My Cousin Jazz
Growing up, I was apart of of a big extended family on my mother's Irish side. She was one of eight siblings (!!) and they had a closeness that is still seen today. Unsurprisingly, when the siblings had their kids, we all became close too and had a close knit relationship throughout our lives.
One of my older cousins, by about 4 years, was Jazz. I've always looked up to her, even though I imagine I was incredibly annoying being the little cousin growing up (although she totally beat the crap out of me growing up in that older sibling kind of way)
As we got older, we got closer as well; playing tennis and keeping in touch fairly often even though our lives had been busy, mostly her having 2 young kids and teaching full time. For reference, the flower girl for my wedding was actually Jazz's daughter.
One of the last times we saw Jazz was last years 4th of July at my uncle's house. I usually miss this because of the Main Event, but since I busted Day 1 (I finally found a silver lining for that!) I was able to make the family event.
It was there where we told my extended family our issues with pregnancy and our looking into surrogacy. We got our fair share of support and positive outlooks from anyone, including Jazz. But besides that the day moved on and nothing really stuck with me.
I was out in the lawn today, playing with Coby, when my cousin texted me and asked if we could facetime tonight as it had been a bit since we spoke.
I of course said yes, not thinking much of it as she's always been sociable and probably wanted to catchup. I was already in a really good mood as it was. I had agreed to a new contract/position with BTS and had just locked up the best month of my career. We agreed to talk at 8.
We called at 8. My cousin looked excited (as always tbh, but perhaps a bit nervous excited?) and we began to catch up. She brought her husband Joel (great guy) into view and said they wanted to talk about something serious.
We felt weirdly perplexed and a bit scared but told her to go on.
Jazz took a deep breath and then began to recount her story. She told us of that day, almost a year ago on July 4th. About how crushed she was for us when she found out Vic couldn't carry and how it stuck with her hard that day. She started researching surrogacy and what carriers have to go through.
My cousin is very systematic, incredibly caring but also calculating. So they spent a lot of time thinking about it, not daring to mention anything to us to plant any seeds of hope.
The more and more she put thought into it the more it became more appealing of an option to her.... and then Victoria had her heart surgery and the possibility of children again, so the thought of surrogacy was put to the side in hope we could have our own children.
As we know that couldn't happen and when she found out, she knew she could make that commitment for us. So she told us, "I'll be your surrogate i you need me"
I think there are a few moments in everyone's lives where you go in complete and utter shock and this is one of them. As she recounted her story, I knew she was leading to this point but to hear it was mind bending.
And then I cried. I cried a lot. I guess we both did, alternating cries like we were some bad EDM track. The tears were relief, the tears were shock, but I think in all honesty it came from the fact someone could do something so selfless for me and Vic.
Having kids is something both me and Vic want more than anything in the world. If you asked me would I rather win 3 WSOP ME's or have the opportunity to have children, I would say children every single time. Becoming a father is something I've always wanted but even more so in the past few years.
Unfortunately, the process and road we've had to take has left a bit of a cloud over us, with surrogacy a unique experience that has us match with an unknown somewhere across the nation and an expense of 100-150k per child leaving a bit of a financial (subconscious) strain on my mentals.
Having someone both me and Vic are close to and trust in this process have taken a big weight off both of our shoulders. It's the greatest gift I've ever been given and we of course we said yes.
Of course there's a lot of logistics to work out with my cousin and the agency we hired but that is something that can wait for now. I've kept everyone upto date on this process through my poker journey and have gotten nothing but kindness and support from a lot of the readers, so I couldn't help but not share this
*I do have big news regarding BTS/Coaching, but I want to keep this a standalone post for now, i'll share that information later today.