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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
397 12.73%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.22%
$34K TO $40K
530 16.99%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.55%
932 29.88%

05-12-2017 , 02:38 PM
*brother* lives in New Albany
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-12-2017 , 03:51 PM
Will it be something fun to do? Yes but are you a casual player playing just for fun?

Will it be good for your vlog/Youtube career? Yes, it will definitely bump up your subs and your views being in a featured game with all of these vloggers with more subs than you. There's a principle that says you are the average of those you surround yourself with in terms of income, intelligence, values, and everything pretty much. So if you are surrounded by vloggers with way more subs than you, they will bring you up with them.

The more important question is, is this an avenue you are trying to pursue? You haven't really jumped on the more regular vlogging scene now that poker vlogging is blowing up so not sure if you will get the biggest value that this trip offers.

What will this cost you? The hotel is free and you just pay for flight and food. How much will you give up on the back end to make this trip? If you decide it is worth the opportunity cost + expenses, then do it.

If not, don't.

Either way, good luck with $40K challenge and consider it an honor to be invited. Good luck, bro!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-12-2017 , 05:11 PM
Why in SacTown? Seems strange but whatever. Strictly speaking on the game itself, it'll be =EV given the lineup so the only motivation would be vlog oriented. Do you endeavor to take your vlog to the next level and are you ready to dedicate the necessary time & effort in doing so? I haven't gotten that sense from you yet but if it's indeed a goal of yours, then absolutely this trip would be huge w/re: to exposure.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-12-2017 , 06:14 PM
Playing in the Vlogers game would be huge for your vlog to get exposure and subs. I'm sure you can find a softer poker game though. I'm a subscriber to both of their channels, as well as yours, and can tell they are both solid, winning, players.

I know I wouldn't want to be at a table with Neeme, Owens, and Rayz. I'm pretty sure that Trooper would decline an invitation to this game.

Hope they get Poker Kraut in this game too.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-12-2017 , 08:26 PM
At one point Brad said Pokerkraut and Boski as well!
It's 5/5nl 1,000 cap. Wouldn't fit the challenge this year for Rayz, but would be huge for one of the first vloggers to jump in.
It's in Sactown bc Stones Gambling Hall has a Twitch and YouTube channel and was one of the firsts to express open arms to the Vloggers.
It's not a huge draw for anyone planning to have a huge session, except for the lucky guy to take my stack All the pros and I may be the only rec player there!

I say let's get it buddy
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-13-2017 , 10:16 PM
I appreciate all the feedback on the #POkerVloggerGame.
Posters made some gd points.
Currently, I am in talk w 2+2 about getting sponsored for this extravaganza. It's now is in the hands of Mat Sklansky, and expecting an email sometime soon.
My decision may depend on getting sponsored. @Advanta mentioned the $800 spent may be worth it in the long run, and I see his point. So who knows, I may splurge for the trip, hoping it cd open the doors for something else.

It's 50/50 at this time.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-13-2017 , 10:21 PM
If u hv a popcorn button on the microwave, go ahead and push it. If not, set the bag in there for 2:22.

Posted here first.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-14-2017 , 09:31 PM
Happy Morher's Day to all the moms!

I thought about squeezing in a few hours of poker today, and then I quickly came to my senses and realized sleeping outside wdnt b fun.

Thanks Sara for your hard work, and showing love, care, compassion to our three kids. You're a great mother.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-15-2017 , 12:44 PM


Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-15-2017 , 01:53 PM
Your soccer league is just 5 on the field? (4+1 goalie)
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-15-2017 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by AA Suited
Your soccer league is just 5 on the field? (4+1 goalie)
U6 3 on 3, w four 6mins quaters. We had 6 on the roster, but 1 is on the shelf for the rest of the year w broken foot.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-15-2017 , 03:59 PM
If I'm you, I jump at the chance to play in that game. Sure there is cost associated with it but let's be honest, the good players of HSI are really funding your trip. The exposure is good and it's always good to play tough competition to test yourself. I say go!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-15-2017 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Tobe Decided
If I'm you, I jump at the chance to play in that game. Sure there is cost associated with it but let's be honest, the good players of HSI are really funding your trip. The exposure is good and it's always good to play tough competition to test yourself. I say go!
Appreciate the input. I value ur opinion and I'm workin on some things to perhaps make this game. Although, after I upload this next vlog in a couple of days, it may end my whole vlog game altogether and my chances for the #PokerVloggersGame.
I'm going down swinging.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-15-2017 , 11:19 PM
Tonight started w 2 red Aces not holding for me in a big pot.

$5 straddle from the action Kenyan, and I make it $20 after a limp and get 3 callers.

$80 pot. 4 players to the flop J62.

Lady who limp/called my $20 pre -checks, I bet $60, snug guy on my left folds, Action Kenyon goes all-in for $140. The Lady limp/tank calls $140 ($500 behind). I decided to go all-in for $400 total, and Lady Calls.

Main Pot $500 + Side Pot $520. $1120 total for Lady and I.

AA vs A4

River: who cares

AA < Nut Flush

Battled my way back to only being stuck -$100, and then move tables to a must straddle 1/2 game. Up $200 quickly in that game before...

"The Attorney" straddles $15 otb, sb makes it $55, folded to me in hijack w JJ and call, back to straddle who 3 bets all-in for $272. Sb folds, I call.

AK vs JJ

King ball in the window and no help.

Back to being stuck a little once more.

An hour later, I leave +$46.
Running total $15,582
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-16-2017 , 08:32 PM
Tonight's games were painfully bad.

I bought it for 6 blacks, and put 4 in play on a play-over box for 30 mins. Then my name got called to take a seat at another table. I played for an hour, looked around at all the short stacks, saw one pot over hundred dollars, and knew it was going to be bad. I wasn't in the mood to wait around until it got better, so decided to leave.

Heading home now, and may try to put a vlog up tonight.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-16-2017 , 10:39 PM
Please play the Vlogging Game! What does your family think about it?

I'm getting sleepy, is the video going to be ready soon?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-16-2017 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by CallyGal
Please play the Vlogging Game! What does your family think about it?

I'm getting sleepy, is the video going to be ready soon?
#PokerVloggersGame looking favorable.
All go w the family if I decide to play.

Sorry so late. These vlogs are never worth losing sleep over.

Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-17-2017 , 12:28 AM
That vlog was great, vlog of the year candidate
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-18-2017 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by dNAssume
That vlog was great, vlog of the year candidate
Trying to mix it up a bit on the vlog just like on the felt w poker.

Just want to make clear that my tribute to Troop vlog was supposed to be in good fun. Some comments on YouTube saying I was trolling, assure is not the case. That never crossed my mind. I respect Troop for beating to his own drum, and creating his own destiny. I told him in a text a couple days ago to just tell the "Haters" to keep on watching.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-18-2017 , 01:17 PM
Last night had the dream line up, but some of my runouts were nightmarish.

We had the big 2 classics in the game: "Allstate" and his Budweiser quartet, and the reloaded "The Roofer".

The game was 1/2/take a guess. It wasn't a mandatory straddle game, but many players were. The 2 most straddlers, were the 2 classics. Sometimes $5, $10, $15, $25, $50. If i had to break it down in %, I wd say 90% of the time a straddle was on.

Of the 90%:
%10 of time $5,
%20 of the time $10,
%20 of the time $15,
%20 of the time $25,
%10 of the time $50,
%20 of the time misc. ($7, $11, etc.)

The game was wild, and frequently I had to re-tighten the seat belt. For example, in one hand, I saw AllState and The Roofer put $600 in pre with Q hi and a J hi! Over a $1K pot heads up, and Jack lands on the river. The Roofer said he had him high carded until that point (shows Q). I was lol'ing on the inside.
I was so hungry last night, that i was starting to get dizzy at the table. I tried hard to fight it because I did not want to leave this game for one second. But after a couple more stomach growls, and more hallucinations; I just couldn't take it anymore. I decided to make a run for it. I was skipping stairs, weaving in and out of patrons, and ate my dinner like i was in Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. A quick bite to eat, and back to the game.

Finally, I get in mix, and put $400 in pre w AK and get nearly felted by Q9ss. After that, it left me with an embarrassing $50 amongst the piles of chips spread out. Screw it, I decided to just find another hand to get it in, instead of topping up.
I doubled once w AA > AQ,
again w AsJs > Allstate's JJ, built it up to $200.
Grinded that up to $400,
and doubled once more when i called a 3 bet shove otf (Ad10d4h)with bottom set of 4s.

Finally, I had one of those towers like my mates.
Ended +$229
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-18-2017 , 09:38 PM
A few things to report.

1). From the great feedback on here, I hv officially decided to play in the #PokerVloggersGame late July at Stones Gambling Casino.
I just found out today that they do a live stream kind of like Live At the Bike, and this #PVG will be live streamed.

2). No pokerz tonight due to a make up Soccer Game.
Thought about telling my team that coach had to go play pokerz, but didn't think it wd go over well.

*Running total on the #40k Challenge $15,749.

3). Still no word on a closing date on The Melody. Just waiting patiently for that call. Thought I wd here from someone this week, but guess not. Per contract suppose to close before 31st, so maybe I here smthing next week.

Any questions on anything I'm here to answer.

Thanks for helping my decision making for #PVG, and thanks for continued support. From vlogs, to 2+2; I hv a great rail! Much appreciated!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-19-2017 , 10:11 AM
Good luck in the vloggers game, surely looking forward to watching it!!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-19-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by advanta
Good luck in the vloggers game, surely looking forward to watching it!!
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-19-2017 , 05:20 PM
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
05-19-2017 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by advanta
Good luck in the vloggers game, surely looking forward to watching it!!
Thanks. It not really the line up I wd b running to, but wth.
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
