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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
399 12.76%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.58%
$28K TO $34K
508 16.25%
$34K TO $40K
532 17.01%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.53%
934 29.87%

10-02-2017 , 07:12 PM
Lmao good post.
10-03-2017 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by xjippyx
Hey Rayz what did you think about the Big Brother finale? And what about big brother celebrity?
Pretty dramatic ending.
-Loved that Cody stuck to his guns.
-surprised that Skillet man took Paul to finals, but it seemed to work.
-loved that Paul didn’t win.

Not sure what to think about celebrity bb. I’m a fan of the avg Joes, but I’ll watch.
10-03-2017 , 02:03 PM
Thinking about a YT live sometime soon to explain everything thats been going on.
Such as: being ban, ban life, stocks, money situation, 40k challenge, vlogging, yt channel, pokerz, family, and the next thing.
Seems like the right thing to do for those that hv been following my journey.

As always, appreciate all the posts! Good or bad, agree or disagree, all are read and appreciated. I learn and get better by surrounding myself w people that challenge me. You smart folks and poker wizards have helped my life in the last few years. I’m forever grateful. Thank u!
10-03-2017 , 02:07 PM
what is your yt name?
10-03-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by mehm
what is your yt name?
@RayzRayl on all socials
10-03-2017 , 04:52 PM
did they let you back in the horseshoe? last I read they wouldn't let you back in without that letter that you threw away?
10-05-2017 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDividends
did they let you back in the horseshoe? last I read they wouldn't let you back in without that letter that you threw away?
I was wondering the same. I haven’t seen him
10-05-2017 , 10:46 PM
Let me first say that I greatly enjoyed Ray sharing his journey here. As a weekend reg back in the 20-40LHE heyday, and now for major tournament series I enjoyed hearing about what was going on at HSI and his success. However, ask yourself, if you were ever in the position of being banned and received a reinstatement letter, wouldn’t you make multiple copies of that letter rather than throw it away? And, given that it was lost, why wouldn’t the casino issue another letter? Which leads to the language in the reinstatement letter stating “Management has determined that you will also refrain from using any trademark material such as the Horseshoe Southern Indiana gaming chips or signage.” Post 5431 shows the letter which has the Horseshoe logo at the top of the letter. Not a trademark expert, but thinking that post 5431 may have violated the “refrain from using “any” trademark material” language.
10-06-2017 , 07:30 AM

Any updates Rayz on HSI? or any other grind sessions?
10-09-2017 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by semicompetent
Let me first say that I greatly enjoyed Ray sharing his journey here. As a weekend reg back in the 20-40LHE heyday, and now for major tournament series I enjoyed hearing about what was going on at HSI and his success. However, ask yourself, if you were ever in the position of being banned and received a reinstatement letter, wouldn’t you make multiple copies of that letter rather than throw it away? And, given that it was lost, why wouldn’t the casino issue another letter? Which leads to the language in the reinstatement letter stating “Management has determined that you will also refrain from using any trademark material such as the Horseshoe Southern Indiana gaming chips or signage.” Post 5431 shows the letter which has the Horseshoe logo at the top of the letter. Not a trademark expert, but thinking that post 5431 may have violated the “refrain from using “any” trademark material” language.

Just scan it in and upload it to the cloud. Always on your devices, and can print a copy anytime. Keep original in the car.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
10-09-2017 , 09:11 PM
Essentially what I said, isteal. Ability to have hard copies available. Showing the pic on the phone didn't work, and there is no indication that Ray tried to print a hard copy and show a hard copy. Which brings one back to post 5430 where the letter from the casino was posted that has a casino logo on top of the letter. Could easily be read as a violation of the terms of reinstatement IMO. Pedantic as that may be.
10-10-2017 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDividends
did they let you back in the horseshoe? last I read they wouldn't let you back in without that letter that you threw away?
Originally Posted by jfez

Any updates Rayz on HSI? or any other grind sessions?
Never did find the original letter, but finally did receive a new letter.
Have yet to take the new letter in for the second attempt returning.

tbph i have lost some motivation since paying off my mortgage. Been spending more than I should and not working as much as I shd. It's a recipe for sewage gutter disaster. Been telling myself, "Oh well, at least I got the house paid off." But my leftover funds are dwindling, and need to get back at it, on a serious front soon.
Sure, I been playing here and there on the #Bantour, but more so been enjoying my free time. This free time has allowed me to experience a new hobby in long distance road biking. Been doing it for a couple months and finally got a newer bike yesterday.

Also, been stepping away from videotaping/vlogging and using my creative side to making wreaths. :/
Don't ask how that got started, but I will say it was totally organic. K, it started from a bonfire whiskey night w some of my rowdy classics, turned into cutting down trees w a chainsaw (for a wiffle ball field), and pulling out vines. Next I know, later that full-moon night, I'm drunk weaving a wreath.
Working on one now for Sara.

No wsopc at HSI this year. Couldnt risk my "leftover money" on Ts, and could never get myself to return to the scene of the crime.

Maybe I'm a little lost...
I think I need to start a Tesla goal. Maybe I can butcher that too.

Last edited by ButterflySymmetry; 10-10-2017 at 02:40 PM.
10-10-2017 , 04:01 PM
Wreath game is strong ^
10-10-2017 , 04:45 PM
Have you considered the capital gains tax bill you're going to receive after that stock bink?
10-10-2017 , 05:16 PM
$40K wreath challenge.

10-10-2017 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
$40K wreath challenge.
Man that was great. Chuckle
10-10-2017 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Man that was great. Chuckle

Trying to grind $40K in the wreath game would take all the fun and creativity out of it pretty quick.
10-12-2017 , 09:52 AM
How long can I survive this?

Just never satisfied.
Why can’t I b happy about the things Ive accomplished and not wallow in the things I haven’t?

All I want to do is get in my bike and ride as far as possible today. Let the mind think on what the next thing in life is for me. The challenge being over and paying off the house has oddly got me in a funk. I need some sort of motivation to keep moving forward.
Pushing myself to the limits today in search of our next thing.

Oh, & Cubbies.
10-12-2017 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
How long can I survive this?

Just never satisfied.
Why can’t I b happy about the things Ive accomplished and not wallow in the things I haven’t?

All I want to do is get in my bike and ride as far as possible today. Let the mind think on what the next thing in life is for me. The challenge being over and paying off the house has oddly got me in a funk. I need some sort of motivation to keep moving forward.
Pushing myself to the limits today in search of our next thing.

Oh, & Cubbies.
Kids should be a large motivation.
10-12-2017 , 07:40 PM
thoughts on a re-entry into ENPH?

I like it if we continue to hold above 1.30. Have started to accumulate for another run-up and am basing risk off that levl.
10-13-2017 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Duffman08
thoughts on a re-entry into ENPH?

I like it if we continue to hold above 1.30. Have started to accumulate for another run-up and am basing risk off that levl.
If I had any extra money at all I wd, but I don’t at this time.

After grouping my money from stocks, poker, sell of Melody; used it to pay off my house. The leftover money is for the pokerz. Need that to make more money, and nothing else to invest at this time. If I don’t run gd in the short term, cd b heading to brokeville.
10-18-2017 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheProdigy93
Have you considered the capital gains tax bill you're going to receive after that stock bink?
I believe the way it works is you actually have to pay short-term capital gains tax (which would be your ordinary income tax rate) since it was held for less than 1 yr. Not positive tho, if someone can confirm
10-18-2017 , 02:35 PM
10-20-2017 , 01:36 PM
Poker has slowed down a bit. The money is still in dwindle mode. The 3.5hr roundtrip #pokertour drives have taken its toll on me.
Ever since I paid off my house I hv lost the money motivation to accumulate again. On the flip, hv gained motivation in fitness. All I want to do is workout, play tennis, and ride my bike as far as possible. Unfortunately, that doesn’t pay well :\
Still refuse to get a real job, and nothing pays more than my cash game poker. Poker is what I do, and what I will continue to do. Just still upset that the #40k went wayside and it’s hard to get over. For now, in pace mode. The turnaround is coming. I WILL BUILD IT UP AGAIN via poker.
10-20-2017 , 02:06 PM
BFSym sorry if I missed it but where you able to cash out your chips?
