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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

07-16-2020 , 05:17 AM
Going to uni/finding a normie 40hrs/a week job aint gonna solve the main issue and problem here: gambling addiction. OP should seek for professional help and visit a therapist for a better life/future.
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07-16-2020 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Kelly Criterion
but heater-rises up to 5 figs
What how did he heater up to 5 figs lol seems like he gets a lot of bashing at his inability to play poker. Did he bink a donkament?
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07-16-2020 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
What how did he heater up to 5 figs lol seems like he gets a lot of bashing at his inability to play poker. Did he bink a donkament?
Yes, binked two MTTs in fact but he was also up 100 buy-ins at 100nl in about a month's time. 6betme is a decent poker player but a life fish. Buying $95 cans of crab meat and supporting a thai family's cigarette and alcohol needs. Playing huge home games drunk and donking off his money and gambling on 1k flips.
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07-16-2020 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Yes, binked two MTTs in fact but he was also up 100 buy-ins at 100nl in about a month's time. 6betme is a decent poker player but a life fish. Buying $95 cans of crab meat and supporting a thai family's cigarette and alcohol needs. Playing huge home games drunk and donking off his money and gambling on 1k flips.
For sure alot bigger lifefish than a poker fish. He is a huge life fish.
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07-16-2020 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by BalticGuy
Going to uni/finding a normie 40hrs/a week job aint gonna solve the main issue and problem here: gambling addiction. OP should seek for professional help and visit a therapist for a better life/future.
I don't think 6bet is a gambling addict per se.

A gambling addict would look to spend all of their time gambling / playing poker. 6bet would only play a few hours / week and then find excuses not to play or gamble.

The stupid home games and other degen stuff is chasing back losses but once the losses are mentally written off i'm not sure whether 6bet has any desire to hit the tables. Much like when 6bet had a bit of a winning streak he didn't want to play more and would make up excuses NOT to sit in the games again.

Therapy may very well be a good thing to help with motivation and having a clear plan in place but maybe not necessarily centred around gambling addiction.
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07-16-2020 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
Ah so he's broke

Ah so he's not broke
If your bank account has 2k in it and you're in your mid 20s with a wife and neither of you has a job in a country with a high cost of living, you're broke.
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07-16-2020 , 01:36 PM
OP still looking for that ms-office license-key to get started applying for uni.
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07-16-2020 , 03:30 PM
6Bet even if half of what they say is true, you gotta figure it out my friend.

I am older than you and I've gone through many life paths so far. Classically trained pianist and taught piano for 10 years. I worked in restaurants for 10 years. Now I am training to make it as a professional poker player.

Most of winning at poker imo is mindset. This is true for all of life.

There is nothing inherently wrong with having a weak mindset. It's part will power and part nature/nurture.

But since my advice is coming from a place of friendliness and not hate, I hope it gives some weight.

You're gonna be 30 soon and maybe still with a wife. Maybe with some kids.

What works for me is did the following.

I wrote up a daily phrase I read out loud - I've repeated it a thousand times by now.

Spew is an unacceptable form of poker
It is a degenerate mentality and I need to cut the bullshit
My mind is not this weak, it is stronger.
Because my mind is strong, I need to follow my daily ritual and routine
There is no excuse for failure
In the words of Gordon
**** your Ego
Stop whining *****
Stop blaming others
Change yourself, not the entire world
No man is free who is not master of himself
Real champions shine when it get's difficult
Start changing what you can change
Take FULL responsibility for EVERYTHING happening in your life
Poker is emotionless and cruel
It does not give a **** about you
You need to stop giving a **** about short and long term variance
Execute every decision to the best of your ability and you will be truly free

Jocko willink (spelling?) makes the argument that by having discipline, it actually makes you more free. Because it gives you extra time to do things you want. Without discipline you are lost, chained to the random meanderings of your mind. You are not in control of your life without discipline.

I also recorded my mistakes on video and would replay that video every time I fell asleep. So after a few months of this I would wake up already knowing exactly what my mistakes are. Reciting the daily phrase reinforced this.

Overcoming a weak mind takes more effort than almost anyone in this forum will understand. Those with a weak mind will continue having one until they die. Many don't have this problem. The ones without this problem harshly judge those that have it. That is also one of their problems. Because they are not able to bring up the bottom rungs of society. They sit in their middling to high chairs looking down upon you/us and giggle and whisper and blame.

I would encourage you to reflect on your soul and publically write in this thread every failure or negative trait of your personality.

Then write out real life applicable exercises and study that you will take to improve it.

You should start a new thread and your first post should be exactly what I recommended.

Getting a job, getting a uni degree etc - these will not fix your underlying issues.

The issue is you. It is your mind.

Hope you take my advice. Simply reading self help books etc is only the start. You need to create and develop real life tests/routines/personal religion (secular obviously if you want)/practice to improve your mind in real ways.

Giving up poker for a year would be good for you I think. Your mind is not ready for longterm poker success but maybe in a few years or 5 or w/e it will be.

Last edited by p0ker_n00b; 07-16-2020 at 03:35 PM.
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07-16-2020 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
then like a bunch of words here
Yeah thought out advice isn't really something we do here anymore. There was hundreds of posts of quality advice in season 1, but op still spent $15 a meal for KFC in the casino. Then took out a 20k loan to play poker with (1/2 iirc?)

FWIW I don't understand how it's even a question whether op is a nice person. He clearly wants the best for everyone.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-16-2020 , 04:25 PM
But 6bet and I have a connection

Also I won't judge him for deciding not to follow my advice.

Some heavy thinkers argue that we don't even have free will at all...

Taking out 20k loans to grind 1/2 would be fine if you already had huge historical proof you will crush the games. If he didn't have that proof then RIP haha
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07-16-2020 , 04:39 PM
Can someone do a poll?

£95 crab meat v MS Office
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07-17-2020 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by BalticGuy
Going to uni/finding a normie 40hrs/a week job aint gonna solve the main issue and problem here: gambling addiction. OP should seek for professional help and visit a therapist for a better life/future.
I'm not sure he has a gambling addiction, or more exactly it only comes out when he's drunk for the most part. He's just lazy and unmotivated to do anything for very long. That's the issue he needs to fix.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
6Bet even if half of what they say is true, you gotta figure it out my friend.

I am older than you and I've gone through many life paths so far. Classically trained pianist and taught piano for 10 years. I worked in restaurants for 10 years. Now I am training to make it as a professional poker player.

Most of winning at poker imo is mindset. This is true for all of life.

There is nothing inherently wrong with having a weak mindset. It's part will power and part nature/nurture.

But since my advice is coming from a place of friendliness and not hate, I hope it gives some weight.

You're gonna be 30 soon and maybe still with a wife. Maybe with some kids.

What works for me is did the following.

I wrote up a daily phrase I read out loud - I've repeated it a thousand times by now.

Spew is an unacceptable form of poker
It is a degenerate mentality and I need to cut the bullshit
My mind is not this weak, it is stronger.
Because my mind is strong, I need to follow my daily ritual and routine
There is no excuse for failure
In the words of Gordon
**** your Ego
Stop whining *****
Stop blaming others
Change yourself, not the entire world
No man is free who is not master of himself
Real champions shine when it get's difficult
Start changing what you can change
Take FULL responsibility for EVERYTHING happening in your life
Poker is emotionless and cruel
It does not give a **** about you
You need to stop giving a **** about short and long term variance
Execute every decision to the best of your ability and you will be truly free

Jocko willink (spelling?) makes the argument that by having discipline, it actually makes you more free. Because it gives you extra time to do things you want. Without discipline you are lost, chained to the random meanderings of your mind. You are not in control of your life without discipline.

I also recorded my mistakes on video and would replay that video every time I fell asleep. So after a few months of this I would wake up already knowing exactly what my mistakes are. Reciting the daily phrase reinforced this.

Overcoming a weak mind takes more effort than almost anyone in this forum will understand. Those with a weak mind will continue having one until they die. Many don't have this problem. The ones without this problem harshly judge those that have it. That is also one of their problems. Because they are not able to bring up the bottom rungs of society. They sit in their middling to high chairs looking down upon you/us and giggle and whisper and blame.

I would encourage you to reflect on your soul and publically write in this thread every failure or negative trait of your personality.

Then write out real life applicable exercises and study that you will take to improve it.

You should start a new thread and your first post should be exactly what I recommended.

Getting a job, getting a uni degree etc - these will not fix your underlying issues.

The issue is you. It is your mind.

Hope you take my advice. Simply reading self help books etc is only the start. You need to create and develop real life tests/routines/personal religion (secular obviously if you want)/practice to improve your mind in real ways.

Giving up poker for a year would be good for you I think. Your mind is not ready for longterm poker success but maybe in a few years or 5 or w/e it will be.

...and you too could be overweight and grinding poker on your own in sh*tty living conditions with no real friends, family, serious prospects, money, happiness, etc, etc, whilst developing an absolutely atrociously narcissistic personality disorder.

Work hard 6bet and this dream could also be your reality.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
I'm not sure he has a gambling addiction, or more exactly it only comes out when he's drunk for the most part. He's just lazy and unmotivated to do anything for very long. That's the issue he needs to fix.

i think the allure of poker was "i can make money playing a game in my spare time" and he wasn't aware of the amount of work required to succeed in it

why get a job if it means i have to pay off student loans?

why move out if it means i'll have to pay for rent and not be taken care of?

why date a woman my own age who isn't just looking to use me as a springboard to a better life in the future without me when i can get effortless sex with an asian?

op is just slowly cruising down the river right now on his inner tube with a beer in hand but he has two major waterfalls up ahead of his wife getting citizenship and the death/retirement of his mother - both of which are going to utterly change his life for the worse and not just that, but it'll only happen at a time once he's too far down his path to make any change
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07-18-2020 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
but it'll only happen at a time once he's too far down his path to make any change
Disagree - said occurrences/experiences are a springboard for change. They can send you one way or the other
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by wynner88888
Disagree - said occurrences/experiences are a springboard for change. They can send you one way or the other
maybe in regards to pending divorce but by the time his mother is no longer able to financially support him, he'll be far too institutionalized into that lifestyle

have you not seen shawshank? he's not ending up in Mexico

The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by wynner88888
...and you too could be overweight and grinding poker on your own in sh*tty living conditions with no real friends, family, serious prospects, money, happiness, etc, etc, whilst developing an absolutely atrociously narcissistic personality disorder.

Work hard 6bet and this dream could also be your reality.
lol projecting hard

to be fair I am not developing an atrocious narcisstic personality disorder, I've had it since as long as I can remember
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
lol projecting hard

to be fair I am not developing an atrocious narcisstic personality disorder, I've had it since as long as I can remember
Not exactly sure what you mean by projecting but my description of you couldn't be further from a description of myself, if that's what you mean. Somewhat narcissistic maybe but no more than the next guy
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 05:00 AM
What do you consider overweight for a 6 foot male? You should already know why i don't have family lol u a monster - as for shitty living conditions I have a huge bed, kitchen, hot shower, exercise, clean room, etc - are you being a classist? Like judging people as less than because they don't meet the financial security you personally think is acceptable?

Sounds to me like you have some flaws too my friend
The Return of 6bet me Quote
07-18-2020 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll

i think the allure of poker was "i can make money playing a game in my spare time" and he wasn't aware of the amount of work required to succeed in it

why get a job if it means i have to pay off student loans?

why move out if it means i'll have to pay for rent and not be taken care of?

why date a woman my own age who isn't just looking to use me as a springboard to a better life in the future without me when i can get effortless sex with an asian?

op is just slowly cruising down the river right now on his inner tube with a beer in hand but he has two major waterfalls up ahead of his wife getting citizenship and the death/retirement of his mother - both of which are going to utterly change his life for the worse and not just that, but it'll only happen at a time once he's too far down his path to make any change
Doesn't his wife already have citizenship though?
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07-18-2020 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
Doesn't his wife already have citizenship though?
I recall that she hasn't got the papers.
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07-18-2020 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
I recall that she hasn't got the papers.
I hope she doesn't leave OP once she gets it, but I've heard so many stories of it happening that I wouldn't be surprised if she does.
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07-18-2020 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
I hope she doesn't leave OP once she gets it, but I've heard so many stories of it happening that I wouldn't be surprised if she does.
i was fairly suspicious just by the fact that OP was able to get a woman at all that something must be up before i even knew about the age gap and citizenship issues

not saying she doesn't love him or could grow to love him but when you're deeply in debt with no savings, nor job, and no future income lined up and you're still sending it all abroad to put yourself back to nothing yourself then that speaks volumes about the long term of the relationship - this isn't helping family, this sacrificing his for hers

how many woman are going to put up with a man like OP? how many when they are much older, in the family planning stage of their lives and from a culture that doesn't accept such laziness - she's also clearly ambitious and looking for a better life - that's something all immigrants have in common - quite the opposite from op

i truly hope i'm wrong, but even if i'm not wrong then OP certainly has time to change things and show that he's worth spending the rest of her life with - but that won't happen staying in bed all day and playing computer games

been on the fence about posting this for weeks now, but given that he loves her and thinks the way to her heart is to spend less time working and more time watching horror films means he needs to have a come to jesus moment here
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07-18-2020 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by dogarse
Age gap? His wife is an asian female aged 20-40. Looks pretty close in age to OP but who knows. I think someone was joking earlier in the thread that she was 40.
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07-18-2020 , 09:45 AM
The OP stated he's in his mid 20's (26?) and she is approaching her mid 30's.

She is applying for residency, not citizenship. While the application is going through, she has a temporary resident permit. Prior to this, the OP said she was on a student visa. I'll leave to the reader to determine if the visa was current given the saga.
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