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rapidesh123, the legend is back rapidesh123, the legend is back

06-10-2018 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
every hand look good except hand 1, just do that with a hand like T7, or maybe KsTx

I may also call the JJ river vs 1/3, foldings a bit too exploitable

wouldnt listen to mirages attempt at giving advices, he probably could get coached by you
Spot on about H1. But You trying to tell me h3 isn't utter spew and mismanagement of position and h6 there is anyway he can be balanced if hes bluffing Ks on that flop/runout along with the more appropriate semi bluffs?
06-10-2018 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
every hand look good except hand 1, just do that with a hand like T7, or maybe KsTx

I may also call the JJ river vs 1/3, foldings a bit too exploitable

wouldnt listen to mirages attempt at giving advices, he probably could get coached by you

The fact you think H3 was good proves you are either a ****** or your trolling poor little rapidesh. So which is it? In what ******ed universe can that hand be good? You prob got some mates who play 200z trying to help them out with rapidesh donations. You just got exposed.
06-10-2018 , 08:52 AM
h3 is atrocious, agree with mirage and yadrooolah. a raise reps **** all on that board. then to call the BB 3bet on the flop and fold on a pretty decent turn that gives you a gutshot. awfully played.
06-10-2018 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Kiljusieppo

You can play it as triple barrel or turn give up. Flop bet is super standard solid bet. Turn I think you just go wrong with calling this handstrenght here it probably loses as its pretty hard to imagine people to have a wide enough bluffing range with that betsize. River you rep air.

Thx, man, why is calling that bad? Vs 1/3 we have to continue, no? This hand plays rivers poorly, but we have some equity vs Ax. Nice idea to go for the triple barrel, didnt think about that.

Yeah, river was bad, 7T is way better to do with, if I do it with all T7 combos I think i will be fine, since my T7 slowplays at the same frequency as my value range in that spot, if I bluff 7x Ill be overbluffing like crazy.

As an exploit I dont mind overbluffing in some spots, but its bad to do it in spots like this, which I rep nothing, as you said.
06-10-2018 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
h3 is atrocious, agree with mirage and yadrooolah. a raise reps **** all on that board. then to call the BB 3bet on the flop and fold on a pretty decent turn that gives you a gutshot. awfully played.
Im raising there with TT+ for value, both villains seem to have weak sdv and as a bluff I have a hand with good playability and dont expect to get 3bet that often.

My idea was to float him and jam some rivers, trying to put pressure on his bluffs/overplays, but when he bets again on that card, he has so many FH combos and so few bluffs that my gutshot is worth close to nothing. On Kh I could continue, but I dont think this guy would bluff a lot in there.
06-10-2018 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
Im raising there with TT+ for value, both villains seem to have weak sdv and as a bluff I have a hand with good playability and dont expect to get 3bet that often.
Why do they have weak svd? they can have all trips and boats there, really don't think one of them has 6x there or better? christ. You hand does not play good you have literally ace high, and your getting involved in a ****** spot 3 way.

Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
My idea was to float him and jam some rivers, trying to put pressure on his bluffs/overplays, but when he bets again on that card, he has so many FH combos and so few bluffs that my gutshot is worth close to nothing. On Kh I could continue, but I dont think this guy would bluff a lot in there.
You didn't consider he had so many trips and fh combos and so few bluffs when he 3bet you from bb? or even flatted the sb? lawlz
06-10-2018 , 10:30 AM
Mirage, about the KQ hand, I dont think I have that many jams in there, my As got sdv and will mainly x river, also I expect to villain overfold on that runnout, since its very easy for me to underbluff in there. I cant overbet and let him make a correct laydown that easily. As an exploit it could be fine, bit if villain is paying attention, he could explo call vs my jam because Im not doing it with my nut flushes.
06-10-2018 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
Why do they have weak svd? they can have all trips and boats there, really don't think one of them has 6x there or better? christ. You hand does not play good you have literally ace high, and your getting involved in a ****** spot 3 way.

You didn't consider he had so many trips and fh combos and so few bluffs when he 3bet you from bb? or even flatted the sb? lawlz
Both had quads in their range, but the bulk of their range was midpairs/straight draws, also by raising I put the guy that lead flop into a very tough spot by using the cc as leverage, he will have to beat myself and some of his slowplays, so I expect him to fold way more than he wants to
06-10-2018 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
Both had quads in their range, but the bulk of their range was midpairs/straight draws, also by raising I put the guy that lead flop into a very tough spot by using the cc as leverage, he will have to beat myself and some of his slowplays, so I expect him to fold way more than he wants to
Hows your equity vs straight draws and their entire range? garbage. Hows your equity vs flop 3bet? just raising flop was bad but flatting 3bet was horrific, what were you expecting really? chasing back door fd on paired board?

The lead guy? what about beating bb? The fact you can't see this is awful is lolz.
06-10-2018 , 10:47 AM
flop raise is obviously fine in H3, float against this sizing is okay-ish, I think you can go either way vs the repop depending on who you're facing

the fact that you think it's completely horrible is the reason you're stuck at micro stakes
06-10-2018 , 11:23 AM
You are trying to tell me if you had the pocket 5s or 65s you would be raising this flop in position? Or that your button range is so value heavy it can support bluffs like this...................

And on the KQ hand I ran a sim few days ago and looked at it now and fwiw the sim takes your line then half pots turn and overbets river for 150% pot with Ks as a bluff and most of the flushes. AsK is a check call on river 1/3 of the time and a fold 2/3 of the time. About 3/7 of the nutflushes and 1/5 of the second nutflushes are check called/raised all in. Only difference in the sim is J on the flop is a T. sizing options for turn and riv were 50% 70% and 150%

But enough of this. Good luck on the grind.
06-10-2018 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by yadrooolahCOGD

And on the KQ hand I ran a sim few days ago and looked at it now and fwiw the sim takes your line then half pots turn and overbets river for 150% pot with Ks as a bluff and most of the flushes.
So in other words basically what I said. Cheers.

I wouldn't worry about Xenoblade too much. Hes little more than a 2+2 pretender, most probably hustling rapidesh. Lots of dodgy characters around this place.
06-10-2018 , 11:28 AM
of course we would be raising 65s and 55 if we raise hands like A8s, otherwise the play becomes pretty ****in bad
06-10-2018 , 11:34 AM
yeah I have so much to gain from "hustling" rapidesh with free advices mirage, you're a genius aren't you
06-10-2018 , 11:40 AM
Dodgy advice so he keeps donating to your mates. Pretty smart. Encouraging the whales.
06-10-2018 , 11:41 AM
oh no I'd much rather he takes your advices, your style of play is a lot easier to play against than mine
06-10-2018 , 11:44 AM
Yours? You still pretending you actually play poker? lolz

Can somebody run a sim on that H3?
06-10-2018 , 11:46 AM
dear god microstakers never give up
06-10-2018 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
of course we would be raising 65s and 55 if we raise hands like A8s, otherwise the play becomes pretty ****in bad
Capn Obvi but is this the optimal way to play the situation?

I guess the ev of being able to execute a balanced spew vs 2 people offsets the ev won by blowing people out the pot when you completely crush the board, block their continuing range vs a raise while villains have the betting lead oop and are drawing dead.

Calling and delayed raising turn with the nuts ip and calling great pot odds with a backdoor draw, using position and letting villains further define their range before spewing into 2 uncapped ranges, while using a balanced range ott including the nuts and decent equity semi-nutted turned draws or balanced betting/overbetting range vs checks seems too fishy?
06-10-2018 , 11:58 AM
Ye pls run pio in a multiway spot guys
06-10-2018 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by yadrooolahCOGD
Capn Obvi but is this the optimal way to play the situation?

I guess the ev of being able to execute a balanced spew vs 2 people offsets the ev won by blowing people out the pot when you completely crush the board, block their continuing range vs a raise while villains have the betting lead oop and are drawing dead.

Calling and delayed raising turn with the nuts ip and calling great pot odds with a backdoor draw, using position and letting villains further define their range before spewing into 2 uncapped ranges, while using a balanced range ott including the nuts and decent equity semi-nutted turned draws or balanced betting/overbetting range vs checks seems too fishy?
raising turn is a good bit worse than raising flop

and the optimal is clearly to split your range there and sometimes call 55 and 65s and sometimes raise, you could simplify it and always raise 55 and always call 65s, probably bluff raise hands like he had or maybe gutters with bdfd, probably would end up folding to the repop most of the time with his A8hh but the float isn't completely horrendous

Last edited by Xenoblade; 06-10-2018 at 12:06 PM.
06-10-2018 , 12:11 PM
pio is only hu. Honestly Im glad to be a novice and to be able to learn from confirmed winners of 10x higher stakes then me. I guess I need to learn how to balance my spewing range
06-10-2018 , 12:17 PM
careful mate I could be a pretender
06-10-2018 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
flop raise is obviously fine in H3, float against this sizing is okay-ish, I think you can go either way vs the repop depending on who you're facing

the fact that you think it's completely horrible is the reason you're stuck at micro stakes
I appreciate all your hand comments in the threads and think that ppl can learn a lot from them. Obviously you have a strong theoritical knowledge. However, I think sometimes you do not take population tendencies into account and underestimate that 200z is still very nitty. Since the play in h3 can be fine at stakes which you play, at stakes like 200z and below this advice should be treated with caution.
06-10-2018 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
raising turn is a good bit worse than raising flop

and the optimal is clearly to split your range there and sometimes call 55 and 65s and sometimes raise, you could simplify it and always raise 55 and always call 65s, probably bluff raise hands like he had or maybe gutters with bdfd, probably would end up folding to the repop most of the time with his A8hh but the float isn't completely horrendous
Definitely agree you could raise the flop with some combos of houses preferably the 55s and balance with bdfd+gutter A5 fh blocker+bdfd and the like. I like this bluffing strategy more headsup tho and probably would select higher equity semibluffs vs 2 people as my defending range would narrow.
