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"degen and loathing on stars" "degen and loathing on stars"

02-07-2012 , 12:37 AM
the challenge itself and the goals are vague.

i am an allround-player who feels at home in 8-game,
but i also like to play plo, badugi, 2-7td and stud8 straight.
beside that i play a few mixed-tournaments.

i will deposit 650$ in a few days and start with a little bit different approach.
i am going to play whatever i feel like on any given day.
after i made a decision of what to play, i will open 2 tables (which is my standard),
and after buying in full, i will use self-exclusion for 12 hours.
since i usually tend to play bs when im down more than 2 buy-ins,
this is a very smart move. cutting down the losing-sessions early.
typically i will play 2 tables of 8-game, but "8-game + plo" or
"8-game + stud8" are also common combinations.
although "stud8 + omaha8" will be great for relaxed days,
and "2-7 + badugi" is nice for some action.

my bankroll-managment will be very aggressive, but well thought out.
untill my roll gets irreplaceable i will play with up to 20% of my roll per day,
and will use up to 10% as a fullstack for one table. (25BB at limit)
i will more often than not play lower than that,
but might even play higher if the circumstances demand that (replaceable circumstances, lol).

i will only play poker when i finished whatever i have to do on each day.
this is very improtant for me, to not feel in a hurry.
work, my gf and sport, beside the fact that i just play 2 buy-ins per day,
will most likely cut my volume down to maybe 10k hands a month.

ALL OF THE ABOVE: likely to change. there is nothing carved in stone,
and i might get more conservative when my roll gets bigger than 2k.

time to hit an lil' rungood.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-07-2012 at 12:53 AM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-07-2012 , 05:06 PM
i have to wait for tomorrow till i can make the whole deposit,
cause my roll is on my bank-account where i need 3 days to get it.
today i will deposit 33$ and play three 11$ tournaments for a kickstart.
they start in a lil less than 2 hours:

5:50 - 11$ STUD8
6:25 - 11$ 8-GAME
6:40 - 11$ HORSE ($750 Gtd)

(american time)

my ROI in "other poker" MTTs is articulately over 100%.
sample is just a few hundred games , but playerpools are always small,
considerably lower than 100 on average.
my last overall 120 games im at 88% ROI,while these still including some losses at NLHE-MTTs.

if there where more games in the 22-55$ range id play a lot more touneys even with a bigger roll,
but the 22$ and 33$ level has very few tourneys scheduled,
50-100$ level of horse/8-game/stud8 mtt's does not exist on PS.
enough crying, time to eat and take a shower,
then win at least 2 of the 3 tourneys, haha.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-07-2012 at 05:20 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-07-2012 , 09:15 PM
busted the stud8 after making a mistake for 300 chips and then being card-dead and bricking all playable hands on 4th.
lost my stack of 1300 in the 8-game during nlhe-round, my AA lost all-in on flop of 236 vs 222.

im still in the horse tourney, going strong with 9500 chips, more than double the average,
but its still early.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-07-2012 , 10:24 PM
have 30K in the horse tourney, 2/19 and 16 will be itm.
intending to ship it.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-07-2012 , 10:59 PM
3/6 with 38k, avg 44k, chipleader 112k. my stack is at 13 bigbets.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-08-2012 , 12:26 AM
i made second place for 151$.
last hand was omaha8 i flopped set queens with backdoor lowdraw on QK5, he had aces,
called my raise and hit A on turn, brick river. gg.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-08-2012 , 07:41 PM
i busted the 151$ playing 2 tables of 2/4$ 8-game.
was running like ****, losing a hand in stud where combo-draws didnt hit in a 4 way pot,
a PLO pot where a weaker FD wih no pair hits his OESD vs my TP+NFD,
and finally my 23458 pat OTT lost to the nuts (:1 OTT) in a big 2-7 pot.
didnt even blink because of that, i saw lots of shyt yet and losing like that doesnt bother me at all anymore. i took a shot and busted, thats business.
i will take a break till saturday or sunday, spending time with my gf and doing other stuff.
when i am back i will play 2 cash-tables or 1 cash + 1 mtt.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-09-2012 , 10:29 PM
i mincashed in the 33$ HORSE tourney earlier and am 4/19 in the 11$ HORSE now.
i have two tables of 8-game 1/2$ open, one at 180$ one at 230$ (50$ max buy-in).
i welcome the heater.

edit: both tables at 218$ now, will close them when i am at the finaltable in the horse.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-09-2012 at 10:57 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-09-2012 , 11:06 PM
closed both cashtables with exactly 214$
won a huge lhe pot in the horse, 3/11 now, first is 282$.

edit: finaltable with nice new layout, 4/8 atm.
4/5, they drop like flies
chipleader, 1/4
still chipleader 1/3 and we play RAZZ atm...zzzzzzz

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-09-2012 at 11:34 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-09-2012 , 11:42 PM
donkey couldnt lay brick 4th and got his flush in stud, im crippled but more than 3rd.
looking like i make second place in this tourney twice in a row.

edit: yup, heads-up 1 to 6 dog in chips lol

at the break i have 64k he has 274k. i was at 120k for a moment then he outdrew my KK99 in stud8 with another flushy.
still fighting, hoping to not become second again, lol.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-09-2012 at 11:56 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-10-2012 , 12:07 AM
i overplayed a hand in stud8 where i thought i was ahead for the high.
second place again, like two days ago. it got me 191$ and my account shows 639$.
i have about 400€ behind and finally am back to a four figure roll.
tomorrow(in fact already today) i will drive to my gf and hang out for 2-3 days.
i might play sunday evening.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-10-2012 at 12:19 AM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:06 PM
ive already been back home at saturday evening.
i fired up a 2/4$ 8-game table and won a bit more than a stack heads-up (lol, brm).
when i had 785$ on my account i couldnt resist to pay out 500€ and keep ~125$ online.
i proceeded to take da maneys in PLO deep and 8-game and got my roll to ~340$.

today i paid out 150€ and had about 140$ left on my account.
i played some micro-donkaments with a friend and dumped a few dollars.
then i played some PLO 50bb heads-up lost a stack and went to chase
at 25c/50c deep 6max with my whole online roll. i opened a new table,
and after about 30 hands of heads-up play i took most of opponents stack
who thought QQ is good on 61010 7 2 river.
i must admit that i had 3bet +35% (3bet or fold bigblind) and played got caught bluffing before.

now my account shows 211$ and 11-T$.
my offline roll is at 1050€ (~1375$).

i intend to grind 1/2$ 8-GAME and mixed-tourneys till the end of the month,
and go back to PLO HU 25c/50c (50bb) at the beginning of march if i havent yet made it to 2000$.
with 2k i will give myself a 700$ (7 full stacks) shot at 2/4$ 8-GAME and try to build a serious roll there.

monday is my off-day from poker and tuesday is valentines day.
i will get back into the action at wednesday, i guess.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-12-2012 at 10:12 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:25 AM
first besides u,lol. GL.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-14-2012 , 01:42 AM

i got bored on my off-day and played my 11 T-$ in a horse-tourney.
i played really bad and busted early.

afterwards i went to work a bit with ev++pokertools
and i found out that a 12bb/100 winrate at 8-game,
which has an average standard deviation of 85bb (i made a few threads about that),
combined with 16 buy-ins has a risk of ruin of less than 0.5%.
not that i didnt know it/done it before,
but i helped me to get comfortable before sitting at 2/4$ today.
although im in a very good form and have an upswing on top of that,
which makes up for the perfect chance to start higher stakes regulary.

i fired up 2 8-game 2/4 tables with a big fish on both of them (both 5-6handed though)
i ended up winning a pot for stacks from the fish in PLO with nutstr8 on turn
where he fired a second barrel with naked NFD.
i took some smaller pots of him at the other table and when both tables broke,
i played an unknown heads-up at one table, cause he was on tilt and i was the reason.
he wasnt too bad, but i made some nice hands. won another ~70$ there.

finally i have played ~800 hands and won 210$.
i paid out 150€ again and kept 221$ online, because im gonna stay at 2/4,
but dont wanna risk more than ~200$ a day yet.

bankroll is at ~18 buy-ins.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-14-2012 at 01:48 AM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-16-2012 , 06:25 PM
i busted my account today, lost ~160$ at 2/4$.
biggest hand was my 16-outer wrap on rainbow-flop.
with 689J i reraised the 5710r flop, didnt hit and lost the 260$ pot vs a set. thats omaha poker.
in retrospective, i think i should have just called the raise on flop (and c/c OOT),
not because thats the better play, but because its lower variance
which is better during the PLO-round when playing with just about 18 buy-ins.
nevermind, if i had shipped that pot i would most likely have made it to 2k today,
which would have fastend my process (my mental ability to play 2/4) a lot.

then i lost the last ~50$ playing 25c/50c plo hu 50bb.
i went up to 93$ before this hand happend:
btn raises, i 3bet to 4,50, he 4-bet to 7.50$ like an idiot.
i had AA104ss and obv 5bet pot to 22.50$.
he flats and has 36$ behind in a 45$ pot.
flop is 1073r, i shove it oop and he calls with his 10762ss... nice hand wp etc.

my roll is at 1150€ (offline) now. means about 1505$.
i just set back my limit-restrictions to 1/2$ limit and 25c/50c nl/pl
and intend to grind 1/2$ till the end of the month. maybe mixin' in a few tourneys.
my goal is to get over 2000$ till march then grind 2/4$ again.
if i dont make it or get close to it, i will take a 250$(10 buy-in) shot at 25c/50c plo hu 50bb
at the beginning of march and hope to just swing over 2k (im a marginal winner at plo hu).
if i lose 250$ i will replace half of that with my loan and keep on grinding 1/2$.

i have lots of stuff to do tomorrow and will most likely not play till saturday.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-16-2012 at 06:42 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-16-2012 , 11:14 PM
after thinking about playing 1/2$ again, i didnt feel to good about it.
stepping down one limit in cashgames sucks and i, more than once,
ended up going on ape**** monkey tilt if things ($) didnt directly go my way.

now i decided to only play tournaments for a few days, maybe even till march.
here is the schedule of the tournaments that i will play exclusively (2+2 time):

8:40h 11$ 8-GAME

9:25h 16.50$ HORSE ($1K)

10:40h 27.50$ HORSE KNOCKOUT

11:40h 11$ 8-GAME

00:40h 22$ 8-GAME

1:40h 11$ 8-GAME

3:40h 33$ HORSE ($1.5K)

i dont intend to play the full schedule, but 4-5 games a day sounds reasonable.
3-tabling mixed-games tourneys works well for me and i will add a 4th game
when im very short in one or two of the running ones.

the average buy-in is ~19$ (got 78 buy-ins), but the average fieldsize is only ~35 players.
on account of this im looking forward to have some deep runs and final tables, hehe.
although pay-outs are quite top-heavy, which is great for the game.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-16-2012 at 11:27 PM.
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-17-2012 , 05:22 AM
Tourneys are very enjoyable imo glgl
"degen and loathing on stars" Quote
02-17-2012 , 10:03 PM
i lost a 25€ deposit by losing 3 flips in some micro-nlhe-tourneys,
then another two 3.50$ HU hypers, one with a flip one with AJ<AT. hasard...
i know its ridiculously superstitious, but it feels like i ran out my bad luck at micros .
after messing up my sleeping schedule i didnt feel like serious play.

i might play some earlier mixed-tourneys today, because im awake at an odd time.
first one could be the 33$ HORSE (standard-blindlevels) in 3 and a half hours.
the schedule is full of turbos at this time and im not a big fan of them,
never the less i think i will play at least 1 or 2 standards and maybe add a turbo.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-17-2012 at 10:11 PM.
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-18-2012 , 12:30 AM
made up my schedule for the day, starting in less than an hour:

00:25h 11$ 8-GAME

00:40h 33$ HORSE ($500)

2:40h 11$ 8-GAME TURBO

3:40h 11$ HORSE
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-18-2012 , 01:18 AM
im already in the 11:50h 22$ STUD8 (250$), already have 5400 chips there.
might get a bit challenging when one or two of them(stud8, 8-game and horse) get a bit shorthanded.
happens fast with such small starting-fields, but im fresh and sure to bink one.

the 11$ 8game started with 5 players at the final table...
funny thing is 3 players will be itm.
33$ HORSE got cancelled, **** it.
8-game looks no good yet with 1000 chips,
stud8 at 5000 chips

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-18-2012 at 01:43 AM.
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-18-2012 , 01:51 AM
going to play the 10.20$ omaha 6max hyper with 3000 chips 3min blinds and ante from the start.
if they wont let me grind the horse, im just gonna gamble.

lost the 8game with AJ vs J10s preflop all-in, i called btn shove.
flop 789....
stud8 up to 6.4k again,
lost the plo with second nutflush flopped, tough day.

**** this goddamn ****. run like last ******* **** in the stud8 now, down to 2600. have to breath deeeep....

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-18-2012 at 02:16 AM.
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-18-2012 , 02:24 AM
.. overplayed low 2pair, and lower pair and lowdraw made aces up.

going to reg for every micro-mtt now with ~25$ left.
im only going to play tourneys till sunday included.
if im down then, ill grind 1/2$ instead.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-18-2012 at 02:29 AM.
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-18-2012 , 02:41 AM
im in the big 3.30$ (6K), an 5.50$ rebuy LO8 and a 4.40$ PLO fullring.
i will only update if i make a finaltable, otherwise ill bust in silence.
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-18-2012 , 09:18 AM
i made up a plan for the the next time.
first of all, my goal is to play 1000 hands of 1/2$ 8-game cash on sunday.
if i see a big fish at 2/4$ i will, despite all my hate for it, buy-in for 10 bigbets only.

after running extremely hot in the first place, then losing literally every flip
and running 50/50 in my 80/20 and 70/30 spots for 3 days of play,
i hope to finally get some smooth sessions where i just win one or two buy-ins.

my roll is at about 1375$ (1050€) atm.
i will deposit ~145$ (110€) when i start sunday,
and if i bust them, ill deposit the same the next day that im going to play.
i eventually prefer this, since i have more than 25 buy-ins
and only risk a tiny bit more than 10% of my roll on a single day.
self-exclusion will only be used if i gain a big online-roll quickly
and want to protect it till i can pay out 48h after depositing.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-18-2012 at 09:23 AM.
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
02-19-2012 , 01:04 AM
i deposited 200€ and lost it playing 2/4$.
i dont ****ing care that i just have 1175$ now, i will keep playing 2/4 anyway.
i will deposit another 200€ in a few hours when i calmed down.
its not fun to run like total crap in every goddamn variant.
i cant believe that i always run like god or just lose every hand, its disgusting.
with 12 buy-ins and an expected winrate of 10bb or 2.5BB/100
i have a total risk of ruin of 3.87%. i can take that.
i cant run like **** forever and i know i beat this ****ing game with no end in sight.
mother****ing run of goddamn ****.

Last edited by HU4holes; 02-19-2012 at 01:13 AM. Reason: i might just sit at 50c/1$ PLO deep and shove it in, ffs
&quot;degen and loathing on stars&quot; Quote
