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From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey

09-16-2014 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by andees10
Venice 4 prez

What's new
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-16-2014 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Boom - nice one Dukey!

just want to remind you to drink lots of water and eat as clean as possible - lots of protein, fruit and veg, no bread, rice, pasta etc, Keep your head clean and your mind pure

you've got this
clear eyes, full heart, can't lose

duke, get this t-shirt and wear it the final week or so:
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:34 AM
It is a little late at this point, but adjustments could have been made prior to starting the challenge to enhance Duke's chance of success.

The general consensus among scientists is that we have a 25 hour circadian rhythmn. Obviously, this works well given the 24 hour days on our little rock here. It is also agreed that the light/dark phases affect our wakefulness, and the release of melatonin (when it is dark) promotes drowsiness. Interestingly, an experiment was performed some time ago where people were kept indoors all the time, with no clocks, alarms, daily schedules, etc. What ended up happening was the subjects sleep/wake cycle constantly grew longer and longer (longer times awakes, followed by longer sleeps). By the time they pulled the plug on the experiment, the average participant had gone from an average of 16 hours awake/8 hours something like 28 hours awake/11 hours asleep. This happened naturally without any outside interference. The participants were not told to try to stay awake as long as possible or anything like that..they were told to just go about their days normally (well, as normally as possible for human guinea pigs).

Strangely, no far reaching theories were developed from these results. What the experiment lead me to believe was that humans would naturally progress to a significantly longer sleep/week pattern if it weren't for earth's sun/moon cycle keeping it in check. I believe the agreed upon 25 hour circadian rhythm is merely a result of the sun cycles restricting our own internal clock which naturally wants to drift longer.

The point of this psychology lecture is that I believe it wouldn't be difficult to switch to a 48-hour sleep/wake cycle. Something like 36 hours awake + 12 hours asleep (or 35/13). If Duke had conditioned himself to such a cycle for a few weeks prior to the onset of the challenge, that would have been fifteen 30-hour sessions, with 18 hours for sleep/travel/downtime/etc.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I have always LOVED that part. "Win! ... Win." It's gotta be in my top 10 favorite movie moments of all time.

Gonna go practice guitar now.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
i think its ok for me to play a little less than what i need to play per day until on the last day or two i need to put in a marathon 40 hour session to get there.
You sure about this strategy dude? I mean, I'm rooting for you so I'm just really wondering if this is the right move. Usually most normal players start getting kinda goofy after 16 - 20 hours, with coffee/cigs/alcohol mixed in. Once you start getting to 30-35 hours it's really hard to stay at the table.

Hours 35 through 40 are hallucination zone. I think you're way better off doing something like 3 18 hour days in a row to finish strong than try 1 40 hour session.

Anyone else want to chime in here? I mean, 40 hours straight is pretty brutal.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 05:46 AM
I gotta take it day by day I think. I've noticed there's so much you just can't predict in terms of how you feel, how good the games are, how well I'm playing, etc

So I started today's session a little after 2am and planned to be here for the long haul

Already have a big stack which makes it soooo much easier to play marathon sessions

When you have a big stack you can play super ABC and just use your winning image because people will play so badly against you. For the most part, they play super straight up which makes your life a lot easier and you can just exploit their unwillingness to be creative against you. Or they'll randomly decide to spew into you once in a while and its so obvious when they're doing this because their lines just make no sense at all. And when I say they play straight up vs you, I mean they become VERY stationy and very unaggressive. Idk why this is exactly but it could be due to the fact that they think you're bullying the table.

Also I never stack my chips neatly when I have a big stack anymore (unless I'm about to take a picture lol) because the messiness of my stack is so good for my image. It compliments my young Indian baby faced image really well; ppl just never want to fold to me or always think I'm bluffing. BUT they'll rarely play back at me with aggression because they're too scared. They think that because I have a big stack I'm just never going to fold which is the complete opposite of the truth! They're projecting their own play onto me with this thinking or they're projecting other peoples big stacked play onto me.

I've been lucky enough to build monster stacks during this month quite often and its made it easier to play long sessions.

I expect to be here for another 30-35 hours, sleep Thursday afternoon and then play as much as I can over the weekend with the use of a hotel room

I'll see where I'm at after the football games on Sunday and make a new 2-3 day plan then. I'm personally just horrible at sticking to schedules so that's why I'm approaching the problem this way
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 05:55 AM
KK utg. Straddle on. I raise $15, loose spewy guy calls mp. Straddler calls.

Flop ($45) QJ5ss I bet $30, mp call, straddle folds

Turn ($105) Jx I bet $65, call.

River ($235) 5x I check. He ships $320. I call. He taps the table and leaves.

Easy to play 30hr sessions when you run this good lol
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:02 AM
Lololol luck boxxxx

Red KK btn. Straddle on. 6handed. Utg raise $8. I raise $30. Straddler tight kid calls. Utg calls.

Flop ($90) AQTr check around.

Straddler bets $100 blind!

Turn J lolololol
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
You basically need to be playing 25-35 hour sessions and sleeping 6-10 hours in the hotel across the street if you're going to win. Add to the session length or cut back on sleep when needed.
Yea this is the plan

Originally Posted by DickieU
Next month Duke is going to be taking bets that he can sleep 450 hours in a month!
Lol wish it was verifiable

Originally Posted by IbelieveinChipKelly
and duke has now shipped his two baseball bets in the last 30 minutes or so, right? even more reason to buy out
Yup add 1500 to the roll! Thx maryland teams!

sweating dodgers now. Theyre prob like 90-95% to win

Originally Posted by feel wrath
Boom - nice one Dukey!

just want to remind you to drink lots of water and eat as clean as possible - lots of protein, fruit and veg, no bread, rice, pasta etc, Keep your head clean and your mind pure

you've got this
Thx my european brother!

Have been slacking with health. Too much soda and energy drinks. Going to increase the h2o intake now.

Originally Posted by IbelieveinChipKelly
clear eyes, full heart, can't lose

duke, get this t-shirt and wear it the final week or so:
I tried to order it but it said sold out? Find me one that works and I'll wear it
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
Lololol luck boxxxx

Red KK btn. Straddle on. 6handed. Utg raise $8. I raise $30. Straddler tight kid calls. Utg calls.

Flop ($90) AQTr check around.

Straddler bets $100 blind!

Turn J lolololol
looooool wow
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:54 AM
Hey duke I'll let you buy out for 3% of your next 100 hours (starting at next new session) capped at $150. Let me know.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 09-17-2014 at 08:59 AM.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Hey duke I'll let you buy out for 3% of your next 100 hours (starting at next new session) capped at $150. Let me know.
I'd rather die
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 09:20 AM
Once you realize the 450 hours is impossible hit me up, maybe I'll be feeling merciful
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:27 PM
haven't been following OP's progress for months. Any quick updates on his progress? Are we in 5 figures still?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dashy
haven't been following OP's progress for months. Any quick updates on his progress? Are we in 5 figures still?
Idk what you're referring to
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:41 PM
Your br im guessing
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:43 PM
Yes I'm still in five figures
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pushaholic
It is a little late at this point, but adjustments could have been made prior to starting the challenge to enhance Duke's chance of success.

The general consensus among scientists is that we have a 25 hour circadian rhythmn. Obviously, this works well given the 24 hour days on our little rock here. It is also agreed that the light/dark phases affect our wakefulness, and the release of melatonin (when it is dark) promotes drowsiness. Interestingly, an experiment was performed some time ago where people were kept indoors all the time, with no clocks, alarms, daily schedules, etc. What ended up happening was the subjects sleep/wake cycle constantly grew longer and longer (longer times awakes, followed by longer sleeps). By the time they pulled the plug on the experiment, the average participant had gone from an average of 16 hours awake/8 hours something like 28 hours awake/11 hours asleep. This happened naturally without any outside interference. The participants were not told to try to stay awake as long as possible or anything like that..they were told to just go about their days normally (well, as normally as possible for human guinea pigs).

Strangely, no far reaching theories were developed from these results. What the experiment lead me to believe was that humans would naturally progress to a significantly longer sleep/week pattern if it weren't for earth's sun/moon cycle keeping it in check. I believe the agreed upon 25 hour circadian rhythm is merely a result of the sun cycles restricting our own internal clock which naturally wants to drift longer.

The point of this psychology lecture is that I believe it wouldn't be difficult to switch to a 48-hour sleep/wake cycle. Something like 36 hours awake + 12 hours asleep (or 35/13). If Duke had conditioned himself to such a cycle for a few weeks prior to the onset of the challenge, that would have been fifteen 30-hour sessions, with 18 hours for sleep/travel/downtime/etc.
This post is awesome Puahaholic.

I had heard of that experiment before, but I don't think I ever heard the results of what happened.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:46 PM
5 figures? He's almost on pace for that this month.

Shame he's such a bad prop bettor, he'd be rich! :P I think this was a terrible bet for you Duke but I really want to see you pull it out.

Just sleep at the table and call it a day man, if the old people at Harrah's can do it you should be golden. If you can't sleep at the table, maybe drink more alcohol so you blackout and just pass out. Just make sure you can still muck every 3-4 minutes.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Pushaholic
It is a little late at this point, but adjustments could have been made prior to starting the challenge to enhance Duke's chance of success.

The general consensus among scientists is that we have a 25 hour circadian rhythmn. Obviously, this works well given the 24 hour days on our little rock here. It is also agreed that the light/dark phases affect our wakefulness, and the release of melatonin (when it is dark) promotes drowsiness. Interestingly, an experiment was performed some time ago where people were kept indoors all the time, with no clocks, alarms, daily schedules, etc. What ended up happening was the subjects sleep/wake cycle constantly grew longer and longer (longer times awakes, followed by longer sleeps). By the time they pulled the plug on the experiment, the average participant had gone from an average of 16 hours awake/8 hours something like 28 hours awake/11 hours asleep. This happened naturally without any outside interference. The participants were not told to try to stay awake as long as possible or anything like that..they were told to just go about their days normally (well, as normally as possible for human guinea pigs).

Strangely, no far reaching theories were developed from these results. What the experiment lead me to believe was that humans would naturally progress to a significantly longer sleep/week pattern if it weren't for earth's sun/moon cycle keeping it in check. I believe the agreed upon 25 hour circadian rhythm is merely a result of the sun cycles restricting our own internal clock which naturally wants to drift longer.

The point of this psychology lecture is that I believe it wouldn't be difficult to switch to a 48-hour sleep/wake cycle. Something like 36 hours awake + 12 hours asleep (or 35/13). If Duke had conditioned himself to such a cycle for a few weeks prior to the onset of the challenge, that would have been fifteen 30-hour sessions, with 18 hours for sleep/travel/downtime/etc.
You know I actually experience something like this. Its not uncommon for me to be up for 20hour periods and then sleep 10 or more hours.

I'd be appreciative if you could reference this study you read about.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using 2+2 Forums
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 03:16 PM
Steve pavlina, a self help guru has tried polyphasic sleep for 3months where you can potentially be awake for 20-21hours per day given enough time to train your brain to be on such a schedule.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 03:23 PM
how much does duke stand to win if he completes? How much does he lose if he fails?
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 03:27 PM
I think he has between 1-2k action mostly at 1:1 but I could be wrong
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pushaholic
The general consensus among scientists is that we have a 25 hour circadian rhythmn. Obviously, this works well given the 24 hour days on our little rock here. It is also agreed that the light/dark phases affect our wakefulness, and the release of melatonin (when it is dark) promotes drowsiness. Interestingly, an experiment was performed some time ago where people were kept indoors all the time, with no clocks, alarms, daily schedules, etc. What ended up happening was the subjects sleep/wake cycle constantly grew longer and longer (longer times awakes, followed by longer sleeps). By the time they pulled the plug on the experiment, the average participant had gone from an average of 16 hours awake/8 hours something like 28 hours awake/11 hours asleep.** This happened naturally without any outside interference. The participants were not told to try to stay awake as long as possible or anything like that..they were told to just go about their days normally (well, as normally as possible for human guinea pigs).

Strangely, no far reaching theories were developed from these results.*** What the experiment lead me to believe was that humans would naturally progress to a significantly longer sleep/week pattern if it weren't for earth's sun/moon cycle keeping it in check.**** I believe the agreed upon 25 hour circadian rhythm is merely a result of the sun cycles restricting our own internal clock which naturally wants to drift longer.

The point of this psychology lecture is that I believe it wouldn't be difficult to switch to a 48-hour sleep/wake cycle. Something like 36 hours awake + 12 hours asleep (or 35/13). If Duke had conditioned himself to such a cycle for a few weeks prior to the onset of the challenge, that would have been fifteen 30-hour sessions, with 18 hours for sleep/travel/downtime/etc.
YES!!!! Time for another derail.

The bolded makes no sense at all, since circadian rhythms are primitive (i.e. they exist among most phyla and developed to respond to photoperiodicity).

**Yes, there's an endogenous period, but if it's as high on average (given normal activity) as 28 hours, I'd be kinda shocked.

***This suggests the research is pretty flawed.

****This is a tautology. It's like saying "this house wouldn't have burned down if not for that fire." Sentence that follows is circular logic, since the genetic architecture responsible for circadian rhythms was structured by a light/dark cycle.

It's likely possible to reset one's circadian rhythms, BUT you'd be 1) fighting your own biology and 2) likely to undo whatever you're done upon almost any exposure to say daylight. (What I mean is, loss of adjustment would be incredibly sensitive.)
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
09-17-2014 , 04:12 PM
Ehh. Just from what I've noticed and from observing other people, 12 hour sessions are pretty easy, even if going in after working for 8 hours. 24 hour sessions are kind of rare because you're simply tired, whether you're up a ton or down a ton. Approaching 36 hours is just really too long, and anything over that, quite frankly, can be dangerous.

A friend of mine stayed up for something like 40 hours straight drinking and smoking and playing poker. He got home, felt ill after sleeping for 8 hours, went to the doctor and they diagnosed him with walking Pneumonia. Not saying this will happen to everyone, some people have supreme willpower, just saying that being up for 2 days straight can bust up the immune system.
From Sprinklin' Cheese to Stackin' Cheddar; a Pizzaman's Poker Journey Quote
