Originally Posted by pocket300
Thanks Skyfyre, the only problem that I find with the Borgata and the Taj are that I dont get enough free rooms, with al of the Harrahs properties, they are literally throwing everything at me, good comps, rooms...even on weekends. I should re evaluate playing those two locations. Today Im going to be grinding at Chester, have to be home later on tonight. Then Im heading off for AC tomorrow until Sunday. Updates to follow.
Just wanted to give you my 2 cents, Take it how you want it.
I was in a similar situation as you, was doing seasonal work and playing cards, one season I just decided to only play cards. I wasn't rolled right in that I didn't have the money to not worry about bills and food and stuff for an extended amount of time. Anyway, it started off great, my motivation was high and I was into it. But as the weeks and months dragged on the ups and downs got to me and I got super depressed and had to stop and find a more stable job.
I don't see what your trying to do as sustainable because of the distance you have to commute to play. I don't know how you plan on staying in AC but if your at a casino its going to eat at your hourly, and if its in your car, its going to eat at you physically.
If you really do have this other career position coming up in a few months then you can really just enjoy this time and do what you want, and you will not have any problems. But if you want to sustain the grind, (especially at such a low game) you need to move closer. The average hourly at 1/2 or 1/3 is very low for even the best players, and it will just make the distance so much worse.