Hey All,
Been a while since I last posted again. I might start using this to track results again more vigilantly once SCOOP ends. I went through a bunch of ups and downs with what package to play/sell and what events to play around it, I had to cash out which I hadn't intended to do and then some IRL stuff came up and to make matters worse, I've been running like absolute garbage. I haven't had a single deep run in a SCOOP event and one measly cash. It's a tough grind sometimes.
But, I think things are settling down at home, and my bankroll is going to have much more strict guidelines finally as some offline stuff will make it possible to set cash out procedures and limits and actually stick to them finally. So interested to see what happens going forward.
Here is the only spot in SCOOP so far that wasn't a standard KK into AA or KK loses to AKs type scenario for me... happy to hear thoughts on if this was a call or not.
This is what I wrote in my SCOOP rail right after the tourney ended...
"I dunno if I played this wrong and should've folded or not bet out perhaps. I felt like he should show up with lots of one pair hands like 10-9 and 10-8, plus some draws I am ahead of like 67 and J10 plus I didn't expect the flat with things like JJ or QQ... tho KK and AA made sense given we were both short to start, just feel like I am always seeing the AA in these spots giving me my least amount of outs right now. Battling hard as I survived 4.5 hours, but just not getting good situations right now."
I am going to finish out my SCOOP plans today and Sunday/Monday and then take a day off and get back to a steady, proper grind starting Wednesday and see about actually grinding this roll up into something respectable by the end of the year.
Barring a bink in something large before Wednesday, the plan will be to fire about 40 games, 5 days per week, likely Monday to Friday to avoid the variance fest that is the Sunday micro tourneys.
I will fire $3.30 to $11 events plus space fill with $4.50 On Demands. I'll sell 50% action to the $5.50-$11 with bigger fields and keep my own action everywhere else and just finally try to actually grind, put volume in and see if we can move up the old fashioned way.
Anyway, GL heroes with SCOOP this weekend!
Last edited by satellite84; 05-18-2018 at 08:38 AM.