First session out of the way and as expected I have now moved up to 5NL.
I realised half way into my session that I was very close to clearing a $50 milestone credit so decided to play 4 x 2NL and 2 x 5Nl in order to clear the bonus quicker.
So just as I hit the $125 mark in my bankroll I also cleared a cheeky $50 bonus so great session to start out.
I have cashed out $12 for me to buy a little treat for moving up (probably a pack of smokes). Which leaves me with a bankroll of $163 which should be plenty for 5NL.
My plan is to now grind up to $250 and take a 5 buyin shot at 10NL.
here is my graph so far, not the prettiest but heading in the right direction:
here are my stats for the stakes played:
and here is my positional stats:
Any thoughts on my positional stats would be much appreciated. I am new to using a HUD and analysing statistics of my play so please feel free to shout up and let me know what you think.
I will be posting some hands after tomorrows sessions. Unfortunately I wont be playing any more today as I have other commitments with the missus but will be aiming to pushout around 10 -12k hands tomorrow.
Week one goals:
[ ] 50,000 hands
[ ] maintain at least a 5bb/100 win rate
[X] move up to 5nl
[ ] study hand histories after a session
[ ] learn more about the zoom format
new goal:
[ ] move up to 10 NL
gl all