Originally Posted by satellite84
Good show.
Best post by you in here in a while. This is a good plan, stick with it. Good luck!
Thank you satellite!
Originally Posted by Rutledge Smitty
Rational decision if you follow through with it. Nothing wrong with being a "normie" and having interests outside of work. Do I love my job? No and I'm sure most don't, but I have hobbies outside of work and try to look for opportunities to change careers/start a business/continue the poker side hustle. In the meantime you have a wife and live at home with zero money. You aren't some high-stakes crusher who is going through a bad stretch and you haven't shown the work ethic to get to those levels either. Getting a job is the reasonable thing thing you can so I hope you land whatever you can and actually work.
Thank you Rutledge! Yeah if I have to temporarily do something I don't like in order to put myself in a much favourable position in the near future, then it's worth it. Besides, maybe I'll actually end up enjoying working.
Originally Posted by AuBrO2
What are you going to do today to get you towards your goals? How many hours do you want to schedule per day towards productivity and how many hours do you want to schedule towards pleasure? The normie life prescribes 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, x hours for life maintenance, and y hours for pleasure. How do you want today's 24 hours broken into those 4 categories? How do you want tomorrow's breakdown to look? Can you achieve your goals with that breakdown?
Good luck. Rooting for you.
Thank you AuBrO!
Well I find you can never really squeeze your 24 hours into things like that, because there's a lot of downtime and preparation between tasks. Like they say you should sleep for 8 hours per day, but it might actually take you 10 hours once you go through your sleep routine, make the bed, get changed, get up in the morning, etc.
So if we pretend I only have 20 hours in a day (more realistic imo, because it gives me 4 hours of downtime/preparation between different tasks), then I'd like it to be something like:
- 8 hours sleep
- 8 hours job applications
- 1 hour gym
- 3 hours entertainment: watching youtube, netflix, playing chess or grinding poker
Originally Posted by tgiggity
no, some of us never took a loan to gamble. that's not a normal behavior
Define "normal".
When you use words which have negative connotations, such as the word "gamble", you make it sound so much worse than it actually is.
Replace gamble with "make investments with positive expected returns" and you'll see that your sentence doesn't sound so bad anymore.
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Curious what changed? I mean every which way you turned for the entire last thread and this thread, this is what people were telling you to do. I mean good job for deciding to get off your ass and do something, but this advice by your friends is not like earth shattering.
It ultimately came down to me reflecting on all my options, judging how much I enjoy or don't enjoy certain things, what I'm capable of, and what outcomes I can realistically expect from each decision.
People may have influenced me a bit, but I was the one that ultimately made this decision, because I decided that it's something I want.
Originally Posted by WereBeer
People like to pick out the most degenerate behaviour of big-name players to imply 'well x did y so it's OK if I do it', ignoring other key aspects of their success e.g. extreme work ethic, charisma, talent etc.
Not directed at any one in particular, this is just a general observation.
I'd argue though that taking out a loan for business purposes is in no way degenerate. It's actually a completely responsible and wholesome decision to make, and shows that you have a passion for success.
Degenerate would mean getting drunk, skipping work, doing hard drugs, banging prostitutes, etc.
Originally Posted by treetop21
Well done OP. 20-30 hours a week would do the world of good. Keep up the good fight.
Thank you treetop! I hope I can find a job soon that consistently gives me those hours.
Originally Posted by Federer20
Good job 6bet!
Thank you Federer!
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
this is a little short sighted, imo.
people take out loans all the time to do **** that is super risky. you think every restaurant was started because the people had 100% capital in their banks? effectively all OP is doing was taking out a small start up loan. the terms were terrible, but fundamentally, that's all it was.
the 20k loan was excessive and overkill. he didn't even play with it properly. but taking out 1.2k for another shot isn't risky at all and is probably one of the lesser ridiculous things in both threads. it's an amount that could be paid back fairly quickly if he busted and got a job.
+1 to this. Well said.
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
What changed was that some people in real life gave him the advice. As far as he's concerned, people in this thread are nobodies to him. For that reason he won't follow advice from anyone here, ever. This thread is only for attention/ego boosting/gaining followers.
No, I was always on the border of being unsure whether to work or just grind. You can see several pages ago I was posting about considering working a job.
Probably the 3 biggest factors that caused me to start applying for a job, in order, were:
1) The downswing where I lost 60% of my bankroll. Makes it quite tough to rebuild.
2) The fact that I was offered rakeback for applying for jobs. That now makes this pathway more +EV than it previously was.
3) Being constantly surrounded by people telling me I should work, both on this thread and irl.
Also, half of my real life friends read this thread and quoted a bunch of people here as part of the discussion we had on the group chat. In some ways, the discussions I had with real life friends were simply an extension of the discussions I had here. Very often, these posts and comments were quoted in our group chat.
The two biggest ones that struck a chord were the posts made by Rick and Oladipo, although all of them had some impact.
Most of my friends seemed to believe that Olapido's post was harsh but true. And they agreed with the general sentiments posted in this thread altogether.
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
Lol @ thinking most small businesses are +EV. Do you even know the success rate of most small business?
I'd argue that most small businesses are +EV, despite the fact that most of them fail.
Think of it like buying in to a huge MTT and you're the best player there: you're going to go broke most of the time, but the <1% chance you make an insanely huge payoff is enough to make it a +EV investment overall.