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spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss

10-06-2012 , 08:15 AM
Got to Reno today or yesterday rather. Should've gone to Napa Valley instead. It's not that great. I played 2 main sessions today. 5hrs at the Peppermill where I won $600. Jerry Yang was in the game. He's pretty horrible, but was on a heater. After he bluffed off $2500 or so making the worst bluffs ever, he flopped a boat when someone had a straight then got AA vs QQ and QQ vs JJ and stacked two guys. Pretty much like how he ran in the ME.

Anyways then I moved on to the Grand Sierra. I was pissed off because when I showed up there I was 3rd on the list, 2 hrs later after 4 people had filtered out of the game I walk up to the counter to see what's going on and somehow I'm still 3rd on the list. It's obvious what happened. Locals got preferential treatment and I was bumped. Pretty annoying. I confronted the floor about it and they just blew it off. Game was good, but I had a pretty abyssmal session.

I dropped $3175. The main hands. I turn the nut straight w/ KJ on
A Q 8 T board. We're all in on the turn and river is T. I lose to 88. yay.

Then I have QQ on K Q T 4 5 board. I made a bad call on the river and lost to AJ. Then just a bunch of pots where I have AQ on Q 7 4 4 5 boards and keep hearing, "I have a full house." All night. it was pretty unreal. I'm so tilted I almost want to play the $1k ME. But I won't. I'm back in my room at the Peppermill now. Just gonna get some sleep and go back and wait for the 5/10 players to bust out. So not a great trip so far, but hopefully can get unstuck for the trip would be nice. At least I got a free room.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-06-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
For a brief moment I go from joy to panic. Why the hell did he go all in? Did I miss something? I double check my cards, then the board, then my cards again. I count on my fingers, "Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine" Wait is there a pair on the board? No. Ok wait what about a flush? No. No backdoor flush. Ok ok Do I have the highest straight? "Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack; Eight, Nine, Ten Jack...." Ok I DO have the nuts.
Spat up my drink laughing at this as I have done the exact same thing in a similar spot taking a shot at a bigger game. Made the nut straight with 9T, but faced a ridiculous over shove check raise on the river which briefly caused me to doubt that I had the cards I thought I did. Couldn't find a pair or flush on the board and even double checked to ensure that I was holding 9T that time and not the previous hand.

Great thread!
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-07-2012 , 07:06 AM
Thx S-15.

Woke up today and there were no games going on so I broke down and played the $1090 ME. Wish I hadn't. I busted sometime in lvl 7. Was never able to get much going. So tilting just watching the worst players getting all the chips. Guys limping w/ J7o and calling PF raises and just check calling down hitting the river and winning.

I went back to the Peppermill hoping that the 5/10 game would go there, but no luck. I guess most of the people stayed at GSR. I wasn't going to play a long session there because I just wanted to be able to go up to my room and crash. Not have to go to the parking lot and then drive.

While I was waiting for a game to hopefully develop I sat in a 20/40 limit game that was going. It was a very soft game. I only played 2hrs though. Made $650 and then moved to a 2/3/5 game that opened up.

The game was ok. Pretty nitty with a couple of players that were loose action. It got down to 6 handed and then 4 handed which we played for a couple hrs. Only won $200. Donated a bunch to a fish that 2 outted me.
If he was deeper and/or an avg decent player I would've played it differently but oh well.

4 handed. Villain is a fish who originally bought in for 200, and I already stacked him when I had KQ on a Q 5 8 6 5 board. Don't know what he had. He also shoved on a K 5 5 4 board with T 4 and ran into some guy's Aces and of course he hit, but still whittled down and went broke to me later. He rebought and had about 365. Table except for him had been playing super nitty. They were playing like it was still 10 handed. Don't really know why they continued to sit in the game. Players like them usual snap pick up once it gets 6 handed. So it was weird. Anyways I cover. My image is fairly aggro. I had been raising a lot of hands pf and taking it down most of the time on the flop.

Hero gets dealt K Q
PF: Hero makes it 15, fold Fish calls, rest fold.

Flop(33): Q Q J
Hero bets 15, Fish calls

Turn(63): 2
Hero bets 35, Fish makes it 135, I shove, he calls instantly.

River(733): 5
Fish shows 2 2 nh.
Of course he plays like 1 more orbit then picks up and breaks the game.

9 handed Hero has 6 7 in HJ.
PF: 1 limper, Hero makes it 20, Villain calls in sb with stack of 500, limper calls.

Flop(59): 4 4 5
Checks to hero who bets 30, Villain calls, fold.

Turn(119): K
Villain checks, Hero checks

River(119): 7
Villain checks, Hero bets 30, Villain tanks and says, "You either got Kings full or nothing(lol)" and calls. I table my hand and Villain mucks.

8 handed Hero has 5 8 in bb. Villain has 585
PF: Villain makes it 20 in MP, Loose passive guy calls, Button calls, Hero calls.

Flop(76): T 8 4
Villain bets 40, folds to hero who calls.

Turn(156): 5
Hero bets 75 and Villain thinks for 15 seconds and calls.

River(306): 3
Hero bets 250, Villain tanks for about 1 min and calls. I show my hand and he mucks.

9 handed. Hero is dealt K J UTG. Villain has about 3k.
PF: Hero raises to 20, Loose Passive player calls in CO, Villain calls in sb.

Flop(59): 7 7 5
check, Hero bets 30, fold, Villain calls.

Turn(119): K
Villain checks, Hero checks

River(119): 5
Villain bets 75, Hero folds.

Overall not a profitable trip. About -$2615 which includes my tourney buy in. So not very happy, but oh well. As long as I can find a decent game that's pretty much 1 good 5/10 session.

Gonna drive back home tomorrow. Gonna head to Napa Valley to check out that game on Monday. It's about an hr drive. I heard it's a good action game that plays deep so I've got my hopes up a little bit. We'll see how it is.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-09-2012 , 02:47 PM
Yesterday played an 8.5hr session at a place about an hr away from me. It's a 3-5-10 uncapped game that runs twice a week. It was my first time there. Well worth the drive. I will def be playing in it at least once a week unless I'm away. The game was great though I ran kind of bad in the beginning which sucked. Overall won $500, but was a pretty swingy session. I was down almost $2100 within less than an hr. And I peaked out at about $1k.

There was this rich married couple on vacation who were great for the game. The husband was running pretty good vs this one kid who was sitting to my left. Early in the session the kid doubled up when the husband had KK vs the kid's AA and it was aipf. But it was all downhill for him after that. The big hand was during the husbands last couple of hands as he announced that he was leaving when his blind came up. The husband raised PF and the kid called.

Board was K J 9 w/ a FD. Husband checks, kid bets, husband CR's and kid shoves. effective stacks were about 2k. Kid tables QT and is drawing dead to the husband's K9 by the turn. So as you can see the game was pretty good.

It was funny as the game had just started, we were about 30 min in and I overheard the two guys to my left talking to each other. They were basically commentating to each other after every hand, what they would've done, what they think each person had, etc. I guess they just don't care about their table talk. But then they were going, "Yeah this game is ok, but doesn't seem that great. People look like a bunch of nits." "Yeah well we know seat 3, 4, 6, and 7" I was seat 7 lol. First time I've heard that. So that was some good information for me. I like when regs talk at the table and think no one is listening.

I mean it was pretty great that before I even played a hand with either of them I 1. knew they were probably competent thinking players 2. my perceived image 3. and how they think based on their analysis of hands that have been played.

I bought in the game for $1k. Everyone else bought in for $1k-$1500 except one old nit who bought in for the min of $300. But after that AA vs KK hand the rich guy reloads for $6k and the host of the game buys in for about $10k.

I was card dead and folded for the first couple of orbits. Then after I heard the table talk to my left I started to open up and take advantage a bit since I was still card dead.

Hero is dealt 9 4 in bb. Effective stacks about $1k.
Asian kid to my left makes it 20 utg, 3 callers. Hero makes it 125, everyone instamucks.

Hero is dealt 5 6 on button. Effective stacks about $1100.
PF: One limper, Hero makes it 40, Straddle calls, limper calls.
Flop(123): A A J
Checks to hero who bets 45, straddle calls, limper folds.

Turn(213): 7
Straddle leads out 45, hero makes it 145, straddle folds.

So after just picking my spots here and there, some successful some not. I was up to about $1400 or so. Then the hand I get stacked.

Hero has A A UTG
Hero makes it 40, the 2 guys to my left call, old fish calls, straddle calls.

Flop(203): A Q T
Hero bets 100, guy to my left calls, old fish calls, rest fold.

Turn(503): 4
Hero bets 265, Guy shoves (He had me covered by a small amount), old fish folds. I kind of have a bad feeling, but call.

River(2493): 7
Guy tables K J yay. God I'm not doing well with my sets lately. I've flopped a lot of them, but they're all losers. Not a good combo when you have a straight and the other guy always fills up and when you have a set you never do. ugh.

Anyways I reload for $2k.
Hero is in straddle w/ 9 3 This hand is the very next orbit and against the same guy.

PF: 5 limpers, Hero checks.

Flop(58): K 7 2
Checked around.

Turn(58): 8
Hero bets 25, Villain raises to 70, hero calls.

River(198): T
Hero checks, Villain bets 105, hero calls. Villain shows Q J
:sigh: nh.

Hero has J J in bb. Effective stacks about 800.
PF: One limper, The host of the game who raises a lot PF, but then plays super straight forward and almost too passive post flop makes it 40 in the CO, Villain calls on button, hero makes it 125, folds button who calls.

Flop(303): 4 4 2
Hero bets 235, Villain shoves, hero calls.

Turn(1653): 8 River: 9 Villain shows Q Q lol nh. I feel like I'm running awesome at this point and it's only been an hr.

I add on another 2k. After another minor runner runner beat where I was like 90% on the flop vs the rich wife. I start grinding it back and running better as well.

Hero is dealt Q Q in HJ. Effective stacks about 3k.

PF: Rich husband limps, Hero makes it 50, Asian kid to my left calls, straddle and husband call.

Flop(203): 9 5 3
Husband bets 200, Hero calls, rest fold.

Turn(603): 8
Husband bets 300, Hero calls

River(1203): 5
Husband checks, Hero bets 400(I think I could've/should've made it bigger it I acted too quickly), husband calls and shows A9o.

Hero has 5 3 on button. Effective stacks are about 1500. Villain is Asian kid to my left.

PF: 4 limpers, hero limps, Villain makes it 80 in the sb, folds to hero who calls.

Flop(210): A 4 7
Villain checks, Hero bets 200, Villain calls fairly quickly.

Turn(610): 4
Villain checks, hero checks

River(610): 8
Villain checks, Hero bets 465, Villain tanks for about 1 min and calls and mucks.

Alright, last hand I'll post where I spyud off chips to some lady. I'll just look at it as a long term investment as now she'll readily pay me off forever because she's an old asian lady and will never adjust her first impression.

Effective stacks about 1100.

Hero is dealt K T

Hero raises to 35 in EP, Villain calls directly to my left, CO calls.

Flop(118): J 7 6
Hero bets 55, Villain calls, CO calls

Turn(283): 3
Hero bets 200, Villain calls, fold.

River(683): 8
Hero bets 500, Villain calls and shows A J
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-09-2012 , 06:05 PM
About the hand where you had QQ and say you bet too small OTR. Do you think a smallish bet like that could have been the best option in that situation or is he the kind of player that doesn't fold TPTK?
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-09-2012 , 07:05 PM
Oh just remembered a couple other hands I guess I'll post.

Villain is a young black guy new to the game which is playing 7 handed now. He bought in for 1k and is around his starting stack. Seems LP pf. And pretty straightforward post flop, but seems like the type who wants to be super trappy.

He raises UTG to 40, Hero calls w/ 3 5 rest fold.
He checks in the dark which tells me he has a hand he's scared to play post flop. So something like AT-AK, KQ, QJ, JT ish type hands.

Flop(93): 7 7 3
Hero checks back.

Turn(93): 6
Villain checks, Hero checks.

River(93): T
Villain thinks and then bets 100. Hero calls quickly.

Villain shows Q 9
Pretty easy call on the river as this type of player is never value potting it on the river given his line because he's not capable of doing that. If he hits he's either checking again hoping I'll bet, or betting like 45.

One hand that was frustrating in the heat of the moment. Still 7 handed.
Effective stacks are about 2k.

Hero has K K utg. Villain is an old fish. He's loose PF and post flop, but then basically just bets super big when he has it. His bluff % is basically 0%. Very passive until he has something he feels is the best hand.

PF: Hero makes it 35, call, Villain calls, straddle calls.

Flop(153): 9 5 2
Hero bets 85, call, Villain thinks for a bit and calls, fold.

Turn(408): 2
Hero bets 265, fold, Villain thinks for a bit then shoves. I know I'm folding, but just thinking for a bit just getting frustrated that he hit a 2. He asks what I have and I say "Aces" Then he shows me A. And I go, "What do you have? A 2?" He says, "Do you want me to show you?" I say, "Sure." And he turns over the A2. lol nice guy.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-09-2012 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Turntup74
About the hand where you had QQ and say you bet too small OTR. Do you think a smallish bet like that could have been the best option in that situation or is he the kind of player that doesn't fold TPTK?
Yeah I was kind of afraid of him folding if I bet bigger, but I think I could've gotten away with 550 or maybe 600. He was a rich tourist type.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 02:56 PM
Played a 5hr session at local card room last night. Best game I've played in a long while. It was 2-5-10 with a whole lot of fish. Won $2300.

Unfortunately the game only runs once a week. Some guy was stuck $8k and another lost $5k to the guy who was stuck $8k and left. Saw some funny hands.

Fish who was stuck $8k at his low point raises PF and other fish calls one other caller. Stacks are like 1300 or so.

Flop: Q J T

Bunch of action on the flop and Fish 2 shoves and $8k Fish pauses, tables his hand A K and says, "Hey what do you want me to do?" This is not a slowroll, he's legitimately nervous because he knows Fish 2 has a big draw. Then he calls. Fish 2 shows A T

Turn: J Now Fish 1 feels a lot better(lol).
River: T: lol Whole table is cracking up.

Villain in hand is a fairly tight straightforward young Asian guy I've played with before. He has $1k I cover.

Hero is dealt A J on button.
PF: Folds to hero who raises to 40, Villain calls in SB, Straddle calls.

Flop(115): 6 6 5
Checks to hero who bets 60, Villain CR's to 150, hero calls.

Turn(415): 7
Villain bets 150, Hero raises to 375, Villain mucks.

Villain in this hand is a LAG that is probably a winner when he's running good and playing vs this group of players, but I feel he's pretty easy to read as his plays are not balanced. I've already picked off a couple of his bluffs. He's already reloaded a couple times. Effective stacks are about 1400.

Hero is dealt A Q in EP
PF: Hero makes it 40, Villain calls on button, and straddle calls

Flop(122): Q J 8
Check, Hero bets 60, Villain calls, Straddle calls

Turn(302): T
Check, Hero Checks, Villain bets 200, fold, Hero thinks for a minute. The longer I wait the more nervous/uncomfortable villain seems to be getting and I decide that he doesn't have a 9 and that i will check call blank rivers.

River(702): K
Bad card. Hero checks, Villain bets 650, Hero shoves, villain calls and shows
A 7 chop chop.

Villain from above hand is down to 295 and straddles for 25.
Hero is dealt K Q in CO.

PF: Folds to hero who makes it 65, Button calls, Sb calls, BB calls, Straddle shoves for 295 total, Hero makes it 600, folds to BB who has a pained look on his face. He tanks for 30 seconds and then starts showing the dealer what he is about to fold.

Flop: J 8 8
The guy who folded in the BB erupts saying he should've called.

Turn: Q River: Q yay.
Villain flips A 4 Guy in BB says he folded JJ. He said if I would've just called he'd just call. Too bad I didn't know it'd run out like that because then I would've stacked him too.

Weird spot where I wasn't sure if I should be raising the river.
Vs Same villain as the previous 2 hands. Effective stacks were about 1500.

Hero has T 9 in HJ.
PF: 3 Limpers, Hero limps, blinds complete and straddle checks.

Flop(65): T T J
Villain leads 30, Call, Hero calls

Turn(155): 4
Check, Check, Hero bets 85, Villain calls, fold.

River(325): 3
Villain bets 110, Hero thinks for a bit pondering a raise and then just calls.

Villain shows a T and mucks after I table my hand.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 06:06 PM
I'm making it $320 all day long on that river. Great trip reports and degen stories also.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by gutter23
I'm making it $320 all day long on that river. Great trip reports and degen stories also.
Ok. I wasn't sure. If I had QT I would've def raised, but I was on the fence.

Won't be playing anymore sessions until probably Monday. My daughter's 2nd birthday is this Saturday so I'll be staying home. Got a tip from some guy about another place to play that's filled with loose drug money and he says Oct is prime season for the game. So I'm going to try and make a point to at least play 1 session in that game before I leave for Vegas in Nov.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 09:33 PM
Loose drug money? How dangerous do you think these games are?
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 11:00 PM
That game should be afraid of how dangerous Sang is.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 11:05 PM
Also, not really sure what the difference is between T9 and QT. Your raise gets value from a bunch of jacks, some weaker tens and its an easy fold if he 3bets the river. Your only legitimate excuse for not bumping up the river is if you think he's capable of 3bet bluffing you and from my live experience, that's very rare. Stop leaving money on the table, you have birthday presents to buy.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by gutter23
Also, not really sure what the difference is between T9 and QT. Your raise gets value from a bunch of jacks, some weaker tens and its an easy fold if he 3bets the river. Your only legitimate excuse for not bumping up the river is if you think he's capable of 3bet bluffing you and from my live experience, that's very rare. Stop leaving money on the table, you have birthday presents to buy.
Yeah you're right.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-10-2012 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by gutter23
That game should be afraid of how dangerous Sang is.

I don't think the game will be dangerous. But I always have my gun on me in these instances and I'm pretty good with firearms. Anyways not really worried about it.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-16-2012 , 03:10 PM
How's the online journey going? Have you moved up any stakes?
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-16-2012 , 03:31 PM
Played a 7hr session last night at the local card room. Game was 2-5-10 and it was phenomenal. Won $800, but I was off my game. Game's going again tonight I gotta make sure to sharpen the swords. I should just be demolishing this game as almost all the regs are very fishy and don't change up their game. Game plays super loose PF, a bit more straightforward post flop.

Here's a breakdown of the 4 biggest fish in the game.

Mr. C - White Older gentlemen maybe about 60-65. Seems like he has money. Probably the biggest loser in the game. Probably loses about $2-$3k/session on avg. Plays a 70/5 game and is very passive post flop especially if he doesn't have the lead. He donks flops w/ 2nd pair and weak to marginal top pair hands then goes into check call mode if he gets called. For 100bb or less he's pretty much never folding top pair and he'll stack off a bit more with a decent draw. He'll call just about every raise PF if he has limped in and if he has a decent hand like KQs, Axs, or a pair he'll cold call 20x raises PF.
He plays all his flopped monsters super fast almost regardless how strong he is. But he'll get trappy when he hits something like a gut shot or oesd and check hoping to CR.

Reuben Sandwich- Can't really tell what ethnicity he is. I think Middle Eastern or maybe Armenian or something. He looks to be in his mid to maybe late 30s. He's a loser in the game as well. He is pretty loose PF as well without much regard for position. He likes to call large PF raises w/ a wide range just like Mr. C. Though he is slightly tighter. His play is a little erratic. He will make the occasional squeeze PF w/ garbage, but pretty rarely. He is generally passive and makes a lot of small bets with no regard for the size of the pot.
I'd say his PF game is about a 60/20. He makes a lot of marginal raises on the flop. Then checks it down if he gets called. His post flop game is pretty unbalanced as his value betting range is fairly narrow.
i.e. He had QQ and checked a K K x flop HU in position. Then made a small bet on the turn, loose guy called. River brick loose guy checks and he checks back. 90% of the time his small bets are indicative of his hand strength. If you raise, most of the time he will fold. If he just calls and it is a wet board you can barrel away if the board bricks out. If the board is dry take caution.

Kid M- He's a white guy I'd guess is around 30. Def a loser in the game, but if he's running hot probably has some big sessions. He plays a similar PF game to those above with no regard for position. i.e. he limped 42s in EP and called my 6x open(A hand I will post later). After the hand I hear him say to his neighbor, "See that's why I never fold a deuce PF. Cause if it hits you get paid." lol He will play his draws fairly aggressively, but mostly if he gets checked too. He is hesitant to raise a bet on the flop with just a FD even if it's the nut. He will peel fairly wide on the flop, but then will shut down if he doesn't improve on the turn. He bluffs his missed draws a bit more so than most so OOP I have taken a lot of my value lines have been bet, bet, check/call. He seems like a perceptive intelligent player though who can make adjustments. He just has too much gamble and he can't help himself. He'd probably be a good player if he disciplined himself, but just seems like an action junkie.

Harley Quinn- Same story. Super loose PF doesn't care about position. This compounds when he's stuck which is often. Slowplays his monsters and CR's all his draws. Doesn't follow through if he gets called and doesn't hit. Very transparent hollywooding when he has the nuts. Peels flops wide. He was stuck $8k last week which is a ton for this game since it doesn't play that big. Plays like the Venetian 2-5 game. He commenced to go on the biggest heater I've ever seen someone go on(he over boated Mr. C twice in one orbit) and still ended his session down $3k lol.

As you can see, this is a pretty brainless game in terms of being able to beat it. Lots of money to be made, unfortunately game only runs once a week. Except this week the game goes again tonight. So I lucked out. One more session before I go to LA on Friday. I'll most likely be at Hawaiian Gardens on Sat and Sun.

Some hands from yesterday.

I'll start with a couple embarrassing ones. I butchered the same hand twice. God I suck so bad. Thankfully I'm in a game where I can play horribly and still profit.

Hero has A K in bb.
PF: 4 limpers, sb calls, Hero calls(lol), straddle checks.

Flop(65): J T 8
sb bets 30, hero calls, rest fold.

Turn(125): J
sb bets 45, Hero makes it 150, sb pauses for about 15 seconds then calls.

River(425): K
sb checks, Hero bets 50, sb calls and shows J 4

Hero has A K in sb. Effective stacks about 2100.
PF: Mr. C in EP makes it 20, Kid M Calls, LAG makes it 100, Hero calls(smh), Mr. C and Kid M call.

Flop(405): T 7 4
Checks to LAG who bets 325, everyone folds. LAG shows 66.

Hero has Q Q in bb.
PF: Mr C limps UTG, Kid M calls, call, SB calls, Hero makes it 60, Mr C and Kid M call.

Flop(195): 2 2 3
Hero bets 90, Mr. C folds, Kid M calls.

Turn(375): 6
Hero checks, Kid M bets 175, Hero calls

River(725): 9
Hero checks, Kid M bets 425, Hero calls. Kid shows 42

Hero has TT in sb. Effective stacks about 1300.
PF: LAG was down to about 250 in the straddle. Reuben Sandwich makes it 40 UTG, Kid M calls, Mr. C calls, Hero calls, bb calls, LAG shoves. Reuben and Kid M both basically instacall with no thought whatsoever(This detail allowed me to make an easy decision). folds to me and I shove I have them both covered. They all eventually fold. Kid M almost called, but unfortunately he folded. LAG shows down AQ and I win the flip.

Hero is dealt Q J in CO. I had changed seats to have better position on the LAG as he was playing more and more aggressive the more he got stuck. And he was stuck about $4k. He was making it a dead 50 on the regular and opening for 75-125 and 3 betting a lot. Since changing seats I was completely card dead. I literally got dealt 4x for 3 orbits straight. It was bizarre. I was even showing the guy next to me. Then I played a hand vs the LAG where he rivered an inferior 2 pair vs me and made a crying call while commenting how I hadn't played a hand all night.
Effective stacks 3k.

PF: LAG makes it a dead 50. folds to hero who makes it 125, folds to LAG who calls. His range is pretty much ATC.

Flop(260): 6 3 2
Check, Hero bets 125, LAG calls.

Turn(510): A
Check, Hero bets 350, fold.

Mr C. has about 500.
Hero is dealt J 5 in sb.
PF: 2 limpers, Mr. C limps in CO, button limps, Hero calls, bb calls, straddle checks.

Flop(65): Q J 6
Checks to Mr. C who bets 45, button calls, Hero bets 165, Mr. C shoves, button folds, hero calls.
I river a J and Mr. C shows down K Q and goes on and on about how that was one of my very few outs lol.

Last edited by Mr Spyutastic; 10-16-2012 at 03:57 PM.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-17-2012 , 03:19 PM
Played 6hrs last night. Lost $597. After getting set over set vs Kid M I was stuck $2300 at my low point. The game broke once the last fish Mr. C went broke and left. There's talk of a 5/10 game going today. I really hope it does.

Kid M and I ended up playing quite a few hands together HU. There were two where he was dying to know what I had. I still can't believe he folded the second one. I don't know if it was because he was winning, but he was playing noticeably tighter and less gambly.

Game is still 2/5/10. Stacks 1500

Hero is dealt K8 on button.
PF: Kid M opens to 30 in the CO, Hero raises to 85, Mr. C calls in sb, Kid M calls.

Flop(265): K 7 4
Check, Check, Hero bets 125, fold, Kid M calls.

Turn(515): 6
Check, Check

River(515): 2
Check, Check mhig

Hero is dealt KQ 2k
PF: Kid M limps UTG, Hero makes it 50, 2 calls, sb calls, Kid M calls.

Flop(255): K T 6
Check, Hero bets 125, folds to Kid M who calls

Turn(505): 2
Check, Hero checks

River(505): 4
Check, Hero bets 325, Kid M tanks for a long time and asks what I could possibly have. He says, "I think my 6 is good. Only thing you can possibly have is AQ or two diamonds." But unfortunately he still folds. Well at least I know his thresh hold for bluff catching. My line looks pretty bluffy to players like him, but he still can't call w/ 3rd pair so that's good to know.

Hero is dealt A K in sb. Stacks are 2k
PF: UTG limps, LAG makes it 50, Kid M makes it 175 on button, Hero makes it 375, folds to Kid M who tank folds QQ. I found that to be pretty shocking.

Annoying hand vs Harley Quinn. He was running so hot. Even though he was playing like a psycho. He called some dudes $400 shove on the flop w/ QJ on 8 7 3 board lol.

Hero has AK UTG+1. stacks 2k
PF: Hero makes it 40, Mr. C calls, Harley Quinn calls in sb.

Flop(130): 9 7 3
Check, Hero bets 70, Mr. C folds, Harley Quinn calls.

Turn(270): J
Check, Hero bets 200, Harley thinks for about 20seconds then makes it 500. Hero calls.

River(1270): T
Harley Quinn bets 800 fairly quickly, Hero tanks acts like I'm making a huge fold to get me to show his hand. And after I muck Harley proudly flips over 67 nh.

Hero gets 99 in bb.
PF: Mr. C limps, limp, limp, Kid M makes it 70 from sb, Hero calls, Mr. C calls, button calls.

Flop(285): K T 9
Kid M quickly slides out 100, Hero makes it 300, folds to Kid M who thinks for about 30 seconds then calls.

Turn(885): 7
Check, Check

River(885): 6
Kid M bets 600, funny hand because if the river bricked and he bet this much I might actually fold given the table talk this session and our history. But since I know he never has an 8 in this spot it made me question what he's capable of value betting. I know sometimes he just clicks buttons. i.e. he took a similar line with KJ on a K Q J T 8 w/ 4 to a flush on board. And he said he thought JT or QJ would call. I end up tank calling and he shows KK
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-17-2012 , 06:49 PM
Just got back from the gym. Game is going tonight and it's just going to be a 5/10 so it should play bigger especially when people start straddling. I'm excited. Hopefully I can have a big session. I don't know though. I'm kind of in a spyutastic mood so i have a feeling it will be super swingy. Last session here in Sac before I fly to LA on Friday.

I'll be at Hawaiian Gardens of Friday night and then Hollywood Park and/or Commerce on Sat and Sun night.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-18-2012 , 03:15 AM
If kid M would have put in a 5bet with his QQ, are you folding AK there?
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-18-2012 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by eli924
If kid M would have put in a 5bet with his QQ, are you folding AK there?
Yes. But not in the future.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-18-2012 , 12:39 PM
God what a horrible session. Game was awesome, but I ran like crap. Like literally 3rd hand in I lose 1k when I have AA on A T 4 flop and dude decides to float me w/ Q9o sweet. That happened about 4 times where someone decided to float in or out of position, turn a draw and then get there. Super annoying.
I wasn't messing around this session at all. I would've won a lot if I had run a little better, but ended up dropping $7k. The only hands I won were where I created situations and just took by force. Whenever I had a hand I lost by getting sucked out on or coolered.

Game was 5/10.

Hero gets dealt T6 in UTG+1. Villains are LAGfish who has $4k and Harley Quinn has about 2300 I cover.

PF: Hero opens to 40, LAGfish calls on button, Harley Quinn makes it 145 from bb, Hero calls, LAGfish calls.

Flop(435): J J 4
Harley Quinn bets 350, Hero calls, LAGfish thinks about it for awhile then folds.

Turn(1135): 7
Harley Quinn bets 550, Hero says, "Come on man what do you have? Take it easy. I guess I'm all in then." Harley Quinn thinks for about 30 seconds, but the speech was too much for him. He mucks and I show.

A couple hands later, Hero gets T3 in bb. Villain is Harley Quinn who has about 1k. rest have less.

PF: Mr. C Limps in EP, 2 Limpers, Harley Quinn calls in sb(there was a guy sitting out), Hero checks.

Flop(45): T 5 3
Harley Quinn bets 40, Hero makes it 200, Mr. C cold calls, fold, Another guy cold calls, Harley Quinn makes it 400, I shove, Mr. C calls he was relatively short stacked, guy folds, Harley Quinn Calls. (Guy who folded said he had nut flush draw)

Turn(2700): 8
I know I'm dead now.

River(2700): Q
Harley Quinn flips over K9 sweet

Won't detail the whole hand since it doesn't matter much. But lost a big pot vs LAGfish. I had 66 on a 7 7 6 flop in a 3 bet pot and was drawing dead.
we get it all in by the river board was 7 7 6 8 5 with 3 hearts and he had 77. Lost about 4400 on that hand.

Hand vs LAGfish. He has about 9k I cover.
Hero gets dealt J T in MP
PF: Hero opens to 40, Mr. C calls, button Calls, LAGfish 3bets to 260, Hero calls rest fold.

Flop(600): A Q 5
LAGfish bets 350, Hero calls.

Turn(1300): 7
LAGfish bets 550, Hero calls

River(2400): 8
LAGfish checks, Hero bets 2k, He instamucks.

Stacked a guy who played AA horribly from the sb. Thing is I run so bad he only had 280 lol. Only guy at the table who had less than 1500. He smooth calls a raise to 30 and a flat. I call in bb w/ 44 and flop is Q 6 4 and he bets 2 streets into me.

Hero has A A in MP Effective about 2k.

PF: 1 limper, Hero makes it 60, button calls, Mr. C calls in sb, Villain Calls in bb , Limper calls.

Flop(295): K Q 6
Mr. C bets 75, Villain makes it 250, I fold. They eventually get it in and villain shows down KQs. I would've bricked out.

Reason why I folded was because Villain is a solid thinking player. He knows Mr. C never folds anything and this is magnified even more when he leads into a pot so villain would never ever be bluffing in this spot. He would have 3 bet me big if he had AK PF. I have the A so I doubt it's a FD anyways he would just call w/ most FD's in this spot unless he has J T but even then, knowing he has 0 FE he's likely to flat even that. So I basically put him on either KQ or 66. I lucked out that the dynamics were just so where I could basically narrow his range down almost to his exact holdings. Because I'm not always folding in this spot. For example if it were Mr. C leads and Harley Quinn raises, I'm at least flatting.

Hope I do better in LA. Got a lot of work to do.

Last edited by Mr Spyutastic; 10-18-2012 at 12:51 PM.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-19-2012 , 12:23 PM
Didn't think I was going to play last night, but the same game with same lineup went again. Played a little over 8hrs until the game broke. Won $4k. So happy to do some damage control. The LAGfish I lost to when I had 66s full yesterday basically dumped all his profit and then some today. Hopefully can come around full swing this weekend.

I'll detail some hands later I guess, but gotta pack and get ready for my flight. I'll either be at Hawaiian Gardens or Hollywood Park tonight. Haven't quite decided yet. Anyone want to meet up can pm me. Will be grinding most all weekend.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-19-2012 , 08:57 PM
At Hawaiian Gardens now playing 5/10. 500-1k buy in. Plays like a 1/2 game. Very soft.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
10-19-2012 , 09:03 PM
Stacked a guy for $1200 because I refused to chop.

Hero has AQo in sb.

Pf: folds to villain on button who asks if we chop. I say no so he limps in lol.
I make it 40, bb folds, he calls quickly.

Flop(84): Q 4 4
Hero bets 50, villain snaps.

Turn(184): Q
Hero bets 200, villain snaps.

River(584): 3
Hero shoves(910). Villain snaps and mucks when I table my hand.
spyu's Journey into the Live Abyss Quote
