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Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG)

12-09-2012 , 08:10 PM
BR 2977.39$

Month +426,20$

Today: +197.90$

Time played: A lot..

results: ?? Maybe won 3/2 of the games (at least i feel like it)

Looking back at the session, weaknesses: Lost focus on a few matches while playing multiple tables. Let a pot play with my emotions and the domino effect made me play bad. Wtf happened to the attitude "Im not going to lose even one match"

Me writing to the future me looking at this thread:
You played in the right frame of mind and made me proud, also god damn you look handsome

Last edited by babysteps2tango; 12-09-2012 at 08:34 PM.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-10-2012 , 11:25 AM

How the **** am i losing to this guy??

You want a 500$ day? Here is some free money on a gold platter?

Happy Hanukkah!! (church pic )

All you need to do is pick it up. Go on just take it.. its all yours no strings attached what?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! WTF ARE YOU DOING!?! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE OUT YOUR WALLET AND BURN ALL OF THE MONEY?!!!

I'm such a ****ing idiot.......

Well, as i was crying my hart out here Ed came back to the table and i am currently a bit up but nowhere close to 500$..

Last edited by babysteps2tango; 12-10-2012 at 11:50 AM.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-10-2012 , 08:29 PM
BR 3222.34$

Month +671,15$

Today: +244.95$

Today i made more mistakes than a virgin having sex for the first time.

Was going to celebrate the 3k mark but im not happy with my game so i cant celebrate. Even though im up i know im really down because i had the capability to make 5x what i did today. In a nutshell: i threw money in the bin today..
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-10-2012 , 08:30 PM
Still a good day.

Keep the good work.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-10-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by sexyjesus
Still a good day.

Keep the good work.
Guess i should be more positive, Thx!
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-10-2012 , 09:28 PM
Good luck!! If you achieve this, next goal is: countries net average wage of managers?
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-15-2012 , 06:54 PM
BR 3742.45$

Month +1191.26$

BR 3742.45$

Had a -400$ day this month, took a break and bounced back after 2 days. I guess i should update my bad days here but i hate that red color
Plus i just wanted to shut the computer off, take a break and then grind it back later.

I also cashed out a bit over 800$ after i tilted so my real roll on the site is 800lighter but its easier to count the profit if i leave it in this month.

3K seems so far away.. I would be really happy if i hit 2K this month, going on vacation so dont have that much time to grind.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:17 PM

BR 3496.11$

Month +944.92$

Poker has been making me really depressed lately and this has then hurt my game, so im going on a vacation to clear my head.

Happy Holidays!
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-15-2013 , 06:07 PM
January so far +1365.24$
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-15-2013 , 06:37 PM
Good job!

Update more often plz
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:29 PM
Progress for January +1890,47$

I might make it this month, fingers crossed!

Edit: Just looked at my first post in this thread saying i play anything from 20-50 well today i play anything from 30-200$ And i dont play hu exclusively even though its my strongest game. It gets boring and i change it up every now and then.

Last edited by babysteps2tango; 01-18-2013 at 04:39 PM.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:46 PM
One day a regular sat me and i beat him by playing bad and he told me i sucked and that my graph shows how bad i am. I asked what he was talking about and he told me about a site that tracked all the games, i checked it out and was shocked at my graph. That day i decided i would study and get myself into profit. That regular made me what i am today when it comes to poker. If he had not told me i would have most likely lost got a job and forgot about it. He changed a fish into a regular winner.

Moral of the story dont tilt in the chat ever.. NEVER!!

Today was almost a good day until i lost most of my winnings back to a tilting player who got a bit lucky and i tilted in the chat. I told him he sucked.. I immediately regretted it. I punished myself by writing this story so that i wont forget and never do this again.

January +2055,60$
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-21-2013 , 08:45 PM
January +2314,41

Lets tango!

Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-22-2013 , 08:10 PM
January +2417,66$

100/day Where is the 500-1k day?? Im hungry, 100 is peanuts.. its like 2 fiddys.. But im not losing so why complain. Would be nice to get a bigger roll so that i can start challenging the 500$ games and play the 100-200 regularly.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
01-31-2013 , 11:57 AM
January in the books +2622,66$

It was a good month, i got a little cocky and played games i was not that good at where i lost money. Because of this i still did not hit the magical 3k, but getting closer. 100 or any amount that starts with + should be a good day, and even if you lose winning skalanskys is always a good day. I was kinda joking when i whined about not winning more but reading it back now i just come off as a jerk. Next months plan is to play less and play A++ when playing, only play the games i am good at and hit the 3k.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
02-01-2013 , 09:20 AM
So this month is off to a great start -350$

Had villan ai preflop in a 200$ match with 22 vs my KK and 275flop.. Still had chips but blinds were big so i 3bet huge with AQ he called and flop came 67T Was not folding as i had so much in the pot and villan turned over 67..

Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
02-05-2013 , 02:27 PM
WARNING TILT VENTING!!!! (also holes in system, got off track while tilting)

Im down to this huge idiot who has no clue about poker.. just bluffs every hand but he bluffs small and when i try to raise he calls with his 33 on AK789 boards.. So im not even hitting marginal hands that i can rebluff with and he hits everything.. So tilting... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TILTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet its some 18year old kid who thinks he is all that.. He tells me he cant play anymore and i see him playing lower tables... Loses to them comes back and luckboxes from me so im sponsoring his fun of playing.. I dont want to sponsor him.. I want him to deposit more and lose because he sucks.. Went through all the hands against him and there is not really much else i can do.. I could gamble bluff all in but he calls so light there is no point.. SO ANNOYED ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!

How do you guys vent out this tuff.. I guess im going to work out for a few hours thats what the prisoners do. And if anybody knows about dealing with tilt they do. Stuck in a 2by2 cell day in and day out. No freedom, how tilting is that. NO SEX, masturbating in front of others.. I would go insane.... I have been watching lockup raw while playing Its really interesting what kind of ppl who end up in prison and what their life is like/was like. A lot of gang members get caught and go in and out of prison for their entire life.. It really makes you wonder if the system should be changed where repeat offenders are somehow monitored 2years after they get out. Its obvious they will be back, and no one is winning by them being in prison..

I bet there could be a better way. I also think the presidential election should not be a media frenzy of how they look or what religion they are etc.. You should not be able to see the candidates, only hear their thoughts even their speech should be manipulated but they should be filmed as evidence as they talk and shown after the votes have been given. And to vote you would need to watch 30min-1h of them debating and read their statements. This way you would always get the best president for the job. Or at least it would take away ignorant voters from the pack.

Is it just me or do i see holes in a lot of systems. Like the economy and stocks.. Some computes that trade every second cell/buy and make 1cent per transaction are making huge amounts.. That cant be good for the company's or the global economy.. It should be implied that you need to carry the stock for at least 3years before you can cell it. This way its more fair and the luck factor goes down.. But im not really sure yet about that last philosophy something just doesn't seem right. Wauw i spewed a lot of ideas here.. Made me forget about my tilt mission accomplished!
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
02-17-2013 , 03:41 PM
Seems like i cant beat the best anymore.

4game losing streak and counting against the players you dream about, the ones who make you believe money does grow on trees. You know who i mean the worst of the worst who play for lolz and in practice give you 80% return if you play correct.

Unfortunately they are also unbeatable when you dont hit the cards against the unbluffable geniuses. And end up forced to play a 60/40 flip as your stack otherwise withers away which results in you hearing adele on the radio.

But hey you dont need cards to beat the regs.

February: +1323,80$ (im up 560 today, rough month)

Last edited by babysteps2tango; 02-17-2013 at 03:50 PM.
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
02-22-2013 , 09:07 PM
February: +1970,28$

Sick swings in cash games. I think i bumhunt too high, also i cant stop myself from challenging the regs and thats not a good combo. Wups 10 average buyins for my normal games in one hand.. Its not really that bad but the tilt and remorse i feel after i lose is huge -ev for life and my poker game after that. But how can you say no to free money

BTN 180
Hero 220
BB 410

blinds 2/4

Dealt to hero KK

BTN folds hero bets 16 BB calls

Flop: 272

Hero bets 24 BB calls

Turn: 272 K

Hero checks BB bets 60 Hero calls

River: 272K K

Hero checks BB shoves 310 Hero collects

Whale shows JJ

I'm almost exclusively playing 50s hu sngs so when i have 800 on the table and im trying to outplay mr 1400 while my month is only up about double my money on the table But i keep dreaming of that 1k day, guess i should play more mtts.

Man i wish i knew more ppl in poker, or had someone i looked up to and thought about the game the same way as i do or a few lvls above me. Its hard to find thees ppl. I would just want to explain all my thinking but i read a bunch of the hh in the hu sng portion of 2+2 and if they are not hypers where you have a 2% roi but the volume makes up for it and basically you need to become a computer who reads the data perfect.. Most boring game i have ever heard of.. Lets try to get the 52/48 flip going.. If its not the hypers the questions about the hands are so simple.. I think most of the time ppl post hands that they lost and want to know if it was terrible. Its not about the dynamics or anything its just about the cards.. Thats not poker.. The only interesting one was a 300turbo game where the guy played some interesting hands.

So i dont think the best players are posting hands there.. Its a secret society, whats the code? Do you need a 500k graph to get in? Because im working on it, it might take a few years but its gonna happen. I want in to the society
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
02-24-2013 , 03:57 PM
February: +2501,95$
Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
02-25-2013 , 05:33 AM
Today: -642,85$

February: +1859,10$

I banned my cashgames, its not for me yet.. I think 500 was lost because i played really bad as i got tilted. I can beat the games but my discipline is not there. It gets expensive when you cant keep your emotions in check and play your a-game all day. You live and you learn..

No game is perfect for me.. In cash i play too high and therefore i dont play my best game, if i tilt it gets expensive.

In mtts you can win a lot but it takes 3-4h and i get tired at the end sometimes and my play gets questionable, also its so tilting when you get busted before the big money after 3h or the bubble after 2,5h..

In Hu sng's i seem to be ok with tilt and it doesn't take 4h but it gets boring and not enough fish to make a 30% roi..

I need to train my discipline and only play when i really want to. Wish it was 2006 and you played fish all day everyday. Maybe its time to forget the fish and really learn the game and crush the regs. What a horrible day.. I am a idiot confirmed.. And as i am writing the worst player who puts it in dead all the time on the turn sat down at nl400 against the second worst player i ever played against.. I feel kinda sick, might have made a 2k mistake today.. **** THIS ****!! Im going to close the computer for the day make a time schedule and become as productive as i can..

Poker is a nice hobby but tbh it takes to much of my time even though i love the game i recently just want to make $$$ and the games im playing its going to take me 20years to make enough to buy an apartment. I was hoping i could make 10k a month at some point and have enough to start my own small company when i got out of school but i now realize that the path i am taking is more variance free but not enough to get me there.

I need to get my **** together when i play and this means a more routined life with eating sleeping working out and socializing more. If one of those is off i think its much easier to tilt at the tables. Why do you get mad at the table when you lose? There is no point getting angry at a fish who sucked out. You could get angry at a reg who is messing your plans up and costing you money by having a bad game plan against weaker opponents , but then again maybe you should just adjust to the regs game and make a new plan. Optimal poker is when you are confident in your game and dont need to worry about the money. I am confident in my game but i dont have enough money to not worry..

I need a new game plan maybe todays mistake was the best i ever made. Time to make the plan so that my plan wont be to fail. Lets see if me being more organized will help me not only in poker but in life.. Tired of taking the easy way out where i make it so comfortable that i only smile never stress and keep my body in optimal temperature at all time. Time to cry sweat and stress... My old way did not get me where i wanted to be. Lets see if thees are the ingredients for success, they should be as those are the side effects of hard work and hard work = success. And thats a ****ing fact!

Im going to make a schedule for this week, then im going to count out how much money i need to get everything i want in life that money can buy. Today is the day babysteps2tango starts climbing everest one step at a time. No more excuses no more bs.. When my plan is made i will update the cliffs here. Yesterday i was at my grandfathers funeral and before he was buried his life story was read to everyone at the ceremony. He did everything i always dreamed about, he went from rags to riches with his company travailed the world married had children and grandchildren he even had a cook/nanny at home. If i died today my story would be an empty sheet of paper filled with all my dreams that were never realized.

Trying to make my countries monthly net average wage playing poker. (HU-SNG) Quote
