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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

03-20-2020 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by IlikeChicken
Assuming 6bet me isn't a giant troll, he's hopeless. He doesn't listen to what anyone says unless it agrees with his preconceived notions. He's willing to do whatever to stay in action when he's not skilled enough to beat anything but the softest games.

If you were any good at poker and money management you would already have your own bankroll while constantly be improving. Instead you're in this no mans land where the minute you have money you blow it on the stupidest things and then be forced to borrow money at predatory rates to play games you have no business playing in.

I mean what does it say about your poker skills that you can't build a bankroll with zero bills.
What does it say about his wife? Real talk, unless she is a mail order bride or something, I can't imagine what she thinks she has going for herself being with him. And if it's real....can you imagine arguments between them..even simple ones. There is no persuading 6 that his thinking approach is wrong. Dude is a lost cause. I really hope the light bulb clicks on for this dude one day, but it won't.

Watch his ignorance cause his parents to get infected or something and then what? Never seen a bigger dummy that seemed like he actually had some potential to do something if he just lifted a finger to do it.
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03-20-2020 , 05:01 AM
Good job going to the gym. Did you wipe down the machines?
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03-20-2020 , 05:07 AM
Lol op waits till the time it's socially unacceptable to finally go to the gym. A+ scripting
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03-20-2020 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Good job going to the gym. Did you wipe down the machines?
Thank you! Yeah there were lots of hand wipes, hand sanitiser and paper towel all around the gym, so I wiped down every piece of equipment after I used it.

There were also fewer people than usual, although the ones that did come seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, still spotting each other, having conversations, etc.

I even saw a couple of people at the gym who looked like they were 70+ years old. That's the definition of not giving a **** lol.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 06:32 AM
Hand 11: Facing a river donk

$105 effective with CO, $65 effective with SB
Hero raises $3 MP1 with Qh Qd
CO calls $3
SB calls $3

Flop ($10, 3ways) 9c 8s 4d

SB checks
Hero bets $3
CO folds
SB calls $3

Turn ($16, HU) 9c 8s 4d 2c

SB checks
Hero bets $10.66
SB calls $10.66

River ($37.32) 9c 8s 4d 2c 5d

SB donk jams $48

Hero tank folds

In my experiences, I'm just never good here with a 1 pair hand when villain leads out like this. But maybe I'm wrong on this occasion. I guess we'll never know...
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03-20-2020 , 06:49 AM
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03-20-2020 , 06:55 AM
You beat fish value jams
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03-20-2020 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Just got back from the gym after a nice leg workout.
lmao I ****ing love it, especially after those posts before that

here's the thing about your IQ (I realized, I shouldn't have said anything about your IQ being low and I apologize for that):

Actions speak louder than words. While you've talked a lot about your smarts, your actions over the last 4+ years suggest a lack thereof.

On the other hand it's entirely possible, you failed at so many things despite having high potential between your ears; just because you lack discipline, character and so on. Maybe this is all part of some unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. Maybe you have trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people and maybe this leads to you burying your head in the sand quite often.

I've been there. There's a way out of this, you have no ****ing idea, what kind of change's possible, if you really put your head down and dedicate every day to escape and replace the old patterns.

You're right I'm kind of a hater of the current 6betme-version, but I'm prepared to root for the future-6bet, so don't leave me hanging.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Rutledge Smitty
Side note, there are plenty of posters who not only have a full time job, but also go to the gym regularly and still play more poker in a week than you. And yes Even have time for a social life on top of it.
some of us even have spouses and kids, too
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Fodersneso

You're right I'm kind of a hater of the current 6betme-version, but I'm prepared to root for the future-6bet, so don't leave me hanging.
Agree with this - I'm rooting for you to change, improve and make a success out of yourself. This could turn into an epic redemption story - you got this!
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Thank you! Yeah there were lots of hand wipes, hand sanitiser and paper towel all around the gym, so I wiped down every piece of equipment after I used it.

There were also fewer people than usual, although the ones that did come seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, still spotting each other, having conversations, etc.

I even saw a couple of people at the gym who looked like they were 70+ years old. That's the definition of not giving a **** lol.
What body part did you train? Does the wife train as well? Do you listen to music while training and if so what's your jam?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 12:04 PM
Just listening to a doctor on the ABC and he reckons you shouldn't go to the gym. Even going for a walk you shouldn't get too close to people and that's outside.

Might think about doing some workouts at home in your mums house. Perhaps do Zumba with your mum.

I'm amazed they still got the schools open though.
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03-20-2020 , 04:02 PM
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by MilkMan

If you believe in such kind of youtube-**** nobody can help you.
This is just a bad amateur video probably from some kind of right-wing-world-conspiracy idiot.

Don't forward such bullshit - it does not help in these difficult times!!!!
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by wacker1913
If you believe in such kind of youtube-**** nobody can help you.
This is just a bad amateur video probably from some kind of right-wing-world-conspiracy idiot.

Don't forward such bullshit - it does not help in these difficult times!!!!
I watched the video after reading your post. It mostly shows death statistics of the largest epidemics that have occurred in this century and then shows a few possible paths covid-19 could take based on various growth rates. The music is bad but the stats are very interesting and I really enjoyed the video I didn't see any conspiracy material whatsoever though.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-20-2020 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I watched the video after reading your post. It mostly shows death statistics of the largest epidemics that have occurred in this century and then shows a few possible paths covid-19 could take based on various growth rates. The music is bad but the stats are very interesting and I really enjoyed the video I didn't see any conspiracy material whatsoever though.
Same. The message was try your best not to spread it. Hardly some right-wing bullshit. Was just facts and common sense.
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03-20-2020 , 07:03 PM
Went to bed and there were 255,000 cases. Woke up and there were 269,00 with another 800 deaths.
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03-20-2020 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Just got back from the gym after a nice leg workout. Now I'm too sore to walk anywhere lol, which is convenient for me to stay at home and grind poker on the laptop.

Bankroll is slightly over $3000 atm so let's hope we can run it up.
He is ****ing with y'all something terrible.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-21-2020 , 05:08 AM
I'm not sure why some people were ripping on the 3-bet chart. I tend to 3-bet a bit tighter than the chart given, but it is a fairly good standard 3-betting range imo. When choosing hands to 3-bet bluff, it doesn't really matter what the hand is as much as the frequency as long as it has some play-ability. The problem with 3-betting KTo is you are probably 3-betting QJo, then A8o, and on and on until you are just 3-betting too much.

KTs should be a fold to the limp/raise as a standard. Given the way your opponent played, it could make it profitable. I've noticed a trend with recreational players limp/raising a lot more garbage, because they think everyone will put them on a premium hand.

A8s, I like check/raise all-in on flop better. As played, probably a fold to the raise, because you shouldn't have any fold equity with the sizing he chose. I think you lucked out that he had ****, most of the time they are going to have it or at least have enough equity to call it off. I mean, it's pretty hard to not have 19% equity on that flop.

QQ, I think you should call. River donk can sometimes be a player who knows their hand is too weak to bluff catch but also knows he doesn't have the discipline to fold so he ends up shoving it himself. It can also be a busted draw that has no other hope of winning. When facing a donk shove you can call a bit looser than the hands you would have been willing to shove yourself had he checked.

One final thought. Corona Virus is a real threat. It is the equivalent to a glorified flu, but is extra contageous and more deadly. People aren't quarentining themselves for no reason, stay safe.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-21-2020 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by wacker1913
If you believe in such kind of youtube-**** nobody can help you.
This is just a bad amateur video probably from some kind of right-wing-world-conspiracy idiot.

Don't forward such bullshit - it does not help in these difficult times!!!!
I'm confused - which numbers in that video do you believe are falsified? Could you fill us in on what you believe the real statistics are?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-21-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by MilkMan
I'm confused - which numbers in that video do you believe are falsified? Could you fill us in on what you believe the real statistics are?
Maybe if you stop being a media and science sheep and listen to real experts, you wouldn't have to ask this? It's only a flu with a higher death rate, infection factor, and ability to wreck the economy like it was Amee Donovan's ass in a gangbang. CDC, WHO, scientists, medical experts?

(/s, in case people miss it)
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-21-2020 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
I'm not sure why some people were ripping on the 3-bet chart. I tend to 3-bet a bit tighter than the chart given, but it is a fairly good standard 3-betting range imo. When choosing hands to 3-bet bluff, it doesn't really matter what the hand is as much as the frequency as long as it has some play-ability. The problem with 3-betting KTo is you are probably 3-betting QJo, then A8o, and on and on until you are just 3-betting too much.

KTs should be a fold to the limp/raise as a standard. Given the way your opponent played, it could make it profitable. I've noticed a trend with recreational players limp/raising a lot more garbage, because they think everyone will put them on a premium hand.

A8s, I like check/raise all-in on flop better. As played, probably a fold to the raise, because you shouldn't have any fold equity with the sizing he chose. I think you lucked out that he had ****, most of the time they are going to have it or at least have enough equity to call it off. I mean, it's pretty hard to not have 19% equity on that flop.

QQ, I think you should call. River donk can sometimes be a player who knows their hand is too weak to bluff catch but also knows he doesn't have the discipline to fold so he ends up shoving it himself. It can also be a busted draw that has no other hope of winning. When facing a donk shove you can call a bit looser than the hands you would have been willing to shove yourself had he checked.

One final thought. Corona Virus is a real threat. It is the equivalent to a glorified flu, but is extra contageous and more deadly. People aren't quarentining themselves for no reason, stay safe.
Most of what you said seems reasonable, but I strongly disagree with the part that I put in bold red.

When checked to, we have a fistpump value jam with QQ here. Even a hand like TPGK is usually good enough to go for 3 streets of value against a fish with when they x/c flop, x/c turn and x river.

But when we face a river donk bet, they're going to have 2pr+ a huge portion of the time. River donks are very different to flop donks. A flop donk bet is usually weak, but a river donk bet, after a x/c on flop and x/c on turn, is usually 2pr+, especially when it's a large sizing like pot (or an overbet in this case).

I've made some pretty big laydowns in the past against river donk bets. One time, playing live 1/3 NL against an old man, I flopped a set on a rainbow disconnected board, went for 2 streets of value, faced a pot sized river donk bet after the bdfd got there and I made the laydown. He showed me that he flopped top pair and got runner runner flush. I was super proud of that fold because I'm sure 99% of regs would've paid him off there.

I think that these spots are what separate the good players from the great players. Because the great players know how to make huge laydowns exploitatively, instead of just saying "this is a super standard call" and then "oh well, just a cooler" afterwards.

Now, it's possible that I'm wrong on this particular case. It's possible he took this line with a busted straight draw, in an attempt to bluff me off an overpair. But I think it's quite unlikely. I also think it's unlikely that he would overbet jam a hand with showdown value. Sometimes it happens, sometimes people spazz for no reason, but not often enough to make calling the overbet jam +EV imo.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-21-2020 , 02:27 PM
I play on a site where you can see everyone's hole cards 24 hrs later (and I don't usually fold), and you're definitely off here. Live vs an old man is way different compared to your random live fish. This line is gonna be a bluff way more than enough to make a call
The Return of 6bet me Quote
03-21-2020 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I think that these spots are what separate the good players from the great players. Because the great players know how to make huge laydowns exploitatively, instead of just saying "this is a super standard call" and then "oh well, just a cooler" afterwards.
Do you class yourself as a great player?
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03-21-2020 , 03:14 PM
Piggybacking on SMRR's question: what are the highest stakes you think you can beat on teh apps?
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