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"Collars Pop, Panties Drop!" "Collars Pop, Panties Drop!"

10-15-2014 , 03:48 AM
Stuck next to this dumb baboon at Aria trying to convince me the games were tougher 40 years ago cause "a raise meant something." I hate 1/3.
10-24-2014 , 04:52 AM
Grinding Bellagio game even though I can't stand the room. It's just too good for my win rate as the players are terrible and the 1/3 is less reg infested than the Aria. I'm still going to be putting most of my volume in at the A but definitely need to drag ass over here more often. I haven't been posting much because I don't really have anything too interesting going on at the moment. I'm putting in mad volume for small potatoes, closing in on a slight 2k profit to end the month, so I'm going to have to put it in to high gear ASAP. My patience is running thin. Also, don't have any sloot chasing stories since I've been here because obviously I haven had much free time. Got a 40 dollar haircut today, climbed red rock at sunset day before, ended up being pretty tough to get down in the pitch black but the sky looked pretty dope. Halloween weekend is coming up though, so I'll be sure to set aside some time to describe the inevitable debauchery that's sure to occur. I'm dressing up as Zoolander. Until next time, cheers.

Last edited by bobbycoconuts; 10-24-2014 at 05:12 AM.
10-24-2014 , 07:56 AM
Need Headlamps, view of Las Vegas from Turtlehead peak would be dope at night. All about the grind lately as well, pumped for Vegas halloween
11-06-2014 , 08:51 AM
I open to 18 with JJ
4 callers
Flop: KJ9 two hearts
I check, guy bets 40, call, I make it 155
Guy folds, other guy ships for 300 total I call
Says "I have quads" flips up J9

I can lose 2k a 2/5 and not be affected but this **** eeks me so bad especially seeing as how I have 2 months to make 8-8500 or prop is ****ed. Going to be at the V all week might jump in a few tourneys, who knows, #lyfetilt, dumb prop, ego fulfilling ITT gone south. I'll still prevail, but man, this is more difficult than I thought it would be. Coconuts gets humbled. Maybe my style just doesn't work at this level anymore.. Nonetheless still playing my A game and keeping focused, trying to nit it up but closing in on burn out at 1/3, need some fresh girls to bang out some run bad. Had a possible chance at the belt with two Scottish girls I met but blew it off to stay at a juicy table. Dumb. Met one today with a fat juicy dumper, we'll see where it goes, probably no where because I'm too in love with myself! Lol.
Any who, going to put in some mad hours this week, if continue to spew when getting it in as a 98% fav I'm throwing $2,500 in 1's at my friend for the buy out and going back to crushing souls.
Like fat bitches in dodgeball- IM OUT
11-06-2014 , 09:14 AM

whahts the prop again? cba to rewind thread to check
11-06-2014 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by TopPair2Pair

whahts the prop again? cba to rewind thread to check
10k profit in any 300 max NL game by Jan 1st.
11-06-2014 , 09:22 AM
not many weekends left. lol. good luc, keep us posted.

also scottish chics, lol.
11-07-2014 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by TopPair2Pair
not many weekends left. lol. good luc, keep us posted.

also scottish chics, lol.
Thanks brotha, I'll need it. Giving the V a whirl for a few weeks
11-07-2014 , 09:16 PM
Taking the night off cash- going to win the 20k GTD at V tonight don't bother regging if you were considering it
11-08-2014 , 03:53 AM
50 left 9k to first and ya boy needs a double up!
11-08-2014 , 05:24 AM
27 left 74k stack avg is 80k I'm drunk and ready to own souls yeeee
11-08-2014 , 08:04 AM
8 left need another double up still drunk
11-08-2014 , 08:35 AM
11-08-2014 , 08:52 AM
8 way chop for 3k each word uppp
11-08-2014 , 12:23 PM
Nice work man!
11-08-2014 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
Nice work man!
Thanks pure aggro! Soft field
11-13-2014 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by bobbycoconuts
third time I was determined to make it work
I like your insightful write-ups and all but felt I had to chime in. I found myself in similar tough spots where I was down in a session and felt I absolutely had to win with a hand.. WRONG! Thinking that way is a sure way to loose your entire bi to a cooler. I taught myself to never think of a given 2 card hand dealt to me as "ok I'm winning with this one". Best is just to let it play out optimally and hope for the win but be prepared to cut your losses and much a loosing hand in a tough spot.
11-15-2014 , 01:31 AM
If I were to call you "infiniti", would you know what I'm talking about?
11-15-2014 , 01:37 AM
11-20-2014 , 08:52 AM
I went from Aria
To B
To Wynn
To Aria tonight.
Aria list was jam packed with no open tables so I ventured to the the scum that is the B, not before scooping a ten spot off the floor directly in front of the podium. I offer it up to the floor-man saying, "I found this." He returns a very sluggish "it's yours." And just like that I'm up a whopping ten bucks for the night.
The air is brisk, and odd. I feel on edge.
I arrive at the B, and the floor literally ignores the 5 open seats for the 1/3 game as he spouted off initials for the 5/10 for at least 30 mins.
Good work Dale.
I leave, disgruntled, and one step closer to said edge.
I decide to try the Wynn, not included in my prop, but at this point, **** it, I can take a night off if games are worth it.
They aren't.
Whaddup edge.
Although, I do like the room, it's quiet and players are goop. It's my first time there and I make a smooth hundo before I see the 35 person list depleting at the Aria.
I return, and snag a front row parking spot on level 2. Score.
I get sat in a new game with like 4 $100 dollar stacks, only one other person with a full 300 and I'm 90% sure the old ass lady to my right has chicken pox cause she's continuously scratching her arm, and there's bumps.
I ask the floor-lady to move me to the next available game.
She doesn't.
One foot reaches over the edge, testing the depth.
I shrug it off, put my Bose on, crush the table and somehow end up +600 within half an hour even though there's probably only 1000 on the table.
I move, briefly, new game sucks and I decide I've had enough for the night.
Prop is closing in on 4k profit, with a little while to go.
I pound my pre-workout and head to the gym.
11-20-2014 , 09:15 AM
Sidenote: if anybody actually wants me to continue posting here speak now or forever hold your piece. I'm getting tired of it, so if it's not beneficial/entertaining I'm not going to keep updating. Lurkers show yourselves!
11-20-2014 , 09:43 AM
I drop by this thread on occasion, sweating the 10k challenge is fun. Just post when you feel like it, no pressure or obligation dude. Play well!
11-20-2014 , 09:55 AM
please continue posting at least until the end of the prop. i think the majority of people who frequent this thread find it interesting.

11-20-2014 , 10:43 AM
This thread is the ****. Do not stop posting bruh, your style is unparalleled.

Also, more pickup stories.
11-20-2014 , 03:54 PM
Dot stop posting plsssss
Love the way you write keep going
