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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
399 12.76%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.58%
$28K TO $34K
508 16.25%
$34K TO $40K
532 17.01%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.53%
934 29.87%

11-19-2020 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Hopefully a short term too!!!
BS, I've never played a jackpot S&G in my life but I do play professionally online so take this for what its worth.

1 - looking at the game structure aren't these practically solved games? maybe not in the first level but level 2 onwards I can almost guarantee they are. you've probably never run a sim in your life and you're going to try and play a solved format against equilibrium strats, in probably some of the highest stakes that run in that format... by feel????? this is literally impossible unless you just lock the **** down and grind strategy 5+ hours a day.

2 - the jackpot nature of those games favors being able to put in immense volume over a long period of time with some kind of rewards program to boot. the overwhelming majority of the S&G's you play will be the min jackpot, so even if you do somehow run good with card distribution in the beginning, its not going to last long enough for you to hit that eventual jackpot payday that you'll need to ever eek out a profit in those games. a good players graph in those games is probably a 45 degree angle straight down for hundreds of games with the occasional moderate spike here and there, with one huge jackpot mixed in. your 12 buyin roll will just never get you there unless you just horseshoe up your ass bink a jackpot during the first 20 games you play (that's about how many games your 12 buyins will get you)

please don't take this as me being 'a negative hater' or something. I'm just trying to get you to understand that this has almost zero chance to work and will likely be over by December 3rd.
11-19-2020 , 02:28 PM
Dec 3rd is a great over/under.
This is a pure gamble play. That’s the mission. Nothing more nothing less.
11-19-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
BS, if this ends up being a scam can you give the "seller" a link to this thread so he can come in and discuss his experiences "selling" things on marketplace?

If I don't miss my guess BS leans left pretty hard.

It’s actually Craigslist. I think it’s still up lol.
It was a huge parlay that I was willing to gamble $400 on. Such a long shot I knew.
11-19-2020 , 02:37 PM
After weeks of research and watching the price movement, I’m ready to start my position on this super penny stock. Once I get the piles loaded in, I’ll luk what stock we balls deep in.
*2 hv my eye and considering half the money on both.
Waiting game while we pin are price/share down.
11-19-2020 , 03:44 PM
Closing in on a big number!!!!
Let’s go 60!!!!!!

Another gd day of trading!!! No plans to ride-share, OSC slowing down, day trade been gd.

11-19-2020 , 04:00 PM
Time to put it all in on Pokémon cards. Let's double up.
11-19-2020 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by D0UGHBOY
Time to put it all in on Pokémon cards. Let's double up.
+1 LOL - only 1st editions and shadowless holographics
11-19-2020 , 05:52 PM
@doighboy gets 280points, the same of his weight, just for being my favorite poster.
11-19-2020 , 09:39 PM
11-20-2020 , 01:47 PM
Got an order from a local bar on the river for some indoor greens.
#70klHunting Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. shh

11-20-2020 , 02:05 PM
BS, you need to knock on FABD's door and ask them if they want you to replace their current putting greens.
11-21-2020 , 08:02 PM
Software has been downloaded and ready to fire on new computer. Not gonna play anything until Dec 1st, when challenge starts.

The 2 penny stocks we bout to go balls deep in are: SNDL, and HOFV. Been watching and reading up on both for a while now. We want to start our 1st position buy at .25 on SNDL, and $1.2 on HOFV. We avg down from there.
Plan on putting $25k each on them and hold at least for first qtr 2021. Lfg.
11-21-2020 , 08:33 PM
I used to sell pot on Craigslist in Canada maybe 5 years ago when it was still basically illegal. Had many people e transfer $500-1500 with nothing more than an email address.
11-21-2020 , 08:42 PM
What happened with the card? You never got a tracking number and wrote off the $400?
11-21-2020 , 08:46 PM
If you have the phone number I would be using a different phone to somehow bait him into getting an address on some premise, then if he lived within an hour or two I would go there and get the money back. Contact on a different email and offer a trade for a similar card, offer to send first. Etc. Not for everyone though.
11-21-2020 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by snowie963
If you have the phone number I would be using a different phone to somehow bait him into getting an address on some premise, then if he lived within an hour or two I would go there and get the money back. Contact on a different email and offer a trade for a similar card, offer to send first. Etc. Not for everyone though.
He can put the number into Spokeo (probably other sites available to do this as well) and get the name and address details.

Then either make a house visit or ask for a refund or else the details will be passed on to the authorities (legal option) or you may pay him a visit / have some friends pay a visit (more murky option). Depends how you want to play it.
11-21-2020 , 10:07 PM
Showing up at the house is always going to be risky, but odds are the guy is just some loser kid living at his parents, I would be tracking him down on principle even if the odds of getting money back are slim. First it is worth threatening to get authorities involved which he would most likely ignore. If all else fails I would be trying to at least cause some inconvenience for the guy, put up continuous free firewood (free 32” flatscreen etc) ads with his phone number. I did the once for someone who owed me $1000, but posted the address and said to just show up, I found out pretty quickly that’s not a good idea.

I am really vindictive though and doing petty things like that would help me feel a bit better.
11-21-2020 , 10:09 PM
Didnt BS say the guy is in California?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
11-21-2020 , 10:09 PM
Imagine your trading plan being to avg down with half your capital on a $0.25 stock.
11-21-2020 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Imagine your trading plan being to avg down with half your capital on a $0.25 stock.

Told u it was a penny and gonna be risky. Failed many times before. We going for it!

$400 dispute w bank will b resolved within a week. Don’t expect anything in my favor. Do hv his Zelle # which is different from his cl add phone number. Sent him another .01 cent this week and he accepted lol.
I noted, “just take it” lol.
11-22-2020 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Told u it was a penny and gonna be risky. Failed many times before. We going for it!
Gl. I guess you're pinning your hopes on SNDL getting acquired. Hope it happens soon otherwise they're going to run out of money and have to fold.

Probably just me, but when I see a company's stock price go from $10 to $0.25 in a year with a dumpster fire balance sheet. I don't think to myself, "how can I get half my money in on this!"
11-22-2020 , 08:41 AM
Don't listen to this hater, BS. You've done your extensive research, so you know way more than this random guy. The stock is already at 0.25$, can't go down down much further, right? We buy 100k shares now and basically own the whole company. Then we sell at 420$ for a nice 168000% payday.#LFG
11-22-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Fodersneso
Don't listen to this hater, BS. You've done your extensive research, so you know way more than this random guy. The stock is already at 0.25$, can't go down down much further, right? We buy 100k shares now and basically own the whole company. Then we sell at 420$ for a nice 168000% payday.#LFG

Lfg. Hopefully we can start some positions this week!! Lfg!!
They partnered w Choklat to hit that edible market. Not sure bout chocolate edibles, but like where their heads at. Their website “about video” is pure. Big fan of the company. Be cool if they partnered w another beat down stock, hexo. Hexo recently partnered w Molsen to hv some infused weed beers.

This Hall of Fame stock is interesting too. Their plan to hv fantasy dfs, sports betting, combine type stuff, hall of fame game, etc. nfl is so huge
11-22-2020 , 12:20 PM
Those putting greens look nice. That could be a good full time business idea, expand into outdoor greens and artificial turf. They are getting common in my area in Canada. We did a 200 square foot outdoor putting green last year, 5k. Regular artificial turf can bring in $10-20 per square foot and the only hard work is putting down a compacted gravel base. If you are good with detail like cutting and seam work that is the important part.

On another note, for those looking for some good entertainment, check out the dumb money saga with collectables guru and the fake 375k booster box on YouTube. Extremely entertaining. The original stream and then all the follow up videos from other you tubers.
11-22-2020 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by snowie963
Those putting greens look nice. That could be a good full time business idea, expand into outdoor greens and artificial turf. They are getting common in my area in Canada. We did a 200 square foot outdoor putting green last year, 5k. Regular artificial turf can bring in $10-20 per square foot and the only hard work is putting down a compacted gravel base. If you are good with detail like cutting and seam work that is the important part.

The indoor version I’m making w my scraps hv been a hit. Getting sm orders on them for Cmas gifts.
Hey, still not LLC’d, it’s not something I wanna do forever. All the money coming is tho, prob shd LLC.

Poker is my passion and ready to get back to the felt.
