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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
399 12.76%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.58%
$28K TO $34K
508 16.25%
$34K TO $40K
532 17.01%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.53%
934 29.87%

06-22-2019 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
If it's your money and they have no reason to mind, why not tell about the money you torched in NIO?

Lol. Why? What’s the purpose? What’s to gain? No need to put worry in my wife if there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
If I was n trouble financially, I wd discuss w my wife. I’m far from in financial ruin. It’s astonishing the bright minds on here, don’t understand that.

K. Now I’m out for the night.
06-22-2019 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
I’m not sure how clearly I can put this, but to make it simple for u most u guys let me explain a hypothetical...
If I wanted to go this route, I cd propose Sara to take the 60k upon herself and waive the $101,643 she owes me. Honestly, she wd b happy to do that.
If I went this route, where wd that leave me? Let me tell the misinformed. No debt, paid off house, and semi-retirement life.
What’s so complicated about figuring this out?
In theory in your current situation under individual arbitration this may be correct, and I hope that life continues this way for you indefinitely and the best for you. However variance occasionally happens. People become ill, physically or psychologically both of which could put a financial strain on, and reduce their ability to make further income, as well as some physical illness running up debt treating it. Sometimes Very happy functional couples randomly break down and divorce even in their 50’s,60’s, and sometimes beyond. Also, even in that situation you do have debt if married, maybe you have an iron clad pre-nup. That you took great precaution with. Maybe you’d get alimony in that situation from her having the higher income, either way you’d be paying child support most likely.

I’m all for the semi retired life, and not living on the American societal standards. But you have to prepare for the possibilities in the future of negative variance if you want to live on just 1k a month. If you put in a grind and assume around 3% swr from your portfolio, then at 400k invested in safe boring index’s you can withdrawal 1k per month for the rest of your life( most likely with low margin of failure) without much worry, and the. You can be semi-retired and any poker money is just gravy for you. My current goal is to grind out a 1mm life roll to crank out safely ~30k a year, and then just have any poker money be a bonus.

Have you checked out any of the early retirement forums on other sites? There are a lot of people out there trying to do the same thing you are.
06-22-2019 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by sleepyguy
I think "helping" out with kids is overdone in this day in age though. I'm 1st generation and we pretty got zero handouts growing up... school funds... nope, student loans... car? go work part-time you lazy ass. Helping bit with tuition and such I think is a good plan though.
must have been nice to live in a time when a part time job could cover things like college, a used car, or rent.
06-22-2019 , 08:08 PM
Canada we have OSAP which is student loans... part-time job during school yr, and full time during summer. Used car is what... $1500-2500 for ****ty econobox. Rent? nah... live at home and go to community college or nearby university. I don't think University tuition is as crazy in Canada as US though... so there is that.

Originally Posted by tgiggity
must have been nice to live in a time when a part time job could cover things like college, a used car, or rent.
06-22-2019 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by sleepyguy
Canada we have OSAP which is student loans... part-time job during school yr, and full time during summer. Used car is what... $1500-2500 for ****ty econobox. Rent? nah... live at home and go to community college or nearby university. I don't think University tuition is as crazy in Canada as US though... so there is that.
not really the cost of the car, it's the cost to maintain and keep it on the road. ~$150/yr in registration fees, $600/yr for minimum insurance coverage required by law on a car worth less than 2k, then you have to factor in gas + maintenance depending on your usage. a used car ends up costing at least $150/month on average to keep on the road. that's around 15-20 hours at minimum wage, so 1 week of part time work per month goes toward the car.

a 2 yr degree from my local community college only costs around 4k if you live at home and don't buy books for classes. from experience I'd estimate another $1k/year for books minimum. if you don't live at home or have parents paying for your rent then you'll need the car for two purposes

a 2 yr degree isn't really worth anything though, so have fun shelling out 15k/year for 2+ more years finishing your bachelors while getting charged out the ass for parking permits ($600/year, doesn't include summer though), books etc.

this is all usa experience, idk how it is in canada. maybe you guys haven't screwed things up so bad
06-22-2019 , 09:00 PM
Maybe I missed something, but from what I understand...after torching 60k from his and his wife's HELOC via one penny stock at full margin...his solution is to spend 40k on a brand new car, then business as usual? Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
06-22-2019 , 11:00 PM
he is leasing it so it's 22k over 3 years

I think BS is the kind of person who couldn't possibly ever have a lot of money, just not disciplined enough, hang on to your kids and wife because this is what matters anyway, you won't ever be rich but it's not a bad thing
06-22-2019 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
A simple loan calculator I feel this way.

Find a better calculator to look at...
06-23-2019 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry

Hollar back in 3 months when I hv a 3k Roll, and 6 months when I hv 6k, and one year when I hv over 12k easily. These numbers r on the super low side. Prob more like $20k roll n a year. You all r ridiculous.
Ok, deal. Go tell your wife right now to take the full HELOC debt and start your new roll. How much are you starting with?
06-23-2019 , 03:29 PM
What does a repo'd Tesla cost?
06-23-2019 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Just because I say I cd get by making $1k a month doesn’t mean I intend on doing just that.

No worries about college funds, vacations, health insurance, water heaters, a/c goin out, emergency fund, etc.

Hollar back in 3 months when I hv a 3k Roll, and 6 months when I hv 6k, and one year when I hv over 12k easily. These numbers r on the super low side. Prob more like $20k roll n a year. You all r ridiculous.
How are all those things you say you don’t worry about going to be taken care of? Sara is covering them?

If you are using $1/k month as the number you make in poker (which I agree is probably low for you) how is your roll growing $1k/mo? You have $0 in expenses?
06-23-2019 , 08:55 PM
This is turning into the trooper97 thread all over again. One person is living his life how he wants to live it, a bunch of other people unable to see how another person can live life differently than they do, and try to tell that person how to live his life.
06-23-2019 , 09:47 PM
Is a model 3 big enough to sleep in? Asking for a friend.
06-23-2019 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by rtd353
This is turning into the trooper97 thread all over again. One person is living his life how he wants to live it, a bunch of other people unable to see how another person can live life differently than they do, and try to tell that person how to live his life.
Not exactly the same. Trooper never wanted advice, op on multiple occasions has asked for people's opinions.

What is similar to trooper's situation in that most of the advice seems to be the same and it is unlikely hero is going to follow it.

Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk

Last edited by wilycoyote; 06-23-2019 at 11:19 PM.
06-24-2019 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by NIO_IS_THE_ONE
What does a repo'd Tesla cost?
Lol BS has people so tilted they are creating troll accounts lol
06-24-2019 , 04:09 AM
LOL, pretty creative username though I must say

Above posters, I don't think people are telling BS the way to live... just to be financially responsible as he's got 3 kids, wife, etc etc.

Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
Lol BS has people so tilted they are creating troll accounts lol
06-24-2019 , 09:41 AM
BS im not trolling. I want to know more about your stay in the psychiatric hostpital stay. i saw posts being deleted about this. mental illness is serious.
how bout we talk about it? How old was you, how long did you stay?
has this helped you or hurt you? Do you stay medicated?
You are the 2+2 goat!
06-24-2019 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
he felt entitled to purchase a dog w/o disscussing w/ wife
feels entitled to owning a tesla having just torqued 60k
somehow believes in his stock picking skillz (entitled)
entitled to live "semi retired" lifestyle while digging into a massive hole and a family to worry about
entitled to lift money from wife with out asking in order to gambool

the entitlement list is endless
These may be bad choices...but are not examples of entitlement. Unless you're redefining the word.
06-24-2019 , 11:59 PM
Ray will never be the Trooper because he is a proven winner at 1/2.
06-25-2019 , 02:14 AM
Give your advice and/or opinions once and then leave it be you ***** !

OP, talk to your accountant (assume you've had interesting tax situations as a self employed gambler for years) about your options for writing off future poker winnings, stock gambling, and side-incomes like tennis lessons...all of these have different rules/options for how you can gain most of that 60k loss back over time via writing off against it.
Off top of my head I don't remember but there's a small amount you can write off against any sort of income (want to say it was 3300 a year 5 years ago so more now) and it carries forward year after year until you've written off against that next year you make 40k of non-stock income it lowers your 'taxable income' to 36k or some **** so that's hella nice compared to when I was pro poker player and you couldn't carry losses over like you can in stock trading/investing.
06-25-2019 , 02:46 AM
it's $3K/year carryover, so he will get something back, not "most of it" back lol

also $3K in X number of years will not have the same buying power as $3K now
06-25-2019 , 08:01 AM
Good advice... totally forget about the tax lost write off. Assume he wasn't trading in a sheltered account, so that is quite a write off. Does being a "professional" gambler have to pay taxes in US? In Canada it's a bit of a grey area... doing it part-time you definitely don't have to, but if do it full time for sure as a profession. That said I'm sure all the full-time grinders at the local Casinos here, none pay their taxes or track/report very little of it.

Originally Posted by Duffman08
Give your advice and/or opinions once and then leave it be you ***** !

OP, talk to your accountant (assume you've had interesting tax situations as a self employed gambler for years) about your options for writing off future poker winnings, stock gambling, and side-incomes like tennis lessons...all of these have different rules/options for how you can gain most of that 60k loss back over time via writing off against it.
Off top of my head I don't remember but there's a small amount you can write off against any sort of income (want to say it was 3300 a year 5 years ago so more now) and it carries forward year after year until you've written off against that next year you make 40k of non-stock income it lowers your 'taxable income' to 36k or some **** so that's hella nice compared to when I was pro poker player and you couldn't carry losses over like you can in stock trading/investing.
06-25-2019 , 12:25 PM
Yes in the US you have to pay taxes on gambling winnings unfortunately. OP did say he hasn't tracked results some years so who knows how he does his taxes...
06-25-2019 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rutledge Smitty
Yes in the US you have to pay taxes on gambling winnings unfortunately. OP did say he hasn't tracked results some years so who knows how he does his taxes...
Hero steals from home depot. You think he is reporting his income on taxes?
06-25-2019 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Lol. Why? What’s the purpose? What’s to gain? No need to put worry in the IRS if there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
If I was n trouble financially, I wd discuss w the IRS. I’m far from in financial ruin. It’s astonishing the bright minds on here, don’t understand that.

K. Now I’m out for the night.
