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SnG run SnG run

11-01-2014 , 02:50 PM
Hello everyone! My name is George, I'm 18 and I'm new here.
This is my story:

I started playing poker 2 years ago but took it serious from September this year.I decided to put 50$ on pstars with no idea in my mind, just playing.After 4 hours of playing I was somewhere at 400$ then busted my bankroll in one hour.Then, I realized that I could have some kind of income from poker(kind of a dream)
I'll jump a little and I'll take you to mid October.After busting like 17 times(17- 50$ deposits) I started to doubt myself(should've doubted myself earlier) and I started reading some books, stories, kind of studying.
After depositing another 50$( it became like a habit ) I had a hot run and turned that in 1200$ in a 9h session.After taking a short break for about 20 minutes I've decided that I could play more( ) and in 1h I found myself playing a 1000$ husng( that's very bad, I know).Obviously, I didn't won that husng.
My bankroll management hit the rock bottom.
Today it's 1st of November and I've counted my deposits.After counting 3 times( still don't know for sure) they're somewhere between 25-28.That equals between 1250-1400$.
I decided that I can't take this no more and restricted all the games except 1.50$ sngs.
Now I made my last deposit ( 60$ ) and I'm going to follow a properly bankroll management.
I think that 40buy ins for that level would be enough for 4-tabling.
I made something like a chart to remind of bankroll management.
Buy in - Bankroll - Buy ins
Level 1 - 1.50$ sngs - 60$ - 40
Level 2 - 3.50$ sngs - 140$ - 40
Level 3 - 7$ sngs - 280$ - 40
Level 4 - 15$ sngs - 600$ - 40
Level 5 - 30$ sngs - 1200$ - 40
Level 6 - 60$ sngs - 2400$ - 40
Level 7 - 100$ sngs - 5000$ - 50

I feel like an addict, ashamed and that's why I don't even say here my pstars name.
I have the willing to improve my game and I'm going to do that.
I will play only 6/9max turbo sngs.
Goals, challanges
I don't have in my mind a specific goal, but beating the game from the level that I'm at and moving up would be more than fantastic for me.
Currently, I'm taking a 4 week sng course( hope i will see results soon).
I don't have the patience to move up slow, but I'm working on that.
I'm not going to play today, I'll wait for some answers and I'm going to think seriously about what I need to do in order to be able to play at my best.
If I will bust my bankroll again I'll quit poker, so that's more like a "all or nothing" thing.My confidence is very low.
Some good advices would be welcome, I need them!

Thank you for taking the time to read this.I know that I sound like an addict who will never succeed, but I need to try for the last time.

Good luck at the tables !
SnG run Quote
