bots and half man half machine on Pokerstars (Analog Latka)-> tough games, less traffic, less rakeback, more training Sites, GTO Programs that help buttonclickers....
I think if you don't work against that trend you inevitably make less money than before. So What can I possibly do?
a)work on my game to become better than the poker population, that is also getting better->learn faster than the others, improves A-game; possible but not easy
b)Improve on my mental game to play more hours of my best game; seems necessary but might be hard to work on, some guys might be designated to have better mental game than others, I could get some books (jared Tendler!?)

Advice would be appreciated!
b leads to c) Playing more hours, should be main priority for me; Could play lower stake zoom when Im feeling tired, my current b/c game is still winning at certain stakes (debatably)
d) playing more hands/h? It correlates with e) so it is not easy to find the right mix, also I would need a bigger 2nd Screen, or get glasses
e) is game selection; I am quite happy about that part from myself
After having said all that I probably have to post some goals, because that is usual here. Oh yeah, the forum branch is called Poker GOALS and Challenges.
Main goal that is not quantified: Be more professional
Quantified goal: make 100K at the tables not counting rakeback or MTT winnings,Staking, Markup yadayada
Halftime Results:
Over EV, winning flips, but fish flop too many sets vs me. (again, not quantifiable)
In case you wanna see a nice MTT graph.
So far so good, gl to everyone, except when you play vs me.