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Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018

10-03-2018 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
What do you get out of belittling, and insulting people constantly? You must be getting something out of this incredibly negative and toxic behavior, but I have no clue what it is...
Not a PHD by any means but I would assume some type of projection of self hated type deal going on.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
When I got coaching from him I was struggling at 50z for 6 months, after that I went straght to 200z and battled in there for close to 100k hands in the toughest days of the week and toughest hours of the day, facing 40-80 player pools with isramazeltov, jakeeee,godofhu, shifty and vs them I haven't made one bad play but a bad x/r vs jakeeeee.

Also broken provided me with the best advice I could have gotten for the price I paid, it's not his fault if I didn't listen to everything that he taught me(but it's not as simple as that, some stuff is harder to apply and take more time, I'm still using the material he gave me even today and trying to apply what he taught me).

It's easy to say I'm bad when there's no way you would have the balls to jump in that pool in a million years and expect to be +EV.

You’re still/again struggling there though. So whats your point?
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by SB12
Not a PHD by any means but I would assume some type of projection of self hated type deal going on.

Your constant guessing and assuming is a waste of time and effort. You’re always wrong.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 08:09 PM
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Your constant guessing and assuming is a waste of time and effort. You’re always wrong.
If it's just "trolling" then you are doing it wrong. Trolling is meant to be mischievous, funny, witty, and "light-hearted" not rude, mean, and degrading. If your "sense of self" gets a some sort of "boost" from the latter then something is definitely lacking or twisted in yourself.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
If it's just "trolling" then you are doing it wrong. Trolling is meant to be mischievous, funny, witty, and "light-hearted" not rude, mean, and degrading. If your "sense of self" gets a some sort of "boost" from the latter then something is definitely lacking or twisted in yourself.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
If it's just "trolling" then you are doing it wrong. Trolling is meant to be mischievous, funny, witty, and "light-hearted" not rude, mean, and degrading. If your "sense of self" gets a some sort of "boost" from the latter then something is definitely lacking or twisted in yourself.

Did you make it out of 5nl yet?
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
You’re still/again struggling there though. So whats your point?
The same as you use saying broken is just getting lucky, so I couldn't get unlucky in my sample? You use variance to justify everything in your favor in one way or the other. You said I was a bad player but I managed to play in a tough game and even some of my opponents said that my game was better than the average reg of that stake.

Maybe a good player is someone like you that plays on soft sites, only get your money vs fish and get destroyed by good regs without a chance to defend yourself vs them. You envy brokenstars' success and can't do anything but to blame it on variance.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
The same as you use saying broken is just getting lucky, so I couldn't get unlucky in my sample? You use variance to justify everything in your favor in one way or the other. You said I was a bad player but I managed to play in a tough game and even some of my opponents said that my game was better than the average reg of that stake.

Maybe a good player is someone like you that plays on soft sites, only get your money vs fish and get destroyed by good regs without a chance to defend yourself vs them. You envy brokenstars' success and can't do anything but to blame it on variance.

I use variance to explain anomalies in your overall poker progress. For example; you making it to 200z was variance. Heater of a lifetime. Heater over, rapidesh back at 50z.

Case closed.

Also lol at the 2nd paragraph. Play soft games and win money or play toughest games and be a Rapidesh. Boooooy what to do????
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 09:13 PM
Same 3-4 douchey trolls in every thread. Just ignore them or if you're an OP message a mod and have them banned from posting in your thread if they bother you. No point in arguing with people like them. They're going to be toxic either way.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 10:34 PM
Alright so to get the thread back on track:

Finally back in Sydney and had a good sleep in the last few days. Sleep pattern and diet was really poor in Melbourne. Never felt so run down before.

Feel like I need to update thread on my September results for a bit of transparency. I played a few days after the 100k hand challenge so the results are not exactly the same as the end of the challenge.

September Review:

As we can see September was not a great month. Basically swung in between -20 and -10 buyins for majority of the month. Volume was ok considering I finished the challenge on the 21st of September and played about 5 or 6 hours after that.

I don't think I played that well over the course of September. I felt a lot of pressure to finish the challenge before the 26th of September. It was awesome to finish it early but I felt like I was forcing a lot of sessions when I wasn't 100% in the mood to grind. A lot of these sessions went on for longer than my optimal 2 hours as well which I think hampered by playing ability.

Study volume was also at an all time high which added to the overall time spent on poker. Although I think I have improved drastically, my mental condition has fatigued very hard. I still feel very burnt out after the last two months.

October Plan

Now that I have had a few days to recover my sleep and return back to a healthy diet, I have thought about what I want October to look like.

I still feel fairly drained on poker grind so I think I am going to reduce my playing volume this month (Yes this means I will not take on the prop bet with Brokenstars). I just don't think its wise to force myself into another volume challenge right now. I am still going to aim for around 40-50k hands of volume this month on ignition. I think I am also going to play a bit more live poker this month (dependent on how I think the tables are).

However I think I am going to continue the study volume for this month. I am going to take my 3rd (and probably final shot of the year) at 500nl for November. So basically this month is going to be a preparation month for next month. I want my mental to be reset and my skills to improve over this month.

Regarding the videos,

Since volume will be relatively low, might not get as much footage of me playing. However I will probably continue to post 2 videos a week.
One video will be an update video of the week - highlights, recap of both online and live. The other video will probably be a hand review of stars or study review that I do.

So main focus for October:

- Continue study volume
- Short sessions (nothing over 2 hours)
- Live poker once a week (probably 2/5/10 game)
- 2 videos a week


- September was ****
- slightly burnt out
- October Prep month for November 500nl 3rd shot
- October Low volume
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-03-2018 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Did you make it out of 5nl yet?
Have you made it out of play money yet? That was rhetorical, we all know you haven't because the issues you have with small dick lack of energy.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 12:49 AM
Skuz, would you ever think of twitching a session? It would be cool if you do. GL this month.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
Have you made it out of play money yet? That was rhetorical, we all know you haven't because the issues you have with small dick lack of energy.
Is that a no?
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by outfit
Skuz, would you ever think of twitching a session? It would be cool if you do. GL this month.
I usually stream once a week. Not sure how much I will stream this month.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by skuzlad
I usually stream once a week. Not sure how much I will stream this month.
Hopefully you and Broken work out that prop sometime soon, also that would be pretty cool to stream a couple hours of as well.

Anyways good luck in October and hopefully some more YT vids coming out soon?
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by TheTyman9
Same 3-4 douchey trolls in every thread. Just ignore them or if you're an OP message a mod and have them banned from posting in your thread if they bother you. No point in arguing with people like them. They're going to be toxic either way.
Couldn't agree more. Sadly, these few are ruining PG&C. One of the last remaining quality sub forums on 2+2.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by DivineGlory
Couldn't agree more. Sadly, these few are ruining PG&C. One of the last remaining quality sub forums on 2+2.
Agree as well, this sub-forum could use a decent purge of some sorts.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 07:33 PM
Yeah! Give us our safe space!!!
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by DivineGlory
Couldn't agree more. Sadly, these few are ruining PG&C. One of the last remaining quality sub forums on 2+2.
Help call them out when they post their negative bs like I do occasionally when they post it then.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
Help call them out when they post their negative bs like I do occasionally when they post it then.
Sometimes though that means giving into what they want, most are just like teenage girls craving any form of attention.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Yeah! Give us our safe space!!!
you say it as if they're posting something engaging or worth giving an iota of thought to. all they do is *****, bicker, and complain. frankly, they're terrible company. if not wanting to spend my limited hours on this planet interacting with miserable bitchy people means, iyo, I need a safe space...
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-04-2018 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Yeah! Give us our safe space!!!
Rofl Americans.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-05-2018 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by SB12
Hopefully you and Broken work out that prop sometime soon, also that would be pretty cool to stream a couple hours of as well.

Anyways good luck in October and hopefully some more YT vids coming out soon?
Not at the moment. Will be on normal schedule again next Monday. Kind of been messing around this week since coming back.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
10-06-2018 , 07:59 PM
Small update:

Played live poker last night with my friend who plays recreationally. We usually drive in together so if he busts its usually home time. He wanted to have a poker session so we got on the same table and played some 2/3. Unfortunately not a great result for either of us.

My friend lost a buyin (-300) and I lost (-115). Our table was super nitty and probably not a great table to be playing on (from an EV perspective). However we somehow managed to be seated next to each other so we had a good time having a chat and catching up over a game of cards. Generally I would table change here (given how high rake is at the Star Casino in Sydney).

Couple of big folds:

Hero in UTG+2 with Ad2d.

Hero opens to 15
HJ calls and Sb calls.

Flop A29r - $47
Hero bets 15
HJ calls 15
SB calls 15

Turn is a 7s - $92 (bdfd spades)

Hero bets $70
HJ tanks and raises to $240
SB folds
Hero tank folds

HJ was some young guy, wasnt very good. We were effectively 750$ to start the hand so relatively deep. I am not sure why I took so long to fold. Pretty easy spot looking back on it. I just had an issue that villain maybe over valuing a hand. (A few hands before Villain jammed AA on 8656 in a multiway pot after I bet, V calls and player behind him xr and me folding then V jamming AA. The guy who XR actually folded 76 face up and was so steamed). However its just not a good spot to be calling off with A2 with how deep we are. I open folded and villain showed me A9.

I think I played flop too GTO. Should probably just bet large for value against Ax. Mistake on flop.

Hero is Highjack with AA

Utg limps
I Iso to 20
My friend cold calls
SB nit whale flats
UTG folds.

Flop is Q63dd 63$

Hero bets 20
Friend folds
Nit calls.

Turn Ko $103
Nit checks
Hero bets $75 (huge mistake. I should be betting small here on the king)
Nit Snap raises to 240 or 250 (somewhere around this region)
I snap fold this time.

I am starting to enjoy the live grind a bit. Way more comfortable playing 9 handed and I think I have finally started to understand the dynamic and tendencies of the overall population. I will probably start to play 5/10 moving forward. The only problem is there are fat waiting lists so I might have to go early and secure a seat.

Today I will be watching the UFC, so no poker grind today. I will be back on full schedule as of tomorrow (Monday). Me and my study group have set a schedule for study days. Tuesday will be databse analysis, Wednesday will be GTO work with PIO and Thursdays are homegames between us so we can apply what we have learnt over the week.
Skuz's Road to 500nl+ 2018 Quote
