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TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!!

09-29-2013 , 04:17 PM
Dont c bet so big pll will expoite you,Easy bet/call vs that short fish
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
09-29-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by noobis
Dont c bet so big pll will expoite you,Easy bet/call vs that short fish
Thats true wanna have maximum value and iam not getting it playing like this!!!Dont know why keep doing this last few day regs are folding alot when click the pot button probally they have betsizing tell on me!!!Luckly fish dont pay attention but probally i scar fish away when bet so big and my big hands dont get paid by regs!!!Ty noobis for pointing it out going to work on this gl at the tables
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-01-2013 , 08:32 PM
hello people today played like idiot!!!!dont know why cant keep control and spew off buyins like idiot!!MONKEY TILT today if play like this never gonna beat onlline poker for sure!!!Shoved KJ 55 AJ AQ because i was mad grrrrrrrrrrrrr now can kill somebody iam moroon!!!!!!!!

TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-01-2013 , 10:50 PM
The first and the important thing is done,you understand the situation and the second will be what do you will do for that?Right on a paper what stuff piss you off and how you feel,then what you do when that happens.Then right the results of that,look your graph.

You good,but this not enough.You must be the best.GL
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-02-2013 , 12:32 PM
^^^^Thanks for advice iam doing this and it helps!!!Also reading The mental game of poker hopefully will tilt less after that!!!Starting session soon goals are not tilt dont look every 10minutes on your graph play good dont care about results play less tables gl to me
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-02-2013 , 07:11 PM
Verry happy today how played!!Didnot tilt today probally would have tilt but talking to myself and looking fast to my equity helped alot.Going to read some more pages from the mental game and go to sleep!!!

Graph today:

TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-03-2013 , 08:07 PM
Feel bad when on monkey tilt again!!Maybe should play higher probally going deposit 1000dollars and play 0,10/0,20 full ring 9max.When play live dont tilt like that seems like dont give **** when iam mad because its only 2dollar!!!!To angry to post grap result are 16dollar lost allin ev -20dollar!!iam just moroon maybe poker is not for me only lost 16dollars feels like lost all my money lol makes no sense FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-03-2013 , 10:27 PM
Moving up will be bad,and its bad ever that you think about that idk why that make sense to you this.
I will be strict with you cos i feel that we are friends ok?Well,close that thead making a last post and right : Am a quitter.

Or,work harder on your mental game,more more more more...start a session and just know that you will have 2 bad beats that you must laugh when that happent and then,after 2 beats stop the session.Good luck
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:20 AM
Hey work on mental game and dont think to move up. I lost more in a 10BI downswing (tilt included) in nl5 and I'm rebuilding at nl2 keep going
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by noobis
Moving up will be bad,and its bad ever that you think about that idk why that make sense to you this.
I will be strict with you cos i feel that we are friends ok?Well,close that thead making a last post and right : Am a quitter.

Or,work harder on your mental game,more more more more...start a session and just know that you will have 2 bad beats that you must laugh when that happent and then,after 2 beats stop the session.Good luck
Hehehe ty ones again noobis for your good comment!!Your post makes me laugh!!!You made me realize Iam not quiter going to fight for this no deposit!!!Going learn more work on my mental game and iam going to beat at least 1/2dollar online gogogogo!!!

TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Ksfz
Hey work on mental game and dont think to move up. I lost more in a 10BI downswing (tilt included) in nl5 and I'm rebuilding at nl2 keep going
Thanks bro going to crush it!!Gl at the tables
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 12:16 PM
Hey man! You should obviously work on ur mental game. But there is less chance you go on monkey tilt if you win a lot imo. And winning comes from skill/knowledge which comes from effort & time.

Tilt comes often from doubt. So the more you define for yourself what is profitable and what not, the less doubt..

Pfff anyways: keep reading (books, 2p2) and learning. You know what is the best strategy, right? Tight-aggressive. From what I saw in your posted hands, you have very passive lines. If you don't bet & (re)raise with your high pp's, sets, trips, overpairs, flushes, straights etc. you prolly also don't bet when having good equity (like drawing hands) and you are not gonna get value ($$) from playing.

I think you are tight-passive atm (not sure). At 2nl that may be profitable, but try it at 10nl zoom for example.. You get beaten. So start being aggro.

Don't feel too bad about the $16, bro. Feel good about learning (= making mistakes) at 2nl and keep playing & playing until we crush 50nl!

TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 12:45 PM
^^^^Thank you verry much bro for your support and good post!!!I am not sure if iam to passive probally iam because noobis and you think the same and your are both good players!!Going to be lillte bit more aggro.My stats are 13/9,5/3.6 AG=3.15.Going start session know and try to play in the zone not gonna tilt keep focus common you can do this!!!Wanna ty noobis and geefmede ones again you motivated me alot sorry for bad english
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 01:10 PM
Hmm 3 is higher than expected. What is your flop cbet% & turn cbet%?
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 06:48 PM
When i will move to my apartment we will make a leakfinder vid will help you i think!
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Geefmede5
Hmm 3 is higher than expected. What is your flop cbet% & turn cbet%?
My flop cbet =82.7%
My turn cbet =52.7%

Good or not???ty ones again
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by noobis
When i will move to my apartment we will make a leakfinder vid will help you i think!
That would be awesome bro tytyty
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:00 PM
Today played verry good!!!Also no tilt today when started the session lost 2buyin directly but didnot bother me.Lets continue this

Graph from today:

TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-04-2013 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by winkelstraat
My flop cbet =82.7%
My turn cbet =52.7%

Good or not???ty ones again
I like it
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-05-2013 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by noobis
I like it
I like it to. At 2nl you play against lots of fish. So second barreling isn't optimal. At the moment you second barrel half of the time. I think at 10nl & 25nl u should defenitely cbet turn more. Of course dependant on opponent (how much he folds etc.)

Keep it going Winkelstraat!!
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-05-2013 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by noobis
I like it
thanks bro
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-05-2013 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Geefmede5
I like it to. At 2nl you play against lots of fish. So second barreling isn't optimal. At the moment you second barrel half of the time. I think at 10nl & 25nl u should defenitely cbet turn more. Of course dependant on opponent (how much he folds etc.)

Keep it going Winkelstraat!!
TY bro for all the help gogogo holland
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-05-2013 , 12:04 PM
Flop cbet is too high
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-05-2013 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Eric Church
Flop cbet is too high
Like it!!!Alot passive fish that play wide range so they miss alot so thats why my cbet is so high.Why you keep saying aidddssssssss in noobis thread??
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
10-05-2013 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Eric Church
Flop cbet is too high
I will say that is kind of low,i will c bet even more at nl2.
TRYING to beat online poker(starts at nl2!!)and some wild story iam dutch hehe!!!! Quote
