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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

02-18-2022 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
6bet me isn't delusional. He's stated that he knows his chances of building up a BR are low. Historically, he never allowed himself to go completely bust. However, he really doesn't want to get a full time job somewhere. So he's procrastinating by putting in a few hours at a time at the poker room to satisfy his wife that he's still pursuing the dream.
He is a whale who thinks he's a good poker player. He is a gambling degenerate who thinks he's a proper pro. He thinks he will make it as a poker pro when he has zero chance. He is planning on moving to Sydney to grind poker. He thinks he will finish his degree. He has literally proven to be delusional in literally every aspect for his life. To deny he is delusional is delusional in itself. Well done.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Busto
He is a whale who thinks he's a good poker player. He is a gambling degenerate who thinks he's a proper pro. He thinks he will make it as a poker pro when he has zero chance. He is planning on moving to Sydney to grind poker. He thinks he will finish his degree. He has literally proven to be delusional in literally every aspect for his life. To deny he is delusional is delusional in itself. Well done.
Yup, extremely well done.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Yup, extremely well done.
Trump fanboy and 6betme hater very happy if 6bet me not running well.

What a sad life...
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 11:46 AM
Not half as sad as being happy when an arrogant degenerate covid super spreader runs well.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Kendoo
Trump fanboy and 6betme hater very happy if 6bet me not running well.

What a sad life...
Lol 6bet hater. Yeah,the truth hurts i suppose. It doesent matter if 6bet runs good or bad,he is still a delusional degenerate gambler. No rungood in the world can change that fact.

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The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Lol 6bet hater. Yeah,the truth hurts i suppose. It doesent matter if 6bet runs good or bad,he is still a delusional degenerate gambler. No rungood in the world can change that fact.

Sent fra min SM-G991B via Tapatalk
looking forward for a new capitol storm trump fanboy?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Busto
Not half as sad as being happy when an arrogant degenerate covid super spreader runs well.
Why are you lying that 6bet was a super spreader?
He had covid - nothing more...
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 01:19 PM
He went to the casino multiple days with symptoms without testing himself.So to say he "only had covid" is total BS.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
6bet me isn't delusional. He's stated that he knows his chances of building up a BR are low. Historically, he never allowed himself to go completely bust. However, he really doesn't want to get a full time job somewhere. So he's procrastinating by putting in a few hours at a time at the poker room to satisfy his wife that he's still pursuing the dream.
I disagree. He thinks he has an edge in higher stakes games where there's no proof and no sample size. He said he'd sit 10/20 right now if he had the bankroll for it. That is definitely more than just overly optimistic. The reality is that his risk of ruin right now is like 95-98%, and any poker pro with sense would suck it up and grind micros.

Unfortunately, 6B's kinda backed himself into a corner in a way because he thinks he's "too good" for a mundane 9-5. I follow the story because I have been in a similar situation at 6B. I quit my job a bit too early into my winning poker career. I had about 1-2 months of savings, and really didn't have enough buyins to sustain any downswing at stay at the level I was at. The major difference is that I sucked it up, put on my big boy pants and worked for about 18 more months, grinding a roll in evenings, and saving up 6 months' life expenses from my job. I also turned down most invites to hit the bars, eat out, even a couple trips that I knew were going to be a blast. But.. I had higher aspirations, not pipe dreams.

The unrewarded genius part of this quote really stung when I first read it. As a high achiever in jr high, I coasted in high school without putting in any effort (which I regret now). It's a chicken-**** way of "knowing" you could have done great of you wanted to.

The trouble is, to improve, you really have to be vulnerable. You have to find someone who knows more than you and sit at their feet humbly and learn. Learn how to study, learn how to break down ranges, learn the cutoffs for what you can and can't do etc. I'm not really seeing that from 6B.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:17 PM
Yeah, but at least he occasionally showers, shaves and does his laundry.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:18 PM
y'all always talking about PIO, but that's way too tedious and non-user-friendly for lazy people like 6b or myself

He should buy (or get someone to buy) GTOWizard or, or one of those type of sites. You don't have to manually input every variable every time, super user-friendly, you can see solutions to whatever spot within 30 seconds of beginning the process. I finally started doing somewhat-legit GTO work when I bought a subscription. Like 6b, I also bought PIO and used it once and never again (although I didn't buy the 1k version, lol).

The solutions are less accurate than PIO, where one can very exactly set the parameters, but I bet this matters exactly zero for somebody in 6bm who has almost no clue about many of the very basics of GTO play.

(don't get me twisted, he's got a million leaks that have nothing to do with strat that he has to fix first, but I wanted to say this piece)
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:21 PM
He should but he doesn't want to get better so who gives a ****?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
He went to the casino multiple days with symptoms without testing himself.So to say he "only had covid" is total BS.
you still did not answer my question if you are looking forward to a new capital storm trump fanboy?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:45 PM
There's some frequent posters in this thread I wouldn't invite to my birthday party if they shelled out $10k on birthday presents. If you think I mean you, I probably mean you.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kendoo
you still did not answer my question if you are looking forward to a new capital storm trump fanboy?

No need for an answer.

They’re all storming this thread
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by NJPW
He should but he doesn't want to get better so who gives a ****?
Fair, although he has those somewhat manic moments, in between busto and a new roll, where he proclaims that "it's a new 6bet, this time I'm serious, I'm gonna do x and y and z and be rolled for 5/10/20 a year from now, etc. etc.", maybe we can sneak the GTOW subscription in during that time.

When he goes through some bad swings, where he hasn't completely busted the roll but feels depressed, he can "grind" GTOW instead of grinding I say this as somebody who has ALSO played thousands of blitz games on chess dot com.

6b and yours truly have so many things in common, it's hardly believable. I'll never be able to hate someone that reminds me this much of myself.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by OG_Tuff
There's some frequent posters in this thread I wouldn't invite to my birthday party if they shelled out $10k on birthday presents. If you think I mean you, I probably mean you.
Do you think any of us bother? Lmao

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The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
6bet me isn't delusional. He's stated that he knows his chances of building up a BR are low. Historically, he never allowed himself to go completely bust. However, he really doesn't want to get a full time job somewhere. So he's procrastinating by putting in a few hours at a time at the poker room to satisfy his wife that he's still pursuing the dream.
He had $900 to his name a week ago. Idk about you, but if I only had $900 to my name I'd consider that completely bust.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Do you think any of us bother? Lmao

Sent fra min SM-G991B via Tapatalk
I don't think you do a whole lot period.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
He had $900 to his name a week ago. Idk about you, but if I only had $900 to my name I'd consider that completely bust.
Yeah but I guess you'd be too embarrassed to sponge life neccessities from your mother and your wife instead of simply getting a job. 6bet can't really go completely bust with his current support network. If you live for free and money is just something to fvck around with, rather than something you need to manage, it's a luxury not a neccessity.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 10:14 PM
Our arrogant, degenerate, super spreader, poker pro was playing 2/5 last night. Probably had his liferoll on the table lol
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
He had $900 to his name a week ago. Idk about you, but if I only had $900 to my name I'd consider that completely bust.
It's a decent bankroll for 10nl or 25nl. He always claims he's such a crusher and everyone else is a sh*t reg. A crusher could turn that into a solid 100nl bankroll in a couple of months.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by OG_Tuff
There's some frequent posters in this thread I wouldn't invite to my birthday party if they shelled out $10k on birthday presents. If you think I mean you, I probably mean you.
Imagine thinking we would even want to come to your crummy birthday lol

And lol @ OP playing 2/5 last night.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
It's a decent bankroll for 10nl or 25nl. He always claims he's such a crusher and everyone else is a sh*t reg. A crusher could turn that into a solid 100nl bankroll in a couple of months.
Strange how he claims he ran it up from $100 -10k on apps last year but has totally avoided playing on them since and is instead playing live poker with his bankroll on the table. Its almost as if that claim was pure fiction and never happened.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
02-18-2022 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Busto
Strange how he claims he ran it up from $100 -10k on apps last year but has totally avoided playing on them since and is instead playing live poker with his bankroll on the table. Its almost as if that claim was pure fiction and never happened.
Yeah I agree, I also question whether that actually happened. Especially as he's completely avoiding playing on them. For such the crusher he claims he is, he should be playing on them 24/7.
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