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Stake to Millon Stake to Millon

05-20-2010 , 03:02 PM
Hi everyone. Short about me. I´ve been playing for over 3 years now, have a good knoweledge about a game but never tooked it seriuosly. Now i got offered a staked and i will try to make as much as i can out of it as i have no job or anything, and tons of spare time. I will post my results here, so that will hopefully help me stay calm and out of games within a stake.

I will be starting with $2.25 9mans playing 25 sngs, and i should finish it within few hrs.
I will keep this thread updated, and will be posting graphs atleast once a day. Probably will not post any hand historys as i think it is boring but i will post a graphs.

This thread/blog is for personal purposes only, i will update within an hr with 1st graph hopefully.

Oh, and full tilt nickname is laimva. Gl to mee !
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 03:28 PM
good luck broseph!
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 04:05 PM
Ok, so i just finished my first 6 sngs session. Cashed in 2 tournaments. 2nd and 3rd. Got bubbled in a couple, hope next session will be better . Currently down $4.5, but still have 19 games to go untill i have to report my progress to my staker , I hope to make profit in next session.

Originally Posted by Legend_Killer
good luck broseph!
Thank you dude.

Last edited by Username^^; 05-20-2010 at 04:18 PM.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 04:14 PM
GL man !
i want to start a Challenge too
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 04:30 PM
Good luck have a tilt free journey.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 04:39 PM
how many sngs u played this session? graph would be nice
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 05:15 PM
Just played 10 sngs more. Got raped by full tilt full timeeEeeE ... Down 4$ more and i will play my last 9 games in non turbo format becouse this is just beyond redicoulus. I will post a graph after i finish my 25 sngs (lol samplesizeaments)...
I uploaded a couple of hands just in case anyone cares :

Talked to my staker, he said he is off to bed now and that next set of sngs will be bigger and tomorow.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by gulyver
GL man !
i want to start a Challenge too
Thank you and looking forward to your chalange !

Originally Posted by dan233
Good luck have a tilt free journey.
Thanks man.

Originally Posted by justnutsbaby
how many sngs u played this session? graph would be nice
First session was 6, and second 10 sngs. I will post a graph after i finish my 1st 25 sng set.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-20-2010 , 06:45 PM

I have just finished my first 25 sngs set, and as promised i will upload a graph. Here it is :

For some reason hm did not tracked 2 sngs. I am down 13.05$ Whitch i will ow in make up (beat). Anyway, it wasn´t so bad after all considering that i runned worse than one legged man. Here are some other stats from my set :

#gmes 23 (should be 25) | ROI% - -23.5 | $ -12.15 | 1st - 8.7 | 2nd - 8.7 | 3rd - 13.0 | 4th - 30.4 | 5th - 30.4 | 6th - 8.7| 7th,8th,9th - 0%|

2 games that i missed, i finished 5th in one and 3rd in another. Make up owed : 13.05$ ArgghhhHHHh.

Hope to stop running like sht tomorow, and change those 4th and 5th percentages. Also will review hand historys and post some hands maybe (just maybe).
Stake to Millon Quote
05-21-2010 , 11:40 AM
So here comes second set of sit and goes. This time it will be 100 games. Will update after 30 games.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-21-2010 , 04:20 PM
This prety nasty actually. I started to grind in very good mood. Couple of sick beats, but still managed to profit a little. My father is leaving tomorow, so he is using my all inernetz in downloading movies.

so i can´t grind atm. Managed to play 20 games, one session of 16 sngs and another of 4, thanks god i did not load 12 tables again, woulda lost 12 buy ins most likelly due to disconections. Also, I started to play 18 mans, to reduce rakeaments.
Hopefully my father leave tomorow, and i will be able to start putting some volume. I expect to finish 80 remaining sngs tomorow in the afternoon.

Today stats : 20 games $2.25 18 man sngs. Spent in buy ins - 45$
. 1st - 2 = 28.8$
. 2nd - 1 = 10.8$
. 4th - 3 = 10.8$

Total : 50.4$, Profit - 5.4$



My father leaves tomorow and is downloading a bunch of movies
My interetz is to slow for poker
Managed to play 20 games

I really hope that he leaves early tomorow, so i can start grinding .
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 07:24 AM
Played small 5sngs session this morning, becouse 18man sngs was filling up so slowly. I mixed between 18 and 27 man stt´s and made a whooping 1$ profit (YESSS !)... Ok here are the stats :

18man - 3, 0 cashes
27man - 2, 1 cash - 2nd $12.42
Session profit : 1.17$

Over all stake stats :

25 games played; current br : $62.9; initial br : $56.25; Profit : $6.65; Profit with makeup : -$6.35.
I am playing 9man atm, will post a graph and more after a session or two.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 09:20 AM
Howard ledderer must be leveling me. After running decently a couple of stts i got doomswithced again, lost 8 out of 9 times with AA and so many times got in as a huge fav to win and lost vs wide range of non callable hands, like 94 (WTF?) or J8o. Lost around 7 buy ins in the first 12 sngs session (DoH) and made some profit in second, here is the graph acording to hm :

This graph is not acurate, as i have played more games than holdem manager have tracked this is probably becouse of disconections i get once in a while.

Last session results :

21 9 man sngs played, Total buy-ins : $47.25; Profit : -$2.25
3rd - 7, $25.2
2nd - 2, $10.8
1st - 1, $9

Over all :

46 games played; BR : 60.65$; Profit : $4.40; Profit with make up : -$8.60.


So far me is being pwned by full tilts rng. Hope it changes mood before i started to tilt.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 12:20 PM
Have you considered play cash games?
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by RollyFingas
Have you considered play cash games?
I play cash games, but this is a stake for sngs

Last edited by Username^^; 05-22-2010 at 02:37 PM.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 03:11 PM
I have played 33 18man sngs and got badbeated a **** out of me again :-|, So 21 game to go. I am thinking about uploading all my badbeats, but it would take to long. Here are stats from 3 sessions i played :

. Total spended in buy ins : $74.25
. Prizes : 1st - 1, $14.40; 2nd - 2, $21.6; 3rd - 3 $21.6, 4th - 1, $ Total : $60.4
. Profit : -$13.05,
. Bankroll : $47.6

So i am down in a stake and if i don´t win in the next 21 games i will ow more makeup :-|. Will update and post a graph after i finish all 100 sngs, oh and fu Howard Ledderer !
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 03:31 PM
down 6 buy ins more, auofnb`psiafgpasfc`pgiknad`pftigqada´kcvna´pfcngàp fdnv`psikn `vbpsihf`qpksdnpíkv nbpoajDNG`PSING`HPYMA´PFKNGAOÑDJNVOosndoñvj spouifdghposinfdhgñok ynoiwn 0iefeioi i iit fd`gasifd`giwaf`pihnsv`bphijypo`njhs`poibn`spikny` 0 iswyhn ogknbs`fing sìfgnh`pisfdn`piv

I am out for a walk
Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 08:06 PM
After running at both sets and running very bad in the second half of 2nd set I almost finished. These are the results :

. 6 18man turbo sngs
. 13 27man regular sngs, i decided to play non turbo 3 table sit´s to reduce a variance a little bit, as i dont think i could handle another swing of 13 buy ins.

18man turbos - 0/6 cashes - buy ins - $13.5
27man : 1st - 0; 2nd - 3, $37.26; 3rd - 1, $8.64. Buy ins - $29.25, Profit - $16.65.

Bankroll : $50.75; Profit : -$5.5, Profit with makeup : -$18.5


After i went 6 buyins down on 18man turbos i was sick and frustrated, but somehow managed not to tilt. Probably trolling in bbv has helped alot as i have started to see things from other point of view. Still have 2 games left to play maybe i can get even or make atleast small profit. I was gona play 2x27 mans, but by mistake registered into 180man sng, hope my staker wont be mad at me.

I will post a graph after i finish my 2 sngs, it wont be 100% accurate as my hm always misses a game or two.

And about running bad, looks like things settled down a little bit and i am not getting so many coolers and bad beats I hope i will be able to keep a good run and make some profit tomorow (?).

For those who want some titsss

Stake to Millon Quote
05-22-2010 , 09:58 PM
Ok, so i have done my 100 sngs. Last 2 tournaments i played really bad. Started well, but after an hr or so lost a flip, and couldn´t get my head back into a game specially when single tabling. I have played 180 man and 27 man non turbo.

This a graph from this 100 sngs set :

And this is my overall graph :

Make up owed to staker : $23, 13$ from last set and 10$ from this set.

I am still prety happy with my results as it coulda been much much worse, hopefully i will stop running like chit and will start making some profit soon.
If anyone wants to see some bad beats, i could upload a cool colection of them, tc everyone.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-23-2010 , 07:26 AM
Wooot, just shiped 200 ftp 22 satelite, top2 was getting an entry out of 40, managed to luckbox my way through and ship it. On the final 4 i had a chiplead, then got sucked out 2 times in a row while in the bb. 1st hand was button shove vs my AQd. He had AJ and made runner runner J high str. Second hand was sb vs bb A5o vs my AK, he scooped a 5 on the turn. Luckilly enough i managed to build back and win an entry, weeee

Here are some hands :

This is where i lost with AQ, Buton was shoving prety light so it was an easy call to make :

Full Tilt Poker Sat to the $200K Double Deuce No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250/t500 Blinds + t50 - 4 players - View hand 709471
The Official Hand History Converter

Scheibsi (CO): t31830 M = 33.51
IvanovAA_nsk (BTN): t10465 M = 11.02
lordvali (SB): t10790 M = 11.36
Hero (BB): t27915 M = 29.38

Pre Flop: (t950) Hero is BB with A Q
1 fold, IvanovAA_nsk raises to t10415 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls t9915

Flop: (t21280) 7 8 K

Turn: (t21280) T

River: (t21280) 9

He had AJ.

In the next orbit i raised i was able to pick some blinds, then got AK in the bb :

Full Tilt Poker Sat to the $200K Double Deuce No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t250/t500 Blinds + t50 - 4 players - View hand 709472
The Official Hand History Converter

Scheibsi (CO): t30880 M = 32.51
IvanovAA_nsk (BTN): t20080 M = 21.14
lordvali (SB): t9840 M = 10.36
Hero (BB): t20200 M = 21.26

Pre Flop: (t950) Hero is BB with K A
2 folds, lordvali raises to t9790 all in, Hero calls t9290

Flop: (t19780) 7 8 4

Turn: (t19780) 5

River: (t19780) 9

He had A5

Again was picking blinds here and there for few next orbits, then another sb vs bb confrontation which i managed to win :

Full Tilt Poker Sat to the $200K Double Deuce No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t75 - 4 players - View hand 709473
The Official Hand History Converter

Scheibsi (CO): t28455 M = 23.71
IvanovAA_nsk (BTN): t15205 M = 12.67
lordvali (SB): t26205 M = 21.84
Hero (BB): t11135 M = 9.28

Pre Flop: (t1200) Hero is BB with A Q
2 folds, lordvali raises to t1800, Hero raises to t11060 all in, lordvali calls t9260

Flop: (t22420) A 6 T

Turn: (t22420) 6

River: (t22420) 6

He had J9c

Here i stoled a pot from a spwertard, prety obv that he had air after not shoving or atleast poting the flop :

Full Tilt Poker Sat to the $200K Double Deuce No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t75 - 3 players - View hand 709474
The Official Hand History Converter

Scheibsi (SB): t27255 M = 24.23
lordvali (BB): t31850 M = 28.31
Hero (BTN): t21895 M = 19.46

Pre Flop: (t1125) Hero is BTN with A 7
1 fold, lordvali raises to t1800, Hero calls t1200

Flop: (t3825) 9 5 K (2 players)
lordvali bets t2400, Hero raises to t5400, lordvali folds

And this was a key hand, I decided to not 3bet preflop as i dont want him to fold by any means, Got a nice flop and after his was abit woried that he might get away, but luckilly enough i was able to induce a bluff from him :

Full Tilt Poker Sat to the $200K Double Deuce No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t100 - 3 players - View hand 709469
The Official Hand History Converter

Scheibsi (BTN): t31755 M = 21.17
lordvali (SB): t27950 M = 18.63
Hero (BB): t21295 M = 14.20

Pre Flop: (t1500) Hero is BB with Q Q
1 fold, lordvali raises to t2400, Hero calls t1600

Flop: (t5100) K 8 K (2 players)
lordvali checks, Hero bets t1500, lordvali calls t1500

Turn: (t8100) 2 (2 players)
lordvali checks, Hero bets t2450, lordvali raises to t23950 all in, Hero calls t14845 all in

River: (t42690) 6 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t42690
lordvali shows A T (a pair of Kings)
Hero shows Q Q (two pair, Kings and Queens)
Hero wins t42690

Last edited by Username^^; 05-23-2010 at 07:41 AM.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-23-2010 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Username^^
Howard ledderer must be leveling me. After running decently a couple of stts i got doomswithced again, lost 8 out of 9 times with AA and so many times got in as a huge fav to win and lost vs wide range of non callable hands, like 94 (WTF?) or J8o. Lost around 7 buy ins in the first 12 sngs session (DoH) and made some profit in second, here is the graph acording to hm :

This graph is not acurate, as i have played more games than holdem manager have tracked this is probably becouse of disconections i get once in a while.

Last session results :

21 9 man sngs played, Total buy-ins : $47.25; Profit : -$2.25
3rd - 7, $25.2
2nd - 2, $10.8
1st - 1, $9

Over all :

46 games played; BR : 60.65$; Profit : $4.40; Profit with make up : -$8.60.


So far me is being pwned by full tilts rng. Hope it changes mood before i started to tilt.
just wanted to add, at low limits like this, what may seem noncallable hands are actually far more popular because the money is very little relative to bigger limits, overall the play is a lot more looser, and many big limit regs will actually screw around at lower limits sometimes just for fun to crack premium hands,,,there is def money to be made, just keep playing and your hands should hold in the long run
Stake to Millon Quote
05-23-2010 , 02:38 PM
Dude, you ain't winning.

play something else, cash games or whatever, 9mans is a hard style to play.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-23-2010 , 08:10 PM
Here comes todays update. I didn´t felt like updating every session becouse i started to grind prety late, and as usual i was running like ****. After a couple of sessions was down to 34$ from original 56.25$ that my staker shiped me. Prety lame. After a couple of bad sessions i tilted of my hard earned 22 ticket, bought some food and got back to grinding. Played 2 sessions of 12 tables, mixed 18 and 27 man turbos and realised that while i am 12 tabling my game is so much better than when i am playing 6 tables or less. I also changed my avatar, it used to be a gnome now it is skined girl with big boobs (heart) So now when i shove - instead of donkey calls i see stuff like "We are playing poker not bingo lady".
I also have that horrible tootheach, cant sleep or eat properly and i am on pain killers for about 2 weeks now. I will try to sleep more. Maybe i should get some pills or something ...

Here are short overall results. These are 2 session i played, non turbos and turbos :

27man regular sngs : 25, total buy ins : 56.25$
.1st - 0
.2nd - 1, $12.42
.3rd - 1, $8.64
.4th - 1, $6.48
.5th - 1, $4.86
.Total - $32.4, Profit : -$23.85


Mixed session of 18 and 27 man turbos : 24 games, buy ins : 54$

18man cashes :
.1st - 1, $14.40
.2nd - 2, $21.6
.3rd - 1, $7.20
.Total : $43.2

27man cashes :

.1st - 0
.2nd - 1, $12.42
.3rd - 1, $8.64
.4th - 1, $6.48
.5th - 1, $4.86
.Total : $32.40

Total prizes : $75.6


Over all todays stats :
Games played : 49, Buy ins : $110.25, Prizes : $118.8, Profit : $8.55

Over all stats : Still ow make up, off to bed will, update tomorow, graphs after 51 games.

Last edited by Username^^; 05-23-2010 at 08:31 PM.
Stake to Millon Quote
05-23-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by $Pokerface
Dude, you ain't winning.

play something else, cash games or whatever, 9mans is a hard style to play.
dude please, 125 sngs are not a big samplesize, its just short term bad run i will be fine and i am playing 18 and 27 man stt, just started with 9 mans :

Stake to Millon Quote
05-24-2010 , 12:57 PM
Just finished last 51 games, ill keep it short :

Buy ins - $114.75
Prizes - $147.24

Profit from this session: $32.49
Bankroll : $97.34
This set´s profit : $41.09
Profit with makeup : $18.09
Money i made : $9.04

So finally some profit, not very happy with a set as i´ve runned good only in one session. Here are sharkscope graphs, my hm is showing bst :

Before this set :

After this set :

I havnt seen my staker today, so i am not sure how we will proceed, I hope to catch him online soon.
Stake to Millon Quote
