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The Return of 6bet me The Return of 6bet me

06-27-2020 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by denks
What's your end goal? Sure you want to be successful at poker but that's just a means to an end, what do you want to do once you get this success? It's not a loaded question, as a late arrival to this party to me you appear to have no purpose hence the lack of commitment. It's hard to commit to something if you don't have an end game in mind.
My end goal is to be financially stable and work a job which is at least bearable and which uses my brain on some level. And I'd like to travel around the world at least once in my life, visit America and Europe one time. That's about it.

I'm leaning towards going all-in with poker, because it just fits the bill. I can comfortably grind $1/$3 NL live (once the casinos reopen) and make enough to sustain ourselves + save up money and grow the bankroll. It uses my brain and it would allow me to travel too, like going to the WSOP in Vegas.

It would also be nice to "make a name for myself", so to speak. Like it would be nice to become a winner at $10/$20 and be known as one of the top poker regs in my city. But I don't need to achieve this to be satisfied.

Originally Posted by rickroll
6B, when does your wife get her citizenship papers cleared?
There isn't really a clear date, but it will take at least 1 year for her to become a permanent resident, most likely longer.
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06-27-2020 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
6B honestly man, if drugs not involved I'd strongly believe you either have celiac disease or chronic fatigue syndrome

that or deep depression - you need to see a doctor that's not right
His sympthoms and behaviour is key signs for several types of diagnosis. Serious depression as you mention is definetely one of them, avoiding/running away personality disorder is another one. The locking yourself up in mommys house to play computer games instead of dealing with life is a classic sign,amongst loads of other stuff.

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06-27-2020 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
6B honestly man, if drugs not involved I'd strongly believe you either have celiac disease or chronic fatigue syndrome

that or deep depression - you need to see a doctor that's not right
I don't want to internet doctor him, it's likely a combination of issues in his life. Depression is certainly going to be a reality for someone like 6b who has huge ups, followed by huge downs and coping with those extreme waves of emotions I believe most people are going to struggle.

Best of luck 6b, seriously though, make sure to mention how you spun the betting your rent and wife thing. It's going to be an eye-opener to your therapist.
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06-27-2020 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
My end goal is to be financially stable and work a job which is at least bearable and which uses my brain on some level. And I'd like to travel around the world at least once in my life, visit America and Europe one time. That's about it.

I'm leaning towards going all-in with poker, because it just fits the bill. I can comfortably grind $1/$3 NL live (once the casinos reopen) and make enough to sustain ourselves + save up money and grow the bankroll. It uses my brain and it would allow me to travel too, like going to the WSOP in Vegas.

It would also be nice to "make a name for myself", so to speak. Like it would be nice to become a winner at $10/$20 and be known as one of the top poker regs in my city. But I don't need to achieve this to be satisfied.

There isn't really a clear date, but it will take at least 1 year for her to become a permanent resident, most likely longer.
Is it so painful to grind out a normal job and put your "brain" into managing finances/future home/sustainable home life routine such as proper meal planning and setting up a financial budget?

How much brains are you really using in 1/3NL, 2/5NL and even 5/10NL live.

You probably wont have to use that much brains until 10/25NL live. Also even then poker live, has it's limitations, you're really not pounding out volume against specific players. Also you're very subjected under poker to fall victim to what you've certainly fallen victim to in the past. You level yourself and think everyone plays back at you. In poker, this is going to get you in a lot of trouble. Not just poker wise, but again, the swings, are going to subject you to having to learn to cope with variance.

I think for your relationship as well as yourself, you'd be a lot better off in a normal setting if you just learned to cope with not having to have the coolest job with your own schedule.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
My end goal is to be financially stable and work a job which is at least bearable and which uses my brain on some level. And I'd like to travel around the world at least once in my life, visit America and Europe one time. That's about it.

I'm leaning towards going all-in with poker, because it just fits the bill. I can comfortably grind $1/$3 NL live (once the casinos reopen) and make enough to sustain ourselves + save up money and grow the bankroll. It uses my brain and it would allow me to travel too, like going to the WSOP in Vegas.

It would also be nice to "make a name for myself", so to speak. Like it would be nice to become a winner at $10/$20 and be known as one of the top poker regs in my city. But I don't need to achieve this to be satisfied.

There isn't really a clear date, but it will take at least 1 year for her to become a permanent resident, most likely longer.
You're a smart guy. There are jobs you can use your brain as well as make a good living. When you say poker fits the bill what exactly about poker ticks the boxes? Can I ask why you can't for example study part time and play live 1/3 part time? Best of both worlds?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by denks
You're a smart guy. There are jobs you can use your brain as well as make a good living. When you say poker fits the bill what exactly about poker ticks the boxes? Can I ask why you can't for example study part time and play live 1/3 part time? Best of both worlds?
I think he's proven he can't do that. If he has a downswing or an upswing, he's going to either want to play more or be extremely depressed. Which will not only affect him mentally but his school work.

I think the idea of him going all-in on poker is better than half-in. The best option is to give it up for some years. Come back many years later and try again as a hobby. Set aside some of your finances like a few thousand for 1/3 and give it a shot, if you bust, give it up again for some more time, until you analyze if it's worth playing more.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 10:47 AM
Also plz get the professional poker career out of your head.
You are just in it because of your gambling addiction. If you treat poker professionally it will get boring AF.
My solution: Get a simple job (for structure and safe income), prepare to go to Uni again next year (for future satisfying job and big money), go to the gym (structure and mental health) and get your mind in the right place with the help of a professional.
This will take up all your capacity. In the downtime you can still gamble it up or play d2 or chess, but you wont have to worry about your future.

srsly **** poker, this idea of becoming a professional is holding you back big time. Treat it as a useless hobby or maybe even as bad habbit if it leads to losses that affect your mood.
Also I think your gambling friends are a bad influence since they will enable your gambling addiction. Find some normies to do sports and other activities.

The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by ulosen
Also plz get the professional poker career out of your head.

You are just in it because of your gambling addiction. If you treat poker professionally it will get boring AF.

My solution: Get a simple job (for structure and safe income), prepare to go to Uni again next year (for future satisfying job and big money), go to the gym (structure and mental health) and get your mind in the right place with the help of a professional.

This will take up all your capacity. In the downtime you can still gamble it up or play d2 or chess, but you wont have to worry about your future.

srsly **** poker, this idea of becoming a professional is holding you back big time. Treat it as a useless hobby or maybe even as bad habbit if it leads to losses that affect your mood.

Also I think your gambling friends are a bad influence since they will enable your gambling addiction. Find some normies to do sports and other activities.

Solid post and solid advice.

Sent fra min SM-G981B via Tapatalk
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by ulosen
Also plz get the professional poker career out of your head.
You are just in it because of your gambling addiction. If you treat poker professionally it will get boring AF.
My solution: Get a simple job (for structure and safe income), prepare to go to Uni again next year (for future satisfying job and big money), go to the gym (structure and mental health) and get your mind in the right place with the help of a professional.
This will take up all your capacity. In the downtime you can still gamble it up or play d2 or chess, but you wont have to worry about your future.

srsly **** poker, this idea of becoming a professional is holding you back big time. Treat it as a useless hobby or maybe even as bad habbit if it leads to losses that affect your mood.
Also I think your gambling friends are a bad influence since they will enable your gambling addiction. Find some normies to do sports and other activities.

Saying exactly what Im thinking but cbf typing. Poker is the nuts if you have a good job and make extra on weekends playing. Poker is the nut low when playing to make ends meet.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 11:04 AM
The only question that's important right now - how do you rate yourself for the first week of work since back from vacation (A-F)?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I will admit that I've been very lazy when it comes to poker. I'm not trying to justify that or make up excuses.
You have excuses every single time. Even this is an excuse until you take action to "fix" yourself. First you had excuse of not knowing how to study so you wouldn't study. Now you don't know how to start fixing yourself so you won't play poker. You could've mentioned all this **** long ago and started fixing it if it's true. Stop talking **** and do something whether it's study, poker, fixing yourself, or whatever the ****.

wrt above posts: it's fairly obvious poker's not for you. you call yourself a professional but only now say you want to go "all in". Cliff notes to that later: you didn't.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 11:44 AM
You can't make enough playing live 1/3 to sustain yourself, save money and do stuff like go to the USA for the WSOP. Sustain yourself means no help from Mommy. That means paying your own rent. All the grocery bills are on your or your gf. Do you have furniture/kitchenware ready for when you move out? That stuff isn't cheap. You've never put consistent volume in for months. To afford to go to the WSOP next year you'll have to make ~7-8k a month at 1/3 under your current spending levels.

Look at how much you spend. There is no job you are qualified for that can match your spending habits. You dont have much money, aren't making much money and you're getting close to 30 still living under your parents roof because you cannot make good decisions. You made what, 25k in like 2 months and do not have the funds to move out due to your gambling addiction.
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06-27-2020 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
That was along time ago according to OP. I would bet a solid amount of money that OP is suffering from some kind of mental diagnosis or/and a type of personality disorder.

Sent fra min SM-G981B via Tapatalk
But even if they diagnose OP with some sort of issue, what would they do to help him realistically? If it's related to socialising, they will direct him to some social groups he could join. They might give him some pills like anti-depressants which I doubt would help. They might give him basic advice regarding getting a better sleep pattern, possibly with some pills to help him get to sleep better. But they wouldn't cure him like with most physical illnesses. He would basically just have to deal with whatever issues he has the best way he can.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 12:02 PM
Of course there is no magic pill to fix mental illness. Doesn't mean he's ruined.

He will have to put in the work in therapy, in figuring out, not only what hurts him but what can be beneficial to helping him grow.

Stagnating with his own decisions has got him here. For a lot of people, they find therapy beneficial because they don't feel they can openly communicate with their spouse's judgement-free.

Which is rightfully understandable, the partner likely is not an artificial relation like a therapist. They are there are the temporary assistant of your mind. Sorting through the issues that the patient struggles to do on their own while setting aside their own individualism the best they can.
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06-27-2020 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Went to sleep at 11pm yesterday and got out of bed at 9pm today... that's 22 hours of lying in bed. I was probably asleep for 2/3rds of the time and just lying there tired for the other 1/3rd.

So what are we thinking for dinner tonight? Pizza maybe?
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 02:58 PM
Something has happened in the last couple of weeks OP that you haven't shared. You don't have to share it. But it has shaken you. It can be merely a realization about yourself you had pushed away before. All I care to say is that you're approaching a bad spot.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Something has happened in the last couple of weeks OP that you haven't shared. You don't have to share it. But it has shaken you. It can be merely a realization about yourself you had pushed away before. All I care to say is that you're approaching a bad spot.
Perhaps... But regardless of what it is (or is not...), he is finally coming to the self-awareness that something needs to be done, as opposed to run away with video games, chess, poker... Now I hope he follows through and does consult a psychologist/specialist as opposed to falling back to inertia...
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 03:23 PM
work a job which is at least bearable and which uses my brain on some level
Generally your not going to start out being the managing director of a company. Your going to start out making the coffees and sweeping the floors. It's going to take years to get to a position where your thinking a whole lot. Even poker isn't a whole lot of think its more fold a lot of the time.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
For example: today I trained legs. I used a leg press machine and a leg curl machine. There is no substitute for that.
Change my mind.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Change my mind.

I see yer suzzanne sommers machine and raise u a richard simmons glitter skwat

The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 04:24 PM
If this is end of OP's journey with poker, it was a good run.

The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 05:10 PM
Seriously, what kind of people are you? Quite literally using this guy to maintain your superiority complex's. There are millions of people as degenerate or more degenerate than OP - there are millions of people slightly less degenerate, millions far less degenerate. Who cares? Stop feeding his narcissism and your own egos. Oh wow, you've got your lives in such great shape and are so full of pearly wisdom - take a f*cking hike you bunch of f*ckwits. Op will continue with degeneracy, or he will regenerate and go on to be successful by his or whoever else's criteria. Then he will die, exactly the same as you'll do whatever you do and then die. Who gives a f*ck. Go and find a real hobby you sad pathetic pieces of sh*t
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by wynner88888
Seriously, what kind of people are you? Quite literally using this guy to maintain your superiority complex's. There are millions of people as degenerate or more degenerate than OP - there are millions of people slightly less degenerate, millions far less degenerate. Who cares? Stop feeding his narcissism and your own egos. Oh wow, you've got your lives in such great shape and are so full of pearly wisdom - take a f*cking hike you bunch of f*ckwits. Op will continue with degeneracy, or he will regenerate and go on to be successful by his or whoever else's criteria. Then he will die, exactly the same as you'll do whatever you do and then die. Who gives a f*ck. Go and find a real hobby you sad pathetic pieces of sh*t
No u.
The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by wynner88888
Seriously, what kind of people are you? Quite literally using this guy to maintain your superiority complex's. There are millions of people as degenerate or more degenerate than OP - there are millions of people slightly less degenerate, millions far less degenerate. Who cares? Stop feeding his narcissism and your own egos. Oh wow, you've got your lives in such great shape and are so full of pearly wisdom - take a f*cking hike you bunch of f*ckwits. Op will continue with degeneracy, or he will regenerate and go on to be successful by his or whoever else's criteria. Then he will die, exactly the same as you'll do whatever you do and then die. Who gives a f*ck. Go and find a real hobby you sad pathetic pieces of sh*t
Lol, nice blowup

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The Return of 6bet me Quote
06-27-2020 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by wynner88888
Seriously, what kind of people are you? Quite literally using this guy to maintain your superiority complex's. There are millions of people as degenerate or more degenerate than OP - there are millions of people slightly less degenerate, millions far less degenerate. Who cares? Stop feeding his narcissism and your own egos. Oh wow, you've got your lives in such great shape and are so full of pearly wisdom - take a f*cking hike you bunch of f*ckwits. Op will continue with degeneracy, or he will regenerate and go on to be successful by his or whoever else's criteria. Then he will die, exactly the same as you'll do whatever you do and then die. Who gives a f*ck. Go and find a real hobby you sad pathetic pieces of sh*t
Joining a quoting train.
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