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04-21-2020 , 12:35 AM
3) My wife last week borrowed an additional ~$700 USD from her friends in Thailand to give to her dad, without even telling me about it, because "she knew if she asked me for money, I would say no". So now I've got to take care of that, too.
did she tell you this after the win or before? Why does saying no to her asking you for money make her keep it secret she asked others for money? And how was she going to pay it back before you binked this tourny win if she was going to keep it secret from you? Was she going to steal it from you or did she borrow expecting you to pay sometime in future or has she got other ways of raising money. You should be either pissed at her if its one of the first two, or not pay if its the third one.

Your wife is thai?

Last edited by AV0995; 04-21-2020 at 12:42 AM.
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04-21-2020 , 12:35 AM
paying off debts sounds fine, getting a new phone is obviously dumb, expensive “nice” food not the optimal approach
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04-21-2020 , 12:37 AM
have you being paid yet?
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04-21-2020 , 12:41 AM
In the game of life, women, taxes, and consumerism are the rake.

Last edited by james nz; 04-21-2020 at 12:53 AM.
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04-21-2020 , 12:42 AM
Fantastic news.

My advice would be to pay off the high interest loan.

Don't pay the back taxes, the whole country is out of work, you have no assests or source of income, collecting taxes from you is a very low priority (btw, isn't there a tax free threshold and aren't you waaaaay under it?

Don't pay off your wife's debt. She took on that loan without consulting you and her friend gave her that loan knowing that she was out of work and wouldn't be able to pay it back for a significant amount of time. None of that has changed.

Also skip the phone and nice dinners. Both are unnecessary and in a couple of months you may be in a position to really regret that.

I don't think you really understand how tenuous your financial position was a week ago. Now you've got some breathing room it would be silly to blow that on non-essential items and put yourself back in the same tenuous position.

If it was me I would keep minimum $5k in the roll at all time for grinding 100nl with a goal of building it up to $10k and moving to 200l and securing a decent roll for live poker once that returns. Any money you spend now on unnecessary expenses will just put you further and further away from that goal.
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04-21-2020 , 12:43 AM
Congratz op. A new phone and a few good meals sound like a good reward for yourself, and esp if your phone is 4 years and half dead. You have spent money recklessly in the past but this seems reasonable imo (unless youre planning to bust 200+ for a "few" nice meals), and as you said nothing will have changed. As dogarse said you have zero responsibility to pay off your wife's loan from her friend, let alone 100% of it. I still find it very probable youll do it anyway just based on how you are, but hey its your money, your life, your wife lol. Youre also setting yourself up for likely more unfortunate scenarios should you pay it 100%, which i expect you to do.

Gl with your 100nl games tho. Maybe youll godmode again

Last edited by Minatorr; 04-21-2020 at 12:49 AM.
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04-21-2020 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
3) My wife last week borrowed an additional ~$700 USD from her friends in Thailand to give to her dad, without even telling me about it, because "she knew if she asked me for money, I would say no". So now I've got to take care of that, too.
That's gold!
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04-21-2020 , 12:55 AM
So if I'm reading this correctly you will have a $600 life roll and $3700 to grind 100nl after all your debts are paid? Celebrate by doing the opposite of what you were (do nothing) you're broke as **** and grinding with a 37 bi bankroll....consider this MTT bink a gift to get you out of debt and a fresh start to being smarter with your $, You're one downswing away from being busto again remember **** me you're thinking about spending 20%~ of your net worth on a phone wake up dopey.
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04-21-2020 , 01:11 AM
Not sure why you need to take care of the $700 your wife donked off isn't that her problem? Only reason you'd have to pay for that is if she bought $700 worth of chicken and broccoli and cooked it for you. **** marriage.

If you have tax debt you can just setup like $10 a week payment plan. Don't pay it straight off the bat.

Hookers and blow mate you deserve it well done enjoy the moment.
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04-21-2020 , 01:14 AM
Congrats again on the score

Originally Posted by 6bet me
3) My wife last week borrowed an additional ~$700 USD from her friends in Thailand to give to her dad, without even telling me about it, because "she knew if she asked me for money, I would say no". So now I've got to take care of that, too.
This is worrisome. You should not pay back her debt. At least for now. Even if you do have the intention of ultimately paying it back (which I know you do), do not do so for a few weeks. There is no rush to do so. And see how your wife reacts, as you have openly expressed doubts about her.

Also, like several have said, 36BIs is nothing, especially with your mental game. And winning a decent score gets even to the most even keel of people, so odds are you will get really complacent grinding 100 again.
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04-21-2020 , 01:14 AM
Congrats on the score...seems reasonable depending on what you mean by nice food. But your wife is once again not giving a **** about Your (as a couple) financial situation. You both are broke and she’s out taking debts for 25% of your net worth without telling you. F that noise. I might’ve missed the back story in saga 1 on how you met and how quickly you were married. Just seems weird to me to be in a marriage with someone who does that type of thing.
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04-21-2020 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by DianeAbbott
Bankroll: $2,200
Profit: $14,300

Wow, what a great run in the tournament that was! I'm gutted I didn't finish higher but $10k is by far my best score. The wife asked me to send $5k to her family for rice so I did and I've upgraded my copy of PIO which cost another $400. I've also put $2500 aside for chess matches against the CEO and a further $800 has been assigned to a celebratory meal. I'm feeling great, I'm almost rolled for 60nl.

Only joking 6bm, great score dude, just don't ****ing blow it.
Do I get a prize for predicting the future?
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04-21-2020 , 01:49 AM
Op can i have a gift of $3700?
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04-21-2020 , 01:57 AM
I've not been one to pile on about the Mrs. but if she expects you to pay that $700 my question is how much would it cost to file for divorce?
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04-21-2020 , 02:15 AM
Absolutely wouldn't just no-questions-asked cover wife's debt.

The more you do this, the more you enable this sort of behavior in the future. Sit down, have a talk with her about your financial situation, and tell her that she'll have to cover the debt herself and that this is simply unacceptable.

If I were married I would seriously consider re-evaluating the relationship when **** like this starts happening.
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04-21-2020 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I've not been one to pile on about the Mrs. but if she expects you to pay that $700 my question is how much would it cost to file for divorce?
I don't think he would need to file a divorce since she's not a Aussie citizen/resident. Just cut ties and her visa gets canceled I think?
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04-21-2020 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Duncelanas
Absolutely wouldn't just no-questions-asked cover wife's debt.

The more you do this, the more you enable this sort of behavior in the future. Sit down, have a talk with her about your financial situation, and tell her that she'll have to cover the debt herself and that this is simply unacceptable.

If I were married I would seriously consider re-evaluating the relationship when **** like this starts happening.
Gamblers should never get married. If you want marriage get a job.
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04-21-2020 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Day_Dreamer
I don't think he would need to file a divorce since she's not a Aussie citizen/resident. Just cut ties and her visa gets canceled I think?
I would be doing that or if you want to stay with her I would be getting a job and never playing poker again.
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04-21-2020 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Duncelanas
The more you do this, the more you enable this sort of behavior in the future. Sit down, have a talk with her about your financial situation, and tell her that she'll have to cover the debt herself and that this is simply unacceptable.
Totally. But I can imagine a scenario where his wife was railing him and OP, attributing too much importance to short variance again and enthralled in the moment, probably promised to pay back the debt for her : he spoke directly from SKY HIGH dopamine levels. Am I right or amirte
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04-21-2020 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Day_Dreamer
Thats the price of pussy...
The price for OP I guess. If the price for him is that he has to pay his wife's debts, a lot of his wife's purchases (eg. $200 face creams), treat her to a meal on his own birthday (lol) and pay for her family overseas (when he doesn't know what the money is being used for)... well, if I were him I'd rather just not have a wife or gf. If that's the price he needs to pay for a woman to be with him.

Then again maybe I'm wrong and she does actually like him for him. But it doesn't look that way from where I'm standing.
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04-21-2020 , 02:32 AM
women will only like you for you only if you have at least a 17 inch dick.
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04-21-2020 , 02:36 AM
So she never directly said she wants me to pay for her debt. She said she's willing to pay it herself.

The problem is, she's unemployed right now and she promised her friend 10% per month interest. If I wanted to be a dick, I could just let the interest accumulate and make her pay 2x what she borrowed, when she finally gets back to working.

But that would kind of be like shooting myself in the foot, because the less money she has, the more I have to support her as she pays off her debts, so I'm indirectly paying it all anyway, whichever way it plays out. I might as well pay it back as early as possible, before the interest accumulates.
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04-21-2020 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
So she never directly said she wants me to pay for her debt. She said she's willing to pay it herself.

The problem is, she's unemployed right now and she promised her friend 10% per month interest. If I wanted to be a dick, I could just let the interest accumulate and make her pay 2x what she borrowed, when she finally gets back to working.

But that would kind of be like shooting myself in the foot, because the less money she has, the more I have to support her as she pays off her debts, so I'm indirectly paying it all anyway, whichever way it plays out. I might as well pay it back as early as possible, before the interest accumulates.
10% per month interest
Have you been payed out by the app or whoever pays you into your bank account? Until this has happened you can't even pay her debt or buy your phone dinners or whatever.
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04-21-2020 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by DianeAbbott
Do I get a prize for predicting the future?
Sick crystal ****ing ball you got there
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04-21-2020 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
So she never directly said she wants me to pay for her debt. She said she's willing to pay it herself.

The problem is, she's unemployed right now and she promised her friend 10% per month interest. If I wanted to be a dick, I could just let the interest accumulate and make her pay 2x what she borrowed, when she finally gets back to working.

But that would kind of be like shooting myself in the foot, because the less money she has, the more I have to support her as she pays off her debts, so I'm indirectly paying it all anyway, whichever way it plays out. I might as well pay it back as early as possible, before the interest accumulates.
Missing the point but ok. Just dont be surprised when she does this again or whatever else BS, and you feel obligated to immediately torch 20% of your poker roll again for something she did BEHIND your back. But if that doesnt bother you as a partner and if thats the price of pussy, then sure i guess.

Wouldnt be so bad to give her a taste of her own medicine; after all, who made you pay that overdraft fee again? Half joking obviously lul

Otoh im not saying to give her 0 for that debt bc relationships are never black and white as some people think it is. but immediately going balls to the wall and torching off 20% of your roll to immediately come to Peach's rescue 100% for something she hid from you as her husband doesnt really benefit you in any other way than getting laid a few extra times. Im sure if you took out a loan for your "dying" mother behind her back theres no way im hell shed do the same for you lmfao

Last edited by Minatorr; 04-21-2020 at 02:58 AM.
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