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04-11-2012 , 02:14 PM
Hello PG&C and welcome to my thread! First let me tell you a bit about myself.

I've been playing poker pretty seriously for about three years now. Instead of getting a part time job while I was at school I played the micro stakes and managed to do fairly well. I recently graduated, moved back home and I am now working full time as an apprentice diesel technician for Mack trucks. Here are my PTR pages:

I feel like the last year I was away at school has made me a bit lazy in every area of my life. I was tending to leave things to the last minute or half ass whatever I'm doing if Im not enjoying what I am doing. I didn't always used to be like that.

My new motto for this year is "just $&@#ing do it!" Instead of leaving things to the last minute or finding an excuse to not do it, get up, get it done and put 100% into it. Telling myself this has helped me a ton and I have been way more productive with my time. I know I can't be the only poker player with this problem lol.

Alright enough with the motivational speaking lets get to the goals Ive set for myself. Moving back home after living on my own for close to 3 years feels like a step backwards. My parents are great don't get me wrong but I just need to move out on my own again which is a longer term non poker related goal of mine. I'm hoping by the start of July to be living on my own again.

Now that I am working full time and no longer making a million withdrawals from my roll I can finally let the roll build and move up out of the micros! For the last little while I've been playing on iPoker which was a pretty big mistake. I had a very nice rakeback deal there but games were awful even for the micros so I decided to take my entire roll of and start fresh on pokerstars. I deposited $500 and will be playing 10nl until I reach $1k and then I will steer playing 25nl again.

I am a winner at these stakes already but by no means do I consider myself to be one of the best at these levels. I would contribute a lot of my win rate to strict table selecting. With help from the PG&C readers and other sections of the forums I will constantly be posting hands to discuss and analyzing my game. I can take critism very well so feel free to rip me a new one if you think I played a hand terribly.

So here are a few minor poker goals for April:
- 50k+ hands
- 40+ hours at the tables
- $800 profit playing

All pretty reasonable goals I'd say. Just a matter of putting in the time I look forward to updating this thread and finally getting **** done in all areas of my life! Thanks for reading guys.

04-11-2012 , 10:34 PM
Played a small session today when I got home from work. My shifts are all over the place right now so its hard to say when Im going to put hours in at the table. Today I worked 12-8 and ended up hitting the tables at about 9:00. Played for about an hour and a half but theres just too much hockey on right now and I was getting distracted very easily and decided to call it quits while I was up. Heres the graph:

PLAYOFF HOCKEY IS HERE! I cant tell you guys how much I love hockey... especially play off hockey! All I can say is.... GO WINGS GO!

Tomorrow I work a nice 10 hour shift from 2pm - 12am Pretty ****ty but hey what can yea do? So I plan on waking up nice and early at 7am, hitting the gym hard for an hour and then hopefully be on the tables before 9am. Just #$%@ing do it right?

Uh.... thread saver?

04-12-2012 , 10:49 AM
Well I managed to drag my ass out of bed this morning and get to the gym. Did a pretty solid arm / back workout and started on the tables at 8am. The tables were alright this morning and I would have really liked to play a bit longer but I have some running around I need to do before I head off to work today. Here is my graph for the day:

Ive been away from stars for a while and completely forgot that they introduced 16nl. I had my eyes on those games pretty much all day today and didnt really see any "great" games so I didnt jump in any. Ill probably throw in a few 16nl tables here in there now. It really is just such a weird limit lol.

Tomorrow... well TGIF. NOT. I actually have to work this weekend 10-4 both Saturday and Sunday. Pretty ******ed shifts Im getting lately at work but whatever... just have to bite the bullet sometimes and the extra hours and money is always nice. Tomorrow though Ill probably try to wake up and be at the gym for 8am and hit the tables just after 9 or so. Ill probably try and put in a big session and play until around 3pm before I leave for work again. WORK WORK WORK. DO WORK! Thats all for today guys. Heres a little Sara Underwood for yea.

04-16-2012 , 07:58 PM
Finally I have day of where I can just grind it out! I didnt end up playing this weekend because I was just too busy. Saturday I had to work 10-4, then from there I went to Toronto for a friends going away party. Went to probably the worst club I have ever been too in my life lol. I had to work 10-4 Sunday which sucked because I had to leave Toronto around 7am, drop my buddies who i drove up off at home, then head to work. Then later on I played ball hockey with my team and when I got home I was exhausted and couldnt wait to fall asleep lol.

Today I woke up around 10 and my legs were stiff as hell so I decided to take a day off from the gym and just grind it out all day until the hockey games start up. Here is how my day at the tables went:

Really nice day at the tables if I do say so myself. Ran pretty well and my big hands held up which is great. Overall April is going really well and hopefully I can continue to crush (knock on wood) Heres my graph for the month now:

I have tomorrow off too so I plan on putting another full day in at the tables. I havent decided if Im going to sleep in tomorrow or not. I usually like to wake up at a decent time everyday but Ive been working a ton lately and going to the gym hard so I could use a bit of extra sleep lol. Anyways hopefully I can get to the gym by 10am tomorrow, do a big chest / bicep workout and then hit the tables just before lunch.

Thats all for now guys.... heres some ladies for yea. Thx for reading.

04-17-2012 , 06:41 PM
Woke up today still sore as hell. Man all that running killed my legs lol. Pretty excited for my ball hockey season to start up this weekend. Its one hell of a workout and I think we have a pretty solid team this year too.

Anyways I didnt end up playing any poker today. Had some running around to do this morning and a friend called me up and I ended up going to chill with a few buddies for a while. The Red Wings play game 4 tonight so Im going to go out to watch it before my own beer league hockey playoffs tonight at 10 lol.

Ive been playing pretty well lately and I am feeling very confident in my game. Ive decided that I might as well start taking shots at 25nl again. I am confident that I am a winner there. Ive played 25nl forever I just decided to rebuild the roll and start fresh, otherwise Id have already been playing there. So the plan is to do a 5 bi shot. If I lose more than $125 then I will just drop back down and rebuild it at 10nl. Ill have to game select really well which I have been doing lately. So with that being said, tomorrow will be a big day for me and Im really excited to get back into the mix at 25nl. I honestly forget what my work hours are tomorrow because my schedule has been all over the place but Im either working 10-6 or 4-12. If its 10-6 Ill fire a session up after work if Im not feeling to tired, if its 4-12 Ill wake up early, kill the gym and then fire up some tables.

Thats all for now folks. And of course... women.

04-19-2012 , 01:40 PM
Didnt get a chance to update last night. I came home from work, grinded for a bit and then went out to watch the hockey games with the boys. The last two days I started to throw some 25nl games into my sessions. It was a pretty swingy affair and I played some big pots but I ended up a bit and think I played well. Heres my graphs for Wednesday and today:



Biggest Pots

PokerStars - $0.25 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

bee5555 (UTG+1): $35.60
[PS_UA]Tarik (MP): $10.00
kurd55 (MP+1): $15.01
d1cem@n (CO): $31.68
MinMin710 (BTN): $25.25
zajac_nlg (SB): $25.00
oll220 (BB): $31.20
Nicover4 (UTG): $27.80

zajac_nlg posts SB $0.10, oll220 posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) d1cem@n has A A

fold, fold, fold, fold, d1cem@n raises to $0.75, fold, zajac_nlg raises to $2.10, fold, d1cem@n raises to $5.50, zajac_nlg calls $3.40

Flop: ($11.25, 2 players) 7 2 8
zajac_nlg checks, d1cem@n bets $6.90, zajac_nlg calls $6.90

Turn: ($25.05, 2 players) Q
zajac_nlg bets $12.60 and is all-in, d1cem@n calls $12.60

River: ($50.25, 2 players) 5

zajac_nlg shows 7 6 (One Pair, Sevens) (Pre 23%, Flop 21%, Turn 7%)
d1cem@n shows A A (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 77%, Flop 79%, Turn 93%)
d1cem@n wins $48.25

PokerStars - $0.25 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

SametsPickUp (UTG): $19.34
aldor500 (UTG+1): $25.78
eisernunionf (MP): $10.09
hlc2010 (MP+1): $16.25
d1cem@n (CO): $25.00
DonKKorleone (BTN): $10.22
Duplo123 (SB): $10.00
Gastrik987 (BB): $25.00

Duplo123 posts SB $0.10, Gastrik987 posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) d1cem@n has A A

SametsPickUp raises to $0.75, fold, eisernunionf calls $0.75, fold, d1cem@n raises to $3.00, fold, fold, fold, SametsPickUp raises to $19.34 and is all-in, eisernunionf calls $9.34 and is all-in, d1cem@n calls $16.34

Flop: ($49.12, 3 players) 5 2 6

Turn: ($49.12, 3 players) 8

River: ($49.12, 3 players) J

SametsPickUp shows K K (One Pair, Kings) (Pre 17%, Flop 9%, Turn 5%)
d1cem@n shows A A (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 67%, Flop 85%, Turn 95%)
eisernunionf mucks T Q (High Card, Queen) (Pre 16%, Flop 5%, Turn 0%)
d1cem@n wins $47.12

PokerStars - $0.16 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

kavenagi1 (UTG): $16.00
yra201184 (UTG+1): $12.80
alesves2012 (MP): $8.08
costica84 (MP+1): $10.67
igrokstar379 (LP): $5.94
allergieker (CO): $13.19
d1cem@n (BTN): $16.00
Arcsibald (SB): $8.83
kanedilinger (BB): $12.00

Arcsibald posts SB $0.08, kanedilinger posts BB $0.16, yra201184 posts DB $0.16

Pre Flop: ($0.40) d1cem@n has K K

kavenagi1 raises to $0.61, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, d1cem@n raises to $1.60, fold, fold, kavenagi1 raises to $5.08, d1cem@n calls $3.48

Flop: ($10.56, 2 players) 6 4 3
kavenagi1 bets $10.92 and is all-in, d1cem@n calls $10.92 and is all-in

Turn: ($32.40, 2 players) K

River: ($32.40, 2 players) 4

kavenagi1 shows A K (Two Pair, Kings and Fours) (Pre 30%, Flop 13%, Turn 0%)
d1cem@n shows K K (Full House, Kings full of Fours) (Pre 70%, Flop 87%, Turn 100%)
d1cem@n wins $30.94

Not really sure why I flatted this guys 4 bet tbh... but it worked out. Jamming is probably best if he is will to stack off with AKo pre.

Biggest Losers

Decided to start tables for a bit... 1st hand of the day here:

PokerStars - $0.16 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

teshah (BB): $16.00
d1cem@n (SB): $16.00

d1cem@n posts SB $0.08, teshah posts BB $0.16

Pre Flop: ($0.24) d1cem@n has K A

d1cem@n raises to $0.40, teshah raises to $1.28, d1cem@n raises to $4.16, teshah raises to $16.00 and is all-in, d1cem@n calls $11.84 and is all-in

Flop: ($32.00, 2 players) 3 6 Q

Turn: ($32.00, 2 players) 2

River: ($32.00, 2 players) 9

teshah shows Q A (One Pair, Queens) (Pre 30%, Flop 87%, Turn 93%)
d1cem@n mucks K A (High Card, Ace) (Pre 70%, Flop 13%, Turn 7%)
teshah wins $31.50

PokerStars - $0.10 NL - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

hondaandy (UTG): $4.58
Nerv001 (UTG+1): $7.73
d1cem@n (MP): $10.00
makz18 (CO): $10.18
sanatoriy27 (BTN): $10.00
qwasek1981 (SB): $7.90
KINGBAZZ1986 (BB): $10.00

qwasek1981 posts SB $0.05, KINGBAZZ1986 posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: ($0.15) d1cem@n has K A

fold, Nerv001 calls $0.10, d1cem@n raises to $0.40, fold, fold, fold, fold, Nerv001 calls $0.30

Flop: ($0.95, 2 players) K 9 T
Nerv001 checks, d1cem@n bets $0.70, Nerv001 calls $0.70

Turn: ($2.35, 2 players) K
Nerv001 checks, d1cem@n bets $1.30, Nerv001 calls $1.30

River: ($4.95, 2 players) 7
Nerv001 checks, d1cem@n bets $7.60 and is all-in, Nerv001 calls $5.33 and is all-in

d1cem@n shows K A (Three of a Kind, Kings) (Pre 62%, Flop 4%, Turn 23%)
Nerv001 shows J Q (Straight, King High) (Pre 38%, Flop 96%, Turn 77%)
Nerv001 wins $14.91

PokerStars - $0.10 NL - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

bukwa9 (BB): $10.00
MaestroLoL (UTG): $10.67
mbx1 (MP): $16.15
ado91334 (CO): $5.69
d1cem@n (BTN): $13.01
zespliffy (SB): $6.92

zespliffy posts SB $0.05, bukwa9 posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: ($0.15) d1cem@n has A 8

fold, fold, fold, d1cem@n raises to $0.25, fold, bukwa9 raises to $0.50, d1cem@n calls $0.25

Flop: ($1.05, 2 players) A 8 K
bukwa9 checks, d1cem@n checks

Turn: ($1.05, 2 players) 6
bukwa9 bets $0.50, d1cem@n raises to $1.90, bukwa9 raises to $3.50, d1cem@n calls $1.60

River: ($8.05, 2 players) 5
bukwa9 bets $6.00 and is all-in, d1cem@n calls $6.00

bukwa9 shows K K (Three of a Kind, Kings) (Pre 71%, Flop 91%, Turn 95%)
d1cem@n shows A 8 (Two Pair, Aces and Eights) (Pre 29%, Flop 9%, Turn 5%)
bukwa9 wins $19.15

Tomorrow is going to be a lot more of the same. Gym in the morning, grind until work. I have to go get ready for work so thats all for today. Thanks for reading guys. And... women of course.

04-19-2012 , 01:47 PM
Torque about a punny title!

Anyways... lets pretend that never happened, this thread should definitely be getting move love, especially considering the threadsavers

Gl mate, run better
04-19-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by shiftizzle2k9
Torque about a punny title!

Anyways... lets pretend that never happened, this thread should definitely be getting move love, especially considering the threadsavers

Gl mate, run better
Would always love to run better. I mean... Who wouldn't ?
04-25-2012 , 05:55 PM
Beena few days since Ive update. Ive been all over the map lately and having trouble staying on a steady schedule because my hours for work change all the time which is starting to actually piss me off a little bit. Thats a story for another day though. Over the last 3 days Ive been playing quite a bit. Had one good day followed by a breakeven day, followed by my worst day so far this month. Heres my graph for today:

Pretty ugly. Lost most of the big hands at 25nl which stung a bit but they were pretty gross coolers for the most part. Also ran KK into AA 4x so I gotta just keep my head up and plow through the variance.

PokerStars - $0.25 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

honzhi08 (UTG): $10.00
Gurkano86 (UTG+1): $31.84
TRHTANK1 (MP): $15.60
forbonjwa (MP+1): $11.27
medisonone (CO): $25.00
kambascalibi (BTN): $13.24
d1cem@n (SB): $26.38
DawnAvril (BB): $35.50

d1cem@n posts SB $0.10, DawnAvril posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) d1cem@n has 8 8

fold, Gurkano86 raises to $0.50, fold, forbonjwa calls $0.50, fold, fold, d1cem@n calls $0.40, DawnAvril calls $0.25

Flop: ($2.00, 4 players) 3 8 5
d1cem@n checks, DawnAvril checks, Gurkano86 bets $0.50, forbonjwa raises to $2.70, d1cem@n calls $2.70, fold, Gurkano86 calls $2.20

Turn: ($10.10, 3 players) 4
d1cem@n checks, Gurkano86 bets $3.75, forbonjwa raises to $8.07 and is all-in, d1cem@n raises to $23.18 and is all-in, Gurkano86 calls $19.43

River: ($64.53, 3 players) A

d1cem@n shows 8 8 (Three of a Kind, Eights) (Pre 66%, Flop 64%, Turn 17%)
Gurkano86 shows 6 7 (Straight, Eight High) (Pre 16%, Flop 26%, Turn 81%)
forbonjwa shows 3 3 (Three of a Kind, Threes) (Pre 18%, Flop 10%, Turn 2%)
Gurkano86 wins $62.53


Im actually pretty dissapointed in something I did yesterday. I found out that I had a schedule change at work and that I was put onto midnights starting tonight. So last night, I decided that I might as well try to stay up as late as I possibly can to try and make the change easier. During this time Where I tried to stay up I played poker which was just a bad idea becuase I was so tired and not even close to 100% focused. Should have just not played at all but hey... you live and learn right?.... Alright well thats all for now.... Im off to the real life grind. Yay... not.


