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The Road to WSOP2016 The Road to WSOP2016

05-27-2014 , 08:58 AM
Hi guys, I'm Joe currently playing on pokerstars as 'NockyNocky'
So i guess the title says it all...I want to make enough money at the pokers in the next 2 years, to take me to WSOP2016! I'm a 19 year old university student, so the 2016 edition of the WSOP will be the first I am eligible to play in...

Starting Bankroll: $389.55

The Plan

-Start out at the 12-18 Man 6-Max SNG's, adding in microstakes MTT's

I will also be working hard on my MTT game, with the plan being to transfer to these permanently once my bankroll allows me to freely play up to the $11 level
-Watching RIO videos
-Reading the 'Winning Poker Tournaments One Hand At A Time' Series (Currently on book 2/3)
-Reviewing the MTT's I do play

-Work on my mental game, using the strategies described in 'The Mental Game of Poker' by Jared Tendler which I am currently reading for the first time

-Update this thread regularly to keep my head on the goal and to keep me focused during sessions - no one wants to report how badly they played...

-Exercise 4 times a week as I have become increasingly lazy since moving to Uni, plus exercise releases endorphins which may help me to better deal with the inevitable variance which lies ahead

-Eat regular healthy meals for the same reasons as above

Anyway, that's enough for now...time to get started, GL at the tables!
The Road to WSOP2016 Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:04 AM
The Road to WSOP2016 Quote
06-03-2014 , 01:25 PM
Update after Week 1:

Slow start to the challenge, been limited for volume with end of year exams at Uni...had the last one yesterday, so now free till October to hit the grind!

6-Max 12/18 Players:
Played: 37
Profit/Loss: $-24.52
ROI: -10.42%

Played: 2
Profit/Loss: -$8.80
ROI: -100%

Bankroll: $360.63

Not the best start results wise, however, it's obviously over an incredibly small sample size... I feel i'm making a lot of good decisions and it's only a matter of time before this challenge back in the black

Quick summary on the goals i set:
MTT game: Must do better, although been busy with exams so okay with the lack of work for this week
Mental game: Making some progress, and feel i can improve a lot with the help of TMGOP
Exercise: Started very well, been out for 3 runs and starting to see small improvements in fitness of body and mind
Food: Must do better, although not been terrible by any means
The Road to WSOP2016 Quote
06-07-2014 , 07:16 PM

It had, up until today, been another slow week poker wise. Since the previous update to this morning i'd increased my bankroll to around $410 playing a mix of SNG's and Capped NL25 6-Max...

This morning I decided to take a shot at the Saturday 6-Max, my favourite tournament on the stars schedule... A combination of one of my most focused MTT performances for a while and obviously running very well resulted in me taking 2nd place for $4.2K
(Huge for me considering my previous best score at stars was around $300)! Despite this, I was actually disappointed in the aftermath that I hadn't taken it down, the difference being $1.5K...however, now that the size of the score in relation to my bankroll has started to sink in, i am naturally delighted!

After submitting a withdrawal which will be used to cover various expenses I need to pay in the next month, i now have a bankroll of $3000...

Obviously, this windfall changes my situation somewhat and a new plan for the future is in order!

The Plan:
-I intend to play MTT's up to around the $22 level, although my ABI will be around $10-12 giving me 300ish buy-ins, which should be enough to protect my bankroll from a wave of variance...

-In addition to MTT's, i want to give 6-Max CAP games a shot...having played these a little this week, I found the opposition relatively weak with the REGS either playing a very TAG ABC style or playing like aggro lunatics...add this to the extreme fish that can be found in these games and this makes for a potentially profitable situation! I'll be playing these as a change from MTTs and also when I only have a couple of hours, which obviously isn't enough time to play MTT's

-The other goals stated in the previous post will remain in place, these being:
1. Working on my MTT game (starting with reviewing the Sat 6-Max)
2. Working on my mental game
3. Exercise
4. Eat healthily

If there is anything I can add to the thread to increase interest, or anything readers wish to know about myself/my poker experiences then please feel free to post a reply with your questions/suggestions

Bankroll: $3000 (Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting)
The Road to WSOP2016 Quote
