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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

04-14-2020 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
I am sure we all is dying to become a solid poker pro like yourself, beating up the app games in our boxershorts while living broke with our moms.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Nah you might want to visit the beginner's forum yourself. It seems you're struggling with these "dying online poker" games during the boom we're in. It's okay. I can coach you for $50/hr to become a winning 100nl reg like myself. Let me know.

Not struggling at all, sorry to disappoint you. It's bizarre you're pointing fingers, when you're the one living in your mom's basement (I'm a HSMTT-reg with a good life, lots of non-poker stuff in it too. You couldn't know this, when you posted your nonsense, but you knew there's a good chance, I'm not a broke loser like you are. Not that this matters, but I know it hurts your ego, so I couldn't resist.)

Oh well.

It's okay.
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04-14-2020 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
I mean HS (5k+ live BIs (25k+ for SHR), 100$/1k+ online) as a grinder. Of course there are many recs/6bets of the world who do have the skill nor the BR to play these and are terribad af, but there are definitely some amazing HS/SHR players in the world. I am more familiar with the live scene (I just play cash online, but will now play a few WPTs because pandemic), but lest not forget that in 2020, most players play several formats and HS live MTT players will also play live HS.

The HS/SHR scene in Melbourne during Aussie Millions, also has several solid af players. This consists of only the top 1-5% of the field and Aussie Millions remains soft af, of course, but to state that there are not some great players within the field, is pure ignorance.
Lol, I wouldnt even categorize the friends I know that play 10ks and the rare high roller as grinders. They're well, well beyond that. They don't have to grind, that's the entire point of having a 7 figure bankroll!

Once you get to that level, your volume isn't important any more. Unless you're a spending degen, you don't *need* to play.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 04-14-2020 at 05:06 AM.
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04-14-2020 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by shynepo3
It’s funny reading this thread for a while - you can tell who’s really bitter and miserable. To attack someone every single day takes a lot of energy.
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04-14-2020 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by darchas

Of all the lol things in this thread i think this is the absolute winner.
LOOOOL ifkr.
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04-14-2020 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by darchas
Of all the lol things in this thread i think this is the absolute winner.
TY for the compliment. Also TY for leaving out the "If you want to be cruel" at the beginning and the "lol" at the end of my sentence. This is not my position, but it's one I've heard from a bunch of people over the years and they had some pretty compelling arguments.
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04-14-2020 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Lmao. Solid entertaining to my morning coffee.

I am sure we all is dying to become a solid poker pro like yourself, beating up the app games in our boxershorts while living broke with our moms.
I sure as hell am. Sign me up bro
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04-14-2020 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Fodersneso
I'm a HSMTT-reg with a good life

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04-14-2020 , 05:02 AM
yeah that's me
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04-14-2020 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Fodersneso
TY for the compliment. Also TY for leaving out the "If you want to be cruel" at the beginning and the "lol" at the end of my sentence. This is not my position, but it's one I've heard from a bunch of people over the years and they had some pretty compelling arguments.
"In better hands" as in the hands of those winners who very often do some combination of drugs/cheating money/strippers/tax evasion/degenning at blackjack (eg OP among millions of these winners) and losing a lot of it back, and whatever else they degen on? And end up as broke losers/degens themselves and have nothing to show even 5, 10, 15 years later? LOL.

Maybe it's not your argument, but as I said it's completely hopeless to debate. Not even worth bother because those who say dumb **** like that are as delusional as OP or even more delusional, and it's akin to talking to a brick wall
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
How so?

So if I have a 3k bankroll and I buy into $1000 worth of cash games (20 tables of 50nl), does that also mean I'm not following bankroll management?
Following that logic you could also play one table of NL1k with that roll..

Hint: you are exposing your bankroll to much more variance playing 3 tourneys for 500$ than playing 500 1$ MTTs

Also how the **** did you spend 500$ in these? Cold4b shoving deuces pre add on or what?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Minatorr
"In better hands" as in the hands of those winners who very often do some combination of drugs/cheating money/strippers/tax evasion/degenning at blackjack (eg OP among millions of these winners) and losing a lot of it back, and whatever else they degen on? And end up as broke losers/degens themselves and have nothing to show even 5, 10, 15 years later?
Nice stereotype. I was talking about people/winners with a head on their shoulders.
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04-14-2020 , 05:12 AM
Here at 2+2 we should be a team. Aiming to be the best we can at poker.
That's why its a strategy forum. OP should be aiming to be best he can be at playing mtts which he's focusing on atm. If he's degening a bit which he is by playing above his bankroll he's being told. He also plays a bit scared just trying to finish itm rather than trying to accumulate some chips and get deeper which will make you a profitable mtt player because those deep runs add up.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Yeah according to my government, there's no such thing as a professional poker player, which makes me technically unemployed.

And unemployed people are entitlted to welfare. There's nothing "criminal" about this at all. It's completely fair.

The only reason I couldn't get Centrelink before was because my wife was employed and they looked at my "household income" and said that as a couple, we're earning too much money to be eligible for welfare.

But since we're now earning $0 (according to the government), we should be able to get it.

Also I paid a tonne of taxes back when I was driving Uber, since we were technically classified as "independent contractors" and had to pay a goods & services tax on every trip, so I think it's only fair that I get that tax money back.

Like if the government is going to screw me by classifying me as a small business owner when I drive Uber for less than minimum wage, it's only fair that they do the opposite of screwing me by classifying me as unemployed when I'm actually a poker pro. They missclassify me twice, and it evens out in the end.
Pretty sure you have to show proof you're actually looking for work if you claim unemployment welfare.

Also pretty sure you can't claim special coronavirus welfare if you didn't actually lose a job in the first place. Your wife can, but not you.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
2 of the tournaments were effectively $20 ($10 + $10 addon) and 1 was effectively $70 ($35 + $35 addon). I just rebought a tonne of times.

So apart from the $70 tourney, you agree I was properly rolled for all the tourneys I played?
So you acknowledge that buying into $70 MTTs is bad bankroll management right? Now multiply that by the fact that you didn't just buy in once but multiple times. Now throw in the fact that had you landed a big score you would have splurged a big chunk of the money that you won on vacations, or phones, or handbags and you have a recipe for failure.

If you want to play MTTs they should compromise at most 10% of your total volume. Most of your volume needs to come from grinding cash games if you want to have any chance of long term success.

And quit being obtuse. You can't be so blind and dumb to say "Apart from the multiple $70 MTTs I was using good bankroll management". That's ignorant and ******ed. You really are a troll 6betme.
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04-14-2020 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
If you want to play MTTs they should compromise at most 10% of your total volume. Most of your volume needs to come from grinding cash games if you want to have any chance of long term success.
So if you play 40 hours a week of cash you should only play mtt's 4 hours a week? Even pub mtt's last 5-6 hours. I suppose you can play 160 hours of cash and then play a mtt once a month.

If you were playing 2/5 live and had a $12,000 bankroll would playing a $170 mtt once a month be to risky? Would you wait until you have $17,000 and then play.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by harddude
So if you play 40 hours a week of cash you should only play mtt's 4 hours a week? Even pub mtt's last 5-6 hours. I suppose you can play 160 hours of cash and then play a mtt once a month.

If you were playing 2/5 live and had a $12,000 bankroll would playing a $170 mtt once a month be to risky? Would you wait until you have $17,000 and then play.
Dont argue on semantics. The main point was that the vast majority of your volume should be from cashgames sprinkled with a few tournaments here and there, so your cashgame winrate can absorb the added variance from the donkaments.
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04-14-2020 , 06:02 AM
6 bet what are the highest cash games running in Melbourne? do they run 5/10 on the regular? any higher? Do they have 100/200 stud 08?
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04-14-2020 , 06:58 AM
For one of the first times i am seriously weighted towards some of this has to be trolling. Like i have suspected trolling many times before dont get me wrong-, i do know the guy is real and all that- but i just cant pathom this if all he is posting is for real. Its like out of this world on all parameters.

This thread is entertaining regardless, but i mean come on. Ive met many clueless delusional people in my life, but this simply cant be real.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 07:39 AM

You've got to try and get into his headspace. Poker is not really important to him (not much is, including people, but I don't wish to be too cruel in these difficult times).

On the other hand this blog is the single most important thing in his life because it provides the attention he so desperately craves.

Op has proved over and over again, he has a successful formula for hooking his audience.

It's a roller coaster...right now we are down in the pits after multiple ******ed HH and some off the plot nonsense posts.

Soon to come, one of his contrite posts, that will line us all up again on the up side.

Rinse and repeat, ad nauseam.

It is all terribly sad but compelling at anytime, especially when we are all locked down with so much time to waste.

Plus we all want to see how Season 2 ends.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
For one of the first times i am seriously weighted towards some of this has to be trolling. Like i have suspected trolling many times before dont get me wrong-, i do know the guy is real and all that- but i just cant pathom this if all he is posting is for real. Its like out of this world on all parameters.

This thread is entertaining regardless, but i mean come on. Ive met many clueless delusional people in my life, but this simply cant be real.

I've come to the opinion that he just says things he knows will get people talking because he enjoys the attention. This thread is by far the most popular in PGC and he knows it.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
For one of the first times i am seriously weighted towards some of this has to be trolling. Like i have suspected trolling many times before dont get me wrong-, i do know the guy is real and all that- but i just cant pathom this if all he is posting is for real. Its like out of this world on all parameters.

This thread is entertaining regardless, but i mean come on. Ive met many clueless delusional people in my life, but this simply cant be real.
Depends what you mean by trolling. I'm pretty sure all the details are real, but OP is clearly doing this for attention/ego/validation. This post gives it away imo:

Originally Posted by 6bet me
Nah you might want to visit the beginner's forum yourself. It seems you're struggling with these "dying online poker" games during the boom we're in. It's okay. I can coach you for $50/hr to become a winning 100nl reg like myself. Let me know.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 10:34 AM
Well, the long time 6bet-fans know for a fact this is all real, so I don't think anyone wants to get into that. As far as the "troll-posts" go, I think you might underestimate the excesses a narcissistic mind is capable of. Once the ego gets hurt, rational thinking goes out the window. Your thoughts tend to revolve a lot around what others think about you or whether they appreciate what a superb human being you are! Those thoughts can effectuate the incapibility to have rational thoughts. So in the heat of the moment (eg someone insulted you, in your opinion) a narcissist is WAY more likely to say something out of proportion, something he might regret saying afterwards, than a non-narcissist.

Since I have those tendencies myself and battle them on a daily basis, I see so many of the pitfalls OP has to go through coming from a mile away. I'm being a dick to him, because I wish someone would have said these things to 25 y/o me. But my parents/friends etc were all like "you go boy, you totally got this!", when all I needed was someone close to me yelling in my face David-Goggins-style: "you're a ****head and need to get your **** together or there will be consequences!"

I'm completely addicted to this thread. It's my dirty little secret. It's like looking at a caricature of myself.
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04-14-2020 , 10:48 AM
Last season DL said that 6b made things seem worse than they are and not everything should be taken at face value. Something like that. He's obviously embellishing and being so flippant to get a reaction out of people. Which is fine because he's entertaining .

6b, you should write a guide on bankroll requirements in the beginners section. I'm sure many here would be fascinated and the beginners would learn something.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
04-14-2020 , 12:05 PM
Quotes from bryn kenney biggest winner in mtt's of all time.

“I’m never going to practice bankroll management but that’s what makes me dangerous. That’s why people don’t want to play me. They don’t know how I think. People do really bad when they’re guessing against you.

I don’t care about the money
Op still cares about the money and min cashing. Might be time to change your tournament strategy op.


I was a stupid person; I would win big and do stupid things with it. I was too giving with people and too careless with money.
Maybe op is careless with his money as well. He's also probably too giving.


You can never worry about money in-game. If you do, you already have no chance of winning the tournament whilst you are playing. That’s why it’s so important to have a strong mindset outside of the game and do things that relax you. I am using my brain a huge percentage of the day, because I am playing all of the time. Even though poker is a game of skill there is a lot of gambling involved. There are big swings in terms of money and emotion. It’s tough. Everyone has gotten crushed and lost lots of money.

“You have to learn from your mistakes and just be a killer in a tough world. When you are dealing with money all the time, and working in poker, you meet a lot of leeches that just want things from you. It’s difficult to live in this life sometimes. It’s who takes the hits the best, and who stands up the tallest.
Op worried about the money in game. something you can fix op.

You have to be super confident about your ability. If you don’t have that, you will never be able to build your way up from the bottom.”
you have that op.

Everyone is a big degen at heart. We all need to feed the beast. Everyone likes to bet on sports, everyone wants to make quick money, everyone wants to do nothing and make money, nobody wants to work hard, nobody wants to put any work into anything, they want to sit around and hope money comes to them. So what happens? They take bad gambles: in the casino, in sports, with their health, with life. Look at everyone in the US. They sit around drinking beers all day. It’s all about how you feed that addiction.”
Maybe give up the beers and put some time into studying. That's what I'm doing.

Last edited by harddude; 04-14-2020 at 12:27 PM.
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